Below is a collage of an open support ticket. The issue is still unresolved (and, afaik, very simple to solve from a technical standpoint by "bunny ressurections").
The ticket is over
half a year old, consists of "wait for it" replies after a series of useless autoresponses and a few questions - and then nothing for the last 3 months.
While I'd appreciate some help on reactivating the ticket, that's not why I'm writing. Now, I understand that there are various reasons why some issues either cannot be resolved, or resolving them would be an inefficient use of resources, or the company just doesn't want to bother with them. That said - why can't support simply state it honestly at once?
As it stands, this ticket:
1. Left me, as the customer, less satisfied then I was when writing it.
2. Cost the company at least two months worth of subscription in overheads alone (probably six if you consider all costs, as it escalated from tier one quickly).
This is a lose-lose situation, plain and simple, and it's not the first time I'm running into it with both ESO and FO76. Please consider altering the practice.