Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

Maw Of The Infernal : Why this set needs a change.

Did you ever tank a boss with one people using the Maw Of The Infernal monster set ? Yes ? Now try it on Trial with 5 people wearing it... It's an absolute mess for the tank.
I'm a Tank who're playing without Addons, because i like to play by looking my environment, the boss and the animations to follow the mechanics and stay alive. But because of this Monster Set that every magica DD seems to play (never seen ONE dunjeon without it, or if so it's because i have all my DDs as stam) i can't see my screen, all i see is the back of that Deadroth. So sometimes i take a real hit and drop to 10% HP (or get OS sometimes) just because i can't see the boss. This is annoying AF. So far the only counter i've found is when a Daedroth spawns you slightly turn yourself (and the boss) to the right/left to get rid of that daedroth, but now try this whith 5DD with this set, you'll do a 360° spin, putting all your DDs at risk because you'll obviously turn the boss in their direction at some point.

That's why this set needs a change.
I'm not asking for a Nerf, just here's some changes that could really helps Tanks :

_Make the Daedroth visible only for the one who wear the set. Like that the person who has it can still see it proc but you keep the view of the tank clear of all this mess.

_Or more simple : Just make the daedroth spawn in the Back of the boss. Because for now the daedroth spawns on the front of the boss, and what's in the front of a boss ? The Tank.

With just one of this changes it could be a real help for tanks. Because i'm not complaining just for myself, i'm also thinking of my fellow tanks on Consoles who don't have addons to counter that.
And before saying to me : "Just play with addons then." just think about it before. When my Addon will be broken because of an Update, or just suddenly don't do the notifications in time but with 1 second of delay who makes the attack inevitable (don't tell me it doesn't happens i play with people who have addons and this happens ALL the time.) how i'm supposed to know when to dodge roll or block if i can't see any animations but just counting how many scales are on the back of the daedroth ? And what if one day i want to go on console ? Addons don't fix the issue, they're a counter for this issue but it doesn't help.
  • fizl101
    The aegis from aegis caller is only seen by the wearer, so I don't think it should be that tricky to make Jeff the Daedroth invisible too
    Soupy twist
  • OutLaw_Nynx
    I think making it only seen by the wearer is a great idea.
  • Hapexamendios
    Agreed. When I'm tanking a trial, I absolutely hate that set.
  • dsalter
    alternatively making it transparent would be great to, i mean the thing is temporary anyways so a spectral summoned daedroth seems fitting for a monster set
    PLEASE REPLY TO ME WITH @dsalter otherwise i'm likely to miss the reply if its not my own thread

    EU - [Arch Mage Dave] Altmer Sorcerer
    Fight back at the crates and boxes, together we can change things.

  • oddbasket
    Thankfully, now it's no longer the alcast recommended set, I rarely see it anymore. Although shortlived, that period was a pain for tanks.
  • khyrkat
    fizl101 wrote: »
    The aegis from aegis caller is only seen by the wearer, so I don't think it should be that tricky to make Jeff the Daedroth invisible too

    Uhm nope, I see it all the time in dungeons whenever someone uses it (I'm healer so no big deal although at times it's freakin' annoying).

    I think with all these shiny proc sets there is a huge need of rework but given how ZOS handle things, this will be either done in a form of nerf hammer or slight UI changes that in the end will create terrible bugs they won't fix for another year or two. Say encratis, kinras, hiti sets, these kinds of things just make me wonder if devs ever play the game other than hitting secret code to deal 1 mil damage.
  • honglatongla
    Question is, why are your DDs even wearing this set.
  • perfiction
    Question is, why are your DDs even wearing this set.

    It's really good on sorcerer because it profits from Daedric Prey (20% pet damage buff). In some trials Zaan is useless, for example Sunspire, so you have to use other monster set.
  • fizl101
    khyrkat wrote: »
    fizl101 wrote: »
    The aegis from aegis caller is only seen by the wearer, so I don't think it should be that tricky to make Jeff the Daedroth invisible too

    Uhm nope, I see it all the time in dungeons whenever someone uses it (I'm healer so no big deal although at times it's freakin' annoying).

    I think with all these shiny proc sets there is a huge need of rework but given how ZOS handle things, this will be either done in a form of nerf hammer or slight UI changes that in the end will create terrible bugs they won't fix for another year or two. Say encratis, kinras, hiti sets, these kinds of things just make me wonder if devs ever play the game other than hitting secret code to deal 1 mil damage.

    Maybe its a difference between PC and console again. I am on PS5 and I have asked guildies if they can see my aegis and they never can (we do see the daedroth though)
    Soupy twist
  • honglatongla
    perfiction wrote: »
    Question is, why are your DDs even wearing this set.

    It's really good on sorcerer because it profits from Daedric Prey (20% pet damage buff). In some trials Zaan is useless, for example Sunspire, so you have to use other monster set.

    Domihaus for Sunspire, but Maw wouldn't even be an issue there visually.
  • OneWingedAnge7
    I'm kind to my friendly tank, I don't wear any monster sets anymore. He appreciates this.
    But a solid solution is purely to make all combat effects, pets and all kinds of fluff to be only visible to the user of said fluff.
    Even if it were a toggle I know for a fact I'd be turning it all off, hell I'd even make my group invisible if I could, some folk are gross looking...
  • Spearpoint
    Not really a fix, but have you expanded your camera settings? Field of view have a huge impact, and vertical offset might also be of assistance.
    Arinwyn ~ Cute Wood Elf Archer
    Wardena ~ Frost Wardeness [Died alongside Arctic Blast]
    Dry Spell ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ
    Dark Heart of Skyrim 🍺
    Bomblebee ~ cya'll out there
    Bouncing Betty ~ Front Toward Enemy
    Spearpoint ~ Jab Them With The Pointy End
    Six Feet Above ~ Reapertime!
    Bisolar Disorder - Bright & Moody
    Django Unleashed ~ Mr. Nordic Bather's Towel
    Master Angler ~ Struggles With Ichthyophobia
    Ichthyophobia ~ Secretely Dreams of Becoming a Master Angler
    Lol Brb

    "Today we make our stand. Today we take back the Ruby Throne, which is ours by ancient right and the blessings of the Divines. Stand with us." — Queen Ayrenn
  • FluffWit
    It's also a pain in the ass in pvp, when that thing pops out its damn near impossible to target whoever you're fighting.
  • orion_1981usub17_ESO
    My plar wears the set and I hate it but the dps boost is nice and aoe; and I can benefit at range. Sigh, but they just need to shrink the damned thing, like make it a mini deadroth...puddle size! The I could use it guilt free.
  • Jeirno
    its bad set now, people should stop using it.
  • blktauna
    I love Maw for the comedy factor alone! My one petsorc wears that, defiler, and 2 pets with Necropotence on. Hardly 'a bad set'

    But I know tanks hate it so I do not use it in trials.
  • furiouslog
    They could make it smaller. Like a baby daedroth! Then it would also be cute and funny.

    Or they could make it ghosty.

    The tanks I run with complain about it a lot, so I end up running grothdarr for trash or zaan on boss. It would be nice to have this be useable without tanks having to suffer.

    It still does more damage for me on trash than the other mag dps sets, on average. Sometimes positioning is not great for the close AOE/DOT sets, or they just don't proc as much. I don't get why anyone would think it's a bad set.
  • Mumbles_the_Tank
    khyrkat wrote: »
    fizl101 wrote: »
    The aegis from aegis caller is only seen by the wearer, so I don't think it should be that tricky to make Jeff the Daedroth invisible too

    Uhm nope, I see it all the time in dungeons whenever someone uses it (I'm healer so no big deal although at times it's freakin' annoying).

    I think with all these shiny proc sets there is a huge need of rework but given how ZOS handle things, this will be either done in a form of nerf hammer or slight UI changes that in the end will create terrible bugs they won't fix for another year or two. Say encratis, kinras, hiti sets, these kinds of things just make me wonder if devs ever play the game other than hitting secret code to deal 1 mil damage.

    Try turning on Hide Ally FX in your video settings. Aegis Caller is most definitely included and I do not see it when my friends are in it. Unlike Collosus, Maw, Defiler and many other irritating sets + skills - which aren’t included under that setting but really should be.
  • EpicHero
    I agree with that they should be made smaller, but for now, I just make sure I target (press R3 on console) the boss, so I can still see his white outline through the daedras. That way I can still see all attacks coming.
  • priestnall.andrewrwb17_ESO
    Yeah I HATE this set, really annoying for the tank as OP said. I personally would not even consider using it until it is changed - I am boycotting this set. <GRUMBLE>
  • Mastercris91
    I was tanking Banished Cells 2, and two other people had that monster set. It was hell to tell the daedra apart.
    Hail Sithis
  • Xuhora
    yes that daedroth is a PITA, and it would be a solution to make it invisible for others. but thats only a bandaidfix, since the other big troublemakers are still there. Im talking about a combo of hitis, encarthis, and kinra. Which are all viable sets and all have that AoE which needs to be seen by the players. BUT it also covers mechanics. My harmful groundeffects are coloured in bright white, still, the overlay of these makes it near impossible to follow certain mechanics like Savezone in Castle Thorn
  • Larcomar
    If what I'm reading on pts forums is right it doesn't sound like people will be using maw or any other monster helms post update. The requirement's now 6500 spell / wpn damage to get back to the damage it was doing - which was prob less than 2 crit pieces. Trying to get my head around what they're doing, but you'd need to dump crit and build fully into spell dmg to make it worthwhile.
  • MarkusKastenberg
    Soul Shriven
    Larcomar wrote: »
    If what I'm reading on pts forums is right it doesn't sound like people will be using maw or any other monster helms post update. The requirement's now 6500 spell / wpn damage to get back to the damage it was doing - which was prob less than 2 crit pieces. Trying to get my head around what they're doing, but you'd need to dump crit and build fully into spell dmg to make it worthwhile.

    So this doesn’t affect petsorcs in any capacity. Interesting.
  • markulrich1966
    another set that is bad in this regard is Grothdarr.
    The "lava ring" is a big circle covering the ground, so you no longer can see the red circles that show incoming damage.
    Terrible for example fighting Haeliata and Nagravia, the gryphoon worldboss in summerset.
  • EF321
    Have you tried pressing TAB, Op?
  • Deedleqwerty
    There have been numerous threads on this set, including this one:

    As a tank, I feel your pain, but there is a workaround. Hard target the boss. This gives you an outline of the beastie. On a console, hard target is R3. I'm not sure what it is on a PC.
    ~Deedleqwerty [PS5] / NA / EU
    CP 2940 NA / CP 1661 EU
    Aldmeri Dominion - Wardevils
    See you in Cyrodiil
  • mikemacon
    Tab target the boss.

    He gets a nice shiny outline that you can see through walls, to say nothing of daedroth.
  • Larcomar
    another set that is bad in this regard is Grothdarr.
    The "lava ring" is a big circle covering the ground, so you no longer can see the red circles that show incoming damage.
    Terrible for example fighting Haeliata and Nagravia, the gryphoon worldboss in summerset.

    Change the colour. I find the red hard to see anyway. You can do it in settings. I use shocking pink.....
  • EF321
    Also, speaking of outline, is there a way to highlight yourself in the same fashion you can highlight enemies? When tightly packed in trials, I can't see myself and perform a lot worse, than in trials where we must spread a bit and I can see myself clearly. Flappy birds get in view way too often too.
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