BrownChicken wrote: »So ... what do you think about this?
Pro tip: Fiddle with your camera settings!
Adjusting your camera angle so that it's easier for you to see & target enemies in the chaos of combat can make a very noticeable difference. Personally I like my camera to be close and low for adventuring and whatnot, but for combat effectiveness I need to be zoomed out and up high.
If you're on PC N'Tak Camera is an excellent addon that can make switching between custom presets a breeze; otherwise you'll need to adjust manually in Settings as desired.
BrownChicken wrote: »I will say right away that I have no problems with light attacks and weaving ... on target dummy. But when I go to trial with my group, I lose 15-20% of my light attacks. Regularly in combat, my character just stops casting light attacks. For 1-2 seconds, I can still cast skills, but not light attacks. But these are prefaces ...
Looking at the logs, I see that light attacks make up a very large part of your dps. More than 20%. And I think it shouldn't be that way. 20% from just one mechanic? Why? Maybe you need to try to reduce the damage from light attacks and increase the damage from abilities equivalently? Yes, I think that the player's skill element should still be there, but more than 20% from light attacks only is too much. This makes the combat system too focused on one specific mechanic. Also, light attacks are too sensitive to your ping and server performance. Nerf light attacks will rightly reduce the gap between people with different pings. It will also make the combat system not so scary and difficult for a lot of people who cannot master weaving. This will make veteran content more accessible to people rather than companions.
So ... what do you think about this?
So we have to nerf things because people either play on crappy internet or are unlucky enough to not have a server for their region?
Unless you're in a team pushing score, missing light attacks here or there makes no difference. You can still complete the content.
Dude, I don't say this as antagonisticly, but they've merfed enough s*** over the years. No nerf to LA please.
You don't need perfect LA weaving to complete DLCs or Trials, and everyone that isn't a Trial coordinator knows that parses are not reflective of boss fights in endgame content.
Skills are responsible for 75-90% DPS. Lets nerf skills !
codierussell wrote: »Except nerfing light attacks and raising the damage of the skills does nothing to lower the gap. Top players will always light attack weave because it is free damage. even when they were testing the change last year where light attacks gave more sustain than damage top players were even better off because sustain only became an issue for those who could not weave. At this point they can't do anything about the core combat of the game or they lose players. Keep it the same and maybe make veteran and the veteran hard modes a little bit easier, then add a harder difficulty for the players that want more of a challenge.
BrownChicken wrote: »or something is wrong with this idea.
ZOS did a lot over time to bring the floor closer to the ceiling. The changes to CP are the most recent ones and include a pretty hefty nerf to light attacks by stripping the coresponding cp node entirely.
Dude, I don't say this as antagonisticly, but they've merfed enough s*** over the years. No nerf to LA please.
You don't need perfect LA weaving to complete DLCs or Trials, and everyone that isn't a Trial coordinator knows that parses are not reflective of boss fights in endgame content.
if you say about 21kk atro, then 50k is very small.It is possible to do 45-50k with no LA.
It is no problem to do 40K on 800+cp.
It looks good enough now. The animations are smoother, it is no longer possible to speed up the triggering of skills with a block. They are safe features of the combat system and made it look good.On the other hand the glitching of the animation and the ability to cancel the LA animation show its not 'meant to be'. The game can't even handle teaching newer players how to weave properly cause it's not in the 'code'... there is no in game weaving tutorial...
Then there would be little point in light attacks. Again, I would not want to completely remove the weaving. I'm just saying that LA has an overwhelming effect on the final DPS. The player's skill will still depend on skill uptime and apm.As i understand (and correct me if I am wrong) LA are on a (??) gcd and Skills are on a (.8seconds)gcd. Which makes it possible to put a LA before every Skill usage and with that cancel the LA animation... why not just put them both on the same (.4seconds? just a number) gcd and make it a prerequisite for targeted skills to have used a LA before it? (just a brainfart and I already see the flaws in my own writing here...D )
Why do you think that 20% of the damage being light attacks is too much, if you are weaving, that's 50% of your rotation.
They obviously do less damage than individual skills, they are just being used more than anything else.
Why do you think that 20% of the damage being light attacks is too much, if you are weaving, that's 50% of your rotation.
They obviously do less damage than individual skills, they are just being used more than anything else.
This math doesn't make sense. I just about every parse I've seen on internet of 100K DPS, it is almost always 20-25% LA. Which means 20-25K DPS just from light attack but this is were the math doesn't make sense. How can every light attack be doing 20-25K damage per second if you can only do 1 each second. Is a light attack really 20-25K damage or are they doing more than one per second? Is combat metrics totally wrong and shouldn't be obsessively used or is LA way over performing?
BTW of course LA attack will have less overall damage than skills because most skills are AOE/DOT which do damage for free over a long period of time. LA should be no where near 20K per second, something is wrong. And if you look at those parses LA is usually first or second, meaning it does more damage than ultimates.
And as other posters have said I am also on Gig internet with low latency but NEVER have less than 100ms ping and bumps up in RED all the time. I they can't fix their network speed/latency they should at least make skills/LA less dependent on that. As another person said everything should be in the SAME GCD just make it shorter that would help everyone, cause you could fire off more skills faster or smoothly do LA, but not be totally handicapped by not doing LA between every skill, which makes DPSing just tedious and not fun.
Agenericname wrote: »Why do you think that 20% of the damage being light attacks is too much, if you are weaving, that's 50% of your rotation.
They obviously do less damage than individual skills, they are just being used more than anything else.
This math doesn't make sense. I just about every parse I've seen on internet of 100K DPS, it is almost always 20-25% LA. Which means 20-25K DPS just from light attack but this is were the math doesn't make sense. How can every light attack be doing 20-25K damage per second if you can only do 1 each second. Is a light attack really 20-25K damage or are they doing more than one per second? Is combat metrics totally wrong and shouldn't be obsessively used or is LA way over performing?
BTW of course LA attack will have less overall damage than skills because most skills are AOE/DOT which do damage for free over a long period of time. LA should be no where near 20K per second, something is wrong. And if you look at those parses LA is usually first or second, meaning it does more damage than ultimates.
And as other posters have said I am also on Gig internet with low latency but NEVER have less than 100ms ping and bumps up in RED all the time. I they can't fix their network speed/latency they should at least make skills/LA less dependent on that. As another person said everything should be in the SAME GCD just make it shorter that would help everyone, cause you could fire off more skills faster or smoothly do LA, but not be totally handicapped by not doing LA between every skill, which makes DPSing just tedious and not fun.
If we used 100k total damage and 20k light attacks as the benchmark, that puts light attacks at 20% of your total damage. Considering that to get this number they need to be 50% of your rotation they offer a low return on investment. One of, if not the lowest of the combat related skills/abilities per button click.
They dont do more damage than an ultimate. They do more DPS than an ultimate. On an Iron Attro parse I'm hitting a LA over 200 times. I'm hitting my ultimate under 10.
They being buffed by the buffs on the iron attro, the vma staff, and more than half (normally) will crit. Thats how they get that high.