Did you ever tank a boss with one people using the Maw Of The Infernal monster set ? Yes ? Now try it on Trial with 5 people wearing it... It's an absolute mess for the tank.
I'm a Tank who're playing without Addons, because i like to play by looking my environment, the boss and the animations to follow the mechanics and stay alive. But because of this Monster Set that every magica DD seems to play (never seen ONE dunjeon without it, or if so it's because i have all my DDs as stam) i can't see my screen, all i see is the back of that Deadroth. So sometimes i take a real hit and drop to 10% HP (or get OS sometimes) just because i can't see the boss. This is annoying AF. So far the only counter i've found is when a Daedroth spawns you slightly turn yourself (and the boss) to the right/left to get rid of that daedroth, but now try this whith 5DD with this set, you'll do a 360° spin, putting all your DDs at risk because you'll obviously turn the boss in their direction at some point.
That's why this set needs a change.
I'm not asking for a Nerf, just here's some changes that could really helps Tanks :
_Make the Daedroth visible only for the one who wear the set. Like that the person who has it can still see it proc but you keep the view of the tank clear of all this mess.
_Or more simple : Just make the daedroth spawn in the Back of the boss. Because for now the daedroth spawns on the front of the boss, and what's in the front of a boss ? The Tank.
With just one of this changes it could be a real help for tanks. Because i'm not complaining just for myself, i'm also thinking of my fellow tanks on Consoles who don't have addons to counter that.
And before saying to me : "Just play with addons then." just think about it before. When my Addon will be broken because of an Update, or just suddenly don't do the notifications in time but with 1 second of delay who makes the attack inevitable (don't tell me it doesn't happens i play with people who have addons and this happens ALL the time.) how i'm supposed to know when to dodge roll or block if i can't see any animations but just counting how many scales are on the back of the daedroth ? And what if one day i want to go on console ? Addons don't fix the issue, they're a counter for this issue but it doesn't help.