FeedbackOnly wrote: »BXR_Lonestar wrote: »@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_Kevin
I apologize for the @zos knock, but Cleansing Ritual is getting out of hand in Cyrodiil. Gaining popularity, is the use of Cleansing Ritual to intentionally Plague break bomb "friendly" players/faction. These players are spamming this skill, placing Purify Synergy above all.
Please reduce the size of Cleansing Ritual to a 6meter area, 12 is unnecessary.
Edit: Cleansing Ritual a group only synergy, Purify.
Thank you.
It has its uses in PVE. Not sure why PVP should dictate balancing decisions for the entire game. IMO it is fine as is.
Doesn't need to be that big in pve though?
Yes it kind of does. It's a healing spell, it heals over time. The entire raid group + boss need to be able to stand in it but it also has to leave room to move around inside it because you wouldn't want to be standing in fire. It is the same size as any other area of effect heal too.
The spell is fine as it is.
FeedbackOnly wrote: »FeedbackOnly wrote: »BXR_Lonestar wrote: »@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_Kevin
I apologize for the @zos knock, but Cleansing Ritual is getting out of hand in Cyrodiil. Gaining popularity, is the use of Cleansing Ritual to intentionally Plague break bomb "friendly" players/faction. These players are spamming this skill, placing Purify Synergy above all.
Please reduce the size of Cleansing Ritual to a 6meter area, 12 is unnecessary.
Edit: Cleansing Ritual a group only synergy, Purify.
Thank you.
It has its uses in PVE. Not sure why PVP should dictate balancing decisions for the entire game. IMO it is fine as is.
Doesn't need to be that big in pve though?
Yes it kind of does. It's a healing spell, it heals over time. The entire raid group + boss need to be able to stand in it but it also has to leave room to move around inside it because you wouldn't want to be standing in fire. It is the same size as any other area of effect heal too.
The spell is fine as it is.
Compare it to other classes of heals. It's literally largest heal in the game
I still see plenty of people cleanse in PvP as well as healers dropping ritual everywhere. Check your debuffs before you cleanse. If I have to cleanse PB I run out of group or before I cast ritual I check my debuffs. Chances are players are not realizing what they are doing. I doubt it is malicious and one must keep in mind that not every player might be familiar with animations and debuff icons because they just want to mess around and have fun and don't take it that seriously. Besides, you can't dictate how other people play or if they can or can't use skills that you may not agree with. If groups exploding from PB is the problem then stay away from stacked groups. If you are in a ball group, well then the set is serving its purpose. I don't think nerfing anything is the answer. Besides, taking away a cleanse from a templar is like taking away cloak from a nb, it is part of the classes identity.
I never said take away cleanse from the Templar, PB friendly faction trolls are only a small problem of cheaters.
You see Ritual everywhere because it blankets everything, especially the more important synergies like damage, heals, & resource gain.
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_Kevin
I apologize for the @zos knock, but Cleansing Ritual is getting out of hand in Cyrodiil.
Gaining popularity, is the use of Cleansing Ritual to intentionally Plaguebreak bomb "friendly" players faction, &/or spamming this skill by placing Purify Synergy above all other synergies, canceling all other synergies, to help the enemy faction(s).
Please reduce the size of Cleansing Ritual to 6meters
Make Cleansing Ritual a GROUP only synergy, Purify
Make Purify synergy priority below all other synergies
Edit: accommodate pve feedback
Thank you.
guarstompemoji wrote: »I'm willing to believe some players are being malicious, but imagine more are just used to casting the skill. Others view it as the best purge available, as it's selectable by the user.
It's also a good HoT for placing under ram or other areas where there is consistent, incoming damage.
If someone wanted to be more markedly malicious, they could use Purge. Purge hits an area, and doesn't give friendlies an option. They could use Curse Eater, which offers no to little visual cue that it's being used.
Too, there's plugins that block synergies, or certain synergies.
The issue isn't really the class; it's the item set.
One of the reasons that it'd be nice to have Oakensoul separated from ww is it lets them be balanced separately, and similar reasons which HackTheMinotaur outlined rather eloquently.
xXSilverDragonXx wrote: »Sure, make it smaller and that will be more problematic for dungeon runners who want a larger area of coverage for some heals especially in larger arena like rooms of DLC.
The majority of players are in PVE. Every time people decide a new way to screw up PVP PVE has to take a hit. Then when PVP doesn't get what it wants they act like PVE always gets what it wants. We have had so many changes just because of PVP it's not even funny.
Why this game tries to do both PVE and PVP when it has ZERO ability to balance skills across the two is beyond me. It's like a blind man trying to drive. Never gonna happen.
With all the complaints from PVP players, I'm shocked anyone who plays PVP stays at all. Really. I don't get it.
Make it a group only skill like purge/rapids, see we can meet in the middle and play under the same game.
FeedbackOnly wrote: »FeedbackOnly wrote: »BXR_Lonestar wrote: »@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_Kevin
I apologize for the @zos knock, but Cleansing Ritual is getting out of hand in Cyrodiil. Gaining popularity, is the use of Cleansing Ritual to intentionally Plague break bomb "friendly" players/faction. These players are spamming this skill, placing Purify Synergy above all.
Please reduce the size of Cleansing Ritual to a 6meter area, 12 is unnecessary.
Edit: Cleansing Ritual a group only synergy, Purify.
Thank you.
It has its uses in PVE. Not sure why PVP should dictate balancing decisions for the entire game. IMO it is fine as is.
Doesn't need to be that big in pve though?
Yes it kind of does. It's a healing spell, it heals over time. The entire raid group + boss need to be able to stand in it but it also has to leave room to move around inside it because you wouldn't want to be standing in fire. It is the same size as any other area of effect heal too.
The spell is fine as it is.
Compare it to other classes of heals. It's literally largest heal in the game
A really nice qol change would be for the devs to add the ability to cycle through synergies on a hotkey so that you could choose which one to activate when stood in more than one synergy field.
I don't understand why this "rogue enemy players, posing as allies, keep subverting my groups by using heals on them" thread is still going. Nerfing a balanced skill is not the solution.
Someone make some reasonable adjustments to PB, please, so we don't have to continue to be subjected to people's conspiratorial speculations about allies in their ball groups.
I don't understand why this "rogue enemy players, posing as allies, keep subverting my groups by using heals on them" thread is still going. Nerfing a balanced skill is not the solution.
Someone make some reasonable adjustments to PB, please, so we don't have to continue to be subjected to people's conspiratorial speculations about allies in their ball groups.
Try reading past the first sentence, it takes but a couple seconds. This also has to do with other synergies being buried by a lousy synergy like Cleansing Ritual's Purify synergy priority & size.
Updated original post for clarity.
I don't understand why this "rogue enemy players, posing as allies, keep subverting my groups by using heals on them" thread is still going. Nerfing a balanced skill is not the solution.
Someone make some reasonable adjustments to PB, please, so we don't have to continue to be subjected to people's conspiratorial speculations about allies in their ball groups.
Try reading past the first sentence, it takes but a couple seconds. This also has to do with other synergies being buried by a lousy synergy like Cleansing Ritual's Purify synergy priority & size.
Updated original post for clarity.
No it doesn't, because if not for PB, you wouldn't be complaining about synergy priority or size.
You mean you updated your original post because your original reasoning makes you sound ultra paranoid.
guarstompemoji wrote: »It's an issue with an item set. Not...a class skill that was there before the item set, whose use and synergy is optional.
That said, paranoid folks are becoming...more paranoid. They're starting to target templars in groups, spread rumors, and are generally being fairly nasty. I've experienced this indirectly, seen it through chats, and so on. Healers get shamed and run out of groups, hunted down or server-blocked.
It's one item set. Don't cater to paranoid toxicity.
guarstompemoji wrote: »It's an issue with an item set. Not...a class skill that was there before the item set, whose use and synergy is optional.
That said, paranoid folks are becoming...more paranoid. They're starting to target templars in groups, spread rumors, and are generally being fairly nasty. I've experienced this indirectly, seen it through chats, and so on. Healers get shamed and run out of groups, hunted down or server-blocked.
It's one item set. Don't cater to paranoid toxicity.
Yup, I won't and many others, group with Templars that cleanse.
guarstompemoji wrote: »It's an issue with an item set. Not...a class skill that was there before the item set, whose use and synergy is optional.
That said, paranoid folks are becoming...more paranoid. They're starting to target templars in groups, spread rumors, and are generally being fairly nasty. I've experienced this indirectly, seen it through chats, and so on. Healers get shamed and run out of groups, hunted down or server-blocked.
It's one item set. Don't cater to paranoid toxicity.
Yup, I won't and many others, group with Templars that cleanse.
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_RichLambert
I apologize for the @zos knock, but Cleansing Ritual is getting out of hand in Cyrodiil. Gaining popularity, is the use of Cleansing Ritual to intentionally Plague break bomb "friendly" players/faction. These players are spamming this skill, placing Purify Synergy above all.
Please reduce the size of Cleansing Ritual to a 6meter area, 12 is unnecessary.
Thank you.
How do you know they are intentionally doing it? And furthermore if they really are intentionally doing it, why would they use Cleansing Ritual and not Purge - you know, the skill that doesn't give you a choice if you want to activate a synergy or not.
Also the synergy has been adjusted with the synergies priority update already and it was deemed most important as long as you have a negative effect on you. Don't forget PvE players are using this skill too and if they can't cleanse a lethal effect because someone is spamming orbs...
You know what is an L2P issue though? Not activating that synergy when you know you have Plague Break on you. Sure, you cannot control everyone in your zerg, but that is kind of the point of a zerg killer set isn't it?
guarstompemoji wrote: »It's an issue with an item set. Not...a class skill that was there before the item set, whose use and synergy is optional.
That said, paranoid folks are becoming...more paranoid. They're starting to target templars in groups, spread rumors, and are generally being fairly nasty. I've experienced this indirectly, seen it through chats, and so on. Healers get shamed and run out of groups, hunted down or server-blocked.
It's one item set. Don't cater to paranoid toxicity.
Yup, I won't and many others, group with Templars that cleanse.
Have you considered asking them to run another skill instead of straight up ostracising someone for their class choice?
marius_buys wrote: »