As for your Low Slash morph idea, the AOE would not proc weapon enchantments. Destruction Staff's Wall of Elements used to proc enchantments, but ZoS eventually removed that, as it was unintended and giving the ability an unfair strength, so presumably the same applies to all AOE abilities.
paulsimonps wrote: »
As for your Low Slash morph idea, the AOE would not proc weapon enchantments. Destruction Staff's Wall of Elements used to proc enchantments, but ZoS eventually removed that, as it was unintended and giving the ability an unfair strength, so presumably the same applies to all AOE abilities.
This is not true though. Enchantments DO proc of Wall of Element and Weapon Ability AoEs do proc them as well. What changed was that Enchantments can't proc proc sets. Example, it was common for DK Main Tanks to run Elemental Catalyst, using Engulfing Flames, Ice Staff Wall of Elements with a shock enchantment on the Ice Staff to proc all 3 elements, after the change they only had access to 2 out of the 3 elements required for max efficiency, so the Set was moved to Necro DPS's to run instead.
AcadianPaladin wrote: »Puncture (and morphs) should scale damage off health in PvE and off stam in PvP. Sounds like a reasonable fix for PvP with zero impact on PvP. I'd very much like for my tank to comfortably achieve a reasonable 'overland/questing' dps of 10k or so without changing gear or skills around to do so. Something like this might actually lure my tank out of retirement.
AcadianPaladin wrote: »Puncture (and morphs) should scale damage off health in PvE and off stam in PvP. Sounds like a reasonable fix for PvP with zero impact on PvP. I'd very much like for my tank to comfortably achieve a reasonable 'overland/questing' dps of 10k or so without changing gear or skills around to do so. Something like this might actually lure my tank out of retirement.
Interesting. Scaling off max health with ability levels as-is could gives tanks a lot higher DPS than 10k though, so it'd probably be worth balancing that out - but at that point, it's probably better to just keep them stamina-based. It's also worth considering that ZoS intends to keep abilities and gameplay mechanics the same between PVE and PVP, for accessibility.