FeedbackOnly wrote: »Honestly there comes a point when you should just destroy them or make a new character.
MidniteOwl1913 wrote: »But I do like to experiment with different amour and the armory system just seems to call to me. :-)
ectoplasmicninja wrote: »If there's a set you've collected all the pieces of, you can reconstruct a bunch of set gear and stash it in coffers as crystal storage. I have 120 Hats of Frostbite for exactly that reason - each cost 25 crystals to make and each will give me back 25 crystals upon deconstruction. You can also use your crystals to transmute weapons to nirnhoned and then deconstruct them for a chance at potent nirncrux.
thisectoplasmicninja wrote: »I have 120 Hats of Frostbite for exactly that reason - each cost 25 crystals to make and each will give me back 25 crystals upon deconstruction
SkaraMinoc wrote: »I only play 1 character as well. (200 days played)
I haven't even touched PvE raids or Cyrodiil.
SkaraMinoc wrote: »I only play 1 character as well. (200 days played)
Once you expand the scope of your gameplay, you will constantly run out of transmute crystals.
Multiple builds for PvE dungeon tank dailies/pledges
Multiple builds for PvE dungeon healer dailies/pledges
Multiple builds for PvE dungeon dps dailies/pledges
Multiple builds for PvE dungeon trifectas for all roles
Sneak build for justice farming
Harvesting build with max run speed
Imperial City farm build
Multiple builds for Imperial City PvP build for both dps and heals
I currently have 7 different heal builds for PvP battlegrounds
Multiple builds for PvP battleground dps
Niche PvP battlegrounds builds (e.g. Meridia's Blessed for Capture the Relic, Max runspeed for Chaosball, Tanky healer for Chaosball, etc)
I haven't even touched PvE raids or Cyrodiil.
I rebind keys 1-5 and play Mouse1+ASDF w/ inverted mouse. WASD has never been optimal for MMOs or FPS.
My problem is a severe lack of crystals. I really don't understand why crystals are so heavily locked behind a pvp-wall. I hate pvp and while I am forced to do it occationally, just to get some crystals, I think the pvp community would be much better of without players like me (I mean, how fun is it to play with people who hate what they are doing and who only do it beacuse they have to - by design). Getting one single crystal for doing a normal daily dungeon is just - meh. I wish they would introduce more ways to get crystals; could be fun rewards for doing other specific quests. Or as login rewards.