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What is the goal of the Imperial City?

  • Kwoung
    Vildebill wrote: »
    Having fun?

    Hmmm... <thinking>.... Yeah nope.... not a feeling I ever encountered while in IC (and PVP is the only part of the game I still play)

    Losing TelVar /= Fun
    Edited by Kwoung on February 21, 2022 4:23PM
  • VaranisArano
    Vildebill wrote: »
    Having fun?

    Honestly? This.

    Not everyone is going to enjoy the same content, so there'll be a legion of folks lining up to say "But I don't have fun in IC" like that matters.

    I don't have fun doing TG Heists, but that content exists for that purpose for the folks who do like them.

    I prefer Cyrodiil, but Imperial City has been pretty fun. The PVP fights are fast and bruising. The PVE story and daily quests have a real edge of danger I can't get in any PVE-only zone.

    And even when I forget to bank my Tel Var, roll out with 10k in my pocket, get annihilated and lose half of it...I can laugh! If nothing else, it makes for a great cautionary tale. :lol:
  • drsalvation
    To be fair, imperial city was designed as PvPvE (It's surprising how many people keep denying that imperial city is also PvE even tho the PvPvE was the MAIN point of advertising when it first came out).
    There's a story quest which will take you through the six districts and foil one last ditch effort to take over Nirn and put an end to Molag Bal's schemes once and for all.
    There's 2 dungeons you access through imperial city (but they're their own thing).
    There's a large delve that will take you under the sewers as you defeat bosses, and in the center point that connects all sewers you'll find a huge public event about defeating an awful lot of mobs and a specter of Molag Bal. It's a hard event considering how battle spirit nerfs you down by an awful lot.

    As much as it pains most PvP'ers, Imperial City is a PvE story expansion with a new zone that just happens to have PvP enabled.

    The flags aren't necessary, they grant buffs and quick fast travel stuff, but they don't really do anything significant like keeps in cyrodiil. They were added to "spice up" PvP a bit more to have something to compete for, but it only ended up making things worse by preventing you from respawning right in the battle's heart.

    So yeah, no PvP objective, it's PvE with PvP enabled.

    There's totally a PVP objective: Kill other players for their Tel Var. That's in all the same advertising you point to (and I linked above).


    Yeah, let's talk about those "PVE" quests.

    Specifically, the Arena District quest, which is necessary for that zone story. The highlight of that quest is a pretty difficult, multi-stage boss fight against some pretty tough bosses. Way harder than anything I've seen in any Chapter content.

    Oh, and there's also an achievement for killing 100 players inside the Arena.


    You say you see a lot of players denying the PVE part of Imperial City.

    I have to admit I see more of the reverse. There's an awful lot of players who keep denying that Imperial City was purpose built to mix PVP with the PVE storyline. Probably because they don't like PvPvE and would rather have a PVE-only version.

    I never said imperial city was NOT PvP, I'm saying that there's no alliance war objectives, OP juxtaposed to Cyrodiil and what capturing keeps means to your alliance. Killing players for tel-var does nothing to your alliance. Capturing flags on each district does nothing for your alliance.
    Of course there's lots of PvP things in imperial city, there's just nothing that benefits your alliance at all.

    As for people denying it's PvE aspect, look at any popular youtuber talk about imperial city and what they think PvP means.
    (Hint: PvP doesn't mean players killing players, it's a competition against other players, you don't watch soccer to see other players killing each other, they play a ball they have to score goals with. So just keep that in mind when you see those youtubers complain about why PvP sucks).

    Yeah, there's a lot of people wishing imperial city was PvE only, there's even a recent thread on it, I'm not saying they don't exist, but you also have to admit that there's a lot of PvP'rs who deny it's PvE aspect.
  • Kwoung
    Vildebill wrote: »
    Having fun?

    Honestly? This.

    Not everyone is going to enjoy the same content, so there'll be a legion of folks lining up to say "But I don't have fun in IC" like that matters.

    I don't have fun doing TG Heists, but that content exists for that purpose for the folks who do like them.

    Hehehe... just thinking about there being an event where tickets had to be earned through a TG Heist, can you even imagine the outrage there would be? It gave me a chuckle to think about <thanks>. :)

    But honestly, I am not a proponent of a PVE IC, but do feel it needs something. I have been there in the off (non-event) times and it is almost completely dead. The zone obviously doesn't appeal to the PVE only crowd, so they are out. But then you add it not appealing to players who dislike item loss, which is a huge number of players. Then remove the folks who just get dizzy trying to run around in the place, then everyone who gets annoyed by the dang ladders, and you are really filtering out almost everyone but the most hardcore TelVar farmers and those that prey on them, or the very occasional SkyShard / Achievement / Daily hunters.

  • VaranisArano
    To be fair, imperial city was designed as PvPvE (It's surprising how many people keep denying that imperial city is also PvE even tho the PvPvE was the MAIN point of advertising when it first came out).
    There's a story quest which will take you through the six districts and foil one last ditch effort to take over Nirn and put an end to Molag Bal's schemes once and for all.
    There's 2 dungeons you access through imperial city (but they're their own thing).
    There's a large delve that will take you under the sewers as you defeat bosses, and in the center point that connects all sewers you'll find a huge public event about defeating an awful lot of mobs and a specter of Molag Bal. It's a hard event considering how battle spirit nerfs you down by an awful lot.

    As much as it pains most PvP'ers, Imperial City is a PvE story expansion with a new zone that just happens to have PvP enabled.

    The flags aren't necessary, they grant buffs and quick fast travel stuff, but they don't really do anything significant like keeps in cyrodiil. They were added to "spice up" PvP a bit more to have something to compete for, but it only ended up making things worse by preventing you from respawning right in the battle's heart.

    So yeah, no PvP objective, it's PvE with PvP enabled.

    There's totally a PVP objective: Kill other players for their Tel Var. That's in all the same advertising you point to (and I linked above).


    Yeah, let's talk about those "PVE" quests.

    Specifically, the Arena District quest, which is necessary for that zone story. The highlight of that quest is a pretty difficult, multi-stage boss fight against some pretty tough bosses. Way harder than anything I've seen in any Chapter content.

    Oh, and there's also an achievement for killing 100 players inside the Arena.


    You say you see a lot of players denying the PVE part of Imperial City.

    I have to admit I see more of the reverse. There's an awful lot of players who keep denying that Imperial City was purpose built to mix PVP with the PVE storyline. Probably because they don't like PvPvE and would rather have a PVE-only version.

    I never said imperial city was NOT PvP, I'm saying that there's no alliance war objectives, OP juxtaposed to Cyrodiil and what capturing keeps means to your alliance. Killing players for tel-var does nothing to your alliance. Capturing flags on each district does nothing for your alliance.
    Of course there's lots of PvP things in imperial city, there's just nothing that benefits your alliance at all.

    As for people denying it's PvE aspect, look at any popular youtuber talk about imperial city and what they think PvP means.
    (Hint: PvP doesn't mean players killing players, it's a competition against other players, you don't watch soccer to see other players killing each other, they play a ball they have to score goals with. So just keep that in mind when you see those youtubers complain about why PvP sucks).

    Yeah, there's a lot of people wishing imperial city was PvE only, there's even a recent thread on it, I'm not saying they don't exist, but you also have to admit that there's a lot of PvP'rs who deny it's PvE aspect.

    Depends on what you mean by denying the PVE aspects of Imperial City.

    Obviously there's quests and NPCs. Kinda hard to miss that. There's a lot of PVPers who say that PVP is gonna happen in a zone designed for PVE/PVP. Which, yeah, it is. That's how PVE/PVP zones work. ZOS intended Imperial City to mix players killing other players for their Tel Var in with questing and killing NPCs.

    Which is like a red flag to a bull for certain PVEers who think that just because skyshards, fish, NPCs, and quests are "PVE" content, that it ought to guarantee them a PVP-free experience in Imperial City just like all the PVE-only zones they're used to in the rest of the game.

    Maybe that's not what you are saying, but it is a common refrain every time ZOS puts something that a PVEer wants in a PVE/PVP zones.

    "Come on, can't you let me PVE in peace?"

    No, cause it's mixed PVE/PVP, and players killing other players for their Tel Var during quests is exactly how ZOS designed the zone to work. If players won't adapt to play the game mode as intended, that's their problem. It's not the responsibility of the people playing as intended to give them a free shot just because there's an event on.

    So if what you mean by denying PVE aspects is that I'm telling people that IC ain't some base game PVE-only safe zone for questers, and that they should prepare for players waiting to kill other players for their Tel Var around every corner...sure, I guess you're right.

    Imperial City ain't some base game PVE-only safe zone for questers. Never was. And if ZOS ever does decide to make it one, I hope they give it completely unique rewards because it's going to be a completely different (and much easier) gameplay experience.
    Edited by VaranisArano on February 21, 2022 5:23PM
  • exeeter702
    Kwoung wrote: »
    Vildebill wrote: »
    Having fun?

    Hmmm... <thinking>.... Yeah nope.... not a feeling I ever encountered while in IC (and PVP is the only part of the game I still play)

    Losing TelVar /= Fun

    Beating underprepared pve builds who believe they are safe to farm without opposition and taking their tel var = fun.
    Edited by exeeter702 on February 21, 2022 6:04PM
  • Kwoung
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    Kwoung wrote: »
    Vildebill wrote: »
    Having fun?

    Hmmm... <thinking>.... Yeah nope.... not a feeling I ever encountered while in IC (and PVP is the only part of the game I still play)

    Losing TelVar /= Fun

    Beating underprepared pve builds who believe they are safe to farm without opposition and taking their tel var = fun.

    There are various points of view on the matter, I actually consider it akin to beating up the little kid for his lunch money.. i.e. Bullying

    Also, I sincerely doubt anyone has ever entered IC thinking it was safe to farm there.

    Edited by Kwoung on February 21, 2022 6:24PM
  • DreamsUnderStars
    Sheer aggravation.
  • SeaGtGruff
    The Imperial City at its busiest can be a better PvP zone than Cyrodiil, for the very reasons that so many PvE players hate it-- the opportunities for close-quarters fighting in enclosed spaces. Mind you, I'm not a fan of that, myself, although I still enjoy the Imperial City and the sewers. But it shouldn't seem surprising that Battlegrounds somewhat emulates the Imperial City as far as taking place in a smaller area rather than across some huge zone, while foregoing the "PvE in a PvP zone" and "lose half of your Whatevers when you die" aspects of the Imperial City.

    Don't players get double AP from all sources during Whitestrake's Mayhem, in addition to double XP from player kills? That's not just true in Cyrodiil, right, but also in the Imperial City and Battlegrounds? So the Imperial City should be doubly attractive to PvP players during this event-- for doubled AP and doubled XP-- not counting the lure of Tel Var stones and the fact that you can fight larger groups of enemy players than you can in Battlegrounds.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • jaws343
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    Kwoung wrote: »
    Vildebill wrote: »
    Having fun?

    Hmmm... <thinking>.... Yeah nope.... not a feeling I ever encountered while in IC (and PVP is the only part of the game I still play)

    Losing TelVar /= Fun

    Beating underprepared pve builds who believe they are safe to farm without opposition and taking their tel var = fun.

    I farm the monsters there, including bosses, in my PVP set up. Why anyone would go in to Imperial City and farm stuff in a PVE setup, without a large group in support, is beyond me. It just sounds like those players are intentionally going into a game mode unprepared to do so. Just like if I were to walk into a Vet Trial in my PVP gear. It would be stupid, because it wouldn't e a set up that would be remotely useful in a trial.

    Prepare for the zone/activity you are doing. Not preparing for that activity doesn't somehow make you some untouchable entity in the zone. A player decided to come into Imp City with a squishy PVE build, that's their fault, not the fault of the prepared player who killed them.
  • exeeter702
    Kwoung wrote: »
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    Kwoung wrote: »
    Vildebill wrote: »
    Having fun?

    Hmmm... <thinking>.... Yeah nope.... not a feeling I ever encountered while in IC (and PVP is the only part of the game I still play)

    Losing TelVar /= Fun

    Beating underprepared pve builds who believe they are safe to farm without opposition and taking their tel var = fun.

    There are various points of view on the matter, I actually consider it akin to beating up the little kid for his lunch money.. i.e. Bullying

    And frankly that is an absolutely absurd take. At the risk of even indulging such an analogy, the kid getting bullied is generally innocent if he is minding his business in a safe place. If the kid is poking his nose where he shouldnt be and and is forced to deal with the ramifications of that then we have a more accurate analogy.

    The zone is inherently designed to be unsafe. Placing any degree of stock into how "unfair" it is and why that devalues the risk vs reward factor of tel var acquisition is completely misguided.

    Entering that space without properly preparing your build for it is entirely a user fault full stop. You conset to the actions that take place the moment you step foot in IC, likening a pve player farming and getting killed by a pvp player to bullying is preposterous.

    You want to farm safely? Do what many pve focused players have done for years and enter that space with the safety of numbers to reduce the risk of loss. Or put together a build that isnt prone to getting instagibbed by a glass cannon all in gank build.

    You know what is funny though... in the numerous years and thousands of hours I've spent in IC there is one absolute truth. Do you know what pve farming "groups" do when they see someone from an opposing faction in their immediate space? I'll give you a hint, they dont wave kindly and mind their business..

    You dont get to have your cake and eat it too. Mmo pvp is almost never balanced, but there are always ways to curb an endeavor to your favor so long as you are willing. If you dont want to deal with the content's ruleset, dont engage with the content, it's simply not meant for you, and that is absolutely fine.
    Edited by exeeter702 on February 21, 2022 9:00PM
  • Kwoung
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    Kwoung wrote: »
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    Kwoung wrote: »
    Vildebill wrote: »
    Having fun?

    Hmmm... <thinking>.... Yeah nope.... not a feeling I ever encountered while in IC (and PVP is the only part of the game I still play)

    Losing TelVar /= Fun

    Beating underprepared pve builds who believe they are safe to farm without opposition and taking their tel var = fun.

    There are various points of view on the matter, I actually consider it akin to beating up the little kid for his lunch money.. i.e. Bullying

    And frankly that is an absolutely absurd take. At the risk of even indulging such an analogy, the kid getting bullied is generally innocent if he is minding his business in a safe place. If the kid is poking his nose where he shouldnt be and and is forced to deal with the ramifications of that then we have a more accurate analogy.

    The zone is inherently designed to be unsafe. Placing any degree of stock into how "unfair" it is and why that devalues the risk vs reward factor of tel var acquisition is completely misguided.

    Entering that space without properly preparing your build for it is entirely a user fault full stop. You coneset to the actions that take place the moment you step foot in IC, likening a pve player farming and getting killed by a pvp player to bullying is preposterous.

    You want to farm safely? Do what many pve focused players have done for years and enter that space with the safety of numbers to reduce the risk of loss. Or put together a build that isnt prone to getting instagibbed by a glass cannon all in gank build.

    You know what is funny though... in the numerous years and thousands of hours I've spent in IC there is one absolute truth. Do you know what pve farming "groups" do when they see someone from an opposing faction in their immediate space? I'll give you a hint, theybdont wave kindly and mind their business..

    You dont get to have your cake and eat it too. Mmo pvp is almost never balanced, but there are always ways to curb an endeavor to your favor so long as you are willing. If you dont want to deal with the content's ruleset, dont engage with the content, it's simply not meant for you, and that is absolutely fine.

    The person to which I replied, stated he was beating up on those PVEers who think they can safely farm in IC. Since literally no one thinks that, he is simply justifying a particular behavior.

    As for the rest of your post, all I do in ESO anymore is PVP, I am not in need of enlightenment about how it works.
  • VaranisArano
    Kwoung wrote: »
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    Kwoung wrote: »
    Vildebill wrote: »
    Having fun?

    Hmmm... <thinking>.... Yeah nope.... not a feeling I ever encountered while in IC (and PVP is the only part of the game I still play)

    Losing TelVar /= Fun

    Beating underprepared pve builds who believe they are safe to farm without opposition and taking their tel var = fun.

    There are various points of view on the matter, I actually consider it akin to beating up the little kid for his lunch money.. i.e. Bullying

    Also, I sincerely doubt anyone has ever entered IC thinking it was safe to farm there.

    Believing it should be safe for them to farm there, that they shouldn't have to prepare for PVP, and that the PVPers are bullying them by killing them...yeah, I've seen players who think that.

    I find that attitude isn't particularly helpful. As a rule of thumb, thinking the worst of other players who are playing as intended usually results in increased bitterness and aggravation. Which makes it even harder to appreciate the good about PVP zones.

    The way I see it:
    Everyone in a PVP-enabled zone chose to be there.
    Everyone in a PVP-enabled zone is fair game.

    When I went to Cyrodiil for the first time for Master Angler, that was my approach. I didn't like PVP at the time, but I knew I chose to be there and I was fair game. Made for a much less frustrating experience while fishing.

    But if you think it's bullying, I'm not going to convince you otherwise.

    But I will say that everyone who's in Imperial City made the conscious decision to queue up for an obviously PVP-enabled zone. If they did so underprepared or in their PVE builds, that is a choice they made.

    If I roll into a Battlegrounds match underprepared or in my PVE build, I can't expect the other teams to give me a pass. It's not any different in Imperial City.
  • Kwoung
    Kwoung wrote: »
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    Kwoung wrote: »
    Vildebill wrote: »
    Having fun?

    Hmmm... <thinking>.... Yeah nope.... not a feeling I ever encountered while in IC (and PVP is the only part of the game I still play)

    Losing TelVar /= Fun

    Beating underprepared pve builds who believe they are safe to farm without opposition and taking their tel var = fun.

    There are various points of view on the matter, I actually consider it akin to beating up the little kid for his lunch money.. i.e. Bullying

    Also, I sincerely doubt anyone has ever entered IC thinking it was safe to farm there.

    Believing it should be safe for them to farm there, that they shouldn't have to prepare for PVP, and that the PVPers are bullying them by killing them...yeah, I've seen players who think that.

    I find that attitude isn't particularly helpful. As a rule of thumb, thinking the worst of other players who are playing as intended usually results in increased bitterness and aggravation. Which makes it even harder to appreciate the good about PVP zones.

    The way I see it:
    Everyone in a PVP-enabled zone chose to be there.
    Everyone in a PVP-enabled zone is fair game.

    When I went to Cyrodiil for the first time for Master Angler, that was my approach. I didn't like PVP at the time, but I knew I chose to be there and I was fair game. Made for a much less frustrating experience while fishing.

    But if you think it's bullying, I'm not going to convince you otherwise.

    But I will say that everyone who's in Imperial City made the conscious decision to queue up for an obviously PVP-enabled zone. If they did so underprepared or in their PVE builds, that is a choice they made.

    If I roll into a Battlegrounds match underprepared or in my PVE build, I can't expect the other teams to give me a pass. It's not any different in Imperial City.

    As a clarification, I don't think IC is bullying in general, killing indescrimately there isn't either, but I think going out of your way to target squishy PVEers on purpose kinda is.
  • exeeter702
    Kwoung wrote: »
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    Kwoung wrote: »
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    Kwoung wrote: »
    Vildebill wrote: »
    Having fun?

    Hmmm... <thinking>.... Yeah nope.... not a feeling I ever encountered while in IC (and PVP is the only part of the game I still play)

    Losing TelVar /= Fun

    Beating underprepared pve builds who believe they are safe to farm without opposition and taking their tel var = fun.

    There are various points of view on the matter, I actually consider it akin to beating up the little kid for his lunch money.. i.e. Bullying

    And frankly that is an absolutely absurd take. At the risk of even indulging such an analogy, the kid getting bullied is generally innocent if he is minding his business in a safe place. If the kid is poking his nose where he shouldnt be and and is forced to deal with the ramifications of that then we have a more accurate analogy.

    The zone is inherently designed to be unsafe. Placing any degree of stock into how "unfair" it is and why that devalues the risk vs reward factor of tel var acquisition is completely misguided.

    Entering that space without properly preparing your build for it is entirely a user fault full stop. You coneset to the actions that take place the moment you step foot in IC, likening a pve player farming and getting killed by a pvp player to bullying is preposterous.

    You want to farm safely? Do what many pve focused players have done for years and enter that space with the safety of numbers to reduce the risk of loss. Or put together a build that isnt prone to getting instagibbed by a glass cannon all in gank build.

    You know what is funny though... in the numerous years and thousands of hours I've spent in IC there is one absolute truth. Do you know what pve farming "groups" do when they see someone from an opposing faction in their immediate space? I'll give you a hint, theybdont wave kindly and mind their business..

    You dont get to have your cake and eat it too. Mmo pvp is almost never balanced, but there are always ways to curb an endeavor to your favor so long as you are willing. If you dont want to deal with the content's ruleset, dont engage with the content, it's simply not meant for you, and that is absolutely fine.

    The person to which I replied, stated he was beating up on those PVEers who think they can safely farm in IC. Since literally no one thinks that, he is simply justifying a particular behavior.

    As for the rest of your post, all I do in ESO anymore is PVP, I am not in need of enlightenment about how it works.

    I was the one that said that. And it was said to emphasize a point. Bo one is talking about whether or not you understand how pvp works. If you think killing ill equiped pve players in a pvp environment is akin to bullying, the conversation can pretty much end there.
  • VaranisArano
    Kwoung wrote: »
    Kwoung wrote: »
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    Kwoung wrote: »
    Vildebill wrote: »
    Having fun?

    Hmmm... <thinking>.... Yeah nope.... not a feeling I ever encountered while in IC (and PVP is the only part of the game I still play)

    Losing TelVar /= Fun

    Beating underprepared pve builds who believe they are safe to farm without opposition and taking their tel var = fun.

    There are various points of view on the matter, I actually consider it akin to beating up the little kid for his lunch money.. i.e. Bullying

    Also, I sincerely doubt anyone has ever entered IC thinking it was safe to farm there.

    Believing it should be safe for them to farm there, that they shouldn't have to prepare for PVP, and that the PVPers are bullying them by killing them...yeah, I've seen players who think that.

    I find that attitude isn't particularly helpful. As a rule of thumb, thinking the worst of other players who are playing as intended usually results in increased bitterness and aggravation. Which makes it even harder to appreciate the good about PVP zones.

    The way I see it:
    Everyone in a PVP-enabled zone chose to be there.
    Everyone in a PVP-enabled zone is fair game.

    When I went to Cyrodiil for the first time for Master Angler, that was my approach. I didn't like PVP at the time, but I knew I chose to be there and I was fair game. Made for a much less frustrating experience while fishing.

    But if you think it's bullying, I'm not going to convince you otherwise.

    But I will say that everyone who's in Imperial City made the conscious decision to queue up for an obviously PVP-enabled zone. If they did so underprepared or in their PVE builds, that is a choice they made.

    If I roll into a Battlegrounds match underprepared or in my PVE build, I can't expect the other teams to give me a pass. It's not any different in Imperial City.

    As a clarification, I don't think IC is bullying in general, killing indescrimately there isn't either, but I think going out of your way to target squishy PVEers on purpose kinda is.

    I think Gina Bruno said it better than I could.


    So there's a difference between a PVPer targeting squishy players (gankers do this all the time), a PVPer targeting questers (who are totally fair game like everyone else in a PVE/PVP zone), and a PVPer doing nothing but targeting a single player over and over again.

    Only the last is reportable behavior. You can call the other two "bullying" in your opinion, but I disagree.
    Edited by VaranisArano on February 21, 2022 9:40PM
  • exeeter702
    Kwoung wrote: »
    Kwoung wrote: »
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    Kwoung wrote: »
    Vildebill wrote: »
    Having fun?

    Hmmm... <thinking>.... Yeah nope.... not a feeling I ever encountered while in IC (and PVP is the only part of the game I still play)

    Losing TelVar /= Fun

    Beating underprepared pve builds who believe they are safe to farm without opposition and taking their tel var = fun.

    There are various points of view on the matter, I actually consider it akin to beating up the little kid for his lunch money.. i.e. Bullying

    Also, I sincerely doubt anyone has ever entered IC thinking it was safe to farm there.

    Believing it should be safe for them to farm there, that they shouldn't have to prepare for PVP, and that the PVPers are bullying them by killing them...yeah, I've seen players who think that.

    I find that attitude isn't particularly helpful. As a rule of thumb, thinking the worst of other players who are playing as intended usually results in increased bitterness and aggravation. Which makes it even harder to appreciate the good about PVP zones.

    The way I see it:
    Everyone in a PVP-enabled zone chose to be there.
    Everyone in a PVP-enabled zone is fair game.

    When I went to Cyrodiil for the first time for Master Angler, that was my approach. I didn't like PVP at the time, but I knew I chose to be there and I was fair game. Made for a much less frustrating experience while fishing.

    But if you think it's bullying, I'm not going to convince you otherwise.

    But I will say that everyone who's in Imperial City made the conscious decision to queue up for an obviously PVP-enabled zone. If they did so underprepared or in their PVE builds, that is a choice they made.

    If I roll into a Battlegrounds match underprepared or in my PVE build, I can't expect the other teams to give me a pass. It's not any different in Imperial City.

    As a clarification, I don't think IC is bullying in general, killing indescrimately there isn't either, but I think going out of your way to target squishy PVEers on purpose kinda is.

    How is it indiscriminate? If you are a memeber of the opposing faction and you are carrying tel var, the decision making ends there. There is no determination if a player is a "pve" player or not, they are a player, period. If they are holding a large quantity of tel var and I attack them and realize very quickly that they are not built to take damage or they are not particularly good at pvp by way of their gameplay actions, my objective doesnt change. I'm there for a resource, if the player is the resource then so be it.

    Do not conflate this with seeking out an engaging pvp encounter with an equally skilled opponent. There is a time and place for that, and constantly killing an easy target that is not in possession of tel var in IC isnt exactly satisfying. But none of that matters regardless of your moral compass, if you are in IC, you are fair game amd it is not bullying by any stretch of the imagination.
    Edited by exeeter702 on February 22, 2022 5:23AM
  • Haza_212
    The point is to two tap little pve'rs while they try to do quests with 20k health. Then let the hate whispers roll in.
  • FlopsyPrince
    At this point, PvP in IC pretty much feels kinda um... unnecessary. I mean, what is PvP in IC rewarding ? IDK tbh. Ganking ? Griefing ? Sure, you get AP for kills, but it is too little for the effort vs how easy it is to get AP in Cyro. Huge arena style fighting is also kinda pointless, as we have BGs.

    It seems now like a zone where they can throw a few bones to PvP players be providing PvE players they can easily gank while they get their tickets or endeavors.

    It needs serious fixes, both bug fixes and many quality of life ones. Though that is true of many other parts of the game.

    I do hope they really take the final part (fixing and giving little QoL boosts) more seriously in the future so the game can survive for a very long time.

  • MasterSpatula
    The goal is to draw PVEers into a PVP zone with PVE content, including dailies and and entire quest line, so PVPers can have easy prey.

    That's pretty much it. It's a zone to create opportunities for ganking, for the strong to prey on the weak and be preyed upon by the stronger. It's PVPVE, one of the worst ideas anyone ever had. Toxicity is the intent.
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • drunkendx
    As you can see in many answers here, goal of IC is to feed griefers.
    They don't farm Tel Var, they are here to cause grief to PVE players trying to do PVE dailies someone "clever" in ZOS put in middle of gank paradise.
    Edited by drunkendx on February 22, 2022 3:05PM
  • MasterSpatula
    drunkendx wrote: »
    As you can see in many answers here, goal of IC is to feed griefers.
    They don't farm Tel Var, they are here to cause grief to PVE players trying to do PVE dailies someone "clever" in ZOS put in middle of gank paradise.

    Exactly. AP's not the goal. Tel Var's not the goal. Other people's misery is the goal.
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • SeaGtGruff
    You are making assumptions that your own ideas about why the Imperial City was designed at it was is because that was why the designer(s) wanted it to be the way it is. You are taking your opinions of what you think the zone has become in terms of player behavior and are imposing those opinions backwards through time upon the people who created the Imperial City DLC.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • worrallj
    The point is to feel like a god amongst men.
  • peacenote
    Vildebill wrote: »
    Having fun?

    Honestly? This.

    Not everyone is going to enjoy the same content, so there'll be a legion of folks lining up to say "But I don't have fun in IC" like that matters.

    I don't have fun doing TG Heists, but that content exists for that purpose for the folks who do like them.

    I prefer Cyrodiil, but Imperial City has been pretty fun. The PVP fights are fast and bruising. The PVE story and daily quests have a real edge of danger I can't get in any PVE-only zone.

    And even when I forget to bank my Tel Var, roll out with 10k in my pocket, get annihilated and lose half of it...I can laugh! If nothing else, it makes for a great cautionary tale. :lol:

    I actually really like IC and will say that I think its best feature may be how it is the least "repeatable/cookie cutter" play experience in the game. For example: Personally, sometimes I'll go down there and can try to solo the bosses wandering around. Sometimes, people will be farming them and you can join in. Sometimes, cross-factions will unite to do this. Sometimes, you'll get close to the end and get taken out. And that's just for one feature - the world bosses. I can't get those many varied experiences with any other bosses in the game. Most PvE is just PvE, Cyro has repeatable patterns to the goals which primarily focuses around the map, and BG's have a specific goal set for you in each fight.

    I am navigationally challenged and what I always hated most about IC is how hard it was to get in, get around, and get out. It took me years to realize the connections between the sewer exits and where you come out, and how you can run in a circle up top to get where you want to go, and how if you die you can release and then just go back to your faction's area by going back to the trap door (as opposed to trying again to run to a sewer entrance). For whatever reason this was not intuitive to me at all, plus it was changed a bit somewhere along the way, and I would not go down there for fear of getting stuck or getting frustrated because the sewer boss I wanted to fight took me SOOOO long to get there. :D:D I don't have any of those frustrations anymore, and now I like it a lot more.
    My #1 wish for ESO Today: Decouple achievements from character progress and tracking.
    • Advocate for this HERE.
    • Want the history of this issue? It's HERE.
  • Vulkunne
    Zuboko wrote: »
    If I understand everything correctly, then in Cyrodiil your goal is to capture all the keeps around the Imperial City, then the player with the most points gets crowned Emperor.
    For battle grounds, your goal is just like any sporting event, you want to get the most points so you can come in first.

    What is the goal of the Imperial City? Is it simply the idea that you want to capture all of the districts? Do you get anything when you do that? Maybe I am missing something (with how little I know about PVP I could be) but it seems to me that the Imperial City is missing a definable goal.

    What if for the Imperial City, (similar to Cyrodiil) they placed a reward for the person who has the most points when you capture all of the districts, like for example a key of some sorts that unlocks a special treasure. It seems easier to capture the Imperial City Districts than it does a keep, so the reward can certainly be less than what you get from Cyrodiil, but if there is no prize then it seems to me, there is no goal.

    With Battle grounds, the prize is seeing your team in first, and while that is kind of shallow in my opinion, it is a prize and is enough to motivate countless athletes in their respective sports?

    What are your thoughts?
    Am I missing something?
    If I am not missing something, then do you have any ideas for a goal they could implement for the Imperial City?

    Think of the Imperial City.. as like an Easter Egg. That's how I view it. Its a bonus zone, completely optional but has no real bearing on you for participating in it or not.

    I just see it as a bonus area with risks which is just ... amazing. It's simply amazing. But I'll be honest... its not something for everyone. Some of the gameplay there is for people who ... have a knack for accomplishing things. Its like a New Vegas sort of... you could win big or get roasted on the side of the interstate ha-ha.

    Imperial City is a good thing. Its the break from reality we all desperately need sometimes where you get to go out many times on your own to test yourself and have fun in the process. Imperial City I think, is the place where no one really wins. Yeah you won at this moment, perhaps you won big but that means nothing in the long run.
  • bmnoble
    I thought it was to observe the elusive Nightblade in its natural habitat.
  • Jazraena
    The problem with IC is that it's unclear who it's meant to draw in, and that it filters out a lot of people.

    PvE Players? Yes, but not really. The bits of story continuation and curiosity about what happens in IC is there and will lure them in, but the gameplay will ensure it won't last.

    PvP Players? Partially. But even here it has severe problems - for new players, PvP already has a steep learning curve and player retention issues in Cyrodiil, but there you can at least zerg surf and see successes as part of the team while you slowly improve. But in IC? Outside of events it's rare to find big groups (heck, I don't even see big groups all the time during events), so more often than not new PvPers get casually flattened, often from stealth without a chance to do much.

    Now for somewhat more experienced PvPers, IC can be fun - but it still may require a less squishy build than you might usually run and that can deal with the PvE bosses properly while fending off an occasional gank - meaning, well, you have to add yet another build to your lineup.

    All of those things are theoretically solvable obstacles, and if you solve them IC can be a lot of fun, but all these caveats filter out so many people that the end result is often a few tough as nails builds, some gankers of varying skill levels and a handful of unfortunate easy pickings getting ground to dust between them - and you may or may not meet any or all of them.

    TLDR, IC could be fun, but the way it's set up is too much of a barrier, too much niche appeal to draw enough people for it to work on a regular basis.
    Edited by Jazraena on February 23, 2022 11:46AM
  • L_Nici
    It had the purpose to be the only place where you could get the now CP150-160 materials, but that was taken away, since people complained.
    A very special girl

  • Jazraena
    And rightfully so. The 'PvP as Endgame' concept hasn't worked very well, after all. Though forcing something on people that a large part of the player base finds unpleasant may not be the best idea in the first place.

    Still - improving the reward system and reworking objectives within the city to something more involved than some randomly placed district flags might at least draw more people there, and thus also grant newer and squishier people the occasional safety in numbers. But as is, people have very little reason to choose IC over Cyrodiil.
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