i'd like to touch on this hotly debated topic, as there's a simple five-step program to make everybody happy.
i believe that there is such a thing as a competent, non-disruptive speedrunning fake tank. (let's just call them speedfanks for ease, henceforth)
now, before y'all grab your pitchforks, let me say my piece. starting from the beginning...
why do people fake tank & speedrun random normal dungeons?
simply put, time & efficiency. speedfanks value their time & don't wish to spend more of it on random normals than they have to. as a reasonable human being, you cannot impose upon somebody else to value their time less & do things less efficiently. (as long as they aren't harming you in any way- but the competent speedfank won't, as you'll see by the end)
slotting as a dps not only leads to a longer queue time, but possibly to a longer dungeon completion time as well- because unless you get matched with another speedfank, you'll be one DPS player down. there is absolutely no need for a real, optimized tank in any normal dungeon. however, there are three core things that a tank has to do regardless of content difficulty...
what does a tank actually need to do in a normal dungeon?
hold aggro, debuff boss, and don't die. (and perhaps some minor mechanics for some dungeons... it's normal after all)
therefore, a fake tank needs to fulfill three prerequisites- slot a taunt; slot major breach; slot self-sustain.
if all three of these conditions are met- and it's really not that hard- the only difference between a real tank and a fake tank, in a normal dungeon, is that the group DPS will be higher with the fake tank. that seems like, as far as normal dungeons are concerned, there's no reason you'd want a real tank in your group over a fake tank then, right? until...
oh no, the speedfank is soloing the second boss already and i haven't even finished loading yet!
this here's the real sticker & why speedfanks are hated.
the speedfank has to fulfill three infinitely more difficult prerequisites- look at the chat; comprehend basic english; listen to the other human beings in the group.
somewhere between these three, many speedfanks fail & thus lead to the entirety of their kin to be dismissed as "ruiners of the great fun we would have had otherwise".
there's no cure for fools. however, a reasonable human being (the competent speedfank, as ideal of this thread) will do the absolute minimum of checking the chat to see if anybody said anything that would denote they are not consenting to the speed. or, even better- the competent speedfank shall wait before every boss for the rest of the group to arrive.
that doesn't sound so bad now! what do i do if i get one of them speedfanks in my group, then?
silence is agreement, when it comes to speedfanks. if you do not consent to the speed for any reason, communicate that.
though please consider that if you, for some reason, find yourself in a random normal and wanting to do the dungeon quest in story mode, as in, reading all dialgoue and ooh-ing and aah-ing at everything- maybe random normals isn't the place to do so. perhaps your group will accomodate, yet they have no obligation to- because just as it is inconsiderate of them to rush you through your story mode without consent, it's also inconsiderate of you to use up their time without consent. either end of the speed spectrum can be inconsiderate for the rest of your group members. if you want to do slow story mode in group dungeons, better to ask a guldie, or a friend, to come with you. maybe even ask the speedfank! if all else fails, git gud, solo normals, and become the speedfank.
just give me the tl;dr.
if speedfank slots taunt, breach, and doesn't die, speedfank is a perfectly adequate tank for random normals.
if speedfank waits for everybody to arrive before boss & checks chats to see if anybody is doing the quest, speedfank is not disrupting anybody else in the group.
then, speedfank is not a problem.
if you're a speedfank, make sure you're doing all these.
if you're faced with a speedfank, make sure you communicate with them if you're non-consenting to their speed.
if speedfank can't read, or doesn't want to waste a precious extra minute or two to be courteous to their groupmates, then speedfank is a bad person & unfortunately nobody has yet found the cure to summarily remove the bad in bad people.
obvious as this may sound, some forumgoers seem to forget & instead attribute all evil to speedfanking as a concept, which is simply false. remember:
the problem isn't fake tanking & speedrunning. a player can do those and still be considerate to the rest of the group.
the problem is inconsiderate people.