Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Nothing from the last 2 weeks of feedback added

  • crjs1
    Shantu wrote: »
    Greetings all,

    After review we have had to edit or remove several posts for rule violations, mostly Baiting. Ensure when engaging in a discussion that you keep said discussion civil, constructive, and within the rules. If you see a post that is baiting in nature do not engage it with further hostility and instead report it for the moderators to review.

    You are welcome to review the Community Rules here.

    And this is the extent of any real communication.

    Well, you could argue that non-communication is, in a way, communicating the general value of what people post in this forum. I think devs don't view the PTS as a source of feedback on game design. They are looking for new bugs. The rest, for the most part, is just ignored as disgruntled noise. People typically what their opinions to matter. But in the bigger scheme of things, they don't. That's life. :/

    So depressingly true
  • SirAndy
    Ringod123 wrote: »
    ... Unless some massive changes are made in the next week ...

    At least ZOS is consistent. It's been like that for 8 years now ...

    - PTS goes "live" with new stuff
    - People test and give feedback
    - ZOS largely ignores feedback and pushes 1 or 2 updates to PTS
    - People test and give feedback
    - ZOS goes live with a last minute update that never even made it to the PTS and is even worse than what was on the PTS


  • Tyreal1974
    SirAndy wrote: »
    At least ZOS is consistent. It's been like that for 8 years now ...

    - PTS goes "live" with new stuff
    - People test and give feedback
    - ZOS largely ignores feedback and pushes 1 or 2 updates to PTS
    - People test and give feedback
    - ZOS goes live with a last minute update that never even made it to the PTS and is even worse than what was on the PTS


    Edited by Tyreal1974 on May 18, 2021 9:47PM
  • crazepdx
    crazepdx wrote: »
    They changed crimson because @isthereno1else posted a video of his toon soloing a boss in IC while he was afk using it.
    Did the devs give this as their reason? There was a huge volume of (justified) complaints before the video post.

    There were months of complaints actually, pretty much since it was released. Then they stopped procs in pvp. When the 1st week of test came out Amalexia's and crimson both got buffs by being proc based on health. You can look back in the posts on here, to see this. Then the video was released where he soloed a ic boss while afk using amalexia, crimson in WW form.

    The next patch those were tuned down. While the devs didn't specifically cite the video you should go back and reread the patch notes where they tuned them down.
  • honey_badger82
    crazepdx wrote: »
    crazepdx wrote: »
    They changed crimson because @isthereno1else posted a video of his toon soloing a boss in IC while he was afk using it.
    Did the devs give this as their reason? There was a huge volume of (justified) complaints before the video post.

    There were months of complaints actually, pretty much since it was released. Then they stopped procs in pvp. When the 1st week of test came out Amalexia's and crimson both got buffs by being proc based on health. You can look back in the posts on here, to see this. Then the video was released where he soloed a ic boss while afk using amalexia, crimson in WW form.

    The next patch those were tuned down. While the devs didn't specifically cite the video you should go back and reread the patch notes where they tuned them down.

    Love how no one was complaining about amalexias... at least that I know of and now it's been nerfed, one of the reasons being some youtuber used it with the PvP most hated set crimson and was able to afk beat a PvE DLC dungeon boss. Because it was those two sets alone and nothing else... nothing else whatsoever... no combination of things that made it possible.

    I used this set on my hybrid tank which CP 2.0 made possible, one of the very, very few good things from it. (really it's not so much the CP stars as the increased base resources). I am able to crank out decent dps for a tank without having the need for additional sets for overland/ solo content while still having the capability for max armor thanks to Almalexias + Ancient Dragonguard + Domihaus and being a templar standing in my rune. Almalexias gives me currently on live about 3900 healing over 3 seconds which really is not a huge amount but it is to the whole group (with the magicka PvE meta... hardly any sticks close enough to get the heal anyway in dungeons). I have just over 34k native health so almost 10k.... yes 10k under what is needed to see the same number when U30 goes live as I do now. On top of that I lose roughly 3k armor with the unwanted and unwelcome rune focus change only to gain about as much self healing as I lost from Almalexias. Yes balance... with the CP passive nerfs... well my native health goes down, pen, crit, max damage, block reduction, roll dodge reduction, sprint cost reduction. Yes ZoS great update that I will not be playing but most importantly.... not paying for.
  • AuraoftheAzureSea
    I stopped my subscription and uninstalled ESO 1.5 years ago now. I keep up with forums, and especially the PTS, specifically to see if the issues that drove me away have been addressed. Nope. Same stuff, different year. CP revamp sounded interesting but the green tree sounds like a nightmare. Companions also sounded intriguing, but the actual details coming out seems meh.

    To be clear, I'm not sure ESO companions could really compete with Skyrim mods like 3DNPCs, Lucien, Inigo, etc. etc. The only reason companions sounded fun was if I could drag an alt around like a pet, which is basically what I do in Skyrim for the lulz. I also like the idea of dropping companions in my extremely empty houses...

    HEY ZOS. I SPENT WAY MORE MONEY THAN I WILL EVER ADMIT OUT LOUD ON YOUR RIDICULOUSLY OVERPRICED CROWN CRATES AND PLAYER HOUSES. I get that as long the influx of new players coming in exceeds the rate of your old players leaving no one is going to care, but is that really a sustainable model? What I'm saying is, if I saw good news on the PTS along the lines of "they asked us to test things in a timely enough fashion where they could do more than look at bugs" I really would consider coming back. Probably.
  • red_emu
    Whatever they patch after release, one thing you can be sure of: magblade nerfs 😉
    PC - EU:
    Falathren Noctis - AD MagNecro
    Falathren - AD StamSorc
    Falathren Eryndaer - AD StamDen
    Falathren Irimion - AD MagPlar
    Talagan Falathren - AD StamDK
    Falathren Infernis - AD MagDK
    Your-Ex - AD MagBlade
  • JoeCapricorn
    Greetings all,

    After review we have had to edit or remove several posts for rule violations, mostly Baiting. Ensure when engaging in a discussion that you keep said discussion civil, constructive, and within the rules. If you see a post that is baiting in nature do not engage it with further hostility and instead report it for the moderators to review.

    You are welcome to review the Community Rules here.

    And this is the extent of any real communication.

    Or they see a change that is massively unpopular that will do no benefit to the ESO community and will harm all manner of social functions for guilds and say basically "we see you hate us changing group size down to 12 but we are doing it anyway bEcAuSe PeRfOrMaNcE even though we earlier admitted that group sizes don't impact performance."

    It begs the question why the heck are they doing it?

    If they won't listen to overwhelming feedback, what is the point of the PTS?
    I simp for vampire lords and Glemyos Wildhorn
  • Thannazzar
    If you have played this game for any length of time you will know that:

    1. ZOS don't listen to forum feedback on the Pts in regard to content, approach or aesthetics, the pts is utilised for free bug finding and calc errors only. Any complaints or suggestions that might bruise the egos of the creative teams for their choices are ignored.

    2. The only way to influence ZOS with regard to content is financial. If enough people don't buy a chapter or don't spend cash on the crown store then you will start to see change.

    3. Regretably until a new mmo emerges ESO is still the best Western style game of its type out there.
    Edited by Thannazzar on May 19, 2021 9:04AM
  • remosito
    Thannazzar wrote: »
    If you have played this game for any length of time you will know that:

    2. The only way to influence ZOS with regard to content is financial. If enough people don't buy a chapter or don't spend cash on the crown store then you will start to see change.

    did my part. cancelled eso+. didnt preorder CE chapter as usual. won't buy it even at 50% off.
    maybe if I get drunk enough I might at 75% off..

    Can no longer justify helping pay salary of the balance, combat, cp ppl

    I feel bad about the awesome artist, story VO ppl. They all do a wonderful job.
    Hopefully those get together and organize a coup!
    Edited by remosito on May 19, 2021 9:47AM
    ShutYerTrap (selectively mute NPC dialogues (stuga, companions); displayleads (antiquity leads location); UndauntedPledgeQueuer (small daily undaunted dungeon queuer window)
  • Anyron
    Sometimes its just sad.. Pts is here for cheap testing, something that doesnt cost anything to them. And they still ignore more than 75 percent of bugs players find
    From last 2 weeks there wasnt any big change any try to do something its like only few people work there !
    No communication, is this forum even part of game or it is just some cheap website created by players
    I think its almost time to say bye
    Edited by Anyron on May 19, 2021 10:16AM
  • Kesstryl
    I stopped my subscription and uninstalled ESO 1.5 years ago now. I keep up with forums, and especially the PTS, specifically to see if the issues that drove me away have been addressed. Nope. Same stuff, different year. CP revamp sounded interesting but the green tree sounds like a nightmare. Companions also sounded intriguing, but the actual details coming out seems meh.

    To be clear, I'm not sure ESO companions could really compete with Skyrim mods like 3DNPCs, Lucien, Inigo, etc. etc. The only reason companions sounded fun was if I could drag an alt around like a pet, which is basically what I do in Skyrim for the lulz. I also like the idea of dropping companions in my extremely empty houses...

    HEY ZOS. I SPENT WAY MORE MONEY THAN I WILL EVER ADMIT OUT LOUD ON YOUR RIDICULOUSLY OVERPRICED CROWN CRATES AND PLAYER HOUSES. I get that as long the influx of new players coming in exceeds the rate of your old players leaving no one is going to care, but is that really a sustainable model? What I'm saying is, if I saw good news on the PTS along the lines of "they asked us to test things in a timely enough fashion where they could do more than look at bugs" I really would consider coming back. Probably.

    I'm in the same boat, stopped subbing last summer, waiting for the nerfs and sweeping changes to finally end and settle, waiting for something actually good to come out of PTS, but I won't be coming back home anytime soon.
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • Icy_Nelyan
    About companion I managed to totally clear veteran Fungal Grotto 1 and veteran Blessed Cruciale not in hard mode with Bastian as Tank and me as DD, throwing Just 3 heals to Bastian in the entire run on vFG and 5 on vBC, After 7.0.4.

    I know that vFG and vBC Is a sort of joke, far from being comparable to DLC dungeons, but still my companion managed to survive with self healing and never losed any aggro and this Is fine to me I Guess since on DLC dungeons I would use differenti aproach with companions (like more healing).

    As a side note I ran those dungeons without any trial Gear, actually It was more like a pvp build the One I used.
  • Toxic_Hemlock
    Changes I want to see from a purely personal and casual point of view are these:

    Make 80% (or the full 100%) of the green tree passives, If they are designed as the QOL CP, why must I reduce my QOL by having to micro manage them?

    Make Companions TOUGH to start with, I won't even bother to summon them if they are more of a hinderance than a help. Portable cannon-fodder is not what I would call a good companion.

    With just these two changes I could see the purchase of this chapter worthwhile, without, I will most likely do the story line and just ignore the rest. Unfortunately I already pre-purchased so at least I'll get the mounts, and with the way companions are currently the mounts could be the highlight of this chapter.
    Edited by Toxic_Hemlock on May 21, 2021 1:04AM
  • Ashtaris
    Maggusemm wrote: »
    ZOS stated that they want to change the CP system according to player feedback.

    A poll in this forum shows that only 5% of the player base wants the massive NERFS on the CP system.

    ZOS does not hear on the players. They dont correct their statement neither. Players want more possibilities for the CP system and not a NERF.

    And considering the major nerfs they are making against proc sets like Monster Helms, Armor, etc. and other nerfing they are doing this next patch, ZOS is setting themselves up for the playerbase to have the most negative impact since Morrowind. We lost a lot of guild members after the sustain nerf, I'm afraid this is going to be just as bad.
  • Jaraal
    Ashtaris wrote: »
    Maggusemm wrote: »
    ZOS stated that they want to change the CP system according to player feedback.

    A poll in this forum shows that only 5% of the player base wants the massive NERFS on the CP system.

    ZOS does not hear on the players. They dont correct their statement neither. Players want more possibilities for the CP system and not a NERF.

    And considering the major nerfs they are making against proc sets like Monster Helms, Armor, etc. and other nerfing they are doing this next patch, ZOS is setting themselves up for the playerbase to have the most negative impact since Morrowind. We lost a lot of guild members after the sustain nerf, I'm afraid this is going to be just as bad.

    Yes, the damage of some proc sets with no stat modification to the character has been reduced by half to 2/3. People who don't come to the forums or read patch notes are going to be livid at how gutless their characters have become overnight.

    It's gonna be ugly!
  • honey_badger82
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Ashtaris wrote: »
    Maggusemm wrote: »
    ZOS stated that they want to change the CP system according to player feedback.

    A poll in this forum shows that only 5% of the player base wants the massive NERFS on the CP system.

    ZOS does not hear on the players. They dont correct their statement neither. Players want more possibilities for the CP system and not a NERF.

    And considering the major nerfs they are making against proc sets like Monster Helms, Armor, etc. and other nerfing they are doing this next patch, ZOS is setting themselves up for the playerbase to have the most negative impact since Morrowind. We lost a lot of guild members after the sustain nerf, I'm afraid this is going to be just as bad.

    Yes, the damage of some proc sets with no stat modification to the character has been reduced by half to 2/3. People who don't come to the forums or read patch notes are going to be livid at how gutless their characters have become overnight.

    It's gonna be ugly!

    I post the links to the patchnotes in my guild's discord and I also write up the highlights and discuss whatever they may have questions about. Needless to say this patch we have lost players already just reading what is about to happen. I am sure the delusional ones who think it wont be released like this will quickly follow once they see it is.
  • DarcyMardin
    Icy_Nelyan wrote: »
    About companion I managed to totally clear veteran Fungal Grotto 1 and veteran Blessed Cruciale not in hard mode with Bastian as Tank and me as DD, throwing Just 3 heals to Bastian in the entire run on vFG and 5 on vBC, After 7.0.4.

    I know that vFG and vBC Is a sort of joke, far from being comparable to DLC dungeons, but still my companion managed to survive with self healing and never losed any aggro and this Is fine to me I Guess since on DLC dungeons I would use differenti aproach with companions (like more healing).

    As a side note I ran those dungeons without any trial Gear, actually It was more like a pvp build the One I used.

    My husband and I cleared vet VoM with Bastian and Mirri. But since we can duo that vet dungeon *without* companions, that doesn’t really prove much. Especially since both companions spent a considerable amount of time dead during the run. And that was *before* the latest nerf to companions.

    For us, they are a huge disappointment. Neither of us has yet purchased the chapter and we sure aren’t psyched for doing so even though we’ve been playing — and paying — since beta.

  • BlueRaven
    Did anyone else watch the May 21st eso live?

    I may have misheard it, but it looks like there will not be anymore patches before U30 goes live.
    Edited by BlueRaven on May 21, 2021 8:36PM
  • KeiRaikon
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Did anyone else watch the May 21st eso live?

    I may have misheard it, but it looks like there will not be anymore patches before U30 goes live.

    the .04 patch is pretty much always the last patch before the live patch (which almost never has any changes from the .04 patch) so yeah this is how its going to be until U31 unless the community outcry is so severe they feel they have to do an emergency patch (which isn't going to happen unless they lose like half the player base and barely sell the new chapter).

    Our options right now are either just suffer through and keep playing or take a hiatus.
  • merevie
    4. Mail key Shocking News to gaming review sites with millions of readers. That solved something that had me seeing red within 48hrs. Will be doing it again, if necessary. Very helpful people, reviewers. So many people play this game and will read anything about it, and sensation sells. Currently the key things that were very dodgy have been fixed, so I bought the chapter and live in hope...
    Edited by merevie on May 22, 2021 9:04AM
  • Icy_Nelyan
    Icy_Nelyan wrote: »
    About companion I managed to totally clear veteran Fungal Grotto 1 and veteran Blessed Cruciale not in hard mode with Bastian as Tank and me as DD, throwing Just 3 heals to Bastian in the entire run on vFG and 5 on vBC, After 7.0.4.

    I know that vFG and vBC Is a sort of joke, far from being comparable to DLC dungeons, but still my companion managed to survive with self healing and never losed any aggro and this Is fine to me I Guess since on DLC dungeons I would use differenti aproach with companions (like more healing).

    As a side note I ran those dungeons without any trial Gear, actually It was more like a pvp build the One I used.

    My husband and I cleared vet VoM with Bastian and Mirri. But since we can duo that vet dungeon *without* companions, that doesn’t really prove much. Especially since both companions spent a considerable amount of time dead during the run. And that was *before* the latest nerf to companions.

    For us, they are a huge disappointment. Neither of us has yet purchased the chapter and we sure aren’t psyched for doing so even though we’ve been playing — and paying — since beta.

    Well I respect any opinion and ofcourse Is your choice, but You are satin that You can duo a dungeon without any problem, doin It with companions doesn't prove anything, the same idea can be used with players since You can still duo that dungeon and doing It with other player doesn't prove anything.

    Companions, from what I can remember, are ment to be something a bit less the an average player (so not an High End, Min maxed, with lightning reflexes player) and ti keep You Company while adventuring through the game, as a plus are ment to be something to "help" You with multiplayer contenta (like dungeons, world bosses, etc). From my experience companions are doing vert well since from what I have seen, mine doesn't spend most of their times counting blades of grass, like You I can solo a loro of multiplayer contet and I don't Need them, but with them Is easier since I can care in less things while in dungeon in example because, as I've already wrote, they pretty much self sustain in 90% or more of situations.

    It's totally your choice to stay away from this expansion, but of You expected to have another player on your side this is not what they announced about companions.

    Anyway my experience Is totally different from yours and with some companion commands (ti take them out from stupidity like a pet) I could complete multiplayer contets in less time and with less strugles then before, this Is a plus to me and in my opinioni companion are Just fine at the Moment; to me they are a vert welcomed addition Also of I can solo most of the contest and I don't actually Need them.

    PS: I have used them as healer or DD and they performer fine too in these roles, actually they di their job in helping me with multiplayer contets.

    PSS: like You I play this game since beta and my First attempt was on Gamescom in Koln Years ago while they announced it.
  • Vaoh
    Greetings all,

    After review we have had to edit or remove several posts for rule violations, mostly Baiting. Ensure when engaging in a discussion that you keep said discussion civil, constructive, and within the rules. If you see a post that is baiting in nature do not engage it with further hostility and instead report it for the moderators to review.

    You are welcome to review the Community Rules here.

    And this is the extent of any real communication.

  • DarcyMardin
    Icy_Nelyan wrote: »
    Icy_Nelyan wrote: »
    About companion I managed to totally clear veteran Fungal Grotto 1 and veteran Blessed Cruciale not in hard mode with Bastian as Tank and me as DD, throwing Just 3 heals to Bastian in the entire run on vFG and 5 on vBC, After 7.0.4.

    I know that vFG and vBC Is a sort of joke, far from being comparable to DLC dungeons, but still my companion managed to survive with self healing and never losed any aggro and this Is fine to me I Guess since on DLC dungeons I would use differenti aproach with companions (like more healing).

    As a side note I ran those dungeons without any trial Gear, actually It was more like a pvp build the One I used.

    My husband and I cleared vet VoM with Bastian and Mirri. But since we can duo that vet dungeon *without* companions, that doesn’t really prove much. Especially since both companions spent a considerable amount of time dead during the run. And that was *before* the latest nerf to companions.

    For us, they are a huge disappointment. Neither of us has yet purchased the chapter and we sure aren’t psyched for doing so even though we’ve been playing — and paying — since beta.

    Well I respect any opinion and ofcourse Is your choice, but You are satin that You can duo a dungeon without any problem, doin It with companions doesn't prove anything, the same idea can be used with players since You can still duo that dungeon and doing It with other player doesn't prove anything.

    Companions, from what I can remember, are ment to be something a bit less the an average player (so not an High End, Min maxed, with lightning reflexes player) and ti keep You Company while adventuring through the game, as a plus are ment to be something to "help" You with multiplayer contenta (like dungeons, world bosses, etc). From my experience companions are doing vert well since from what I have seen, mine doesn't spend most of their times counting blades of grass, like You I can solo a loro of multiplayer contet and I don't Need them, but with them Is easier since I can care in less things while in dungeon in example because, as I've already wrote, they pretty much self sustain in 90% or more of situations.

    It's totally your choice to stay away from this expansion, but of You expected to have another player on your side this is not what they announced about companions.

    Anyway my experience Is totally different from yours and with some companion commands (ti take them out from stupidity like a pet) I could complete multiplayer contets in less time and with less strugles then before, this Is a plus to me and in my opinioni companion are Just fine at the Moment; to me they are a vert welcomed addition Also of I can solo most of the contest and I don't actually Need them.

    PS: I have used them as healer or DD and they performer fine too in these roles, actually they di their job in helping me with multiplayer contets.

    PSS: like You I play this game since beta and my First attempt was on Gamescom in Koln Years ago while they announced it.

    Nope — what I expected from companions was that they would help me do content that I *cannot* now complete (I’m 73 years old and a very average player). Or at least that they would help my husband and me complete content together than we can’t duo — like many vet base dungeons and normal DLC dungeons.

    Yes we can duo vet Vaults of Madness, but not easily (especially when it comes to the final boss). We had hoped companions would make it easier, but they didn’t. I consider myself to be exactly the sort of player companions are supposedly made for — I *can’t* solo most dungeons or world bosses, but I don’t particularly like grouping with strangers. Companions could be very useful for me...if they didn’t spend most of their time either dirt napping, standing in red,or desperately needing heals. Not to mention needing gear that hardly ever drops and cluttering up my inventory when it does. I’m a grand master crafter, but I can’t craft any gear for them.

    I was definitely not expecting companions to be as good as real human players. But not even as good as, to cite an old example, a henchman from Guild Wars 1 — that sucks.

    But if you’re enjoying them, cheers!
    Edited by DarcyMardin on May 22, 2021 2:32PM
  • BalticBlues
    It terrifies me to think about losing the pulse of the community and feel like they might think we're not paying attention. [...] One of the biggest reasons why we're in the position we are in today is because we listen to them.

  • xylena_lazarow
    crazepdx wrote: »
    While the devs didn't specifically cite the video
    most videos are also highly biased click-bait
    I just remembered clicking on this thread again that the video in question also featured the known-bugged Almalexia set that was healing for the full duration value each tick instead of spread out (so like 6x too much), this was fixed quickly. Neither set in that video had anything to do with the 6500 change. Believe in the forum zerg, because if we're actually at the point where a single video is all it takes to sway a dev team, then the entire gaming industry gotta be launched into the sun.
    PC/NA || Cyro/BGs || RIP ground oils
  • crazepdx
    crazepdx wrote: »
    While the devs didn't specifically cite the video
    most videos are also highly biased click-bait
    I just remembered clicking on this thread again that the video in question also featured the known-bugged Almalexia set that was healing for the full duration value each tick instead of spread out (so like 6x too much), this was fixed quickly. Neither set in that video had anything to do with the 6500 change. Believe in the forum zerg, because if we're actually at the point where a single video is all it takes to sway a dev team, then the entire gaming industry gotta be launched into the sun.

    Known bugged is the point. I do believe in the forum zerg. If by that you mean us gathering our voices on the forums to get things changed. It's why I've been so vocal on these issues. The videos help with that, a picture is worth a thousand words.
    On the point of the whole gaming industry needing to be launched into the sun, well that's a totally different rant but you wouldn't get any argument from me. Expecially if it meant they got replaced by programmers who "gasp" actually played games. Expecially the ones they are working on, on live.
    Edited by crazepdx on May 23, 2021 3:17PM
  • Icy_Nelyan
    Icy_Nelyan wrote: »
    Icy_Nelyan wrote: »
    About companion I managed to totally clear veteran Fungal Grotto 1 and veteran Blessed Cruciale not in hard mode with Bastian as Tank and me as DD, throwing Just 3 heals to Bastian in the entire run on vFG and 5 on vBC, After 7.0.4.

    I know that vFG and vBC Is a sort of joke, far from being comparable to DLC dungeons, but still my companion managed to survive with self healing and never losed any aggro and this Is fine to me I Guess since on DLC dungeons I would use differenti aproach with companions (like more healing).

    As a side note I ran those dungeons without any trial Gear, actually It was more like a pvp build the One I used.

    My husband and I cleared vet VoM with Bastian and Mirri. But since we can duo that vet dungeon *without* companions, that doesn’t really prove much. Especially since both companions spent a considerable amount of time dead during the run. And that was *before* the latest nerf to companions.

    For us, they are a huge disappointment. Neither of us has yet purchased the chapter and we sure aren’t psyched for doing so even though we’ve been playing — and paying — since beta.

    Well I respect any opinion and ofcourse Is your choice, but You are satin that You can duo a dungeon without any problem, doin It with companions doesn't prove anything, the same idea can be used with players since You can still duo that dungeon and doing It with other player doesn't prove anything.

    Companions, from what I can remember, are ment to be something a bit less the an average player (so not an High End, Min maxed, with lightning reflexes player) and ti keep You Company while adventuring through the game, as a plus are ment to be something to "help" You with multiplayer contenta (like dungeons, world bosses, etc). From my experience companions are doing vert well since from what I have seen, mine doesn't spend most of their times counting blades of grass, like You I can solo a loro of multiplayer contet and I don't Need them, but with them Is easier since I can care in less things while in dungeon in example because, as I've already wrote, they pretty much self sustain in 90% or more of situations.

    It's totally your choice to stay away from this expansion, but of You expected to have another player on your side this is not what they announced about companions.

    Anyway my experience Is totally different from yours and with some companion commands (ti take them out from stupidity like a pet) I could complete multiplayer contets in less time and with less strugles then before, this Is a plus to me and in my opinioni companion are Just fine at the Moment; to me they are a vert welcomed addition Also of I can solo most of the contest and I don't actually Need them.

    PS: I have used them as healer or DD and they performer fine too in these roles, actually they di their job in helping me with multiplayer contets.

    PSS: like You I play this game since beta and my First attempt was on Gamescom in Koln Years ago while they announced it.

    Nope — what I expected from companions was that they would help me do content that I *cannot* now complete (I’m 73 years old and a very average player). Or at least that they would help my husband and me complete content together than we can’t duo — like many vet base dungeons and normal DLC dungeons.

    Yes we can duo vet Vaults of Madness, but not easily (especially when it comes to the final boss). We had hoped companions would make it easier, but they didn’t. I consider myself to be exactly the sort of player companions are supposedly made for — I *can’t* solo most dungeons or world bosses, but I don’t particularly like grouping with strangers. Companions could be very useful for me...if they didn’t spend most of their time either dirt napping, standing in red,or desperately needing heals. Not to mention needing gear that hardly ever drops and cluttering up my inventory when it does. I’m a grand master crafter, but I can’t craft any gear for them.

    I was definitely not expecting companions to be as good as real human players. But not even as good as, to cite an old example, a henchman from Guild Wars 1 — that sucks.

    But if you’re enjoying them, cheers!

    Nothing to say about the companion's gear since it is actually, as you have already wrote, really hard to find and is really wierd that we can't actually craft any usefull piece of gear for them, without sayin taking space in my own inventory is a real pain.

    About your expections on companions, well I guess that this is a total subjective point since they (ZOS) presentend them (companions) as an help to do group content and nothing more: they never spoke a word about their capabilities, DPS or anything like that aside from being a bit less then an average player to prevent prefering them over players; so be able to use them to help you in group contents is what they do in the current state.

    Can they be more usefull? Ofcourse yes and I will appreciate it as everyone else, but for now you can control them just pushing 2 buttons, so if they stands in the stupid none will stops you to call them back to take them out from aoe skills and then comand them to attack their enemies again just like pets.

    I have no experience about GW 1 (I played GW 2) and have no experience about any other MMO with companions even if I know some of them (like D&D online, now thanks to you GW 1 and SWTOR), I have no way to compare them with other MMO games (I do not count single player games since they can and use different aproaches from multiplayer games), but if I can make them to survive some encounter with just a comand and/or 3/5 heals (and only during challenging bosses) I can say they can be used, usefull and helpfull (my companions never died because of stupid and as I already wrote they self sustained all the time except 2 times where I helped throwing 3 heals and 5 heals); because of this from an "objective" point of view companions fully purple geared are helpfull and not an obstacle, but from a "subjective" point of view they should be improved and their gear should be craftable and taken away from our inventory.

    As a side note, they surely get improved during time and I guess ZOS will continue to work on them (like mythics, proc sets, and the other systems in this game), something will change (probably about their gear), and one thing I hope they will improve is their AI about AOE skills, they do pretty fine for now (they block, they coutner skills, they can survive totally alone against a boss a some adds, they can maintain aggro, respect skill rotation, and help with damage) but would be appreciated if they could counterplay AOE skills without me calling them back to prevent getting shotted or to let me slot different skills to face this situation (because yes, if you won't them, builded as tank, from being one shotted from an AOE, there are skills which help them a lot survive those it without any help from you or any comand from you), with this maybe a bit boost to their healing to allies (to make them more capable as healer while for now they are ok in helping you with their heals while you do your job against your enemy, I'm talkin about group content as always).

    I don't know why you had so many troubles with them or having them mostly dead, mine after the 7.0.4 never died and aside from the already said 3/5 heals I was never forced to comand them to take them out of the reds or had to heal them, I had a totally different experience in vFG and vBC, so I can say they are helpfull but as everyone here I would like to see some improvements which I'm pretty sure they come in the near future.

    PS: probably you have so much trouble with them because you are doin something wrong (with their gear, or their choice of skills, or what you expect them to be like dodge roll out from reds or resist some one shot skills, or something else), I totally udnerstand you (like many more whom hoped to have a more capable and powerfull ally who would not have required much of our intervention) but I can say: try a different aproach, try to control them when needed and help them with some heals from time to time, try to choose different skills for different encounters, try to use different gear combination, try and then see, if anything works well I'm sorry and they, in the current state, doesn't works for you, but believe me, if I can everyone here can make them survive most group content with just one comand and/or 3/5 heals and this (pushing 2 buttons, or using 3 heals) isn't too painfull or hard I suppose since is something we do normally in the game (I do not want to offend anyone with those words so please do not take them personally, it's just what I think considering what we already do playing the game).
  • grumpy_pants95
    Beardimus wrote: »
    Can you do highlights of why so bad?

    Companions are useless. The maximum they can do is simple mobs in the overland. Public dungeons, WB, dolmens - companions are simply permanently dead. They are useless for experienced players. For beginners, companions, it is too difficult to support and heal.

    Procsets is a nice try, but ... The math looks weird.

    I mean to me, whatever you've tried explaining in your "highlights" don't exactly explain to me anything that's wrong with this update. "The math looks weird" isn't a reason nor a constructive criticism. [snip]

    [snip] Come with complete constructive feedback and ways to fix it in a mannered 'persona' then you're probably going to be listened to. [snip]

    [edited for baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_Lunar on May 26, 2021 1:23PM
  • Jazraena
    I mean to me, whatever you've tried explaining in your "highlights" don't exactly explain to me anything that's wrong with this update. "The math looks weird" isn't a reason nor a constructive criticism. [snip]

    [snip] Come with complete constructive feedback and ways to fix it in a mannered 'persona' then you're probably going to be listened to. [snip]

    There is plentiful in-depth feedback from all parts of the game about what's wrong with proc set scaling all over this forum. Which, you know, this thread refers to.

    [snip] you could actually read up on what's wrong, and why. There is plenty reading material to be had that cannot be rehashed in every thread, after all.

    [edited for baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_Lunar on May 26, 2021 1:22PM
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