For those unaware, Update 30 is bringing changes to the CP rework that landed last update. According to ZOS, this change was based on overwhelming amounts of feedback from players that the current CP system still had too much vertical progression and unfairly penalized lower-CP players. The relevant passage from the PTS is as follows.Of critical importance is the last line, stating that the maximum power of the CP system will be brought down, rather than bringing the lower end up. The intent seems to be to level the playing field for players of all CP levels. However, from posts and comments on the forums, as well as general sentiment in game, it seems as though very few players actually agree with this change. I would like to see if this measure is as popular as claimed, and offer a chance for players that support it to offer their rationale as to why they do so. Hopefully, the results of this poll will give ZOS better insight into the number of players that agree with either side.In response to the feedback that there is still too much vertical progression in the Champion Point system, we have further reduced the maximum number of stages for passive stars (non-slotted) available. This will lower the vertical progression cap to 1560 rather than 2100 in the Warfare tree, and 1626 rather than 2352 in the Fitness tree. This will reduce the maximum power of the Champion Point system as well.
I'm confused.
Isn't that the whole point of Champion Points, to have "vertical progression"? What other kind of progression is there? If you go backwards that's not progression, it's regression. They either need to embrace the CP system wholly and accept that its purpose is to make your character stronger or just scrap the whole system entirely. Because I for one am sick of having my character yo-yoed back and forth while they try to figure out what kind of "progression" they want to have. Buff, nerf, buff, nerf, buff, nerf, buff, nerf.... it's endless at this point and I believe it's become their new and official way of "progressing" the game. They literally intend to just keep buffing and nerfing us for the rest of this game's life while pretending like that's "progression" when in reality they're just keeping us roughly the same.
Goregrinder wrote: »Vertical would be going up, while horizontal would be going left or right. Basically side-grades rather than upgrades. So a horizontal progression would be the other options besides vertical progression. Much like how the gear in ESO uses a horizontal progression, so everything (mostly) has the same power level, they just do different things. So the player chooses what they wear based on what they are trying to achieve without worrying about power levels. I think the CP 2.0 system is trying to achieve that, where everything is more of a side grade based on what the player needs, they just need to keep tuning CP until they reach that goal.
WhyMustItBe wrote: »Goregrinder wrote: »Vertical would be going up, while horizontal would be going left or right. Basically side-grades rather than upgrades. So a horizontal progression would be the other options besides vertical progression. Much like how the gear in ESO uses a horizontal progression, so everything (mostly) has the same power level, they just do different things. So the player chooses what they wear based on what they are trying to achieve without worrying about power levels. I think the CP 2.0 system is trying to achieve that, where everything is more of a side grade based on what the player needs, they just need to keep tuning CP until they reach that goal.
IMHO this should be something completely separate from the vertical progression system of CP. In other games you have factions. Think Furbolg grinding in WoW (for a terrible and outdated example LOL). You have all these lands now, all this massive map, where is the creative inspiration to start making random events, random tribes, random factions you can progress with and unlock things like cosmetics, ability skins, and other unique horizontal customization options?
I have been asking for this sort of content for years. It seems there just isn't the incentive to invest in it.
crystal_coppolab14_ESO wrote: »I feel everyone I talk to just has issues with sustain AND THE GREEN TREE. Too many actives, not enough passives, too many points, etc. But that's just us. \o/
"Goregrinder wrote: »I think having some form of vertical progression, or the carrot on the stick as they say, has a place in every MMORPG. But I think for ESO, vertical progression that involves a player's power level must be kept in check, otherwise it experiences the same problem all MMORPG's that last 5+ years experience...power creep.
I voted incorrectly because i just woke up, forgot to put on my glasses and misread the choices.
What I think is if we must have this new CP system, don't go changing it every other month. I mean, aside from the fact that it shows ZOS had little foresight when they created this new system, which makes them look incompetent, it breeds frustration and confusion among the playerbase. Players don't want to rebuild their toons over and over. We want to be able to play the game. So leave it for now at least.
For those unaware, Update 30 is bringing changes to the CP rework that landed last update. According to ZOS, this change was based on overwhelming amounts of feedback from players that the current CP system still had too much vertical progression and unfairly penalized lower-CP players. The relevant passage from the PTS is as follows.Of critical importance is the last line, stating that the maximum power of the CP system will be brought down, rather than bringing the lower end up. The intent seems to be to level the playing field for players of all CP levels. However, from posts and comments on the forums, as well as general sentiment in game, it seems as though very few players actually agree with this change. I would like to see if this measure is as popular as claimed, and offer a chance for players that support it to offer their rationale as to why they do so. Hopefully, the results of this poll will give ZOS better insight into the number of players that agree with either side.In response to the feedback that there is still too much vertical progression in the Champion Point system, we have further reduced the maximum number of stages for passive stars (non-slotted) available. This will lower the vertical progression cap to 1560 rather than 2100 in the Warfare tree, and 1626 rather than 2352 in the Fitness tree. This will reduce the maximum power of the Champion Point system as well.
I'm confused.
Isn't that the whole point of Champion Points, to have "vertical progression"? What other kind of progression is there? If you go backwards that's not progression, it's regression. They either need to embrace the CP system wholly and accept that its purpose is to make your character stronger or just scrap the whole system entirely. Because I for one am sick of having my character yo-yoed back and forth while they try to figure out what kind of "progression" they want to have. Buff, nerf, buff, nerf, buff, nerf, buff, nerf.... it's endless at this point and I believe it's become their new and official way of "progressing" the game. They literally intend to just keep buffing and nerfing us for the rest of this game's life while pretending like that's "progression" when in reality they're just keeping us roughly the same.
Mumbles_the_Tank wrote: »"Goregrinder wrote: »I think having some form of vertical progression, or the carrot on the stick as they say, has a place in every MMORPG. But I think for ESO, vertical progression that involves a player's power level must be kept in check, otherwise it experiences the same problem all MMORPG's that last 5+ years experience...power creep.
This premise is flawed when applied to the Champion System.
1.0 was massively front loaded and put on hold for years. During that exact same time period without “progression” we experienced some of the largest gains in terms of power creep. Most of it from gear, some from bad skill/passive changes (feedback always ignored), and the rest from Necros existing.
None of those contributors went away with 2.0s release. Blackwood is bringing its own slew of new gear that will likely push damage higher yet again despite these further 2.0 CP nerfs.
So - your belief that the top end must be brought down will never be realized. All that will result is CP as it is on Blackwood - becomes a very underwhelming and poorly designed excuse for XP to exist after 50 and a nuisance gold sink for low-mid CP players. Half the passive stats are now so weak they may as well not exist in the current PTS iteration. It’s an absolute absurdity for supposed progression to be this irrelevant long term.
That’s pretty much it - there’s no real progression after 50s baked in stats. There is only the eternal gear grind treadmill that has always existed and has most often been the largest contributor to power creep.
ZOS doesn’t share your distaste for it by the way - they know full well the promise of farmable creep is what sells every single DLC and expansion for many players.
Kidgangster101 wrote: »For those unaware, Update 30 is bringing changes to the CP rework that landed last update. According to ZOS, this change was based on overwhelming amounts of feedback from players that the current CP system still had too much vertical progression and unfairly penalized lower-CP players. The relevant passage from the PTS is as follows.Of critical importance is the last line, stating that the maximum power of the CP system will be brought down, rather than bringing the lower end up. The intent seems to be to level the playing field for players of all CP levels. However, from posts and comments on the forums, as well as general sentiment in game, it seems as though very few players actually agree with this change. I would like to see if this measure is as popular as claimed, and offer a chance for players that support it to offer their rationale as to why they do so. Hopefully, the results of this poll will give ZOS better insight into the number of players that agree with either side.In response to the feedback that there is still too much vertical progression in the Champion Point system, we have further reduced the maximum number of stages for passive stars (non-slotted) available. This will lower the vertical progression cap to 1560 rather than 2100 in the Warfare tree, and 1626 rather than 2352 in the Fitness tree. This will reduce the maximum power of the Champion Point system as well.
I'm confused.
Isn't that the whole point of Champion Points, to have "vertical progression"? What other kind of progression is there? If you go backwards that's not progression, it's regression. They either need to embrace the CP system wholly and accept that its purpose is to make your character stronger or just scrap the whole system entirely. Because I for one am sick of having my character yo-yoed back and forth while they try to figure out what kind of "progression" they want to have. Buff, nerf, buff, nerf, buff, nerf, buff, nerf.... it's endless at this point and I believe it's become their new and official way of "progressing" the game. They literally intend to just keep buffing and nerfing us for the rest of this game's life while pretending like that's "progression" when in reality they're just keeping us roughly the same.
Sometimes things are too much (and yes as new players enter they see they need to get to 50 then grind out 1400+ cp because a lot of groups will be elitists) and then they just quit. The grind in this game is by far the worst grind I've ever seen. The xp system encourages you to play alone or with one other person. If you add more than that xp is trash. (That includes randoms in your xp spots)
Along with all that they nerfed regular xp spots so now your getting less xp but having to grind way above the old 810 mark.......
How do you know you have gained 515M XP? Curious on how to see this.