ArcVelarian wrote: »DK sustain is going to be a nightmare with this patch. I don't know how to drill this into Zeni's skulls any further. StamDK is going to be completely unplayable in PvE. It would be really nice if we could get some Developer comments regarding DKs. The class is being left in the dirt for no discernible reason.
Lughlongarm wrote: »*Arctic Wind nerf feels really bad on a Magden. I understand this heal was broken on max HP builds, but for the average 25k-35k HP Wardens, this is probably the weakest burst heal among all classes.
As a magblade main it is hard to believe anything can be worse then 700 heal per sec from dark cloak
Lughlongarm wrote: »*Many suggested fixes like making Arctic Blast's healing stack with Magica+spell damage instead of HP. Another option is to buff Living Trellis burst heal, making it the main burst heal for Wardens instead of Arctic Wind.
ESO_Nightingale wrote: »
The latter is the only thing that really should happen. Changing the scaling of blast to max magicka and spell damage gives is a 6th magicka scaling heal which we dont need. It's unnecessary given the barely use the other heals these days. We need to remove blast's healing so that it can focus on damage and being an offensive stun.
Lughlongarm wrote: »Sure, If Living Trellis will be 50% stronger it can work.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »This is the official feedback thread for current class balance and abilities. After you have a chance to try out different combat scenarios, let us know what you think of the current balance.
We are tied with Templar for the worst PvP class in the game. Except Templar just got buffed and we didn't.
(Sniker's tier list, dozens of experienced PvP players come together each patch to form their lists)
universal_wrath wrote: »Suggestion for sorcerer:
Bound armament should scale with highest offensive stat and provide mag8cka/stamina accordingly, likewise with bound aegis.
I don't think there's anything wrong with the damage done by Greater Storm Atronach, it's a decent ST ultimate but takes a long time to pump out its full damage, and there are much better options if you want an AOE ultimate - elemental rage or even meteor. But it would be great if the Major Berserk was available to more group members, and at least including the caster.[/quote]Hurricane should get its full damage thoughout the duration, instead of increasing size and damage overtime. Greater storm atronach (AOE morhp) should do more AOE attacks and less single target, and major berserk need to affect group members instead of only one target.
Mages wrath (AOE morph) should be chamged to melee excute instead of range and increase its damage, the 4 secs pre excute timer can be removed.
Lughlongarm wrote: »As far as I remember Dark Cloak scales much better with
Well I said the weakest burst heal among all classes. As far I remember magblade does not have a burst heal at all. The direction of the class is different, based on kiting and changing positions. Warden damage and CC skills are mid-close range and mostly AOE ongoing pressure. You need to be in the heart of battle and soak damage. Can't compare apples to oranges. The class is more comparable to necros.
Update 29 reworked several of the passives on some of the weapon types to provide more hybrid bonuses that would make equipping that weapon type beneficial equally to both Stamina and Magicka focused builds. This was a great change, not only in expanding the viability of hybrids, but also in revitalizing DW builds on Melee Magicka specs.
However, this process was not extended to all weapon types and the armor skills were left largely untouched. With the recent changes to proc sets and how scaling for those sets works, I feel it would be appropriate to return to those efforts and expand them to the untouched weapon and armor passives. The changes that should be made are as follows:
Weapon Abilities:
- One Hand & Shield
- Sword and Board: Change this passive to provide an increase to both Spell and Weapon Damage
- Destruction Staff
- Penetrating Magic: Change this passive to provide both Spell and Physical Penetration (alternatively: Offensive Penetration)
- Restoration Staff
- Restoration Master: Change this passive to boost % Healing Done, rather than just boost Restoration Staff heals
Armor Abilities:
- Light Armor
- Prodigy: Change this passive to provide both Spell and Weapon Critical (alternatively: Critical Chance)
- Concentration: Change this passive to provide both Spell and Physical Penetration (alternatively: Offensive Penetration)
- Medium Armor
- Dexterity: Change this passive to provide both Spell and Weapon Critical (alternatively: Critical Chance)
- Agility: Change this passive to provide both Spell and Weapon Damage
YandereGirlfriend wrote: »
These are all sensible suggestions.
I would also add the passive that increases Weapon Damage (and only Weapon Damage) based upon your off-hand weapon from the Dual-Wield tree that also needs to be hybridized.
Only other thing is Penetrating Magic only applies to Staff abilities and none of them deal Martial Damage so changing that passive wouldn't really have an impact on anything.
I saw on a PTS discussion on discord that there is a problem with merciless resolve: according to a tester even at 5 stacks it didn't seem to buff their damage at all, it was as though not having the skill slotted. I can't check the PTS right now, but wondering if anyone has also else experienced this?
xI_The_Owl_Ix wrote: »The nerf to Dark Cloak makes 0 sense, instead of buffing MagNBs which are terrible in PvP, you go and nerf a heal that only heals for 600-700 ticks in PvP on a DD. Good job!
Overall class balance is terrible, PvP is pretty much pay2win and nothing has changed. I dont know what else to say besides listen to your playerbase and play your own game.
But Dark Cloak does not provide invisibility...deathbytiki wrote: »
Honestly, I think Dark cloak and pretty much ALL of the invisibility abilities are suuuuper powerful. The ability to hide and strike is crazy powerful in PVP! Not to mention people can disappear with ease and I still don't understand how AoEs don't pull them out of invis... I could stand for more nerfs actually. IMO
@deathbytiki calm down. it purges 1 negative effect. you what how much damage you get for that GCD? nuttin. you know what i've never seen on my death recap? betty netch.