I have this issue over a year now and there seems no fix for it.
What's happening?
When playing dungeons or trials (instanced content!) and I die or the group wipes, then there is a huge chance, that my char just turns invisible after respawn/revive and I am dced after 30 seconds.
Why is the issue not on my end?
In the past year I have played with 4 different devices. On all of them the same issue.
My internet connection is stable. When I am dced, I still can see, when someone is typing in chat or the dps in hodors addon is still increasing by other players. Also when being in discord, others tell already, that I am dced, while I am still in the active instance.
Where does it happen?
Only(!) in instanced content like trials and dungeons.
I play a lot PvP and die a lot too, yet not a single DC like this after a revive.
Is there anyone who experience the same issue or is there anything I can do against that?
It makes it impossible for me to play a serious progression in pve content.