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Impossible to Obtain - Sovereign Sow

  • RisenEclipse
    They should have made fragments drop as extras for everyone, or made the whole pet drop instead of fragments. I know it would be meh for people who got all the fragments together when the pet did come out. But during Midyear Mayhem I got the FULL banner emotes and alliance banner styles from the two ticket grab bags. When they should have taken 10 tokens and 10K in alliance points to make. But you could get the full ones now without fragments or pieces from the bags. I think the same thing should have happened here with the pet.
  • Blinx
    they should just give it to all of us who logged in all 7 days of the event, as it's not our fault they messed up yet again
    Edited by Blinx on April 5, 2022 11:39PM
  • Sylvermynx
    Blinx wrote: »
    they should just give it to all of us who logged in all 7 days, as it's not our fault they messed up yet again

    I already have it - and don't want it. The frags are sitting there forever; I don't LIKE pigs (except as ham and pork chops) and If I could get rid of the frags I would.
  • MasterSpatula
    Yeah, not sure I'm even going to be able to buy my missing Second Seed pages because the drop rate is so poor that I don't expect the economy to have a bunch of extras.


    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • demonology89
    I second the idea that each event have grab bags from every event in the past. I too am missing Indrik mounts and feel like I waste tickets on useless items from events because of the 12 ticket cap. Could be a win for ZoS because they sell event tickets in the crown store.

    I'm sorry you guys can't get the pet because of the fragments being bound and loot rng from the stupendous boxes. Farming boxes this year has been a waste of time. I stopped doing multiple toons after day 2 because the purple boxes weren't dropping anything of value.
  • RedTalon
    All your hogs are belong to us, but found that to be the easy one to get really just bad luck
    Edited by RedTalon on April 6, 2022 1:03AM
  • RisenEclipse
    RedTalon wrote: »
    All your hogs are belong to us, but found that to be the easy one to get really just bad luck

    Are you talking about it being easy when it first came out and you could buy fragments from the vendor? Or are you talking about now, if you have zero fragments, 7 days to get it, and can only get 1/7 fragments to drop once a day only if none of the other potential rewards drop for you from the golden boxes? Because saying it's easy and just luck... is not accurate at all to this pet... it is impossible now to get it in a single year. You need to do multiple years of trying now.
  • SkaraMinoc
    I was only able to obtain 1 fragment for the Sovereign Sow this year. Why is the drop chance so low?

    At this rate, it will take me 6 more years of Jester's Festivals before completing.

    PC NA
  • Chiaroscuro
    newtinmpls wrote: »
    I've had about one "golden box" (stupendous, whatever) have no second seed, no caldwells, and sometimes a Regal (last years drop, I think?).

    The RNG is pretty nasty this time around, at least for me.

    Yeah I've had hideous luck. I didn't even realize there was a pet.
  • Silaf
    Well at least you can still grind it in the hope of retriving your missed items.

    Sadly i've lost the "Dragon rise" event and there is no way to get those items back.
    Edited by Silaf on April 6, 2022 8:24AM
  • James-Wayne
    I have the Sow and need one more for the Seed, been getting double drops :D

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  • Xenite
    I got one fragment tonight, wife only got one as well over the entire week.

    Seems like an adjustment was never made from last years version when it was a guaranteed drop. Also why 3 boxes last year, now one? *sigh*
  • Belegnole
    Zero pet drops for me.
  • RisenEclipse
    I only have one more chance to get the fragments, and I still only have two : D ... guess I'll just... wait until 2023 to get the pet I guess... or probably 2028... yup...
    Edited by RisenEclipse on April 6, 2022 9:58AM
  • Maythor
    They've done this before, I have 6 of 7 fragments for a momento from the Murkmire event from a couple of years back. They never brought the gravemarkers momento back in any more recent events so I was left hanging!

    Often it seems the people deciding the drops have no concept of how the items will drop in game-play and just repeat a previously used probability of drop that works on some items but not on others.

    Either that or they just don't care, because no matter how often these things are brought up, things often don't get better.
  • Vanionator
    Heck it could give those of us who missed all Indriks to get them too. I missed all the ones before I started playing, but have all after. Bring them back in grab bags. :p
    Edited by Paulytnz on April 5, 2022 3:44AM

    Bring them back in grab bags! Yes! Do it Zos.
  • Alastrine
    Vanionator wrote: »
    Heck it could give those of us who missed all Indriks to get them too. I missed all the ones before I started playing, but have all after. Bring them back in grab bags. :p
    Edited by Paulytnz on April 5, 2022 3:44AM

    Bring them back in grab bags! Yes! Do it Zos.

    No. Don't bring them back. Let them stay as earnings/rewards for those that were playing back then.
    I find it really aggravating to pay big crowns or gems etc. for a mount or skin that's only being offered for 4 days, then over the next couple of years it's offered 3 or 4 more times. Suddenly not so exclusive or special. I've stopped buying those for that reason. Part of the fun of investing in an expensive cosmetic item is that not many will have it.
    If they are going to offer something expensive, fancy, exclusive and time limited then make it exactly that.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Thanks for the feedback here, everyone. We've passed this over to the team to review and take into consideration.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
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    Staff Post
  • Ishtarknows
    Vanionator wrote: »
    Heck it could give those of us who missed all Indriks to get them too. I missed all the ones before I started playing, but have all after. Bring them back in grab bags. :p
    Edited by Paulytnz on April 5, 2022 3:44AM

    Bring them back in grab bags! Yes! Do it Zos.

    No. Don't bring them back. People ground them at the time, logging in for tickets to avoid missing out when they might have done something else (As is the way with FOMO, I'm not criticising it) because they were told they wouldn't be returning. Let the Indriks rest in peace
  • Theros
    Thanks for the feedback here, everyone. We've passed this over to the team to review and take into consideration.

    Any ideia of what they will do today? or now? Cuz event is almost over...
  • SammyKhajit
    This one is sad that a fun event should be let down by low drop rates.
  • ApoAlaia
    This one is sad that a fun event should be let down by low drop rates.

    Is peculiar that before, when the 'gold' pages didn't stack, it was a literal deluge. I'd finish every event with ludicrous amounts of them.

    Since they enabled the pages to stack however I am lucky to finish an event having found 4 or 5 of them, often I need to use tickets or purchase pages from traders to 'complete the set'.

    I haven't done any less even quests or activities that have a chance to yield one or more pages so I am inclined to think that some tweaking has taken place.

    I mean with the current drop rates they might as well have left them as 'unstackable', is really a non-issue when you hardly see any.

    Same goes for other event specific items. On my alt I was hoping to finish the pet and other collectibles this event. That is definitely not happening. Between the laughably low drop rate and the fact that they keep scheduling maintenances is just not going to be.
  • SammyKhajit
    ApoAlaia wrote: »
    This one is sad that a fun event should be let down by low drop rates.

    Same goes for other event specific items. On my alt I was hoping to finish the pet and other collectibles this event. That is definitely not happening. Between the laughably low drop rate and the fact that they keep scheduling maintenances is just not going to be.

    Definitely this. The low drop rates and maintenance made it much harder. This one appreciates the need for maintenance, but when you get just two different types of dazzler items in the jester’s box and it happened several times in a row, it is very hairball triggering.
  • Erissime
    I mean ... it is the jester event after all. Laugh's on us for assuming we will get ALL it has offer! Can't deny it, zos has a fine sense of humour :D
  • Veinblood1965
    Pretty much of why I have just gotten my daily tickets and quit it for the day. Non-tradable event items are not an event IMO. It should be fun not a grind.
  • defcon.dealer1b14_ESO
    No problem...just stay with ESO and hit all future Jester events. 👍😎👍
    I'm offended that ur offended....

    PC NA
    PSN NA
  • RisenEclipse
    No problem...just stay with ESO and hit all future Jester events. 👍😎👍

    Yup... five years to get a pet... no problem here! Everything is working as intended! I'll get flawless vMA, Master Angler, Grand Master Crafter, and every other skin or personality from dungeons in this game before I get the pig with a crown on it. Did you all know that the TRUE hardcore content in this game is actually a pig? Also the RNG boss... apparently...
  • Cendrillion21
    I haven't gotten a single fragment for the pig this time round, glad I got it last year but this must be frustrating for others.
    Campos de oro
  • Inaya
    First, all the events need some new updated prizes in boxes and things to buy with tickets

    Second, RNG should never spoil an event. The pig should be obtainable for all who partcicipate.

    Third, see first.
  • Onigar
    This is more of a general point but why not just have a "universal fragment" in the once a day boxes.

    With this type of fragment then the player can choose which of the fragment collectables to use it with or just allow them to be saved unused for a later date.

    This would give you, as the player, control and choice.

    It would also simplify the Impressario stock menu, 5 tickets for 1 x "universal fragment" and 10 tickets for 2 x of them.

    Currently fragment collectibles use 5 ticket fragments and others 10 ticket fragments. Its not hard to see that a "universal fragment" could unlock 5 ticket slots and it would need 2 of them to unlock 10 ticket fragment slots.
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