techyeshic wrote: »Kind of a weird argument for not nerfing it.
"Please don't nerf it. It's so powerful for me in PVE that it allows me to finish content I couldn't do before"
It's a PvP set acquired in PvP, and it was designed to solve a PvP problem meaning it should be nerfed because of PvP. Sorry, but it's not a PvE set and never will be as long as it's acquired via Rewards of the Worthy.
daemondamian wrote: »but does it really need extra nerfing just because of how it functions in PVP?
Marcus_Aurelius wrote: »DC was thought as a pvp set, the fact that is also overpowered in PvE is another reason to remove that abomination from a game.
Farming DSA alone is just a bad idea, 4 people, 4 loot dropping. You can exchange them.
Just ask in Craglorn if you are not in guilds.
MashmalloMan wrote: »It should be even better for pve anyway.. the damage scaling is 50% instead of 10%, it's very easy for mobs to be stacked, not out of the aoe, and be in high quantities of 5-10 at a time.
- - -
So basically before 6 targets, nerf, after, buff. This is a pve buff for sure.
Met two or three healers using it now as a tank. Please ZoS Nerf it to hell. Half of these guys make mobs CC immune, don't know how to stack, and its purely annoying.
One guy defended it because "It clears trash fast." - No resource sets, no buff sets, and just droped an aoe then randomly LA's to "help". It was funny tanking in Moongrave and just tanking 6 ghosts + Boss off in a corner and the healer randomly chaining 6-8 mobs on top of himself though.
techyeshic wrote: »Kind of a weird argument for not nerfing it.
"Please don't nerf it. It's so powerful for me in PVE that it allows me to finish content I couldn't do before"
SidraWillowsky wrote: »A set should not be the sole reason for your being able to do something you wouldn't otherwise be able to do without it, be in content in PvE *or* PvP. There are certainly some "crutch" sets in the game, but DC goes way beyond that.
Also, as others have said, it's a 100% PvP-sourced and designed set, so it really needs to be adjusted with the needs of PvPers in mind first.
daemondamian wrote: »techyeshic wrote: »Kind of a weird argument for not nerfing it.
"Please don't nerf it. It's so powerful for me in PVE that it allows me to finish content I couldn't do before"
So by that logic should I not be using a companion, ring of the pale order, thrassians (before the nerf) or any other powerful new set or mythic or game feature that gets introduced that allows me to complete content I couldn't before or should I just accept I only get to use it for the limited time it is powerful and that it might get nerfed at any point?
daemondamian wrote: »SidraWillowsky wrote: »A set should not be the sole reason for your being able to do something you wouldn't otherwise be able to do without it, be in content in PvE *or* PvP. There are certainly some "crutch" sets in the game, but DC goes way beyond that.
Also, as others have said, it's a 100% PvP-sourced and designed set, so it really needs to be adjusted with the needs of PvPers in mind first.
I was also using Bastian and ring of the pale order - are they also considered a crutch? If not why?
If I pay for a game shouldn't I be allowed to use anything that is available in the game if I can acquire it?
PVE sets get redesigned/nerfed continuously for PVP reasons - why is that okay but not the other way around?
daemondamian wrote: »SidraWillowsky wrote: »A set should not be the sole reason for your being able to do something you wouldn't otherwise be able to do without it, be in content in PvE *or* PvP. There are certainly some "crutch" sets in the game, but DC goes way beyond that.
Also, as others have said, it's a 100% PvP-sourced and designed set, so it really needs to be adjusted with the needs of PvPers in mind first.
I was also using Bastian and ring of the pale order - are they also considered a crutch? If not why?
If I pay for a game shouldn't I be allowed to use anything that is available in the game if I can acquire it?
PVE sets get redesigned/nerfed continuously for PVP reasons - why is that okay but not the other way around?
reading the comments in this thread gives the impression that anyone using the set needs to be ashamed and feel bad, but that is just not reality.
theres nothing wrong with using this set in both pvp and pve.
the set was made because we asked for help to stop zergs and hoards of people blobbing together, the set works good and doing its job.
the set was made to stop zergs and huge groups that are cause massive lagg, high ping, and destroying the pvp in cryodiil.
the set needs buffed, not nerfed.
it needs to stay.
Jman100582 wrote: »reading the comments in this thread gives the impression that anyone using the set needs to be ashamed and feel bad, but that is just not reality.
theres nothing wrong with using this set in both pvp and pve.
the set was made because we asked for help to stop zergs and hoards of people blobbing together, the set works good and doing its job.
the set was made to stop zergs and huge groups that are cause massive lagg, high ping, and destroying the pvp in cryodiil.
the set needs buffed, not nerfed.
it needs to stay.
um...what? This set is literally ruining pvp for everybody that I have talked to. Big zergs, small groups, solo pvpers, bgers. EVERYBODY that I talked to is frustrated with this set. It does not deserve a buff. IT's the worse in bgs, as people are using it to chain you into environmental dmg that just one taps you...that's literally abuse/exploiting. This set has done nothing but make pvp a pain, and turns it into a game of ping pong where you get constantly pulled between one proc and another proc. It does not deserve to stay in its current iteration
daemondamian wrote: »Met two or three healers using it now as a tank. Please ZoS Nerf it to hell. Half of these guys make mobs CC immune, don't know how to stack, and its purely annoying.
One guy defended it because "It clears trash fast." - No resource sets, no buff sets, and just droped an aoe then randomly LA's to "help". It was funny tanking in Moongrave and just tanking 6 ghosts + Boss off in a corner and the healer randomly chaining 6-8 mobs on top of himself though.
As a healer (on 6 char) I wouldn't use it in group content.
TeruKisuke wrote: »So, whose idea was it to bring Graviton Surge into this game that can be casually activated? I dunno.
TeruKisuke wrote: »So, whose idea was it to bring Graviton Surge into this game that can be casually activated? I dunno.
Basically... All the people whining about ball groups & zergs. The sense of entitlement in this game is beyond the pale... if I can't take down 12-100 players solo, the game must be broken, give me a set that allows me to do so!
TheEndBringer wrote: »It's really fun on a necro tank emp. Watch a 12 man own the map against 3 bars because the dude can drop a colossus every 8 seconds with dark convergence.
Urzigurumash wrote: »TheEndBringer wrote: »It's really fun on a necro tank emp. Watch a 12 man own the map against 3 bars because the dude can drop a colossus every 8 seconds with dark convergence.
In a strange twist it's made playing the map more relevant than it's been in a long time, since having a ConvergeCro as Emp should be each and every player's only concern.
TheEndBringer wrote: »Urzigurumash wrote: »TheEndBringer wrote: »It's really fun on a necro tank emp. Watch a 12 man own the map against 3 bars because the dude can drop a colossus every 8 seconds with dark convergence.
In a strange twist it's made playing the map more relevant than it's been in a long time, since having a ConvergeCro as Emp should be each and every player's only concern.
Yeah but the problem is dethroning when that Necro tank DC emp is on is a massive undertaking.