ONE thing you really don't like about the writing in ESO?

Okay, so we all have little things that bug us about the writing and lore of a game, right? So, here is a thread to vent away about ONE thing that really bugs you about ESO's writing.

For me, it's the fact that most NPC's treat The Vestige as if they're really dumb, as if they haven't saved over half of Tamriel. Lots of times, we are talked down to or talked to as if we don't understand anything that's going on, and it irks me.

How about you all? :)
Sweetrolls for all!

Christophe Mottierre - Breton Templar with his own whole darn estate! Templar Houses are so 2015. EU DC

PC Beta Tester January 2014

Elder of The Black
Order of Sithis
The Runners

@TamrielTraverse - For Tamriel related Twitter shenanigans!

Crafting bag OP! ZOS nerf pls!
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    One thing I dislike personally is the absence of recognition for previous achievements, truth be told I would be terrified of the Vestige at this point if I were the villain, they have defeated..

    - Mannimarco
    - Molag Bal
    - Nocturnal
    - Kalgrontiid
    - Rada al Saran
    - Mehrunes Dagon

    They are also friends with Vivec, Sotha Sil, Divayth Fyr, Lyris Titanborn, Sai Sahan and House Ravenwatch

    They might be a Werewolf or a Blood Scion, the latter which would be a terrifying prospect for any enemy to go up against given they have the Blood of the original Vampire flowing through their veins.

    They can be a member of the Psijic Order, you know the most powerful group of Mages in the entire world? they have the power to resurrect when killed and cast their physical forms throughout the aurbis, they can even be the Emperor and yet despite all this they get treated like a random nobody.
    Edited by TX12001rwb17_ESO on April 20, 2022 11:34PM
  • redspecter23
    If you're talking about the dialogue, my pet peeve is that nearly every single NPC speaks with perfect grammar and most notes and books have perfect spelling outside of a few examples where it's specifically intended. Basically NPC's don't make mistakes. I know from looking at zone chat that in the real world that number is closer to about 2% of the population. "Realistic" NPC's would be much less comprehensible, though I suppose you need to put that aside for the sake of understanding what the game is trying to tell you.
  • Eporem
    One thing I remember is when the Spriggin Skin first came out and had no sound included with it of their unique language.
  • WildRaptorX
    I hate that expansion stories are cut short to be saved for the Q4 DLC. Makes them feel rushed and unfinished
  • Belegnole
    The thing that sometimes gets me is how the npc always assumes that I want to do what they want. Personally I would like to be able to stab a few of them....
  • Jazraena
    JD2013 wrote: »
    Okay, so we all have little things that bug us about the writing and lore of a game, right? So, here is a thread to vent away about ONE thing that really bugs you about ESO's writing.

    For me, it's the fact that most NPC's treat The Vestige as if they're really dumb, as if they haven't saved over half of Tamriel. Lots of times, we are talked down to or talked to as if we don't understand anything that's going on, and it irks me.

    How about you all? :)

    That's because the Vestige is really dumb; which is my pet peeve bugging me. They can be a Nord themselves and still go 'What's a nord?' three times in a row.

    'Who are you again?'
    'Who's Mehrunes Dagon?'
    'Who's Lyris?'
  • FrancisCrawford
    I hate that new content retcons away many of the best old characters.

    Having Lyris go bland was horrible. She was a good friend in an epic story; now she just a boring officer.

    Jakarn was an amazingly well-conceived, fun, occasionally genuine-seeming conman. Now he's much more of a generic thief, or so it seemed from all of the prologue I could stand.

    Abnur Tharn, in another prologue, wanted me to go pick flowers for somebody, with none of his usual "I'm above all this and frankly you are too" snark.

    Blech, blech, blech. This is literally a major reason I haven't pursued any new zone storyline since Summerset. And that, in turn, is a major reason why my engagement with the game keeps fading.

    Darien's return was handled well. Characters who just have the status of minor quest-givers or less (Therraya, Kireth, Gwendis ...) can be handled well. But any character who was actually developed, Darien aside, tends to be botched when re-used in recent expansions.

    (Also OK: Gabrielle. But as much as I like her, I don't feel she was deveoped. Like Kireth, she's a smart and likable woman who just keeps showing up essentially unchanged.)
    Edited by FrancisCrawford on April 22, 2022 6:11PM
  • JD2013
    All of these are great points! Keep 'em coming.
    Sweetrolls for all!

    Christophe Mottierre - Breton Templar with his own whole darn estate! Templar Houses are so 2015. EU DC

    PC Beta Tester January 2014

    Elder of The Black
    Order of Sithis
    The Runners

    @TamrielTraverse - For Tamriel related Twitter shenanigans!

    Crafting bag OP! ZOS nerf pls!
  • Ratzkifal
    • Fighting a Daedric Prince without powerup and winning.
    • A soulgem working on a Daedric Prince when soulgems aren't even supposed to work on regular Daedra.
    • People "mysteriously" returning to life as if that isn't just lazy writing.
    • Argonians getting rights and freedom in the Pact without the Dunmer needing their help at all (Vivec turned the tide of the battle). They could have at least made desperate Dres farmers release them in exchange for their help in holding off the Akaviri because their lands would have been razed otherwise and this would have bought them valuable time or something.
    • "You can't make houses from poetry."
    • Ayleids = Ancient Elves = Direnni
    • Playing the Telvanni quest and having no option to be the bad guy and support slavery despite us trapping children souls in flesh atronachs and joining a literal murder cult that sends people's souls straight to the void in other quests.
    • All fan-favorite characters becoming a shadow of their former selves when we meet them in other content. Razum-dar aside, that guy stayed pretty much the same, even though he got a bit sidelined.
    • Quests deciding we like the NPCs rather than letting us decide on whether we like them or not.
    • Sworn enemies becoming allies and conflicts that lasted generations being resolved over night because the player intervened
    • Everything happens in the same year

    Sorry, I really couldn't reduce it to just one thing.
    Edited by Ratzkifal on April 23, 2022 12:59AM
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    The PC being clueless was already mentioned, so I will add:
    • The constant flirting from a solid percentage of the reoccurring NPCs.
    • The mandatory plot twists; with rare exceptions they’re becoming quite predictable just because I know there’s going to be a twist.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works
    How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
  • OrphanStar93
    Soul Shriven
    Ghost and rebel figure are too much recurrents tropes.
  • JD2013
    Ratzkifal wrote: »
    • Fighting a Daedric Prince without powerup and winning.
    • A soulgem working on a Daedric Prince when soulgems aren't even supposed to work on regular Daedra.
    • People "mysteriously" returning to life as if that isn't just lazy writing.
    • Argonians getting rights and freedom in the Pact without the Dunmer needing their help at all (Vivec turned the tide of the battle). They could have at least made desperate Dres farmers release them in exchange for their help in holding off the Akaviri because their lands would have been razed otherwise and this would have bought them valuable time or something.
    • "You can't make houses from poetry."
    • Ayleids = Ancient Elves = Direnni
    • Playing the Telvanni quest and having no option to be the bad guy and support slavery despite us trapping children souls in flesh atronachs and joining a literal murder cult that sends people's souls straight to the void in other quests.
    • All fan-favorite characters becoming a shadow of their former selves when we meet them in other content. Razum-dar aside, that guy stayed pretty much the same, even though he got a bit sidelined.
    • Quests deciding we like the NPCs rather than letting us decide on whether we like them or not.
    • Sworn enemies becoming allies and conflicts that lasted generations being resolved over night because the player intervened
    • Everything happens in the same year

    Sorry, I really couldn't reduce it to just one thing.

    I had forgotten that everything takes place in one year. Yes, that irks me a lot.
    Sweetrolls for all!

    Christophe Mottierre - Breton Templar with his own whole darn estate! Templar Houses are so 2015. EU DC

    PC Beta Tester January 2014

    Elder of The Black
    Order of Sithis
    The Runners

    @TamrielTraverse - For Tamriel related Twitter shenanigans!

    Crafting bag OP! ZOS nerf pls!
  • WraithCaller88
    Ratzkifal wrote: »
    • Playing the Telvanni quest and having no option to be the bad guy and support slavery despite us trapping children souls in flesh atronachs and joining a literal murder cult that sends people's souls straight to the void in other quests.

    This, and furthermore, having slavery be the defining thing about Telvanni rather than a quirk of their overall philosophy. ESPECIALLY when Dres is still around...

  • atherusmora
    The myriad glaring plot holes.
    (Pet)Magsorc Main
    PS4 NA
    Long Live the Queen!!!
  • Vuskuldein
    Oh boy I could write a book on things that bothered me with writing. Greymoor had the most issues for me though, I tried so hard not to text wall it and I failed to keep it to just one issue x3

    Greymoor Rant;
    1. So, can dead people please STAY DEAD? I was disheartened to be following Lyris around like her lackey, I'm sorry but greymoor made me not like her, (she was so brutish) and had I known that was going to happen, I would have chosen to sacrifice her in coldharbour instead of the prophet if it had made her absent, unfortunately it doesn't and it's just lore breaking if you ask me.
    2. The being-led-along feeling was so suffocating, I think Lyris should have been scrapped and it just be Us, Fennorian and Svana, who shouldn't have been another reluctant princess trope, there was other directions they could have gone in.
    3. Whilst I'm very fond of Fennorian, he didn't get to contribute anything major, mostly just hypothesizing the whole way through. If they tossed out Lyris, the writers had an excellent character building opportunity for Fennorian since he's new to Ravenwatch/Missions etc.. would have been nice to see him grow confidence and help point the direction rather than end up like us - following around blindly.
    4. There was too much Ravenwatch trumpet blowing for me. (I liked them but I've changed my views since, partly thanks to Gwendis's attitude) It would have been nice for the player to choose not to be so buddy with them. There was one line where they mentioned keeping werewolves in check too and it annoyed me - Who made them the 'supernatural' police!? Also some players may be rping vamp hunters, opposing werewolves or disagreeing vamps, etc... there should have been CHOICES as to how to respond to them. House Ravenwatch is okay, but I can see it ending in tragedy. Sooner or later, Emeric will die and an angry mob will be out for them. Poor long term thinking on Verandis's part, you can't keep a secret that big for long.

    Finally, Werewolves should have been left out of the Greymoor arc altogether, why would they be working with vamps? What have vampires got in common with werewolves? Nothing! I feel like in reality Hircine would have punished them for turning their backs on him and listening to Ulfra's crap. That was poor handling of lore as if they were trying to make it generic. Also, I hated that they used the word 'supernatural' trying to group vampires and werewolves together when imo they have nothing in common. I wasn't even aware 'supernatural' could be a 'thing' considering the abundant presence of magic/daedra etc. on Nirn
    Edited by Vuskuldein on April 25, 2022 6:32AM
  • VaranisArano
    One thing?


    Sorry, Padme. You'll have to wait for the 4th Quarter DLC + Epilogue to get any resolution, while the Chapter is pretty much just hype and set-up.
    Edited by VaranisArano on April 24, 2022 1:50PM
  • Ratzkifal
    One thing?


    Sorry, Padrme. You'll have to wait for the 4th Quarter DLC + Epilogue to get any resolution, while the Chapter is pretty much just hype and set-up.

    Yeah, that's super annoying. The ESO+ free trial they do at the end of every year is good so you can at least play through the end of the story you started with your chapter purchase, but really makes me not want to pay for a chapter in the first place. The "year of the dragon" was a cool sounding idea, but the implications of it are just dumb and it's sad that ZOS has modelled their entire release schedule on that.
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • Supreme_Atromancer
    Lack of agency, consequence, choice.

    My character wouldn't do this, the premise is stupid and see-through and doesn't fit how I imagine my character would likely behave. But I have no options. Not even room for the most fundamental alternatives. I can't explore the issues and the story in my own way, but have to either get lead by the nose through the plot how THEY decided it should be done, or just choose to miss out on the content.

    PLEASE put the R back into the MMORPG!
    Edited by Supreme_Atromancer on April 24, 2022 6:25PM
  • Eporem
    Lack of agency, consequence, choice.

    My character wouldn't do this, the premise is stupid and see-through and doesn't fit how I imagine my character would likely behave. But I have no options. Not even room for the most fundamental alternatives. I can't explore the issues and the story in my own way, but have to either get lead by the nose through the plot how THEY decided it should be done, or just choose to miss out on the content.

    PLEASE put the R back into the MMORPG!

    What drew me to this game when I first began- other than that it was classified as a roleplaying game with hopes of parsing onto a roleplay server - was reading somewhere, I forget where, of your choices/actions having consequences, I imagined different choices would be presented with each one taking you on a different path than another who made a different choice than yours. But is was not to be, so what kept me here was the graphics of the world and the NPC"S having vocals, which was the first game I saw this in. In roleplay - through this game or platform I believe players can create quests, with different choices that have different consequences though it would take a bit of work or planning I think for even a small quest as such, so I do empathize a bit with how the NPC"s are and why there are not true consequences to your choices. I do choose though to skip content if I do not think it to match the character I play, so is probably why I have different characters to learn what another would skip.

    Edit to say I really love the lore, the story of The Elder Scrolls though did not play the original single player games but can understand how disheartening it might be when the lore of ESO does not match the lore that was written before.

    Edited by Eporem on April 26, 2022 12:16AM
  • Vuskuldein
    Eporem wrote: »
    I do choose though to skip content if I do not think it to match the character I play, so is probably why I have different characters to learn what another would skip.

    Yep. I had this mindset with not wanting to do cadwell's silver / gold because my character had no interest in the other alliances. But I've ended up feeling coerced into doing it due to skillpoints.

    On another note - it also irks me that there is no option to be alliance-less because I'm fed up with all three of them and my characters have no interest in serving monarchs. I kinda feel that after an existential threat from a daedric prince, the three banners war may look petty to the vestige...
    Edited by Vuskuldein on April 25, 2022 6:56AM
  • Supreme_Atromancer
    Eporem wrote: »

    What drew me to this game when I first began- other than that it was classified as a roleplaying game with hopes of parsing onto a roleplay server - was reading somewhere, I forget where, of your choices/actions having consequences, I imagined different choices would be presented with each one taking you on a different path than another who made a different choice than yours. But is was not to be, so what kept me here was the graphics of the world and the NPC"S having vocals, which was the first game I saw this in. In roleplay - through this game or platform I believe players can create quests, with different choices that have different consequences though it would take a bit of work or planning I think for even a small quest as such, so I do empathize a bit with how the NPC"s are and why there are not true consequences to your choices. I do choose though to skip content if I do not think it to match the character I play, so is probably why I have different characters to learn what another would skip.

    Yeah, I'm the same. My main has never, and will never do TG or DB, because they're just not that sort of character. On one hand, it can be said that this is the essence of roleplay, that I can choose what to engage and what to refuse, but OTOH, if this reflects a major content drop with significant story, its a shame that the only options are to go along with the pidgeon-holed premise, or don't engage the content, period. Interesting choices involve meaningful outcomes with predictable rewards and sacrifices. Having the possibility of choosing amongst opposing factions, for instance, offers meaningful choice and different lenses through which to explore the issues presented in the story. It would allow for agency, complexity of story-telling and instant replayability. With only slight changes, Order of the Hour could be a great faction with interesting lore and perspectives to explore; opposing the Dark Brotherhood is a no-brainer for possibilities people would love. The same could be said for The Iron Wheel against the Thieves Guild, or my go-to example, the Winterborn as a joinable faction. There was no moral imperative that the Orcs had over the Reachmen, they just both happened to believe the land belonged to them.

    You're right, though: there are significant barriers to doing this. The amount of commitment required would be significantly higher. Engaging more voiced dialogue might be difficult or too expensive under their present budget. And keeping track of an ever bifurcating list of consequences future story development would need to stay on top of (ahem "Welcome back, person I sacrificed in Coldharbour! Ah.... no hard feelings, ey??") could be something they currently don't want to bother with. But I don't know enough about game development to say that their priorities could never shift. All I can add to conversations such as this is that quality writing, immersiveness, sense of agency, choice and meaningful consequence, and exploration are aspects that I value above pretty much anything else in gaming, and I know there are a lot of people who feel the same way. For every one of you or me who read that there was going to be meaningful choices, and stayed on anyway, there are how many on r/TESlore or r/ElderScrollsOnline, or the multitude of fan-based discord servers for whom there just wasn't enough commitment to the writing for them to stay? I don't know the answer to that question, except to point out the vast difference in the vitality of the lore discussion between here and other places. I think that's a genuine shame because as the current instance of the franchise, they kind of have an implicit role as stewards for lore and Elder Scrolls story telling, and it really looks to me that (apart from the couple dozen of us who find our own reasons to stay) the community doesn't find the lore worth engaging.

    But rather than be super negative about it, and just give up on it and write it off (like many people have), I do think that the situation reflects opportunity for ZOS. If circumstances or perspectives change, perhaps they *can* find ways to take this stuff on board. If nothing else, perspectives of Elder Scrolls people playing their game might help them to develop a better picture of what we want, and what we don't want.

    Everything else is transient; I don't believe anyone's really going to talk about Dragonknight's lack of an execute or how broken gap closers are in 20 years, but we're still talking about how great Morrowind's story was today.
  • SpaceElf
    Vuskuldein wrote: »
    Oh boy I could write a book on things that bothered me with writing. Greymoor had the most issues for me though, I tried so hard not to text wall it and I failed to keep it to just one issue x3

    Greymoor Rant;
    1. So, can dead people please STAY DEAD? I was disheartened to be following Lyris around like her lackey, I'm sorry but greymoor made me not like her, (she was so brutish) and had I known that was going to happen, I would have chosen to sacrifice her in coldharbour instead of the prophet if it had made her absent, unfortunately it doesn't and it's just lore breaking if you ask me.
    2. The being-led-along feeling was so suffocating, I think Lyris should have been scrapped and it just be Us, Fennorian and Svana, who shouldn't have been another reluctant princess trope, there was other directions they could have gone in.
    3. Whilst I'm very fond of Fennorian, he didn't get to contribute anything major, mostly just hypothesizing the whole way through. If they tossed out Lyris, the writers had an excellent character building opportunity for Fennorian since he's new to Ravenwatch/Missions etc.. would have been nice to see him grow confidence and help point the direction rather than end up like us - following around blindly.
    4. There was too much Ravenwatch trumpet blowing for me. (I liked them but I've changed my views since, partly thanks to Gwendis's attitude) It would have been nice for the player to choose not to be so buddy with them. There was one line where they mentioned keeping werewolves in check too and it annoyed me - Who made them the 'supernatural' police!? Also some players may be rping vamp hunters, opposing werewolves or disagreeing vamps, etc... there should have been CHOICES as to how to respond to them. House Ravenwatch is okay, but I can see it ending in tragedy. Sooner or later, Emeric will die and an angry mob will be out for them. Poor long term thinking on Verandis's part, you can't keep a secret that big for long.

    Finally, Werewolves should have been left out of the Greymoor arc altogether, why would they be working with vamps? What have vampires got in common with werewolves? Nothing! I feel like in reality Hircine would have punished them for turning their backs on him and listening to Ulfra's crap. That was poor handling of lore as if they were trying to make it generic. Also, I hated that they used the word 'supernatural' trying to group vampires and werewolves together when imo they have nothing in common. I wasn't even aware 'supernatural' could be a 'thing' considering the abundant presence of magic/daedra etc. on Nirn

    To add on to this, in my opinion, Greymoor as a stand-alone release felt very rushed to me, and story-wise ended too abruptly. It really should have been combined with Markarth- while the writing left something to be desired, it would have been a lot more immersive and robust as a proper chapter.

    (Additionally, neither Greymoor nor Markarth would have made a lick of sense without doing the Rivenspire zone story first - at the very least, it wouldn't be as meaningful. I'm not DC, so luckily I only happened to have completed just before. Obviously long term players likely won't have this problem but as a single story it doesn't work well.)

    As for people not staying dead, it just doesn't surprise me in a game like this unless, of course, the NPC in question happens to be my favorite. Then somehow they manage to stay dead. LOL.

    Regarding the Ravenwatch police, if House Ravenwatch, werebeast members, then their stance would have made more sense. I suppose the fact that the Gray Host had both kinds of afflicted gave them license in that circumstance? Outside of dealing with the Host, the Ravenwatch gang only seems concerned with bad vamps. Some WWs asked for help in one of the quests, I think, so maybe that partly justified it. Still seems weak though. The story felt more like "Oh, gotta stop these guys, also, werewolves are there too."
  • Sjestenka
    I enjoy ESO writing a lot actually. Really stands out among mmos i've played.. How ZOSes handle timelines for different players and different characters, it's good. When starting new chars i don't feel like everything had already happened.

    I like how realistically NPCs treat my chars. How could they possibly believe that a Chosen One defeated several Daedra Princes and saved every faction in great war? Naah.. NPCs weren't written to please power fantasy x) Vanus Garelion in some intro quest, 'Give you the boat?! Do you think i have it my pocket?!". That was fun. No one's greater than Vanus Galerion in Vanus Galerion' POV.

    But, as the thread demands.. Old bard songs from vanilla game, i don't believe some of them. Would lowly imperials really sing about Akatosh slaying Lorkhan in taverns? Red Diamond, Red Diamond. Who'd toss them coins for this stuff. Clockwork's secret deal with Daedra Princes? Thought it was supposed to be deep lore or something. Songs like these, i don't believe them. Seem forced to me, game writers tell stories to players, not bards entertain drunkies
  • ealdwin
    It's not writing, per se, but...

    What irks me about the "Ayleid" ruins in High Rock isn't so much the reuse of the Ayleid tileset, but the fact that it was done more lazily and carelessly in High Rock than other places.

    In Auridon, the Ayleid tileset is also used for Ancient Elf ruins, but with yellow lighting instead of blue lighting, so signify that they are "Ancient Elf" instead of "Ayleid".

    So, why not do the same in High Rock? The ability was there, just use the Auridon-Ayleid tileset instead of the Cyrodiil-Ayleid tileset. Or, create a new one with purple lighting to give the Direnni their own flair.
  • Hurbster
    I liked the other group of vampires who were just trying to get along anyway.

    My pet peeve is half the population seems to be a lost princess of some sort.
    So they raised the floor and lowered the ceiling. Except the ceiling has spikes in it now and the floor is also lava.
  • Jacen_Veron
    The stupidity of the player character is rather upsetting, but I understand why the “who’s this?” and “what’s that?” questions exist. I just wish there was a better system in place to keep track of character knowledge. Like Eidetic Memory, but for the choices we’ve made and people we’ve met.

    The other thing that really bothers me is returning characters, especially when they are inconsistent with previous portrayals. Naryu is probably the worst example of this; as she is introduced in Deshann as a plucky and promiscuous apprentice in the Morag Tong, she’s still new to being an assassin as her first solo mission occurs when we next see her in Eastmarch. In the Gold Coast she’s more competent, but not to the ridiculous degree we see in Vvardenfell. There, she’s now the “Mother of Blades” and has done hundreds of missions and travelled all over Tamriel and has a hundred years of experience to it, all in the span of a single year. That kind of change is far too drastic, especially with Morrowind immediately following Dark Brotherhood, highlighting just how sharp a change it really is.

    This same problem occurs with other members of the returning cast. Raz being another prominent example, going from just one of the Queenseyes to THE Eye of the Queen, as if Cariel and the other nameless Eyes everywhere simply don’t exist anymore. I think the key problem with the writing is simply consistency. It affects the world building, npcs, plot, and player dialogue, and worst of all, the player’s narrative experience. All of these elements come together to provide a bit of an incoherent mess, where none of the plots ever seem to interact or carry any weight.

    Most of this is a consequence of the MMO. The framework upon which this game is built is not tailored towards a single player’s experience. A quest can have choices, but never any that would drastically affect the world. A quest can have events that do drastically affect the world, like Orsinium and Elsweyr, but these affects will never be seen or felt in game. This is because we must all inhabit the same play space, and that play space must be accessible to everyone from the start, which is why everything happens in the same year. This is done to prevent new players from being confused and discouraged from the “go anywhere, do anything” mentality that these games have fallen into, despite soling any narrative coherence the game may have tried to do in areas like Craglorn and Orsinium with the progression of time. The world literally doesn’t revolve around you, but around everyone, and as a result nothing is allowed to change or grow.

    These are core issues that hinder what used to be decent world building and character writing in the base game, before we shifted into Chapters that bottlenecked the writing entirely, especially with this Yearly story model they have used for four years too long now.
  • Aztrias
    The stupidity of the player character is rather upsetting, but I understand why the “who’s this?” and “what’s that?” questions exist.

    Who is Vivec? - Dark Elf vestige

    What's the Hist? - Argonian vestige

    My headcanon theory is that we are a Dremora with amnesia just wearing a mortal skinsuit :p

    Welcome Moon-and-Star to this place where destiny is made
    Nerevar forget!
  • DivineKitty
    What I didn't like is that The game Introduced the idea of "The Coldharbour Compact" Which prevents the most notable Daedric princes from directly interfering in Nirn. It kinda stretched this with the Vvardenfell and Summerset lines, because in those ones, Daedric Princes basically try conquer the world, but it's apparently fine, because they weren't part of the original Compact, and Mephala and Clavicus Vile eventually sign on to it anyway... And then we get to The Blackwood/Deadlands story...
    Now, Mehrunes Dagon was already established to have already signed the Compact, meaning he cannot directly interfere in Nirn. We are also told in Deadlands that Dagon has actually tried to break the compact before and Sotha Sil straight up Kicked him out of Nirn. So this proves that not only is Dagon Bound to the Compact, Sotha Sil has both the Authority and the power to enforce it. So, Why oh why does Dagon just Invade Nirn on a whim in Deadlands? And where was Sotha Sil? He was shown in Summerset to still be looking out for Nirn when he "helped" stop the Triad (I say "Helped" because he basically just sat back and watched you do most of the work, then swooped in to clean up) and Yet Here is Dagon Physically appearing on Nirn and Sotha is apparently just fine with it. Where was he the whole time? Was he taking a nap for the whole of Blackwood? Homeboy should have just showed up the moment Dagon appeared and kicked his 4-armed butt to the curb.

    You can't introduce a bit of lore specifically for the game, then just ignore it when it becomes convenient.
  • RBAP28
    What bugs me the most is the fact that if you didn't know the game was 18+ you would think it was PG13 or lower. Now I'm not saying every conversation needs to represent the 18+ rating, but they could sprinkle some in. Being called a ''milk drinker'' reminds me of the pg movie The Sandlot in that if your a ''cake eater'' you are lesser person, I love cake and milk.
  • Ratzkifal
    What bugs me the most is the fact that if you didn't know the game was 18+ you would think it was PG13 or lower. Now I'm not saying every conversation needs to represent the 18+ rating, but they could sprinkle some in. Being called a ''milk drinker'' reminds me of the pg movie The Sandlot in that if your a ''cake eater'' you are lesser person, I love cake and milk.

    It's not rated 18+ in every country, so there are more things to consider when it comes to that. The game is rated 16 in Germany for example.
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
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