Overland is easy enough. What I'd prefer is less hostiles in the environment. Many times I just want to wander and explore and it's annoying to constantly run into crocodiles or whatever.
Overland is easy enough. What I'd prefer is less hostiles in the environment. Many times I just want to wander and explore and it's annoying to constantly run into crocodiles or whatever.
This is one of the things I had trouble getting used to in this game coming to ESO from LOTRO. In LOTRO, once you outlevel an area the mobs get "greyed out" (nametag color shows you level in comparison to yours) and they no longer attack you because you're too much of a badass anymore. That means you can freely farm resources in areas you've outleveled, or just go sightseeing, have a picnic, fish, etc. without being bothered. I kinda liked that, really. Sometimes I just want to *live* in the pretty fantasy world, not have to fight every few minutes, and I don't want to have to hide in my houses to have that. High sneak skill plus movement buffs helps but I still have to pay more attention to mobs than just wander around enjoying the scenery or stopping to look at a rock formation or whatnot.
Overland is easy enough. What I'd prefer is less hostiles in the environment. Many times I just want to wander and explore and it's annoying to constantly run into crocodiles or whatever.
This is one of the things I had trouble getting used to in this game coming to ESO from LOTRO. In LOTRO, once you outlevel an area the mobs get "greyed out" (nametag color shows you level in comparison to yours) and they no longer attack you because you're too much of a badass anymore. That means you can freely farm resources in areas you've outleveled, or just go sightseeing, have a picnic, fish, etc. without being bothered. I kinda liked that, really. Sometimes I just want to *live* in the pretty fantasy world, not have to fight every few minutes, and I don't want to have to hide in my houses to have that. High sneak skill plus movement buffs helps but I still have to pay more attention to mobs than just wander around enjoying the scenery or stopping to look at a rock formation or whatnot.
phileunderx2 wrote: »I'm fine with overland as it is. Challenging content is in the game you just have to make the effort to go and do it.