Okay, so we all have little things that bug us about the writing and lore of a game, right? So, here is a thread to vent away about ONE thing that really bugs you about ESO's writing.
For me, it's the fact that most NPC's treat The Vestige as if they're really dumb, as if they haven't saved over half of Tamriel. Lots of times, we are talked down to or talked to as if we don't understand anything that's going on, and it irks me.
How about you all?
- Fighting a Daedric Prince without powerup and winning.
- A soulgem working on a Daedric Prince when soulgems aren't even supposed to work on regular Daedra.
- People "mysteriously" returning to life as if that isn't just lazy writing.
- Argonians getting rights and freedom in the Pact without the Dunmer needing their help at all (Vivec turned the tide of the battle). They could have at least made desperate Dres farmers release them in exchange for their help in holding off the Akaviri because their lands would have been razed otherwise and this would have bought them valuable time or something.
- "You can't make houses from poetry."
- Ayleids = Ancient Elves = Direnni
- Playing the Telvanni quest and having no option to be the bad guy and support slavery despite us trapping children souls in flesh atronachs and joining a literal murder cult that sends people's souls straight to the void in other quests.
- All fan-favorite characters becoming a shadow of their former selves when we meet them in other content. Razum-dar aside, that guy stayed pretty much the same, even though he got a bit sidelined.
- Quests deciding we like the NPCs rather than letting us decide on whether we like them or not.
- Sworn enemies becoming allies and conflicts that lasted generations being resolved over night because the player intervened
- Everything happens in the same year
Sorry, I really couldn't reduce it to just one thing.
- Playing the Telvanni quest and having no option to be the bad guy and support slavery despite us trapping children souls in flesh atronachs and joining a literal murder cult that sends people's souls straight to the void in other quests.
VaranisArano wrote: »One thing?
Sorry, Padrme. You'll have to wait for the 4th Quarter DLC + Epilogue to get any resolution, while the Chapter is pretty much just hype and set-up.
Supreme_Atromancer wrote: »Lack of agency, consequence, choice.
My character wouldn't do this, the premise is stupid and see-through and doesn't fit how I imagine my character would likely behave. But I have no options. Not even room for the most fundamental alternatives. I can't explore the issues and the story in my own way, but have to either get lead by the nose through the plot how THEY decided it should be done, or just choose to miss out on the content.
PLEASE put the R back into the MMORPG!
I do choose though to skip content if I do not think it to match the character I play, so is probably why I have different characters to learn what another would skip.
What drew me to this game when I first began- other than that it was classified as a roleplaying game with hopes of parsing onto a roleplay server - was reading somewhere, I forget where, of your choices/actions having consequences, I imagined different choices would be presented with each one taking you on a different path than another who made a different choice than yours. But is was not to be, so what kept me here was the graphics of the world and the NPC"S having vocals, which was the first game I saw this in. In roleplay - through this game or platform I believe players can create quests, with different choices that have different consequences though it would take a bit of work or planning I think for even a small quest as such, so I do empathize a bit with how the NPC"s are and why there are not true consequences to your choices. I do choose though to skip content if I do not think it to match the character I play, so is probably why I have different characters to learn what another would skip.
Vuskuldein wrote: »Oh boy I could write a book on things that bothered me with writing. Greymoor had the most issues for me though, I tried so hard not to text wall it and I failed to keep it to just one issue x3
Greymoor Rant;
1. So, can dead people please STAY DEAD? I was disheartened to be following Lyris around like her lackey, I'm sorry but greymoor made me not like her, (she was so brutish) and had I known that was going to happen, I would have chosen to sacrifice her in coldharbour instead of the prophet if it had made her absent, unfortunately it doesn't and it's just lore breaking if you ask me.
2. The being-led-along feeling was so suffocating, I think Lyris should have been scrapped and it just be Us, Fennorian and Svana, who shouldn't have been another reluctant princess trope, there was other directions they could have gone in.
3. Whilst I'm very fond of Fennorian, he didn't get to contribute anything major, mostly just hypothesizing the whole way through. If they tossed out Lyris, the writers had an excellent character building opportunity for Fennorian since he's new to Ravenwatch/Missions etc.. would have been nice to see him grow confidence and help point the direction rather than end up like us - following around blindly.
4. There was too much Ravenwatch trumpet blowing for me. (I liked them but I've changed my views since, partly thanks to Gwendis's attitude) It would have been nice for the player to choose not to be so buddy with them. There was one line where they mentioned keeping werewolves in check too and it annoyed me - Who made them the 'supernatural' police!? Also some players may be rping vamp hunters, opposing werewolves or disagreeing vamps, etc... there should have been CHOICES as to how to respond to them. House Ravenwatch is okay, but I can see it ending in tragedy. Sooner or later, Emeric will die and an angry mob will be out for them. Poor long term thinking on Verandis's part, you can't keep a secret that big for long.
Finally, Werewolves should have been left out of the Greymoor arc altogether, why would they be working with vamps? What have vampires got in common with werewolves? Nothing! I feel like in reality Hircine would have punished them for turning their backs on him and listening to Ulfra's crap. That was poor handling of lore as if they were trying to make it generic. Also, I hated that they used the word 'supernatural' trying to group vampires and werewolves together when imo they have nothing in common. I wasn't even aware 'supernatural' could be a 'thing' considering the abundant presence of magic/daedra etc. on Nirn
Jacen_Veron wrote: »The stupidity of the player character is rather upsetting, but I understand why the “who’s this?” and “what’s that?” questions exist.
patrick77nacho wrote: »What bugs me the most is the fact that if you didn't know the game was 18+ you would think it was PG13 or lower. Now I'm not saying every conversation needs to represent the 18+ rating, but they could sprinkle some in. Being called a ''milk drinker'' reminds me of the pg movie The Sandlot in that if your a ''cake eater'' you are lesser person, I love cake and milk.