CasgarTheSomnolent wrote: »This is to staunch the bleeding on a situation we discovered where <clearly explain whatever the hell is the problem>. This was something we overlooked in designing the armory system, and we need some time to determine how to tweak that system to contain the issue.
Cuddlypuff wrote: »Technically it can be "abused" because only alchemy writs could be picked up after respeccing craft levels. This has been how the game worked in the 2 years that I have played it - it's nothing new. As someone above pointed out, only the addition of armoury could possibly make this remotely worth the effort. Never tried it myself so not sure if you can only do it an extra time or even up to 7 times for each unique level of alchemy writs.
Even if one was to "exploit" this and assuming it can be done 8 times for every alchemy level, it would require all writs to be done first, followed by a respec to alchemy L0, followed by grabbing quest from writ board, going to alchemy table, going to turn in, increasing alchemy level by 1, then repeating 6 more times. Might be worth doing if you have 1 writ crafter toon only, but definitely pointless if you have 18-36 toons to do writs on.
SeaGtGruff wrote: »CasgarTheSomnolent wrote: »This is to staunch the bleeding on a situation we discovered where <clearly explain whatever the hell is the problem>. This was something we overlooked in designing the armory system, and we need some time to determine how to tweak that system to contain the issue.
I know you weren't giving an actual quote, but what do Alchemy writs-- or any other crafting writs-- have to do with the Armory system? Was there some sort of bug that allowed players to do multiple writs from the same day by changing their builds so their characters were at a different Alchemy skill level and were then able to pick up another daily Alchemy writ for that other Alchemy skill level? That would be bad, and should certainly be patched, but I still don't understand why the other crafting writs weren't affected-- either by the presumed bug, or by its drastic "fix."
SeaGtGruff wrote: »Okay, so the workaround (or else the adjustment to the new normal) is that if you're crunched for time, pick up your crafting writs before reset as usual but be certain to do the Alchemy writ and turn it in right away, unless you don't care that you'll miss out on the next day's Alchemy writ if you wait until after reset to do it and turn it in.
If this bug has been around since long before the Armory system-- after all, anyone can respec by going to a shrine-- then it's odd that now it suddenly got "fixed" (albeit in a broken way). Someone, or group of someones, must have started using their Armory builds and Armory assistant to exploit that bug in a major way for it to suddenly become so important to "fix" it.
I'm glad the exploit got dealt with, and while I'd have preferred that the "fix" not be so simplistic and drastic in its logic, I'm not that worried about losing out on a few Alchemy writs, especially now that I know to be sure to do them on the day of if they're really that important to me.
The main thing for me was wanting to understand why the change was made at all, and why it was made only to Alchemy.
heinousmoz wrote: »Also where are the rash of warnings and ban hammers for those exploiting it if if was that important? ZOS have come down harder on others for doing less...
CasgarTheSomnolent wrote: »*sigh* Permanently punishing the overwhelming majority of people that login daily or every other day EXACTLY AS ZOS WANTS US TO to do daily writs to stop a few people gaming the system.
Here's the proper way to handle this:
"As a temporary measure, we've made it so that alchemy writs can only be turned in on a daily basis and cannot be carried over to the next day like other writs. This is to staunch the bleeding on a situation we discovered where <clearly explain whatever the hell is the problem>. This was something we overlooked in designing the armory system, and we need some time to determine how to tweak that system to contain the issue. Once that has been solved, alchemy writs will return to normal operation. We know this is a major pain for many people, especially during an event where doing writs is so encouraged. To partially make it up to everyone, we're giving out five 150% crown experience scrolls and a special anniversary box that has the contents of 7 anniversary boxes. We apologize for this this."
I know that's not gonna happen, but I think it checks all the boxes of accountability, containment of the issue, transparency, and compensation while still being a compromise in line with similar things ZOS has done in the past.
And why should they all behave that way? You do realize you're still doing two days' worth of writs and not getting extra rewards, right? What does it matter if someone turns in a writ the day they pick it up or the next day? It's still the exact same number of rewards either way.BlossomDead wrote: »Why is this such a big issue? I do think you should be able to only turn in daily quests on the same day, all writs should behave like that. If you cannot commit to the timeline, you can play when you have the time to spare.
Surely you wouldn't want people who have abused the system to continue to do so and flip the prices even further. I'd like to see what additional steps have been taken, including removing whatever amount of extra gold was generated through this exploit.
By reading these replies it looks like some offenders are upset they got caught with their antics.
heinousmoz wrote: »There was an original bug that was there for years which they didn't care about. The bug was amplified with the release of the amoury system which they still didn't care about enough to fix. Anniversary has now started and like others I can only assume that it's being expoited enough that ZOS suddenly care enough to do something about it.
I just wish they'd have gone back and fixed the original spaghetti programming instead of breaking the system for everyone else in the game that was using the funtion normally (the number of which likely far outstrips the people abusing it).
Also where are the rash of warnings and ban hammers for those exploiting it if if was that important? ZOS have come down harder on others for doing less...
heinousmoz wrote: »There was an original bug that was there for years which they didn't care about. The bug was amplified with the release of the amoury system which they still didn't care about enough to fix. Anniversary has now started and like others I can only assume that it's being expoited enough that ZOS suddenly care enough to do something about it.
I just wish they'd have gone back and fixed the original spaghetti programming instead of breaking the system for everyone else in the game that was using the funtion normally (the number of which likely far outstrips the people abusing it).
Also where are the rash of warnings and ban hammers for those exploiting it if if was that important? ZOS have come down harder on others for doing less...
SeaGtGruff wrote: »The only thing I can think of is that the other crafting professions always ask for the same types of items but at whatever level your crafting skill calls for-- for instance, two resto staffs and a shield, or two bows and a shield, and only the material used varies based on your crafting skill. Provisioning and Alchemy are different than that, and maybe the logic to check whether a writ for the current day has already been turned in would be much more complicated than it is for the other professions.