Kalik_Gold wrote: »The 2 Hungers from defiler and scavenging maw can be out at same time.
Me + companion + clanfear + twiglite + atronach + hunger + factotum + daedroth. When everything procs at once it looks ridiculous
5 medium armor, two heavy.... wanted 7 medium but only had Maw in heavy. Did a really lazy dps test- detonation, wall of elements, surge, ulti and nothing else but heavy attacks. All purple except one gold staff. Still hit 30k lol.
Any ideas for something I could switch Mad Tinkerer for that's.... larger and.... stupider? Has to be a medium drop set or crafted. I figure I should stick with medium since pets scale of spell damage.
Not trying to make this build viable for end game, just enjoying how silly having all that stuff out at once looks.
You definitely need to take two friends with similar builds and troll some tanks in pugs.Me + companion + clanfear + twiglite + atronach + hunger + factotum + daedroth. When everything procs at once it looks ridiculous
/script JumpToHouse("@Paramedicus")↑↑↑ Feel free to visit my house if you need to use Transmute Station or vet Trial Dummy with buffs and Aetherial Well (look for the Harrowing Reaper on the northern rock wall) ↑↑↑
SydneyGrey wrote: »This reminds me of the time I did an all-animal stamina warden build that had the warden bear, that set that summons a swarm of crows (Unfathomable Darkness set), a spirit bear from the Selene monster set, and one more animal-themed one I can't remember. I'd attack something with my shalks, all the armor set animals would appear at once, and it was insane. Very fun, but not super good DPS.
Me + companion + clanfear + twiglite + atronach + hunger + factotum + daedroth.
Not trying to make this build viable for end game, just enjoying how silly having all that stuff out at once looks.