Are the Devs going to address the fact that ESO+ members are getting absolutely zero reward at the end of all this?
Are the Devs going to address the fact that ESO+ members are getting absolutely zero reward at the end of all this?
[snip] We still get :
- A pet
- Body Markings
- Bounty Boxes with the Ogrim and Harmonizable crafting station (and more)
[Edited for Rude Comments]
Are the Devs going to address the fact that ESO+ members are getting absolutely zero reward at the end of all this?
Does anyone know what is in those "unique Blackwood Bounty Boxes" that are mentioned at the 100% tier?
What it says on the web page:
"a chance to include items such as Undaunted Plunder, rare materials, or item sets, and guaranteed to include attunable crafting stations and a unique Ogrim target dummy"
MornaBaine wrote: »
Still very underwhelming. Would it have killed them to include mounts? I don't even like the mounts that are typically in the gamble boxes but at least those would have made a lot of people happy. Now to make ME happy they could throw in, say, a house of your choice. LOL
Mounts are always coming out. They are hardly anything special, at this point. Target dummies are more uncommon than mounts, and the crafting station is even more unusual.
No idea what are you talking about. As a subscriber I am getting the permament unlock of the DLC that I would otherwise have to pay for.
Yeah but once tou have played that zone and a new one is out you wont care enough to go back anyway
Pyr0xyrecuprotite wrote: »Great idea about adding a bonus challenge now that we've hit 100% of the original target - I like it. (Deadlands DLC zone is now "free" for all current owners of Blackwood, since we hit 100% as of October 8). However, I'm a bit confused as to what we're actually working towards. Can someone please clarify if they have more information?
The new challenge is to kill world bosses in the Blackwood zone. For each 25% that the meter hits, the "Explorer's Celebration" mini-event will run (across all zones in Tamriel) for two days. So, presumably it will last between 0 and 8 days, depending on how many Blackwood bosses we kill, and how the new meter is calibrated.
What exactly is the "Explorer's Celebration" though"? is it the same as last year's event of the same name in November, i.e. no event tickets, but double XP, double gold, and double resource node drops?
Pyr0xyrecuprotite wrote: »
What exactly is the "Explorer's Celebration" though"? is it the same as last year's event of the same name in November, i.e. no event tickets, but double XP, double gold, and double resource node drops?
My read... What they are offering is to extend the event (drops, reward coffers... probably not Event Tickets) for up to 8 more days.
SpiritKitten wrote: »
Nope, it's an entirely different event:
Cool. Thanks for the link. I looked in the News and somehow missed that.
SpiritKitten wrote: »
Yeah that link's from May. They did not explain this time what or when it is.
My read... What they are offering is to extend the event (drops, reward coffers... probably not Event Tickets) for up to 8 more days.
SantieClaws wrote: »Some clarification on dates and the exact nature of this extra event would be much appreciated.
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
No idea what are you talking about. As a subscriber I am getting the permament unlock of the DLC that I would otherwise have to pay for.
EchoesofThunder wrote: »So, the Bounties of Blackwood page says "Hunt down and defeat Blackwood's world bosses from now until October 12 and for every 25% of meter progress, we'll run the Explorer's Celebration for two days. This bonus mini-event will go live for every zone in Tamriel, so get out there and slay some monsters!"
What does that last sentence mean (This bonus min-event will go live for every zone in Tamriel...)? Will we get Legate boxes & increased drops in every zone??
BenevolentBowd wrote: »
Note: Everyone does not get the rewards.
"Blackwood players can claim their rewards from the in-game Crown Store now until October 22 at 10AM EDT."
If you don't claim the reward in time, you get nada.
Sure we get all that, but non ESO+ members get that and free DLC.
The reason Devs do what they do is because players like you let them. Reminds me of the fools that spend $60 a year to EA for the same Madden and FIFA game every year.
[Edited for Rude Comments]