Login issues

Hey guys. I don't seem to be able to login (login timeouts). Any info on what's happening? ETAs to fix, etc.?
  • eaisiel
    Soul Shriven
    I am having the same problems, been going at it for 30 minutes + now.
  • eighthmanbound
    Same, I get the login screen with the circling dragon then it goes to black screen full on.
  • xXxChampionxXx
    same here. I have been trying for about an hour now
  • Tebdliz
    I keep getting invalid login information. I have reset my password twice and cant log into site or game atm.
  • Psykopig
    Soul Shriven
    No issues for me with login information, but still getting the login timeout error.
  • santygerub17_ESO
    Same here. Been trying to log in one hour+
  • xtago
    same deal, I'd say it's oceanic players are too far away and don't have a low enough ping to be able to login let alone get on.
  • xXxChampionxXx
    still no luck for me. getting the login timeout error for about an hour and a half now. what version is the live version of the game?
  • Vimlok
    I had just finished downloading the patch and tried to go in.. but received the login information was incorrect. I changed my password on the account page and still couldn't get logged in. I then completely closed down the game and launcher and restarted the launcher and was finally able to get in.

    That or the case i submitted was taken care of and they fixed it, but that was only about a half hour ago.
  • Tohuw
    Soul Shriven
    Same issue here. I just assumed it was a result of server load. Although, oddly enough, my wife can get in just fine (at least to the Character Creation). I wonder if there's a queue priority loss from being on the same public IP as someone already connected, though that seems silly, as it would severely hamper players at universities and such.
    Edited by Tohuw on March 30, 2014 12:44PM
  • AngryNord
    shodan_uk wrote: »
    ETAs to fix, etc.?

    I'd say sometime late April when they've finally abandoned the megafail..sorry megaserver concept, and included a lot more regional servers instead.

  • Mythadorim
    My loading screen is freezing as well
  • ZOS_LenaicR
    Hello there,

    If you're attempting to log into The Elder Scrolls Online beta client and receiving the error "Login Error: Login Timeout", you should first check the version of the client. The client version should be

    The client version is located in the bottom-left corner of the login screen.

    If your client is not in the Version should perform the following steps:
    • Close both the game and the launcher
    • Open the game installation directory
    • Open the folder named "Launcher"
    • Inside the "Launcher" folder, there is a folder named "ProgramData"
    • Rename the "ProgramData" folder to "ProgramDataBackup"
    • Open the launcher and download update
    • Click "Play"

    We wish you the best of adventures in Tamriel!
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Social Team - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Pinterest | YouTube | Base de connaissance ESO

    Staff Post
  • jasonbartl
    I also keep getting "login information incorrect", reset my password twice now and same issue. Submitted a ticket on this but have not heard back yet.
  • Tohuw
    Soul Shriven
    Hello there,

    If you're attempting to log into The Elder Scrolls Online beta client and receiving the error "Login Error: Login Timeout", you should first check the version of the client. The client version should be

    The client version is located in the bottom-left corner of the login screen.

    If your client is not in the Version should perform the following steps:
    • Close both the game and the launcher
    • Open the game installation directory
    • Open the folder named "Launcher"
    • Inside the "Launcher" folder, there is a folder named "ProgramData"
    • Rename the "ProgramData" folder to "ProgramDataBackup"
    • Open the launcher and download update
    • Click "Play"

    We wish you the best of adventures in Tamriel!

    Yep, this was my problem right here. Followed the steps and am now downloading a new ~GB of data. This ought to get me in. Thanks for the fast reply LenaicR!

    UPDATE: It worked after downloading and applying the patch mentioned above, plus an additional 4GB patch. :expressionless:

    Edited by Tohuw on March 30, 2014 3:28PM
  • jasonbartl
    UPDATE: Just in case anyone else had the login information correct problem. For some reason the client had my email address as my account name (the remember account name box was checked, plus I'd been in several of the beta weekends, so I didn't even bother really checking this), but I changed it from my email to my account name with the most recent password from my resets and it worked. Just something to check.

    Of course now I'm getting the login timeout, but its a step forward.
  • XtineT
    Soul Shriven
    Hi I changed the folder name and tried to change my version from but it will not update. I try to login and it says my login information is incorrect. Help!!!
    OK, it's been three hours... I'm not enjoying this, I still haven't received any help. I tried the renaming the ProgramData thing and immediately upon starting the launcher the original folder is back along with the renamed folder. Should I uninstall the game and re download it? Please can someone respond.
    Edited by XtineT on March 30, 2014 2:19PM
  • Drewls
    I've been in the requesting character load screen for a while, I've closed out and tried it several times and just always stops there
  • malaquiaseq
    i followed the steps and my client version still incorrect here, any addicional help?
  • Throntor
    I got the same problem , can't update to the right version (I got the 1.0.0956792)
  • shodan_uk
    Updating the client seems to have worked for me :)
  • ZOS_LenaicR
    Could you please try to shut down, then restart your computer?

    Also, you can disable the automatic updates on the launcher by selecting the gear and unchecking the automatic updates box; so you can do it manually.
    Feel free to re-check the automatic updates box as soon as you're able to solve the issue.

    When your computer is ready, please start your launcher and see if an update is downloading or if you need to redo the manipulation.above.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Social Team - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Pinterest | YouTube | Base de connaissance ESO

    Staff Post
  • Jayel
    Soul Shriven
    Throntor wrote: »
    I got the same problem , can't update to the right version (I got the 1.0.0956792)

    Same here.

  • revosti_ESO
    Same problem. I tried to log in and it indicated an incorrect password/username combo. I tried to reset my password and I can't even do that. Ah early access so much trouble. I've never had trouble in any other MMO but I guess my time has come to have the problems everyone else always has at some point when they do early access.
  • dakyd23
    min is the correct version, but i cant log in. I have tried to do changing the programdata and reupdating. but nothing works
  • Pwynn
  • Pwynn
    I still get the incorrect password/username issue.
    This game did cost me 80 € and what do i get is problems.
    Even on my account login i get this message and i changed passwords several times.
    All names i like will be taken by the time i get in.
    I want to be refounded and leave behind me this mess.
  • jonal11_ESO
    I renamed the program data and restarted. It does not download any update and my version is still wrong. Also, I clicked on the gear and there is no option to uncheck automatic update.

    Launcher version is
    Game version says 1.0.0956792
  • AddMorr
    I renamed the program data and restarted. It does not download any update and my version is still wrong. Also, I clicked on the gear and there is no option to uncheck automatic update.

    Game version says 1.0.0956792
    same for me
  • hrdndv_ESO
    I got the "Invalid Password" error and found it was caused by not properly registering the Early Access Code. This is the 20 character code. After I registered I had to wait until Bethesda updated my account. They sent an email congratulating me. Then I tried to use the Beta client and it was still dead, so I reinstalled the client from the ESO update page.
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