DerpyBossGamer wrote: »and needing to be stage four for the full mitigation would also kill soloing.
DerpyBossGamer wrote: »needing to be stage four for the full mitigation would also kill soloing.
This is not my idea. I don't know who the originator of it was, but this "solution" has been mentioned several times over the last year and now is clearly the time for ZOS to acknowledge it as the only good compromise between what's live now and their absolutely atrocious change for PTS.
Mist form mitigation MUST be tied to vamp stage.
Mist Form base mitigation needs to be 35%, making it uniquely useful, but less effective than blocking already is.
Mitigation increases in 10% increments with each vamp stage increase, maxing out at the current 75% mitigation.
There is no other solution that ZOS can come up with in such a short time frame that won't completely gut the last universally useful skill that vamps own.
The solution fits within the narrative of the new vampire line (Kiss/Curse) and will force PvE tanks to do what PvPers did in the last meta and deal with the ramping costs to their regular abilities.
This solution will largely leave PvP unaffected as most PvP vamps already run stage 3. If the 10% mitigation is important to them, then everyone (PvErs and PvPers) must weigh the costs and the benefits of going to stage 4.
I make this suggestion as a PvE Main Tank stage 1 vamp with most dungeon and trial trifectas checked and my current main PvP toon is a stage 3 stamdk.
Removing mist from PvE is yet another sledgehammer solution for a problem created by the devs and solved using creativity by the player base to compensate. I'll be the first to admit, there are many encounters that make me say "wow mist is so broken in pve" but will also acknowledge that vRG was poorly designed.
If you won't fix vRG, then you need to be better than just destroying the last useful skill from the vamp line.
Miloscpolski wrote: »
I do not see mist form being very useful in PvE with this change. Immunity to snares is not that big of a deal. The morph that does AoE damage does not seem to be a very good damage skill.
Miloscpolski wrote: »A werewolf toon GETS BENEFITS for being a ww and not ever using it in all game content. They get a unique 15% stamina recovery buff that can stack with minor/major endurance.
Vampires are penalized 100% of the time, regardless of whether or not they are actively using any vamp skills.
ZOS, please prove you're more creative than this.
Absolutely agreed.
MovesLikeJaguar wrote: »Or... ZoS could just balance PVP and PVE separately, allowing them to make skills more useful for both sides without the balance of one game mode effecting the balance of the other? Like almost every other major MMO i existence? I personally hate how it's balanced, since there's a ton of skills that are only good in pvp and a ton that are only good in pve. If they balanced the game separately, they could make skills that change depending on which mode you're in, and we'd all have MORE skills to play with and more options, and the balancing for one wouldn't effect the other...
Just balance your game modes separately, ZoS. This IS balancing it separately, but doing it wrong. Don't just make it so a skill doesn't work on PVE, make a whole new skill for PVE instead and make it change depending on if you're in pvp or pve.
They only nerfed Mistform because it was mandatory. But why was it mandatory? Because vRG hm is broken and Mistform is the only skill to make it consistently beatable. ZOS doesn't want vampires to be mandatory, but they wouldn't be if Rockgrove was fixed, so this nerf is undeserved.
They only nerfed Mistform because it was mandatory. But why was it mandatory? Because vRG hm is broken and Mistform is the only skill to make it consistently beatable. ZOS doesn't want vampires to be mandatory, but they wouldn't be if Rockgrove was fixed, so this nerf is undeserved.
What gets me is the wording in the first pts patch notes: 'mist forms trivializes content'... as if that fight becomes magically trivial when tanks use itHow many tanks belonging to separate accounts have cleared that fight from the 14 million player count that they like to boast... I'm sure they have the numbers, and yet they chose to say 'trivializes'. Either they are completely out of touch with their own content, or they are spiteful players find ways to deal with it... but in any case it's a completely nonsensical decision to remove it outright, when they could have found other ways to penalize its use.