Starlight_Knight wrote: »Nice one, is the title screen where we select our char after log in ? can we choose the background as well, or just music ?
Pretty sure it's the login screen.
SantieClaws wrote: »Will be nice to have the Elsweyr music again
The quickslot wheel. It would be nice to have more slots and also to be able to slot emotes.
Houses? This one still hopes for a little sandy island to make her own.
This one hopes for a mythic to help crafting or something not combat related perhaps.
Furnishings? Maybe an elegant Breton yarn basket or two?
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
All the High Isle specific stuff listed was revealed back in January. You have nothing new to announce.
Yes, we did reveal all of this in January. This is a roadmap to give everyone a timeline of when features are being added. This is one of the efforts being made to strengthen communication for upcoming features.
This isn't a road map.
A road map would cover multiple upcoming updates, like what you were planning on doing with 34, 35 and 36.
It would have been nice to see “communication on feedback received from the community, especially on topics that have 90+ pages of replies” in the roadmap.