I saw a post earlier today that reminded me there was a time when we had a LOL button on the forum.
Someone didn't read the thread (title) before posting. :P
3 different colours of rune nodes; persistent shortage of aspect runestones; levelling enchanting taking months and months...
MurderMostFoul wrote: »
I'm very salty about that. Console player, and that mount would've fit my Tiger Khajiit perfectly.
I miss jogging on the top of my mounts!
Joosef_Kivikilpi wrote: »
Came in here to say exactly that. My kind of man right there haha
ShadowMole25 wrote: »I remember reaching VR2 while questing through Cadwell's Silver and seeing no one.
I'm a werewolf but never use the werewolf form because just being a werewolf used to give passive stamina recovery.
luen79rwb17_ESO wrote: »"Did you know the old saying? Neither a borrower nor a lender be? Rubbish! ..."
Jofootballo wrote: »I waited for hours for a full moon in Bangkorai for a natural vampire bite rather than paying someone 10k gold I didn't have to bite me.
PS: I wonder if natural vamp bites even still exist or every new vampire/ww in the game is player sourced.
Alinhbo_Tyaka wrote: »I still can't burn the images of the end of beta naked parties by the fountain from my eyes.