LostHorizon1933 wrote: »BUGLOSS
* BOO gloss
* CHOW russ
* bang KOR ai
I've always said it like Bug Loss, like chorus despite all voice actors saying chaw-rus (the walrus) and Bangkorai with the emphasis on Bang.
Seeing Dreugh up here I initially said it "dreg" but I was always confused by that when found out it's more like Drew.
JamieAubrey wrote: »Bug-Loss
Chaw-Rus ( like Chalk )
Drew Wax
Well, or think of Yosemite in the USA - how on earth can someone from the writing get to the pronunciation "joe-sam-eeh-tea" -. just wow.
Nord_Raseri wrote: »
LostHorizon1933 wrote: »BUGLOSS
* BOO gloss
* BYOO gloss
* BUG loss
* Like “chorus”
* CHO russ
* CHOW russ
* “banker rye”
* BANG kor ai
* bang KOR ai