propertyOfUndefined wrote: »I am pretty happy with the changes. I think they address the problem most were complaining about - that very tanky setups could still output a ton of damage. The proc sets are still viable sources of damage and healing, but with a reasonable investment in stats. This is the way it should be.
A lot of players seem to be concerned about the sets being used for burst damage set ups in pvp, but I don’t think that was ever the problem. They should absolutely be viable sources of damage, just not on 40K hp tanks in full heavy armor who are near invincible. Players should be allowed to continue to use zaan + wrath of elements effectively if they want to, but at the cost of sustain and survivability.
Sandman929 wrote: »
How about a 100k hp tank with a 25k AoE burst that heals the tank for damage done? Sounds reasonable?
propertyOfUndefined wrote: »
I assume you are referring to crimson. This is PTS afterall. We should meet up and test it, and if those numbers are achievable, then report it as a specific problem.
Yeah, sorry dudes, the data I'm seeing shows this as a realllly bad change in PVP here are some links:
I personally don't think its fun to one shot everything including other players. A necro with 60k EHP who hits for 70k proc set damage off of one attack is not a fun game to play. Those are the numbers in video #1.
propertyOfUndefined wrote: »I am pretty happy with the changes. I think they address the problem most were complaining about - that very tanky setups could still output a ton of damage. The proc sets are still viable sources of damage and healing, but with a reasonable investment in stats. This is the way it should be.
A lot of players seem to be concerned about the sets being used for burst damage set ups in pvp, but I don’t think that was ever the problem. They should absolutely be viable sources of damage, just not on 40K hp tanks in full heavy armor who are near invincible. Players should be allowed to continue to use zaan + wrath of elements effectively if they want to, but at the cost of sustain and survivability.
I also look at it as this, any sets that are specifically designed for a tank should scale off of their max health, and it should do damage, we normalize a tank just to block and take damage, but forget a tank should also be able to do damage, you know kind of like how stam users can wear a tanky setup yet do tons of damage? So the damage scaling for tanks is correct and should stay that way. I have always said a health based tank should still do damage, and now they have introduced it.
doesurmindglow wrote: »I have tested things in actual combat.
Am proccing my friends down on a 72k HP warden tank with my sets alone, and experiencing few if any downsides from doing so. It's absolutely broken, and will be doing it a lot if it goes live. Given those tests, I hope it does not go live. I prefer challenging, balanced PVP with a diversity of viable builds, and this will not give us that based on the results from testing so far.
Health based tank shouldnt do damage at all. It wasnt in past, its just recent meta.
Tanks job is to keep trash and boss at him while having health enought for healer to heal him in burst phase and have enought deff to mitigate damage.
If you want balanced game, then max health+deff = no damage othervise it creates unhealthy playstyle environment.
Remember, this is also pvp game. I know you like to forget about it but its here. And there is always someone who wants to troll as much as possible to make other game feel miserable because they feel that way in real.
Make it as hard for them as possible
And you don't see how this is a problem in PVP?That is false, tanks have done damage and sometimes better damage then a dps
That is false, tanks have done damage and sometimes better damage then a dps, if you know how to build one they also can help tank and get rid of trash mobs. So I disagree.
TequilaFire wrote: »A PvP tanks job is to get gullible players aggroed to beat on him so his buddies can kill them.
So built right they will always be hard to kill.
Any game a tank does more damage than a damage dealer is just broken and not worth playing.
and as a pvp player if you choose to fight a 55k tank instead of ignoring them, and you get nuked by them then its your fault.
"Health and healing stacking tanks are impossible to kill!"
- well just never attack them lol
"Procs on tank hit harder the more they stack health!"
- well just never get hit lol
So basically stop playing the game once you face a tank in crimson?