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[Guild] Tyrs Paladium is Hiring! "The 30-50+ Years Old Guild"

Tyrs Paladium is a multi-game, drama free, 30+ yr old (most are early 30s-50s+) guild. We are an American guild with an international/Euro flavor. We are happy to arrive in the Elder Scrolls Online community, and are seeking new blood. We plan to have members on at all times, but left & right coasters (from California to New York) in the US should find plenty on during peak hours.

Demographics: We are looking for Americans and Eurozone players who are:
* seeking great adventure and camaraderie with like-minded players.
* looking for a NO DRAMA GUILD.
* who enjoy teamwork.

We will be a decent sized guild, yet we’ll run it tight knit. We believe in helping each other, and most of all having as much fun as possible while we play.

"We play hard, laugh hard, and play it old school, with much respect to the
camaraderie found in tabletop D&D of years past."

We will have one of the most active guild websites possible, created by and for guildies only. On this site, you will find plenty of game tips in the Tyrs Library, sign up for scheduled raids in the Tyrs War Room or the Tyrs Arena (non-raid runs), shoot the ***** in the Tyrs Tavern, or listen to our esoteric MP3 player in the Tyrs Mosh Pit! And that’s only a mere taste of Kargon’s Tasty ham! You will ALWAYS find good times and a helping hand in Tyrs Paladium.

If you’d like to join, head over to Tyrs Paladium Guild Site and submit an application.

- Rhoric

We enforce our drama free policy.

PS: We will have a contingent of current military and veterans. We are a patriotic guild, and are proud of it! We always appreciate and remember our heroes who fight for freedom all over the World, regardless of country of origin. We sincerely thank you. /salute

(Naturally, you do not need to have served to join our guild. We just like to appreciate those who risk their lives to protect our freedoms that we enjoy, and to remember those who gave it all.)
Edited by Rhoric on December 30, 2016 11:05PM
  • Aandre_the_Giant


    PLEASE head to our NEW SITE - Read our guild rules and FILL OUT AN APP!!


    Our guild has focused on Aldmeri Dominion, but does not exclude other factions being played.

    Our playstyle? Simple, we play a relaxed game, together. We are looking for those who appreciate old school D&D values of the founding fathers mentioned below, such as camaraderie, good adventure, challenge, and most especially FUN!

    We pride ourselves on being well prepared, and working together to achieve a common goal. We will teach anyone willing to learn.

    'Ode to the great Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. R.I.P. (Roleplay In Peace.)


    Just an example of what we stand for, as a guild, here is a video highlighting a past Veteran's Day event, which was open to anyone who chose to attend, to share just a few minutes of their time with retired and active military from around the world. We hold two ceremonies a year to show our appreciation, Memorial Day and Veteran's Day. We'll be bringing our solemn ceremony to Elder Scrolls Online as soon as we can. Hope ya'll enjoy.

    2010 Veteran's Day Event

    The voice at the beginning of the video, as well as the player kneeling at the end of the video, are two retired servicemen, that we were gracious enough to have joined us and help us promote these events.

    Edited by Aandre_the_Giant on December 28, 2018 10:19PM
    Aandre_the_Giant (Tyrs Forum Name - Commodore, Main Character - Frobozz of Zork, Sorcerer)
    Guild Founder
    TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Elder Scrolls Online Founders Guild
    No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!

    Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website!
  • ramalls
    Soul Shriven
    Hey guys, I'm definitely interested in your guild. I was scanning the forum and your post caught my eye. Here's a quick bio;

    Name: Roosevelt Simmons

    ESO character name: Yorsim Ramals

    Nationality: American

    Current location: U. S. (California)

    Bio: Retired U. S. Marine now living the good life in sunny SoCal. Love playing all types of games (shooters, mmorpg, rpg,etc). Really into iRacing and now looking forward to some dedicated time to ESO.

    Availability: M-F 6pm PST, Sat-Sun varies, but I'm usually on throughout the day.

    Let me know if you guys need more info or if there's an application that needs to be filled out. Looking forward to hearing from you.

  • Rhoric
    Greetings ramalls and thank you for your interest. Please look for a PM from me. Thank You for your service to your country.
  • Rivmage
    Soul Shriven
    I'm interest in the guild.

    Name: Scott
    Location: Centennial, CO, USA
    Gaming Schedule: M-F 7PM EST to 11PM EST S-S Various hours

    Character: Za'Rigar
    Class: Templar

    Let me know if you want to know anymore.

    Thank you,
  • BatFace
    Soul Shriven
    Is the 30+ a rule or a preference? I'm 26 and my husband is 28, he's deployed right now, but I have his account ready for when he comes home in a few weeks. We love playing together, and would love a guild we can play in together. Back in WoW we never managed to find a guild that fit both of us.
  • Syionide
    Soul Shriven
    Name: Josh
    Location: Salt Lake City, UT
    Gaming Schedule: Various hours

    Character: Syionide
    Class: Templar

    Former US Marines Infantryman. Familyman, Cybersecurity Engineer
  • Rhoric
    Rivmage, BatFace and Syionide please look for a PM from me. Thank you to all for your service to your country. I am former Canadian military.
  • relicjim
    Soul Shriven
    Name Jim
    Age 50
    Living in York Pa
    Online hour's in the afternoon on weekdays
    Most of the time on weekends
  • Rhoric
    Thank you relicjim. Look for a PM from me.
  • hatcher12
    Soul Shriven
    Name Bruce
    Age 54
    Knoxville, Tn
    Game time normally after 7 est sun - thur and wide open on fri and sat
    Can't access game until Tuesday morning but was browsing guilds and this seems my perfect fit.
  • Rhoric
    Thank you all for your interest in Tyrs Paladium. We have a good group of people that have joined up. We are here to have fun and play hard. hatcher12 look for a PM from me.
  • DHendoe
    Soul Shriven
    Hey guys, I'm definitely interested in your guild. I was scanning the forums and your post caught my eye. Here's a quick bio:

    Name: Derek Henderson

    ESO character name: Haven't picked one yet, any suggestions?

    Nationality: American

    Current location: U. S. (Utah)

    Bio: 15 total years active duty and currently in the Utah National Guard. This is my first MMO and I am a full time college student studying Chemical Engineering. I can find time to play but I am not sure what the time requirements will be. I will not be on during drill weekends during the day and minimally on Sundays. I have played all the Elder Scrolls game from Arena to Skyrim. I am very excited to try the online version of Elder Scrolls.

    Let me know if you guys need more info or if there's an application that needs to be filled out. Looking forward to hearing from you.
  • Rhoric
    Thank you for your service, look for a PM from me.
  • Westley_Roberts
    Reporting In :

    Name: Westley Roberts

    Character Name : Westley Roberts

    Nationality : US Citizen born and raised.

    Location : OPSEC

    Military Status : Retired Active Army

    I don't much care for PVP. I am working Crafting for my NB Bosmer (Read Bow and Leather Armor). Do loads of PVE, and will try as often as possible to group w/ folk for Dungeons. I would love to see if this Guild is a good fit.
  • Rhoric
    Thank you for your service. Look for a PM from me.
  • Fezdani
    Soul Shriven
    Hello, I was looking for a guild of mature players, this sounds perfect for me!

    I am Canadian, mid thirties and female.
    My in-game characters name is "Fezdani" and I plan to explore thoroughly and truly enjoy the experience.
    I hope you will send me an invitation as I look forward to making new friends!
  • Rhoric
    Look for a PM from me and thank you for considering Tyrs Paladium as your guild of choice for fun and adventure.
  • AnderWolfheart
    Love the sound of this guild

    US Army Vet (11B)
    Corbin, KY

    ESO Name Ander Wolfheart

    Usually play 6pm-2am depending on work schedule.
  • ciriuss
    Soul Shriven
    Howdy ya'll,
    Looking to drop my name in the hat, i love rolling through dungeons, and I'm building a nice little healer up. Will have the misses in game soon, have to rebuild her computer first. lol
    game name is: Belvedere Baenre
    and of course the early access period started during my work week, so he's edging about 6 tonight. will u guys have ts3 or some such voice comms as well?
  • Rhoric
    Greetings AnderWolfheart and ciriuss. Look for a PM from me and look forward talking more with you and thank you for your interest in Tyrs Paladium.
  • Slyonyx
    Soul Shriven
    I am a 32 year old long timer elder scrolls fan. I am looking for a guild with older players who like to play when they have time due to a busy schedule. I feel I am a good pc gamer and I know my MMOs pretty well. My in game name is Slyonyx. please send me a message or invite if you can. I am still new to this game and learning how it works. I am currently leveling a healer class but I am open to any class as needed.
  • Rhoric
    Look for a PM from me. And thank you for making Tyrs Paladium your guild of choice for the awesome fun we will have.
  • Skycapp
    Soul Shriven
    Name: Don
    Character name: Morgwar
    Age: 41
    US Army Veteran

    Play times: various

    I'm a long time MMO player. I'm mostly a casual PvE player type with the occasional PvP session thrown in if there is a group running. Let me know if you need any more info.
    I like cookies. That is all.
  • Rhoric
    Thank you Skycapp for your interest in Tyrs Paladium. Check for a PM from me and thank you for your service to your country.
  • IntoTheDark
    Soul Shriven
    IntoTheDark, Steve, age 30, US Army Vet. Interested in joining. Will be on after 1600 EST if anyone wants to message me in-game
  • Rhoric
    Thank you for your service. Please look for a PM from me.
  • Scrambled_Brain
    I was very interested in this guild after reading the description. Then after reading the comments even more interested. :)

    I've got a few characters going - keep getting the alliances mixed up and can't seem to get started where I want to - since some dolt saw fit to change the starting areas from beta... grrr... Names are: Elfenstein, donkey bandit, Rusty Stein, and Harry Tale. Probably be on Elf later on today/this evening and for the next few days as I think I may've found the area I wanted *fingers crossed*

    I'm 47 ex navy, retired. also semi retired electrical engineer. (civ.) I'm a long time ESO fan, since MW and have extensive mmo experience having played WoW and Lotro off and on for the last decade. Raided extensively with the organization on the silver dagger WoW server. Primarily interested in PVE content.

    I'll likely be playing a bow class - that doesn't seem to really fit under any class as of yet - closest is "nightblade" - I may be convinced to take up a healing role in the future depending on how they've done the mechanics for it. In other words, whether it's a pain in the ass, or whether it's like WoW's healing mechanics USED to be before they hosed them all up in cataclysm by deciding healers should participate in combat. *rolls eyes* - and that ladies and gentlemen is what happens when the game developer listens to the 15 - 25 year old segment of it's customers.

    My in game attendance might be a bit sporadic as I try to get spring projects done but should settle down by mid summer after which I'll be widely available during the times the sun is in the sky. :)

  • Rhoric
    Thank you for your service. And not to worry as we stress in Tyrs Paladium that real life comes first. Look for a PM from me.
  • cvirii
    Soul Shriven
    Interest peeked. Beta'd since Nov. Looking for a guild to call home. Playing Elder Scrolls since Morrowind.

    Name: Cy
    ESO character: Bau Sith. (High Elf - Sorcerer)
    Age: 33
    US Army Vet - 31/25 S (SATCOM)

    Currently going back to school. Playtime may vary, but I am a hardcore gamer. Previous MMOs played: DAoC (~10 yrs), EQ2 (~2 yrs), WoT (off and on), Ragnarok Online.
  • hrdndv_ESO
    Sign me up!

    Name: David... 70 years old.

    Tag: Cryzeteur (If you have ever met a Cryzeteur anywhere, that is probably me. I think I am the only one. LOL)

    Style: I created my first game, Ants, when I was 14. Built my first computer in 1960. Created my first computer game in 1962. DM for a BBS elfquest type game in 1974. Played Daggerfall when it came out, then Morrowind, then Oblivion, then Skyrim, then heavily modded all the ES games except Arena and wrote my own mods. Bought ESO on preorder 17 December 2012. Played ESO through Beta... maybe 250 hours in Beta. LOL... I play in spurts. I will play heavily for a week and then have to take a break for a week. But I always return with enthusiasm. I am always cheerful and try to be helpful to others. I love PvP in Cyrodil and small dungeon runs in the rest of Tamriel. I am full of Lore. LOL.

    Love to join others who just want a good fun experience.
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