I think that timers for quests, drops and rewards should be account wide with proportional better rewards. In other words, we shouldn't be able to repeat the same dailies on each one of our characters.
Here are my reasons:
1- Players will do what is most efficient even if it ends up being unfun and unsatisfying.
2- It's not fun to do the same quest over and over on all or many alts every day to farm rewards. The game becomes a chore.
3- Logging in and out of characters is not fun and ends up taking a lot of play time.
4- Some daily quests rewards have to be lesser to ensure the rarity of items. The lesser rewards force you to redo dailies on multiple characters to get the rare rewards. It would be better to only be able to do a daily once per day for 30% odds of getting an item rather than do the daily 10 times with a 5% odds each time.
5- Hirelings force you to log in and out of your characters and fill up your mailbox.
6- By making daily quests unrepeatable on alts, grinding new content's daily quest will be limited to once a day which would make exploring the rest of the new content easier for the grinders.
7- There are enough daily content in the game to occupy most if not all of a day of playing eso by only doing the daily content.
8- (Allegedly) Some daily coffers have secret drop timers that prevent the drop of rare items for a while once one is looted. It's probably to reduce the problem of people doing the same quest on a lot of characters and flooding the market with items. However, it's not explained in the game so most players probably still loot the coffers when they can't get the rare items and still farm those quests on many alts. We shouldn't have to keep track of these either to maximise our odds of getting rare items.
9- (Allegedly) There seems to be timers for rare furnishing plans and other drops in the game tied to characters. This is probably to ensure a more consistent and satisfying drop experience for players. However, to farm those items most efficiently, players will log in and log out of characters after they drop items that start these timers and rotate their alts to always be able to loot these items. Farming shouldn't involve logging in and out of characters.
10- (Unconfirmed) Holding the information of which characters have done which daily activities and have received their hireling rewards, processing all the timers and processing all the log in and log out of characters probably use a non insignificant amount of server ressources.
My solutions:
1- Make daily quests doable only once per account per day.
2- Increase daily quest rewards for exp, gold, odds and number of rare items, skill lines experience and companion reputation.
3- Add new different ways of getting skill line experience and companion reputation.
4- Make hirelings account wide so that we can log in on the character we want to play for the evening and so that we receive only one message per hireling type that includes the rewards for all our characters hirelings from that log in.
5- Remove the daily coffers timers, the daily quest new limit will control rare drop instead.
6- Remove the 50 daily quest cap. We should be able to do all our daily on one character if we want to.
7- Make the loot timers account wide or remove them.
The unresolved:
1- This doesn't prevent people from creating additional accounts to farm. I think that most probably won't because of the added difficulty and of the cost but : Players will do what is most efficient even if it ends up being unfun and unsatisfying.
2- There are probably some people that actually enjoy repeating the same daily quest on all their characters. I think they are a minority and that, of this minority, most will still find enjoyment from doing other things in the game.
3- There are probably people that will think it breaks roleplay. I would argue that if a character dealt with a quest, it make sense from a roleplay POV that the quest wouldn't be offered again on the same day.
What do you guys think?