NettleCarrier wrote: »GuildedLilly wrote: »NettleCarrier wrote: »GuildedLilly wrote: »...Anything under 100k makes your head hurt?
100k is a lot for a new player or casual, 100k X 7 is completely out of their reach, and saberkeel drops are NOT guaranteed, just intentionally limited by ZOS to a MAX of one drop per day. I've been a millionaire in ESO on console and PC for years, so expensive motifs aren't a problem for me personally, but I know that building gold when you're just starting out or just playing to have fun is a grind, especially if you're not part of a trading guild.
By this reasoning, there are far worse events... look at Ebonsteel pages for example, black drake warpaint, black drake clanwrap armor styles, even last event's second seed styles are all more than Saberkeel today. I'm also going to bring up Undaunted styles, which are 100k or 50 keys (or a small chance from a 1 key box) when they are active, with helms rarely dipping below 1 million gold.
...You didn't think through my reasoning, or yours.
Ebonsteel pages weren't limited to 1 per day, neither were Black Drake, or Second seed. You could farm Ebonsteel in IC if you felt like dealing with the gankers, you could farm Black Drake, you could attempt to farm Second Seed by doing all jesters quests each day, and even creating free alts (ESO base allows 8 characters I think without crown store purchases) to increase your odds. Black Drake Warpaint (Body Markings and Face) combined is 10 tickets, with the outfit pages being farmable--the drop rate sucked for markings, but 10 tickets with the rest of the style being farmable is a whole different level of accessibility.
Saberkeel isn't farmable. You would need 35 tickets, not 10, to get a full set if RNG is being particularly unkind, since page drops aren't guaranteed, and are limited to a MAX of one day.
Undaunted keys can be earned all year through pledges-- 3-6 keys per character, per day, with no artificial 12 max limit. Guilds sell carry runs in vet content, or guildies will often help a guildmate (even carry free) if they ask. Someone who is brand new can spin up a few free alts and get undaunted shoulders just through earning keys. Someone who is casual can ask a guildmate for a carry. You can pay in game gold, but it's not a requirement. You can earn it, your guild can help you, the community can help you, you can swap for it--and your keys are not limited to 12, or to only keys that you earn during the event.
There is NO equivalent event in terms of restrictions, time-gating, and ticket walling to the current event. There never has been. Hopefully, there never will be.
I thought through it plenty, this is my whole economy in the game and I move tens of millions of this stuff yearly. I run an entire guild based off of teaching people how to make money and buy the things that they need. Your method assumes you are 100% Solo Self-Found (a term used in some other games I play and I feel it fits here). There's nothing wrong with that playstyle at all, but it does come at a price - and that's drops like this.
This situation is MUCH easier if you do more of what works best for you and buy the rest. If you have bad luck with Saberkeel drops then you simply farm more dailies to generate more money and then use said money to buy missing pages. There's no requirement that you loot all the pieces yourself. If this style was a motif, each of my characters could have easily afforded to buy the 7 pages at 50k/each just doing their 7 writs each day of the event. Same goes for any event - someone who liked PvP could have farmed a lot more Ebonsteel/Black Drake pages and made money that way too. I didn't farm a single one of my own Seed pages, or any of the PvP ones, I just continued what I like doing and bought them with proceeds from doing what I like doing. This is not much different.
If someone refuses to engage with the trading system in an MMO then that's their loss, and yes this time around they are out of luck I guess. I much prefer it this way because it keeps style page prices healthy.
Kiralyn2000 wrote: »NettleCarrier wrote: »If someone refuses to engage with the trading system in an MMO then that's their loss,
ZOS went out of their way to make this game's trading system buyer-unfriendly and exclusionary. It's great for the Ultra Pro Trader types who enjoy all this junk, not so good for the person who just dabbles now and then. (which is me - I don't sell enough things to even stay a week in a trading guild; even if I was willing to be strong-armed into a guild in order to participate in the first place; and having to search through dozens of traders across piles of loading screens, never knowing if you're finding a reasonable price, if you can even find something, is insane. So yeah - been playing since 2016, and I basically don't bother. I vendor everything that I don't use myself. Which, of course, helps the pro traders, since every valuable item that gets vendored/deconned/destroyed, is one more that's not saturating the market.)
Would be fun if we, the playerbase, could massmail these spiderparts to ZOS employees.... they would never fill our inventories with such clutter again!
So the two main problems people have with this event:
Saberkeel pages drop rate is to low
Spider parts drop rate is too high.
So you don't like something to drop to often, but you also don't like something to have a rare drop?
I really don't think there is a way to satisfy some of the players.
Lol, I have arachnophobia, and I am totally creeped out by how many spider parts my character is carrying around.
So the two main problems people have with this event:
Saberkeel pages drop rate is to low
Spider parts drop rate is too high.
So you don't like something to drop to often, but you also don't like something to have a rare drop?
I really don't think there is a way to satisfy some of the players.
Hortator Indoril Nerevar wrote: »We are not getting enough spider part drops.