I think the daily login rewards are a nice addition to the game from years ago when there were none. But could we please update them so that people can choose between two items so that they don't become, essentially, trash to delete? It's not that I'm ungrateful. I am grateful for these items being offered to the players that can use them now. But what about those of us that don't need them? Looking at you, research writs, for research that I complete in 2017. What am I gonna do with that reward. And poison? Never use it. Food? I make it, stuff that I actually use.
Adding some choices would be really nice. Especially for the research writs because to be blunt, it does chap my butt a little bit every time I get one of those and remember the 1.5 years of grinding that out with nothing on the horizon to make it any shorter.
So maybe we could get some choices for our login rewards, something like:
Chose Tri Pots or Alchemy Mats (something similar to writ rewards)
Choose Poison or Alchem Mats (something similar to writ rewards)
Food or Crown Repair Kits
Research Writs or Choice of one type of riding lesson
XP scroll or Alliance XP scroll
Or maybe login reward gems that we can use to buy any of these items listed above. You take the reward or you take the gems. Then you buy what YOU want as your login reward. That would be really nice for players to have that amount of choice.
What do we think?
Would you like to have a choice for you Daily Login Reward? 54 votes
Yes, I would love to have some choice in the rewards I get because some of these things are totally useless to me
Leave them as they are. If people need them or have no use for them, so what?