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What type of overland would you prefer?

Quest tasks to kill x enemies would not change, only drop and experience.

What type of overland would you prefer? 275 votes

Easier enemies, reduced drop and exp
2% 7 votes
Normal enemies, normal drop and exp
48% 132 votes
Harder enemies, increased drop and exp
49% 136 votes
  • whitecrow
    Overland is easy enough. What I'd prefer is less hostiles in the environment. Many times I just want to wander and explore and it's annoying to constantly run into crocodiles or whatever.
  • everseeing_njpreub18_ESO
    This sort of concept has been posted a few times i've seen, and I can see how both sides have valid arguments, but the DEVS will no doubt prefer more access for everyone.

    I have no issues with the levels as is, last thing i want when exploring or gathering is constant life-threatening battles, but then having harder but less monsters would sure be bad when i need "3 rat butts" for a quest and 4 other people are in the area so everyone is constantly camping the respawns to finish a simple quest.

    Plus for better geared/skilled players they'd have the hard stuff, while new or under-geared are constantly slaughtered.

    I'd be fine with certain zones or areas of zones being harder, but then again that's what delves, dungeons, etc. are for.

    Someone posted about a sort of "Self-Gimping" food, so the individual player is reduced, that way each person can choose his difficulty level, i think that's maybe the best sort of suggestion.
  • Sarannah
    No changes are needed to overland.... but if ZOS does ever optionally increase overland difficulty somehow, it should not come with extra rewards/bonusses.
  • AcadianPaladin
    Overland is fine as it is. Though I would not use it, I would not mind a difficulty slider for those who want to use it. The concept and ability is already there, I believe. After all, the world is basically static to CP160 but characters below level 50 are buffed up as they level. A difficulty slider would similarly buff or debuff the player to varying degrees.
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • phileunderx2
    I'm fine with overland as it is. Challenging content is in the game you just have to make the effort to go and do it.
  • phaneub17_ESO
    Overland is okay, what they can do is create pocket areas with stronger elite enemies clustered together in the far corners of the maps out of the way, they can also be in bigger groups with more variety abilities. World Boss scaling would be nice too where their health and resists go up based on the number of players actively attacking them; the downside to this is the people who tag it but don't contribute to the fight making it all much harder for those who are fighting. A version 2 of Public Dungeons would be nice too, much like we have version 2 of Group Dungeons that used to be Veteran mode.

    I posted an idea about a Mythic item that have a 25% chance to upgrade the random encounters on approach, multiple players with the Mythic item stack so if 4 players wearing the same Mythic item approaching the same random encounter get a 100% chance to upgrade it. Things like the mini-daedra portals would spawn from 3 to 5 trash mobs and 2 elites on the second wave. The harmless Hunter gets mauled by a rampaging bear, dueling Mages immediately attack you, intimidated traveling merchants fight back, double the wave of bandits that spawn from various encounters, or death speakers actually hurting you like that guy who jumps in the air and dies on landing actually does something.
  • lolo_01b16_ESO
    I don't care about xp anymore and pretty much all loot that I'm interessted in drops from final bosses in raids or dungeons.
    But it would be nice if while questing I could get the feeling that Tamriel is a dangerous world with scary enemies thretening the population.
    Given the huge gap between new and experienced players, I don't think buffing the enemies is a good idea though. In my opinion a better way would be some form of "increased damage taken - reduced damage done and healing taken" debuff that we can apply to ourselves as discussed many times here on the forum.
  • zelaminator
    Keep it as it is
  • crjs1
    Overland difficulty is fine as it is IMO. I defeated daedric princes the last thing I want is a bunch of wolves or bandits being life threatening!

    Not opposed to optional difficulty sliders / self nerfs but would prefer devs to focus energy on new content. Plus would strongly oppose a ‘veteran overland’ having better loot or xp. We should be doing more to narrow the gap between new and experienced players rather than introducing mechanisms which will only let the top players get even stronger.
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    You forgot: it's fine the way it is.
  • Lugaldu
    I would prefer that certain villains aka quest bosses are not dead after 2 seconds.
  • bmnoble
    Fine the way it is.
  • redspecter23
    I think overland is fine the way it is. Many players are out of touch with the skill level of an "average" ESO player. ZOS has these numbers and I feel like they are trying to make overland appeal to the wide audience instead of catering to a more hardcore crowd and losing the casual majority in the process.
  • Marto
    Overland rewards are fine as they are. Quest XP and dropped loot are pretty generous.

    But I do think a difficulty increase would be good for the game. At the very least, a health increase.

    Hopefully, now that CP 2.0 fixed the disparity between Lvl0 and CP300+ players, ZOS can finally do a difficulty pass.
    "According to the calculations of the sages of the Cult of the Ancestor Moth, the batam guar is the cutest creature in all Tamriel"
  • Minyassa
    whitecrow wrote: »
    Overland is easy enough. What I'd prefer is less hostiles in the environment. Many times I just want to wander and explore and it's annoying to constantly run into crocodiles or whatever.

    This is one of the things I had trouble getting used to in this game coming to ESO from LOTRO. In LOTRO, once you outlevel an area the mobs get "greyed out" (nametag color shows you level in comparison to yours) and they no longer attack you because you're too much of a badass anymore. That means you can freely farm resources in areas you've outleveled, or just go sightseeing, have a picnic, fish, etc. without being bothered. I kinda liked that, really. Sometimes I just want to *live* in the pretty fantasy world, not have to fight every few minutes, and I don't want to have to hide in my houses to have that. High sneak skill plus movement buffs helps but I still have to pay more attention to mobs than just wander around enjoying the scenery or stopping to look at a rock formation or whatnot.
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    As another poster stated, the Zones need less enemies, Blackwood is perfect for this, it feels like an actual place because there are not enemies every 5 meters, enemies mind you which should be attacking each other but don't.

    Would it be so hard for ZOS to just go through the older zones and clear the roadways of hostiles.
  • francesinhalover
    poll lacks options.

    i like the current open world but would like for quest bosses and world bosses to be a bit harder.
    I am @fluffypallascat pc eu if someone wants to play together
    Shadow strike is the best cp passive ever!
  • whitecrow
    Minyassa wrote: »
    whitecrow wrote: »
    Overland is easy enough. What I'd prefer is less hostiles in the environment. Many times I just want to wander and explore and it's annoying to constantly run into crocodiles or whatever.

    This is one of the things I had trouble getting used to in this game coming to ESO from LOTRO. In LOTRO, once you outlevel an area the mobs get "greyed out" (nametag color shows you level in comparison to yours) and they no longer attack you because you're too much of a badass anymore. That means you can freely farm resources in areas you've outleveled, or just go sightseeing, have a picnic, fish, etc. without being bothered. I kinda liked that, really. Sometimes I just want to *live* in the pretty fantasy world, not have to fight every few minutes, and I don't want to have to hide in my houses to have that. High sneak skill plus movement buffs helps but I still have to pay more attention to mobs than just wander around enjoying the scenery or stopping to look at a rock formation or whatnot.

    I really like that idea. It might have been possible here before One Tamriel.
  • kargen27
    I don't think there needs to be any change in difficulty other than maybe foods that reduce stats instead of increasing them. If there is a change it should be in difficulty only and not in rewards given.

    Overland rewards should stay the same for all no matter the difficulty if we are ever given a choice of difficulty.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Iluvrien
    I would like it if:
    1) Overland rewards stayed the same.
    2) Overland mobs were levelled by type, not scaled (e.g. mudcrabs are permanently level 2, dragons are permanently CP160+)
    3) Overland mobs were thinned out to accurately reflect a world where it is possible for merchants to travel between adjacent villages without a small army.
  • Beilin_Balreis_Colcan
    I'm a newcomer to ESO (only played about 4 months), but as far as I can tell, overland already provides challenges for those who want them, and safe areas otherwise. If you stick to the main roads, it's safe most of the time, but if you wander off them, it gets a bit more challenging. Similarly, there are safe towns/cities and unsafe ones (although the latter can sometimes become safe once you complete a quest related to the town). There appears to be something for everyone.
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • JJOtterBear
    Minyassa wrote: »
    whitecrow wrote: »
    Overland is easy enough. What I'd prefer is less hostiles in the environment. Many times I just want to wander and explore and it's annoying to constantly run into crocodiles or whatever.

    This is one of the things I had trouble getting used to in this game coming to ESO from LOTRO. In LOTRO, once you outlevel an area the mobs get "greyed out" (nametag color shows you level in comparison to yours) and they no longer attack you because you're too much of a badass anymore. That means you can freely farm resources in areas you've outleveled, or just go sightseeing, have a picnic, fish, etc. without being bothered. I kinda liked that, really. Sometimes I just want to *live* in the pretty fantasy world, not have to fight every few minutes, and I don't want to have to hide in my houses to have that. High sneak skill plus movement buffs helps but I still have to pay more attention to mobs than just wander around enjoying the scenery or stopping to look at a rock formation or whatnot.

    as long as you can still attack the mobs you have out leveled, and still be able to receive loot from them, i would be okay with this. otherwise i am fine with how overland currently is.
  • SilverBride
    Overland is fine just as it is.
  • DreamyLu
    I voted "normal" but would have like a "Other".

    For me personally, the point isn't with the level of difficulty of the foes. The point is with the amount of them and how they're dispatched.

    There are several areas where I don't return (exception: treasure map), simply because they are overcrowded with foes (to my eyes). I'm PvE and my main activity is to wander in areas, enjoying landscape, buildings, animals, harvesting, farming chests and so on... I do love that. However, if I have to fight something every 3 running steps I do, I get very rapidly bored.

    Don't misunderstand me: it's not a matter of difficulty. In 95% of the cases, the fighting is very easy. And I like fighting too. But not every few steps I do! In that case, it becomes a bother and makes me lose the fun.

    All that to say: I would rather like that all areas are well balanced (within same area, a zone free of foes, another one with lot of foes, and otherwise a fair dispatch...). As for how hard it is now, I find it OK.
    Edited by DreamyLu on August 11, 2021 4:10AM
    I'm out of my mind, feel free to leave a message... PC/NA
  • Amottica
    I'm fine with overland as it is. Challenging content is in the game you just have to make the effort to go and do it.

    I was going to say this but the poll does not permit answering that we like the game as it is. That we get to enjoy the story and focus on it and can do PvP, dungeons, arenas, and trials when we want more of a challenge,
  • dem0n1k

    NA Server [PC] -- Mostly Ebonheart Pact, Mostly.
  • honglatongla
    The one where stupid trash mobs won't chase and annoy me when i pass them by.
  • Cireous
    I more so want to be less hard, myself.
  • fizl101
    I would prefer an option for it to be harder (not mandatory so people can choose) but I don't need better rewards for it
    Soupy twist
  • Orion_89
    Need an option "smarter enemies". They are not weak now, they just stand in your aoe and don't use any tactics. Also there is no need to unify their difficulty, some of them should be very easy to kill and some should be tough even for CPed character.
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