SydneyGrey wrote: »I really hope companions aren't allowed in dungeon finder.
I was kind of worried that I'll decide to use dungeon finder to PUG one day, and end up in a group with a bot. I'd rather play with actual people, not bots.
If you don't want to see a bot in a group you could join a premade group, with friends or guildmates...
I'd rather play with bots to be honest. So I certainly hope companions will be a thing in dungeon finder. We could have some sort of options toggle though. Like "don't want to join groups with bots" which would then only matchmake you into groups without the ability to take out a companion. That would be something for everyone.
Except that the dungeon finder is designed to help *players* find a group. So allowing companions in dungeon finder groups goes against that.
I have nothing against people pairing with another player and both using companions to complete a dungeon, though.
I can see players heavily abusing companions in easier dungeons... by solo or dual queueing for a random dungeon, and instantly kicking the other player(s) after entering, just to use their companions. We already see how some players abuse others in the dungeonfinder(speedrunners, fake roles, etc), this will make it worse. As they immediately have a replacement, in the form of companions.
Or all those DPS who will be fake queueing as tank, with the sole intention of immediately kicking the DPS and using their tanking companion instead. Instant queue abuse!
Players already do this with guildies and friends....
That's not how kicking works. You can't dual queue and then kick the other 2 players. You need 3 people to agree to kick one.
Same for the fake tank queuing DPS. The fake tank can't just solo kick the other DPS. The other people need to agree to kick the real DPS in favor of the fake tank. Why would they? Those are not things that actually happen ever.
Players already do this with guildies and friends....
That's not how kicking works. You can't dual queue and then kick the other 2 players. You need 3 people to agree to kick one.
Same for the fake tank queuing DPS. The fake tank can't just solo kick the other DPS. The other people need to agree to kick the real DPS in favor of the fake tank. Why would they? Those are not things that actually happen ever.
So which situation are we talking about? 3 Guildies decide to do a dungeon and they want to kick a player to replace them with a companion?
They will just enter the dungeon together with one companion. Why would they ever waste their time with dungeon finder. Why would they ever waste their time kicking someone?
I am not arguing that toxic players who kick people do not exist. They absolutely do. I just don't think that any of the situations you described make any sense. Or that they happen often enough to be worth mentioning.
The only reason I even want a Companion is so my friend and I can play 4-man dungeons by ourselves and get the daily random rewards. We duo them now when the mood strikes, and just do without the rewards. "Queueing" up with 2 AI wouldn't hurt anyone in our case, because we're not normally in the pool of random players to begin with.
BUT, I'd be all for implementing a lock of sorts that dictates you cannot summon (or dismiss) Companions once a dungeon/trial starts, so as not to encourage (or even allow) people to kick real players in favor of bots. That should just never happen, and is a serious *** move from someone to kick a real player who's struggling just to have a mediocre NPC take their place.
I really hope a middle ground is found, because I want to do it my way with my friend in our own "private" group, but I also agree that for solo/random LFG groups this could be a real problem that needs ZOS to handle smartly.
robertthebard wrote: »
Nope. If I ever feel the need to kick someone, it will be because of their toxicity in the group. I'm not seeing how having to put up with that, when I can vote kick and replace them with a comp would be of benefit to me. Just as that toxic player is in it for themselves, the same applies to me, and if the rest of the group agrees that they need to go, they voted to kick, after all, then "buh bye, and let's hit a comp, and get it done".
They just revealed they will only manage around 10K DPS and not be able to handle mechanics, the only players in danger of being kicked are those that struggle to manage even that or fake tanks in the easier base game dungeons on normal. Doubt anyone will use them in Vet.
I would hope you can use companions in addition to group members though but I doubt it will work that way.
Companion gear better be sell-able on traders and be part of the sets collections system.
If your performing badly enough that the group feels it would be easier with a companion NPC, you need to have a good look at your build.
Now on a side note: I'm pretty new to ESO and I don't touch dungeons up to now because of what I read in this forum. I'm not sure if anyone realize that, but for a newcomer, what we read here about dungeons is pretty discouraging about the activity.
etchedpixels wrote: »Providing they are smart enough to stand on the plates in direfrost and get rid of the stupid pointless anti-solo mechanic there I'll be happy