What unnecessary features should be removed?

  • Mr_Stach
    Please leave my Bear out of this, he's doing his best.
    Altoholic, Frost Warden Sympathizer and Main

    Glacial Guardian - Main - Frost Warden Zealot
    The Frost Man Cometh - PC Frost Backup
  • JanTanhide
    Remove PVP .
  • Holycannoli
    Unnecessary features?

    SOOO many sets, so few of them used.
  • Mascen
    I made a thread tackling alot of OP's qualms the other day.

    It might not be the visble features we interact with as players, but what's under the proverbial hood of ESO in terms of code and programming.

    The game is nearly a decade old now and eventually time catches up in one way or another. For a discernable example, one only needs to look at the visual differences between one of the base alliance zones that launched with ESO such as Grahtwood compared to say one of the newer DLC zones like Western Skyrim or Murkmire.

    Maybe ZOS could overhaul some of these base zones as part of future DLCs for quality of life purposes. For example, the current yearly theme is Legacy of the Bretons, so maybe as part of the third expansion ZOS could go into say Daggerfall, Stormhaven, or even the whole of High Rock and do some spring cleaning; update the graphics here and there, diversify the NPC outfits/talking blurbs, remove some controversial terrain features, and most importantly, go into the programming and update/streamline it while also trimming away the spaghetti code lines.
  • shadyjane62
    I just got a new computer and was forced into the twenty first century. No more win7 possible so they kindly stripped down the new windows 11 by removing the bloat.

    My fear has been assuaged and I'm doing fine.

    ESO needs to remove the bloat.
  • spartaxoxo
    I will start with one of the most useless features: dungeon finder ready check.

    It was implemented because people complain about folks being afk. Problem is an addon that auto-accept, completely render ready check useless, so I still often get people go afk for 5-10 minutes.

    My suggestion is just get rid of the ready checks

    I'm on console. I don't get much afk players. I don't see why some PC players using an add-on to bypass the ready check should result in a useful feature. If it's a problem with PC, they should disable the add-on.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on June 2, 2022 2:01PM
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    “What unnecessary features should be removed?”

    PvP. :wink:
    I played PvP a lot... but now sometimes I have similar thoughts. PvP - simply put - does not work. On many planes. Performance, balance, class balance, proc sets (DC, PB, Caluurion), scoring system (night & morning cap), hammer, ball groups etc. Each of those would deserve a separate thread tbh.

    At best it is just a shadow of what it used to be. It is by any means not competitive and it is more like a PvP sandbox, with arbitrary goals & meaningless rewards, in which your actions & efforts don't matter.
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on June 2, 2022 2:07PM
  • Androrix
    I’d simply like a setting to make other peoples combat pets invisible. I hate stacking in a dungeon or trial and have someone’s pet flapping in front of my face blocking the view entirely.

    And that bear blocking the forge in Vvardenfell!

  • ForzaRammer
    If someone can list PvP, then I pick combat pets. A nuisance for others and a crutch for them.

    I’d simply like a setting to make other peoples combat pets invisible. I hate stacking in a dungeon or trial and have someone’s pet flapping in front of my face blocking the view entirely.

    My friend, what you are doing is requesting a new feature, not asking zos to roll back on unnecessary ones
  • Sylosi
    Addons. [snip]

    [edited for baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_Exile on June 2, 2022 4:09PM
  • ForzaRammer
    I will start with one of the most useless features: dungeon finder ready check.

    It was implemented because people complain about folks being afk. Problem is an addon that auto-accept, completely render ready check useless, so I still often get people go afk for 5-10 minutes.

    My suggestion is just get rid of the ready checks

    As someone who has seen many folks not 'ready' or deline instantly and then had to go through another round in order to get those people, I think the ready check is a GOOD thing. Nobody really wants to land in a dungeon with a person who is absent and go part way through before you kick them because someone wants to 'give them a chance' to show up. Most often it's DPS probably because they are in the queue for so long that they do other things or step away. Without the ready check that person would get in the dungeon and still be 'away' but those there would then need to kick if they chose to do so or more accuratley can get the vores.. it's tedious. It's annoying. It's better with the ready check than not. I have been in groups where a person has been offline through the first and second boss and I still cannot get people to kick them so we could TRY to get someone to fill the role.

    Furthermore, I find that getting that role filled once in the dungeon is a lot harder than I remember. I'm not sure if the dungeon finder is bugged, but I have finished dungeons without getting that person. I have had them show up at the end on the last boss. Unless it's a long dungeon, odds of filing that role seems slim these days. Even when it is a DPS. Even during what one would think is a busy time. So frankly, it seems better to start with a full group than make the odds in the favor of having two players in a dungeon.

    Dungeon finder been broken ever since the ready check was added. It a pretty complex logic and zos devs definitely did not do it well.

    I sometime wait 10 min for dps fill just to see them telling me they waited forever. Unless they are straight up lying, something is wrong with the code.

    I think the original code was very simple and it worked because it did not have to consider all these weird list operations from failed ready checks.
  • Faulgor
    Non-Combat Pets.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • spartaxoxo
    I think it's time to simplify the crafting. We don't need a gazillion different types of style material, or a 10 different types of wood.
  • Heartrage
    Fileting fish. Please Zos, just make us filet fish at a provisioning station.
  • Pevey
    If someone can list PvP, then I pick combat pets. A nuisance for others and a crutch for them.

    I agree, and this is coming from a warden main. I would gladly give up the bear if there were a suitable alternative. And I will not play my sorc these days. Lightning sorc used to be somewhat on par with pet sorc. Not so anymore. Can't stand those weird looking things. I would also add, let's get rid of non-combat pets, as well. Or at least auto-despawn them in group content.
    Lailaamell wrote: »
    Dlc dungeons barly anyone do them anyway

    The more recent dlc dungeons are a lot better in design, I think. The optional bosses mean that for the vast majority of runs where those are skipped, the newest dungeons are not interminably long. The span of dungeons from around dragon bones to to just prior to the set with bdv, those are rough. In randoms, people port in and immediately drop if they get one from that era.
    Edited by Pevey on June 2, 2022 3:39PM
  • Mr_Stach
    Remove Old Gen Consoles. They're Holding us back
    Altoholic, Frost Warden Sympathizer and Main

    Glacial Guardian - Main - Frost Warden Zealot
    The Frost Man Cometh - PC Frost Backup
  • ForzaRammer
    Heartrage wrote: »
    Fileting fish. Please Zos, just make us filet fish at a provisioning station.

    My friend, you are requesting a new feature, not asking zos to remove an existing one
    Edited by ForzaRammer on June 2, 2022 3:58PM
  • Armanie
    do old remants of console architecture like bar swapping have any impact on performance?
  • Mr_Stach
    Armanie wrote: »
    do old remants of console architecture like bar swapping have any impact on performance?

    Well they did say that the old generation of consoles are having a hard time keeping up and they couldn't possibly add additional Classes or Skill Lines.......... But then added a whole Damn Card Game.

    So are Old Consoles just a Scapegoat?

    Altoholic, Frost Warden Sympathizer and Main

    Glacial Guardian - Main - Frost Warden Zealot
    The Frost Man Cometh - PC Frost Backup
  • fred4
    Volendrung? Then again, is it already gone in Ravenwatch? Probably makes no difference until they address the root causes of performance issues. I don't really care anymore, tbh.
    Edited by fred4 on June 2, 2022 4:14PM
    PC EU (EP): Magicka NB (main), Stamina NB, Stamina DK, Stamina Sorcerer, Magicka Warden, Magicka Templar, Stamina Templar
    PC NA (EP): Magicka NB
  • Armanie
    Mr_Stach wrote: »
    Armanie wrote: »
    do old remants of console architecture like bar swapping have any impact on performance?

    Well they did say that the old generation of consoles are having a hard time keeping up and they couldn't possibly add additional Classes or Skill Lines.......... But then added a whole Damn Card Game.

    So are Old Consoles just a Scapegoat?


    ok so.. does bar swapping affect performance?
  • Mesite
    All those flames generate too much colour and heat. If you remove Dragonknights, and maybe flame staffs then the servers won't run so hot. Or maybe the wardens' ice skills offset them?
  • DrNukenstein
    Sure can't think of any unnecessary features but I can think of a few features the game could use.

    -Rated PVP
    -Meaningful PVP rewards, maybe pieces of dungeon gear you don't own? Of Choice, random, or defined by a reward track?
    -smale scale two team pvp with new objectives. Stuff like protect/assassinate VIP, Siege/Defend, Escort VIP/Payload, no respawn deathmatch
    -pairing Mag and Stam bonuses on sets that give both to account for recent changes, and adding a WD/SD line. (more of a balance thing)
    -Hard mode questing
    -Improved companion AI and full companion groups to allow solo story runs of dungeons
    -a "Pet" action for all dogs in the world, except other player's pets unless you're in their party and they toggle that on
    -Ability to automatically toggle leisure outfits in cities and homes
    -Secondary roles for PUGs. Maybe your dps has a healer slant, your support/healer can hold aggro while keeping every one buffed and topped off, your D(onkey)ragon K(ong)night kicks ass but cannot get their ass kicked no matter what. The right combination of secondary roles could fill out a team and speed up queues for PUGs
    -One more slot for CP nodes on each tree
    -adding nodes for alchemy mats and cloth to homes
    -A rogue like solo dungeon (battlespire?)
  • Kesstryl
    I think ZOS could reduce the number of provisioning recipes and style materials for sure, especially for furnishing plans. The DLC plans are rare enough, now we have to gate keep how many things we can make once we learn them? The Elsweyr and Blackwood furnishings were notorious for this. Make motifs account wide. Those two things alone would free up space.
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • ForzaRammer
    Sure can't think of any unnecessary features but I can think of a few features the game could use.

    -Rated PVP
    -Meaningful PVP rewards, maybe pieces of dungeon gear you don't own? Of Choice, random, or defined by a reward track?
    -smale scale two team pvp with new objectives. Stuff like protect/assassinate VIP, Siege/Defend, Escort VIP/Payload, no respawn deathmatch
    -pairing Mag and Stam bonuses on sets that give both to account for recent changes, and adding a WD/SD line. (more of a balance thing)
    -Hard mode questing
    -Improved companion AI and full companion groups to allow solo story runs of dungeons
    -a "Pet" action for all dogs in the world, except other player's pets unless you're in their party and they toggle that on
    -Ability to automatically toggle leisure outfits in cities and homes
    -Secondary roles for PUGs. Maybe your dps has a healer slant, your support/healer can hold aggro while keeping every one buffed and topped off, your D(onkey)ragon K(ong)night kicks ass but cannot get their ass kicked no matter what. The right combination of secondary roles could fill out a team and speed up queues for PUGs
    -One more slot for CP nodes on each tree
    -adding nodes for alchemy mats and cloth to homes
    -A rogue like solo dungeon (battlespire?)

    my friend, the goal of this thread is suggestion to simplify the game
  • KlauthWarthog
    Skill mini games.
    There is only so much space available on the skill bar, and a skill that does not work on demand, or that requires things you have no control over to happen, will not get slotted.
    On indefinite hiatus since U41.
  • Necrotech_Master
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    I will start with one of the most useless features: dungeon finder ready check.

    It was implemented because people complain about folks being afk. Problem is an addon that auto-accept, completely render ready check useless, so I still often get people go afk for 5-10 minutes.

    My suggestion is just get rid of the ready checks

    I'm on console. I don't get much afk players. I don't see why some PC players using an add-on to bypass the ready check should result in a useful feature. If it's a problem with PC, they should disable the add-on.

    i got the addon for auto ready up because sometimes a queue takes a really long time, and i end up just watching tv while waiting for the pop, dont always hear the queue pop noise, but i instantly know when im in a load screen due to the change in music

    the ready check while im actively playing is like about as annoying to me as the reel in for fishing

    it IS useful though in some cases, like if someone really isnt ready for the queue when im in a group for friends, someone can decline or let it time out until they finish what they need, but for me when i queue, my expectation is pops in under 2 minutes, if it takes longer than that i would rather just have it auto accept when it does pop so i can semi-afk to watch tv or if im farming (its not easy to hit ready checks in combat because they flat out dont appear unless you open the notification menu)
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • Necrotech_Master
    Sure can't think of any unnecessary features but I can think of a few features the game could use.

    -Rated PVP
    -Meaningful PVP rewards, maybe pieces of dungeon gear you don't own? Of Choice, random, or defined by a reward track?
    -smale scale two team pvp with new objectives. Stuff like protect/assassinate VIP, Siege/Defend, Escort VIP/Payload, no respawn deathmatch
    -pairing Mag and Stam bonuses on sets that give both to account for recent changes, and adding a WD/SD line. (more of a balance thing)
    -Hard mode questing
    -Improved companion AI and full companion groups to allow solo story runs of dungeons
    -a "Pet" action for all dogs in the world, except other player's pets unless you're in their party and they toggle that on
    -Ability to automatically toggle leisure outfits in cities and homes
    -Secondary roles for PUGs. Maybe your dps has a healer slant, your support/healer can hold aggro while keeping every one buffed and topped off, your D(onkey)ragon K(ong)night kicks ass but cannot get their ass kicked no matter what. The right combination of secondary roles could fill out a team and speed up queues for PUGs
    -One more slot for CP nodes on each tree
    -adding nodes for alchemy mats and cloth to homes
    -A rogue like solo dungeon (battlespire?)

    my friend, the goal of this thread is suggestion to simplify the game

    i feel that most of the game is already simple enough, outside of the dirth of crafting ingredients

    i especially despise "unrefined" ingredients for anything that is not a base material (unrefined jewelry trait mats, unrefined jewelry temper mats, unrefined style mats are the big kickers)
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • SkaraMinoc
    Card game is unnecessary and should be removed.
    PC NA
  • Militan1404
    “What unnecessary features should be removed?”

    PvP. :wink:

    But then it would just be beta male players left, that only dare easy scripted battles so they dont have to be waked up from the illusion that they are some fearsome unkilleble warriors by the real heroes of tamriel( pvp’ers if u didnt know)
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