I'm not saying make vet zones or craglorn, that's be like a 5/10 on the difficulty scale.
I'm saying make overland have more than negative levels of a challenge where you can't just tab out or go afk part way through a fight and be fine and dandy when you come back to the game, you know, just enough resistance where the average, not higher end, dungeoneer trial type, but your average 12k DPS, no sets, light attack spam mcgee has to pay attention when fighting, and thus engage with the combat system and mechanics, which in turn would make it far easier to progress in skill and ability due to having core basic knowledge of the fundamental combat systems.
I'll allow the mile just this once.Also just want to be clear that the intent is not to turn this into an overland conversation. Just to answer this specific question because I think it is important to note that the thread is not ignored. It's been a valuable resource when talking about this internally.
Just high level follow-up, since we don't have anything to announce today on the issue. Overland is brought up and we (ZOS) have conversations about how to address this issue regularly. Myself and my fellow community team members pass on Overland content feedback and note often it is one of the most requested player items when chatting internally. We started the Overland Feedback Thread so that we could keep track of everyone's ideas and worries when talking about overland. It's a tricky thing as we want to provide a fun and meaningful experience with an Elder Scrolls spin, while making sure we do not alienate players who don't want a different difficulty experience. But conversations are being had and that feedback thread is being referenced when we do have those discussions.
So the conversations are happening and your feedback is helpful in those conversation. But any announcement or future news is not for me to share.
tohopka_eso wrote: »I'm somewhat against raising difficulty. One I treat this as an MMO and not a single player RPG. True I might solo mainly but this is why.
Every MMO I have played, the first thing I always witness within guilds, friends or groups if the NPC is kicking your butt I've always heard "maybe level higher, grab a over leveled player, get better gear....."
Never once have I heard to use overland to teach a person how to block, parry, dodge.....now a couple games I've played you to raise your skills this way but the individual would always be over leveled and just train a bunch of mobs on top of them.
Now being this is TES game, best solution I can think of is what FFXIV does and that is use instance for the story. Like dungeons and stuff, overland in that game just feels more of a"let's make the world feel alive" type stuff.
Oh, and I have been following this thread since it was created....I am on SilverBrides side but see spartaxoxo side as well.
There, I have finally said my piece.
tohopka_eso wrote: »I'm somewhat against raising difficulty. One I treat this as an MMO and not a single player RPG. True I might solo mainly but this is why.
Every MMO I have played, the first thing I always witness within guilds, friends or groups if the NPC is kicking your butt I've always heard "maybe level higher, grab a over leveled player, get better gear....."
Never once have I heard to use overland to teach a person how to block, parry, dodge.....now a couple games I've played you to raise your skills this way but the individual would always be over leveled and just train a bunch of mobs on top of them.
Now being this is TES game, best solution I can think of is what FFXIV does and that is use instance for the story. Like dungeons and stuff, overland in that game just feels more of a"let's make the world feel alive" type stuff.
Oh, and I have been following this thread since it was created....I am on SilverBrides side but see spartaxoxo side as well.
There, I have finally said my piece.
This game employs level scaling, meaning it doesn't really matter what level you are, the enemies will be scaled to your level. This is why you don't see a level next to the name of an enemy when you select it. With level scaling there is no reason to believe that any individual will be at a serious disadvantage due to level, only that their gear/build may be sub-par and something they could work on to improve their situation.
That being said, I think the prevailing idea in this thread is to provide options rather than a general increase for everyone. Some people want that but most of us understand that the best way forward is not to *** off anyone who likes things as they are.
tohopka_eso wrote: »I'm somewhat against raising difficulty. One I treat this as an MMO and not a single player RPG. True I might solo mainly but this is why.
Every MMO I have played, the first thing I always witness within guilds, friends or groups if the NPC is kicking your butt I've always heard "maybe level higher, grab a over leveled player, get better gear....."
Never once have I heard to use overland to teach a person how to block, parry, dodge.....now a couple games I've played you to raise your skills this way but the individual would always be over leveled and just train a bunch of mobs on top of them.
Now being this is TES game, best solution I can think of is what FFXIV does and that is use instance for the story. Like dungeons and stuff, overland in that game just feels more of a"let's make the world feel alive" type stuff.
Oh, and I have been following this thread since it was created....I am on SilverBrides side but see spartaxoxo side as well.
There, I have finally said my piece.
This game employs level scaling, meaning it doesn't really matter what level you are, the enemies will be scaled to your level. This is why you don't see a level next to the name of an enemy when you select it. With level scaling there is no reason to believe that any individual will be at a serious disadvantage due to level, only that their gear/build may be sub-par and something they could work on to improve their situation.
That being said, I think the prevailing idea in this thread is to provide options rather than a general increase for everyone. Some people want that but most of us understand that the best way forward is not to *** off anyone who likes things as they are.
Yes.... thankfully YOU at least are reasonable about it.
Also, most of the people on this Forum are old-timers, are there any newcomers here? I would like to hear the opinions of newcomers.
Overland content is too easy. I can appreciate that it makes things accessible for lower level players, but I feel there needs to be some overland content that has dynamic consequences that not only pulls overland zone folks together as a large group event in difficulty, but maybe it has consequences on (for example) the structures in nearby cities, villages, and camps.
SilverBride wrote: »Overland content is too easy. I can appreciate that it makes things accessible for lower level players, but I feel there needs to be some overland content that has dynamic consequences that not only pulls overland zone folks together as a large group event in difficulty, but maybe it has consequences on (for example) the structures in nearby cities, villages, and camps.
ESO is NOT that kind of game and it would be devastating if it were to go in that direction.
I'm pretty certain that everyone who's ever read this thread knows EXACTLY how some posters feel. From the word go....
I might be the ONLY one who's moderated her stance over time.
spartaxoxo wrote: »Did I remember your idea correctly? I hope so. I genuinely liked it!
spartaxoxo wrote: »Those were actually one of the things that I suggested pretty early on (wasn't the only one). So, mea culpa on that one. My bad.
Let's face it, at its core it seems that WoW's new "delves" are basically ripoffs of ESO delves, but with massive updates to gameplay systems and much more variety in terms of progression and replayability.
I wonder if there's any chance that ESO devs take a look at that and perhaps throw some of their own salt and pepper into the mix? Perhaps adding a different instance of their own delves... i.e. a hardmode or a retold story, similar how they do things like "Fungal Grotto II" or "Wayrest Sewers II".
Perhaps with new challenges, modifiers, etc.
I dunno, just throwing that out there. I haven't played the new WoW content (haven't touched retail WoW in about 10 years and probably never will), but at least it looks like they're trying to evolve their gameplay formula. Perhaps ZOS should do the same? It seems that more than ever they need to breathe new life into their aging formula after the recent (supposed) outflux of players.
Thanks for the feedback here. We'll pass this along to the team for their future consideration. We don't normally create something "in response" to what another game does, but it can certainly inform future systems we work on. Thanks for the suggestion.
I appreciate the green text! (As far as I can remember it's my first time getting green text that wasn't telling me to "smarten up" lol.)
BUT in true "give them an inch and they'll ask for a mile" fashion, can you give any updates about the "overland content feedback thread" pinned on the general forums?
The general impression players seem to be getting is that it's just a place to filter all overland content and is just permanently /ignored. Are there any dev discussions regarding a difficulty slider (specifically pertaining to the optional "self debuff" slider)?
My hopes aren't very high. (At all.)
I'll allow the mile just this once.Also just want to be clear that the intent is not to turn this into an overland conversation. Just to answer this specific question because I think it is important to note that the thread is not ignored. It's been a valuable resource when talking about this internally.
Just high level follow-up, since we don't have anything to announce today on the issue. Overland is brought up and we (ZOS) have conversations about how to address this issue regularly. Myself and my fellow community team members pass on Overland content feedback and note often it is one of the most requested player items when chatting internally. We started the Overland Feedback Thread so that we could keep track of everyone's ideas and worries when talking about overland. It's a tricky thing as we want to provide a fun and meaningful experience with an Elder Scrolls spin, while making sure we do not alienate players who don't want a different difficulty experience. But conversations are being had and that feedback thread is being referenced when we do have those discussions.
So the conversations are happening and your feedback is helpful in those conversation. But any announcement or future news is not for me to share.
Whatever ZoS does (if indeed they do anything), I would sincerely hope it would not be to the detriment of people who want a more casual experience...
This is literally what the players are screaming about for all 239 pages. You've finally realized it, hallelujah.SilverBride wrote: »I adjusted my stance from not wanting anything done to agreeing with a slider or debuff that only affects the character using them.
Overland content is too easy. I can appreciate that it makes things accessible for lower level players, but I feel there needs to be some overland content that has dynamic consequences that not only pulls overland zone folks together as a large group event in difficulty, but maybe it has consequences on (for example) the structures in nearby cities, villages, and camps.
colossalvoids wrote: »There's always cool ideas laying around but personally there's a baseline to address first - questing and instanced content like delves or public dungeons which are the main chunks of yearly releases. Then it might be spilled someway into actual open overland but I'd not run in front of the train yet.
SilverBride wrote: »Whatever ZoS does (if indeed they do anything), I would sincerely hope it would not be to the detriment of people who want a more casual experience...
Unfortunately they have and it is.
Since around High Isle the Story Bosses have gotten progressively more difficult with invulnerable phases that do nothing to make the fight more engaging but only serve to prolong it. It's reached a point that many players can no longer defeat these Bosses and complete the zone story.
The same with World Bosses with invulnerable phases, and now Incursions, too. And the group event Boss in Silorn is ridiculously difficult for a Public Dungeon, but thankfully it is having its difficulty adjusted down to something more reasonable.
They could make everyone happy if they stop putting invulnerable phases on every Boss, and stop increasing the difficulty of these Bosses more and more with every Chapter, and fix the ones that have already been taken too far, and just implement an optional slider or debuff for those that want it.
I want my more relaxing overland story experience back.