DeathStalker wrote: »
they could have eased fears and concerns anytime and have chosen to let them run wild. When they "adjust" abilities, it's almost always way op or nerfed until nobody uses it. Pick any part of this game you want. It's almost always thermal nuclear bomb to kill a fly approach with adjustments. So, until they confirm otherwise, massive, forced difficulty increase
SilverBride wrote: »But whatever it is... it is an EXPERIMENT that may not become permanent.
SilverBride wrote: »
I agree that letting us know sooner rather than later would alleviate some of our fears... or make them worse... depending on what they have planned. But nothing leads me to believe it will be a massive forced difficulty increase.
They created Bastion Nymics as one solution to overland difficulty. That was not massive or forced. I seriously don't believe they will do anything that would drive away a HUGE portion of the playerbase.
But whatever it is... it is an EXPERIMENT that may not become permanent.
DeathStalker wrote: »
I guess in the end, @SilverBride, I have lost my faith in them, and you haven't.
sans-culottes wrote: »
If you don’t have faith in the developers, then why would you be supporting their product? This is just tilting at windmills.
DeathStalker wrote: »I haven't logged in since the announcement of a difficulty increase. Besides that and giving voice to my displeasure with the direction here on the forums. What else exactly am I supposed to do?
DeathStalker wrote: »
I haven't logged in since the announcement of a difficulty increase. Besides that and giving voice to my displeasure with the direction here on the forums. What else exactly am I supposed to do?
I have two perspectives on overland content.
1) I am professionally involved with the past, and I like some degree of reality in my world-building. I want my character to be a hero, with the skills of Fiore dei Liberi or the like, not just some dude. Even "some dudes" in the past were very capable, for example it was said that every 15th century English bowman carried 12 Frenchmen in his belt as he had 12 arrows: one arrow, one Frenchman. So I want the overwhelming majority of opponents to die as quickly as they would if they were facing Fiore dei Liberi or any other warrior of note. This should include all overland content. To find a challenge, I should have to look for it.
2) A lot of the content in this game is not about fighting, it is about finding things. Some people are actually more engaged by this content than the fighting. I am happy to fight in the game most of the time, but when I am intent on finding things having to be repeatedly fighting for my life is tedious. I am very aware of this at the moment as I am finally trying to finish the damned Psijic portal thing.
I'm just throwing this out there, but I'm surprised nobody has mentioned xp rates. (Or if they have it's buried and I missed it.)
It would be nice to be able to slow down, or even pause, the gaining of xp for added challenge. Back when one of those golden pursuits was to level an alt to 50 (to get some cosmetic spell stuff I think) I messed with my first ever real "alt" and I was astonished at how fast I got to 50 just by doing writs and low level BGs, with a splash of side questing. I was 50 within a matter of a few days.
It would be nice to have an NPC "curse" you or something with a Curse of Stupidity where you can't learn, or learn very slowly. Or something else that could even be arbitrary.
Believe it or not, there are people out there who want slower leveling for greater challenge. I think an xp toggle would be pretty easy to implement, as they've done in WoW for example.
I have two perspectives on overland content.
1) I am professionally involved with the past, and I like some degree of reality in my world-building. I want my character to be a hero, with the skills of Fiore dei Liberi or the like, not just some dude. Even "some dudes" in the past were very capable, for example it was said that every 15th century English bowman carried 12 Frenchmen in his belt as he had 12 arrows: one arrow, one Frenchman. So I want the overwhelming majority of opponents to die as quickly as they would if they were facing Fiore dei Liberi or any other warrior of note. This should include all overland content. To find a challenge, I should have to look for it.
2) A lot of the content in this game is not about fighting, it is about finding things. Some people are actually more engaged by this content than the fighting. I am happy to fight in the game most of the time, but when I am intent on finding things having to be repeatedly fighting for my life is tedious. I am very aware of this at the moment as I am finally trying to finish the damned Psijic portal thing.