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Update on Proc Set Plan in Cyrodiil

  • Szende
    It would be just more fair if they wait with this change/test until they can add it separated, satisfy everyone and not messing up Cyro for lot of people. Where's the hurry to anyways?
    Kyra Leith - PvP Stamina Nightblade
  • eternalshockcable
    why don't y'all bring GAME MASTERS back into cyrodiil??

    This way y'all can see the new metas you got running around
    like all sorc groups from 7 years ago
    and the lag switch users that still plague cyrodiil.

    btw ping is amazing. Great job! No sarcasm, there real honesty.
    I get anywhere between 67-90 ping , when i don't encounter a suspected cheater.

    Here's the thing though...

    I feel that since the announced buy out of Zenimax and Bethesda by Microsoft,
    every cheater that has come through eso is back in here using a lag switch.
    Like the jailer just threw the keys in the inmates cell and walked out.

    Literally its been 7 years and we can't get new servers
    and we can't get cheaters out cyrodiil.

    All I would like is to have :
    Balanced game play,
    New servers,
    Game Masters
    and balance in rules.

    IF you say you're going to ban people for cheating do it, there is a lot in here.
    IF you say you're going to ban teabaggers do it , every cheater that gets called out teabags.
    IF you say you're going to get new servers do it, don't just make it a topic of every yearly expansion.

    I'm grateful you fixed the lag but the war isn't over.
    You got to get in here and see what we deal with first hand.
    Edited by ZOS_ConnorG on April 18, 2021 12:23PM
    Dear Community/Followers,

    I want to address recent concerns regarding allegations of inappropriate direct messages and supposed cheating. First and foremost, I want to clarify that I do not admit to any wrongdoing. However, I understand that my actions may have been perceived in a way that caused concern.

    As many of you know, I am a disabled veteran who served in Iraq, and I am permanently and totally mentally disabled. My PTSD, which was formally diagnosed in 2013 after being reclassified in the DSM-5, has affected me in ways that are difficult to fully explain. While this is not an excuse, it has, at times, clouded my judgment and impacted my behavior. This condition is something I have lived with for a long time, and it is a daily challenge.

    As an influencer, streamer, and game reviewer with over 300 reviews, 800 followers on Twitch, and 1,600 followers on TikTok, I understand the responsibility that comes with my platform. Our role as influencers is to set a positive example, and I want to make it clear that I do not condone actions that go against the Terms of Service (TOS) or End User License Agreements (EULA) of any platform or community. Even though societal norms have evolved, and what was once deemed acceptable behavior in the past is no longer appropriate, I am committed to adapting and ensuring that my actions reflect the values we strive for today.

    I want to go forward with a commitment to better representing the disabled members of our community. I recognize that I may never fully "fit in" or be "normal," but I am dedicated to improving and learning from these experiences. It is crucial that we have more flexibility and better support services for disabled veterans like myself, so we can remain active members of our communities without being unfairly limited by our disabilities. These services would help ensure that we can make better decisions and avoid situations like this in the future.

    Thank you for your understanding, and I am grateful for the continued support of this community as I work to become a better version of myself.

  • Rittings
    I do like the way Zenimax gave console players 4 days notice... after we have asked specifically on these forums and was told it would be a later date than this, and that it would come when rulesets were introduced. So thanks for that... now some of us (myself included) spent countless hours putting new sets together and golding them out in the knowledge that they'd be working okay for this next patch!!

    So... if I can bill you for my temps/wax/platings/rosin?? That'd be great... lol.
  • eternalshockcable


    please go back 7 years to when BLAZING SHIELD actually was good.

    with this old game play TANKING isn't a thing anymore with modern nerfs and 7 year old game play,
    there is literally nothing to counter the ranged meta in cyrodiil.
    Edited by eternalshockcable on March 19, 2021 12:26AM
    Dear Community/Followers,

    I want to address recent concerns regarding allegations of inappropriate direct messages and supposed cheating. First and foremost, I want to clarify that I do not admit to any wrongdoing. However, I understand that my actions may have been perceived in a way that caused concern.

    As many of you know, I am a disabled veteran who served in Iraq, and I am permanently and totally mentally disabled. My PTSD, which was formally diagnosed in 2013 after being reclassified in the DSM-5, has affected me in ways that are difficult to fully explain. While this is not an excuse, it has, at times, clouded my judgment and impacted my behavior. This condition is something I have lived with for a long time, and it is a daily challenge.

    As an influencer, streamer, and game reviewer with over 300 reviews, 800 followers on Twitch, and 1,600 followers on TikTok, I understand the responsibility that comes with my platform. Our role as influencers is to set a positive example, and I want to make it clear that I do not condone actions that go against the Terms of Service (TOS) or End User License Agreements (EULA) of any platform or community. Even though societal norms have evolved, and what was once deemed acceptable behavior in the past is no longer appropriate, I am committed to adapting and ensuring that my actions reflect the values we strive for today.

    I want to go forward with a commitment to better representing the disabled members of our community. I recognize that I may never fully "fit in" or be "normal," but I am dedicated to improving and learning from these experiences. It is crucial that we have more flexibility and better support services for disabled veterans like myself, so we can remain active members of our communities without being unfairly limited by our disabilities. These services would help ensure that we can make better decisions and avoid situations like this in the future.

    Thank you for your understanding, and I am grateful for the continued support of this community as I work to become a better version of myself.

  • catnamedwill
    WolfyRaps wrote: »
    Xandreia_ wrote: »
    WolfyRaps wrote: »
    Crimson and unfathomable darkness are trash for any half serious PVPer.. Tried them just to test what everybody was talking about and they proved to be very bad.. Why don't you just get them and try them out see how "good" they are...

    are you playing the same game as everyone else? those sets plus the malacath band buff are broken. hense why 3/4 of the pvp community ran them lol

    I have every PVP worty set in the game and I am one of the top PVPers... And I assure you those sets are beyond trash agains half decent players..

    Bruh, almost everybody claims to be a top PvPer in the forums.

    If you seriously want people to believe that, show proof xD
  • WolfyRaps
    WolfyRaps wrote: »
    Xandreia_ wrote: »
    WolfyRaps wrote: »
    Crimson and unfathomable darkness are trash for any half serious PVPer.. Tried them just to test what everybody was talking about and they proved to be very bad.. Why don't you just get them and try them out see how "good" they are...

    are you playing the same game as everyone else? those sets plus the malacath band buff are broken. hense why 3/4 of the pvp community ran them lol

    I have every PVP worty set in the game and I am one of the top PVPers... And I assure you those sets are beyond trash agains half decent players..

    Bruh, almost everybody claims to be a top PvPer in the forums.

    If you seriously want people to believe that, show proof xD

    I don't care if you believe it or not. The point is that I have every BIS PVP set in the game for every class and I am very experienced at pvp.. Played through all the metas over the years (exept in the begining).

    And with that long experience I can say that I like the build diversity we have now the most, much more then when everybody was wearing NM/Fury.

    I do not want to see the build diversity go away because some inexperienced people do not know how to counter some easely counterable proc sets. I do not want some truly unjustified outcry to make ZOS nerf the "proc" sets out of existence which will force everybody to revert back to a cookie cutter "stat" build like NM / Fury back in the day..
  • Joy_Division
    WolfyRaps wrote: »
    WolfyRaps wrote: »
    Xandreia_ wrote: »
    WolfyRaps wrote: »
    Crimson and unfathomable darkness are trash for any half serious PVPer.. Tried them just to test what everybody was talking about and they proved to be very bad.. Why don't you just get them and try them out see how "good" they are...

    are you playing the same game as everyone else? those sets plus the malacath band buff are broken. hense why 3/4 of the pvp community ran them lol

    I have every PVP worty set in the game and I am one of the top PVPers... And I assure you those sets are beyond trash agains half decent players..

    Bruh, almost everybody claims to be a top PvPer in the forums.

    If you seriously want people to believe that, show proof xD

    I don't care if you believe it or not. The point is that I have every BIS PVP set in the game for every class and I am very experienced at pvp.. Played through all the metas over the years (exept in the begining).

    And with that long experience I can say that I like the build diversity we have now the most, much more then when everybody was wearing NM/Fury.

    I do not want to see the build diversity go away because some inexperienced people do not know how to counter some easely counterable proc sets. I do not want some truly unjustified outcry to make ZOS nerf the "proc" sets out of existence which will force everybody to revert back to a cookie cutter "stat" build like NM / Fury back in the day..

    By sheer mathematics, any poster proclaiming "I'm a great PvPer," is a dubious statement at best, consider literally half of every PvPer is by definition below the mean and anyone who has played a long time knows that mean isn't very high to begin with.

    People don;t need to advertise that they are great at PvP. I will either recognize the name or, if they play on different servers, can tell from what they post about what their skill level is.

    I'd also say that being very experienced isn't necessarily an indication of their overall skill level. A player who always runs in a large group or never willingly challenges themselves is artificially capping their skill below their potential.

    To your point, I would agree PvP was bland and boring when everyone ran New Moon / Fury. But I disagree that introducing back in proc sets like Crimson and (bugged) Unfathomable is somehow better. In downplaying their potency, you fall into the same trap that ZOS does, which is basically the theory that "because there is a couter, it's ok for these to be super strong." No it's not. When people get stunned or are melee builds and have to be in close range or if inexperienced PuGs keep triggering an overpowered proc, etc., then these powerful effects are going to go off almost as easy as the "when you deal a light attack" condition. Something like Venomous Smite is not "easily countered." Anybody who actually wants to fight and stand still enough to cast one attack skill will be hit by that proc set. And the idea that someone can just slap on Zaan and it's ok to have a beam of death because all the player has to do is move 18 meters away of something is just crazy. Well, that's all fine and good for sorcerer players out there, but it screws over people who play DKs. If these sets were as easily counterable as you infer, then there wouldn't have been an outcry over Procs back in Morrowind or when ZOs went nuts with Oblivion procs or the past year. The idea of "avoidable proc so it's fine that the proc is super strong" is precisely why we keep going around in circles. It's a bad concept because there are going to be too many times when players either can't avoid them or it's impractical to do so.

    I would also argue that if the only way to spice up build variety is to include powerful armor sets that play they game for players, then the game is at dead end and needs serious re-evaluation of its core mechanics. I have been playing RPGs all the way back since D&D was the cool new game all the kids played, and they did not center a player's power/build or what they could do or made the game more interesting or exciting by relying on gear sets. Sure, I could acquire powerful magic items like a vorpal sword that might instantly severed the head off an enemy, but the weapon wasn't worth a damned if I did not already build my character to be a very formidable swordmaster. In short, the Vorpal weapon didn;t play the game for me; rather it augmented what I already was very good at doing.

    In short, the New Moon / Fury meta was boring not because proc sets were bad, but because ZOS had so much nerfed and took away the things our characters used to be able to do independent of gear. So if you didn't put those sets on and didn't use a 2H Dizzy build centered on off-balance and the 2H ulti, you were pretty much at a mechanical disadvantage to someone who was running that build. In short, one could say that build had basically the same issue that proc sets do: it's the gear + specific mechanic that defines the player. It's just not as obnoxious as say a Zaan beam in your face.
    Edited by Joy_Division on March 19, 2021 5:14PM
  • WolfyRaps
    WolfyRaps wrote: »
    WolfyRaps wrote: »
    Xandreia_ wrote: »
    WolfyRaps wrote: »
    Crimson and unfathomable darkness are trash for any half serious PVPer.. Tried them just to test what everybody was talking about and they proved to be very bad.. Why don't you just get them and try them out see how "good" they are...

    are you playing the same game as everyone else? those sets plus the malacath band buff are broken. hense why 3/4 of the pvp community ran them lol

    I have every PVP worty set in the game and I am one of the top PVPers... And I assure you those sets are beyond trash agains half decent players..

    Bruh, almost everybody claims to be a top PvPer in the forums.

    If you seriously want people to believe that, show proof xD

    I don't care if you believe it or not. The point is that I have every BIS PVP set in the game for every class and I am very experienced at pvp.. Played through all the metas over the years (exept in the begining).

    And with that long experience I can say that I like the build diversity we have now the most, much more then when everybody was wearing NM/Fury.

    I do not want to see the build diversity go away because some inexperienced people do not know how to counter some easely counterable proc sets. I do not want some truly unjustified outcry to make ZOS nerf the "proc" sets out of existence which will force everybody to revert back to a cookie cutter "stat" build like NM / Fury back in the day..

    By sheer mathematics, any poster proclaiming "I'm a great PvPer," is a dubious statement at best, consider literally half of every PvPer is by definition below the mean and anyone who has played a long time knows that mean isn't very high to begin with.

    People don;t need to advertise that they are great at PvP. I will either recognize the name or, if they play on different servers, can tell from what they post about what their skill level is.

    I'd also say that being very experienced isn't necessarily an indication of their overall skill level. A player who always runs in a large group or never willingly challenges themselves is artificially capping their skill below their potential.

    I usually play solo in Cyro and BGs and Im mostly first place in BGs at the top of the ladder. I also spent countles hours dueling in Bergama where on PC EU all the "big boys" and crazy russians are :). I usually win more than 50% of my duels there on the right builds. I did not win any dueling turnaments so I wouldn't say I am the best just that I am very experienced at PVP and somewhere in top 100 on PC EU.

    To your point, I would agree PvP was bland and boring when everyone ran New Moon / Fury. But I disagree that introducing back in proc sets like Crimson and (bugged) Unfathomable is somehow better. In downplaying their potency, you fall into the same trap that ZOS does, which is basically the theory that "because there is a couter, it's ok for these to be super strong." No it's not. When people get stunned or are melee builds and have to be in close range or if inexperienced PuGs keep triggering an overpowered proc, etc., then these powerful effects are going to go off almost as easy as the "when you deal a light attack" condition. Something like Venomous Smite is not "easily countered." Anybody who actually wants to fight and stand still enough to cast one attack skill will be hit by that proc set. And the idea that someone can just slap on Zaan and it's ok to have a beam of death because all the player has to do is move 18 meters away of something is just crazy. Well, that's all fine and good for sorcerer players out there, but it screws over people who play DKs. If these sets were as easily counterable as you infer, then there wouldn't have been an outcry over Procs back in Morrowind or when ZOs went nuts with Oblivion procs or the past year. The idea of "avoidable proc so it's fine that the proc is super strong" is precisely why we keep going around in circles. It's a bad concept because there are going to be too many times when players either can't avoid them or it's impractical to do so.

    I would also argue that if the only way to spice up build variety is to include powerful armor sets that play they game for players, then the game is at dead end and needs serious re-evaluation of its core mechanics. I have been playing RPGs all the way back since D&D was the cool new game all the kids played, and they did not center a player's power/build or what they could do or made the game more interesting or exciting by relying on gear sets. Sure, I could acquire powerful magic items like a vorpal sword that might instantly severed the head off an enemy, but the weapon wasn't worth a damned if I did not already build my character to be a very formidable swordmaster. In short, the Vorpal weapon didn;t play the game for me; rather it augmented what I already was very good at doing.

    In short, the New Moon / Fury meta was boring not because proc sets were bad, but because ZOS had so much nerfed and took away the things our characters used to be able to do independent of gear. So if you didn't put those sets on and didn't use a 2H Dizzy build centered on off-balance and the 2H ulti, you were pretty much at a mechanical disadvantage to someone who was running that build. In short, one could say that build had basically the same issue that proc sets do: it's the gear + specific mechanic that defines the player. It's just not as obnoxious as say a Zaan beam in your face.

    The thing that should exist in any good MMO RPG is significant choices and this regards gear as well.

    A stat set is a stat set however you turn it and it will be a very clear hierarchy between those sets in a specific meta.

    Proc sets that are well balanced offer significant choices for a specific build.

    I dueled tons of Zaan users on my stamcro or magdk. On my stamcro I just block and heal through the damage then I easely kill them because a Zaan centric build is usually very squishy, so there is a clear trade off! On magdk I am sometimes forced to petrify and roll dodge away in the Zaan window. Then I can kill them because my pressure is constant, not dependent on a 8 seconds window every 30 seconds.. Crimson is a joke in high level PVP so its not even worth talking about it. It's more of a meme set ment to annoy a zerg of inexperienced players that follow an unkillable tanky guy..

    And the exemples go on and on. Almost every proc set is nieche and works best in certain situation and on certain builds. On all my 12 PVP characters now I am able to run a completly different build, sometimes 2-3 different builds per character.

    I do not want to return to a time when I will have to craft a New Moon equivalent and equip it on all my PVP characters in order to stay competitive..

    @ZOS_GinaBruno , @ZOS_BrianWheeler
    Edited by WolfyRaps on March 19, 2021 10:01PM
  • Darkainxx8
    Soul Shriven
    Actually zos making more harm than good on cyrodil and all this test madness is ridiculous not have a cyrodil campaign with full content of the game should respect even the 1 cent someone is paying for . How something is unbalanced when is accessible from all in game equal everyone drop everything easy something it can be considered as unbalanced when is not accessible from all or when is very difficult for some people but on This game all people can get everything. Maybe is more unbalanced now when most of its content removed and have remained only few sets to use. Zos adjust so many things and they where incapable to adjust some set's for better game performance and reduce people complains about procs ? Tests over month duration is not fair for all these people that paying monthly subscription and buying dlcs should be their single cent paid respected and be able to use all . Want to continue Tests then make a test campaign that can run all year And test what ever you want
  • Seraphayel
    Honestly, why are y’all still going on? Proc sets are disabled for the next 3 months. They might come back with separate campaigns or ZOS figured a way out to properly balance them. For the moment this discussion is just back and forth without any results because we don’t know what ZOS plans are (and I doubt ZOS knows that either at this point).
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • ZOS_ConnorG
    Greetings all,

    After review we have had to edit or remove several posts for Non-Constructive Back and Forth, as well as Baiting. Ensure when engaging in a discussion that you keep said discussion civil, constructive, and within the rules. If you see a post that is baiting in nature do not engage it with further hostility and instead report it for the moderators to review.

    You are welcome to review the Community Rules here.
    Edited by ZOS_ConnorG on March 20, 2021 1:15PM
    Staff Post
  • RnVx
    Soul Shriven
    ZOS please take a look into your servers right now. As in right now. Worst performance since the tests started. In PCNA Grayhost, 3 factions stacked at Arrius keep and skills are not firing, character models not moving. It is so frustrating.
  • UntouchableHunter
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Honestly, why are y’all still going on? Proc sets are disabled for the next 3 months. They might come back with separate campaigns or ZOS figured a way out to properly balance them. For the moment this discussion is just back and forth without any results because we don’t know what ZOS plans are (and I doubt ZOS knows that either at this point).

    Because we don't agree with ZOS decision.

    They should announce the changes for the next patch and not change banning our sets.

    And ZOS still ignoring the community. ZOS must revert procs now or give us separate campaign now.
  • Harro.Vosnrb18_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I love Cyro without proc sets. If you HAVE to change it back, PLEASE create a no-proc set campaign!
  • Seraphayel
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Honestly, why are y’all still going on? Proc sets are disabled for the next 3 months. They might come back with separate campaigns or ZOS figured a way out to properly balance them. For the moment this discussion is just back and forth without any results because we don’t know what ZOS plans are (and I doubt ZOS knows that either at this point).

    Because we don't agree with ZOS decision.

    They should announce the changes for the next patch and not change banning our sets.

    And ZOS still ignoring the community. ZOS must revert procs now or give us separate campaign now.

    Again, that’s not how ZOS is doing things. You have to arrange with the fact that proc sets are disabled in Cyrodiil until U30. They already reduced this from 6 months to 3 because we have a serious issue here and they are looking for solutions. You should be glad that they reduced the time by 50% (although that might negatively impact the final outcome or solution to the problem).

    Protesting this change in the forum won’t do anything, it’s like this until June - arrange with or get over it, it’s the only thing you can do. More information regarding the changes for proc sets will most likely come with the Blackwood PTS in mid April.
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • UntouchableHunter
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Honestly, why are y’all still going on? Proc sets are disabled for the next 3 months. They might come back with separate campaigns or ZOS figured a way out to properly balance them. For the moment this discussion is just back and forth without any results because we don’t know what ZOS plans are (and I doubt ZOS knows that either at this point).

    Because we don't agree with ZOS decision.

    They should announce the changes for the next patch and not change banning our sets.

    And ZOS still ignoring the community. ZOS must revert procs now or give us separate campaign now.

    Again, that’s not how ZOS is doing things. You have to arrange with the fact that proc sets are disabled in Cyrodiil until U30. They already reduced this from 6 months to 3 because we have a serious issue here and they are looking for solutions. You should be glad that they reduced the time by 50% (although that might negatively impact the final outcome or solution to the problem).

    Protesting this change in the forum won’t do anything, it’s like this until June - arrange with or get over it, it’s the only thing you can do. More information regarding the changes for proc sets will most likely come with the Blackwood PTS in mid April.

    You are absolutely wrong.

    I'm not glad at all because they make the mistake smaller.
    The mistake still there. They just banned the sets without reason.

    ZOS assumed that the procs aren't causing the lag.
    They did the test and they got the answer.

    The proc sets ban was a unilateral decision.

    The community was not happy and ZOS reduced from u31 to u30 but we are not asking for reduce the mistake we are asking to solve, reverting proc to Cyrodill or at least giving us a campaign without procs.
    Edited by UntouchableHunter on March 20, 2021 10:28PM
  • Seraphayel
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Honestly, why are y’all still going on? Proc sets are disabled for the next 3 months. They might come back with separate campaigns or ZOS figured a way out to properly balance them. For the moment this discussion is just back and forth without any results because we don’t know what ZOS plans are (and I doubt ZOS knows that either at this point).

    Because we don't agree with ZOS decision.

    They should announce the changes for the next patch and not change banning our sets.

    And ZOS still ignoring the community. ZOS must revert procs now or give us separate campaign now.

    Again, that’s not how ZOS is doing things. You have to arrange with the fact that proc sets are disabled in Cyrodiil until U30. They already reduced this from 6 months to 3 because we have a serious issue here and they are looking for solutions. You should be glad that they reduced the time by 50% (although that might negatively impact the final outcome or solution to the problem).

    Protesting this change in the forum won’t do anything, it’s like this until June - arrange with or get over it, it’s the only thing you can do. More information regarding the changes for proc sets will most likely come with the Blackwood PTS in mid April.

    You are absolutely wrong.

    I'm not glad at all because they make the mistake smaller.
    The mistake still there. They just banned the sets without reason.

    ZOS assumed that the procs aren't causing the lag.
    They did the test and they got the answer.

    The proc sets ban was a unilateral decision.

    The community was not happy and ZOS reduced from u31 to u30 but we are not asking for reduce the mistake we are asking to solve, reverting proc to Cyrodill or at least giving us a campaign without procs.

    Wrong with what? ZOS updates the game four times a year. Besides major bugs that disrupt the performance of the game they don’t apply major hotfixes. Proc sets are going to be disabled until U30. They won’t enable them just because a loud minority in the forum begs for it.

    And they didn’t ban them without a reason, they said they received a lot of feedback about no proc Cyrodiil and how much people enjoyed it. On top of that proc sets were already a balancing issue, therefore they decided to disable them and work on a solution on how to fix the problem. Three months without proc sets in Cyrodiil is absolutely possible for everyone to endure. If you don’t like it, go to IC, play battlegrounds are go into Cyrodiil but with disabled proc sets.
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Honestly, why are y’all still going on? Proc sets are disabled for the next 3 months. They might come back with separate campaigns or ZOS figured a way out to properly balance them. For the moment this discussion is just back and forth without any results because we don’t know what ZOS plans are (and I doubt ZOS knows that either at this point).

    Because we don't agree with ZOS decision.

    They should announce the changes for the next patch and not change banning our sets.

    And ZOS still ignoring the community. ZOS must revert procs now or give us separate campaign now.

    Again, that’s not how ZOS is doing things. You have to arrange with the fact that proc sets are disabled in Cyrodiil until U30. They already reduced this from 6 months to 3 because we have a serious issue here and they are looking for solutions. You should be glad that they reduced the time by 50% (although that might negatively impact the final outcome or solution to the problem).

    Protesting this change in the forum won’t do anything, it’s like this until June - arrange with or get over it, it’s the only thing you can do. More information regarding the changes for proc sets will most likely come with the Blackwood PTS in mid April.


    Nobody knows anything about Blackwood yet. Your post is based on assumptions. The only thing you might not be able to use would be proc sets, but they haven’t even said if new proc sets will come with Blackwood. So, a lot of uproar for no reason yet.
    Edited by ZOS_GabeS on March 21, 2021 1:37PM
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • UntouchableHunter
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Honestly, why are y’all still going on? Proc sets are disabled for the next 3 months. They might come back with separate campaigns or ZOS figured a way out to properly balance them. For the moment this discussion is just back and forth without any results because we don’t know what ZOS plans are (and I doubt ZOS knows that either at this point).

    Because we don't agree with ZOS decision.

    They should announce the changes for the next patch and not change banning our sets.

    And ZOS still ignoring the community. ZOS must revert procs now or give us separate campaign now.

    Again, that’s not how ZOS is doing things. You have to arrange with the fact that proc sets are disabled in Cyrodiil until U30. They already reduced this from 6 months to 3 because we have a serious issue here and they are looking for solutions. You should be glad that they reduced the time by 50% (although that might negatively impact the final outcome or solution to the problem).

    Protesting this change in the forum won’t do anything, it’s like this until June - arrange with or get over it, it’s the only thing you can do. More information regarding the changes for proc sets will most likely come with the Blackwood PTS in mid April.

    You are absolutely wrong.

    I'm not glad at all because they make the mistake smaller.
    The mistake still there. They just banned the sets without reason.

    ZOS assumed that the procs aren't causing the lag.
    They did the test and they got the answer.

    The proc sets ban was a unilateral decision.

    The community was not happy and ZOS reduced from u31 to u30 but we are not asking for reduce the mistake we are asking to solve, reverting proc to Cyrodill or at least giving us a campaign without procs.

    Wrong with what? ZOS updates the game four times a year. Besides major bugs that disrupt the performance of the game they don’t apply major hotfixes. Proc sets are going to be disabled until U30. They won’t enable them just because a loud minority in the forum begs for it.

    And they didn’t ban them without a reason, they said they received a lot of feedback about no proc Cyrodiil and how much people enjoyed it. On top of that proc sets were already a balancing issue, therefore they decided to disable them and work on a solution on how to fix the problem. Three months without proc sets in Cyrodiil is absolutely possible for everyone to endure. If you don’t like it, go to IC, play battlegrounds are go into Cyrodiil but with disabled proc sets.
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Honestly, why are y’all still going on? Proc sets are disabled for the next 3 months. They might come back with separate campaigns or ZOS figured a way out to properly balance them. For the moment this discussion is just back and forth without any results because we don’t know what ZOS plans are (and I doubt ZOS knows that either at this point).

    Because we don't agree with ZOS decision.

    They should announce the changes for the next patch and not change banning our sets.

    And ZOS still ignoring the community. ZOS must revert procs now or give us separate campaign now.

    Again, that’s not how ZOS is doing things. You have to arrange with the fact that proc sets are disabled in Cyrodiil until U30. They already reduced this from 6 months to 3 because we have a serious issue here and they are looking for solutions. You should be glad that they reduced the time by 50% (although that might negatively impact the final outcome or solution to the problem).

    Protesting this change in the forum won’t do anything, it’s like this until June - arrange with or get over it, it’s the only thing you can do. More information regarding the changes for proc sets will most likely come with the Blackwood PTS in mid April.


    Nobody knows anything about Blackwood yet. Your post is based on assumptions. The only thing you might not be able to use would be proc sets, but they haven’t even said if new proc sets will come with Blackwood. So, a lot of uproar for no reason yet.

    Wrong again. You are assuming that the majority doesn't wana procs. We never had a oficial pool about that. We have only people asking to change something in the proc sets. But they never was the majority. In the 3 weeks test the same people are asking to disable procs.

    On Friday, only three days before the patch ZOS announce the crazy idea to ban proc until U31.

    Than a lot of players, most of them that don't use the forum started to come to ask ZOS to revert it, because the NEW INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROC ARE DISABLE IN CYRODILL.

    Understand that nobody have the obligation to be in the forum and read about what others players are talking. Most players receive only the ZOS official information. When the official information came we just didn't believe what was happening.

    So don't have a unanimous opinion about proc we even have a real majority because we don't now exactly how many are in favor of what.

    So ZOS took the wrong decision not based in the performance and based in a wrong statement that the pvp players don't wana the procs in Cyrodill.

    Now we have players that don't wana Werewolfs, players that don't wana more then 30k health players that don't wana a lot of things.

    If ZOS we make a game based in each group of players that don't like a build that they can't kill we will never have a game because players will ever find a way to build something meta different the playstyle that someone likes.

    Now in the forum we have more conversations asking for the return of proc, because we just don't believe what ZOS did.

    Tell me my friend if ZOS decide today to have Cyrodill only with proc sets you would accept that?
    Edited by ZOS_GabeS on March 21, 2021 1:36PM
  • Jaraal
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Proc sets are going to be disabled until U30. They won’t enable them just because a loud minority in the forum begs for it.


    That's exactly what they did. A loud minority who couldn't figure out how to counter 95% of the sets in the game complained and begged for the no proc test to become their forever friend and guess what? ZOS hit us from out of nowhere, without warning that we would be without our gear for SIX MONTHS with a spur of the moment decision.

    So you claiming that ZOS doesn't listen and doesn't spring huge surprises on people because of forum feedback is quite wrong.

    Edited by Jaraal on March 21, 2021 2:01AM
  • Seraphayel
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Proc sets are going to be disabled until U30. They won’t enable them just because a loud minority in the forum begs for it.


    That's exactly what they did. A loud minority who couldn't figure out how to counter 95% of the sets in the game complained and begged for the no proc test to become their forever friend and guess what? ZOS hit us from out of nowhere, without warning that we would be without our gear for SIX MONTHS with a spur of the moment decision.

    So you claiming that ZOS doesn't listen and doesn't spring huge surprises on people because of forum feedback is quite wrong.

    A reasonable amount of people liked proc-free Cyrodiil. We don’t know about numbers, it can be 50:50, it can be 90:10, we just don’t know. So neither your position nor mine is valid in this regard as we both could be right or wrong.

    What I am saying is that ZOS got the feeling / perception that proc-free Cyrodiil is appreciated and they already planned to rework how proc sets work in Cyrodiil, so they just went with the change.

    Again, they won’t change their opinion again. They did reduce it from 6 to 3 months to find a middle ground and still have enough time to come up with ideas and work on it. They’re not going to enable proc sets next week just because. Y’all have to arrange with this fact, especially when you see that the riot in the forum is driven by very few people. Your opinion is valid, but it won’t change the immediate status quo.
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • WolfyRaps
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Proc sets are going to be disabled until U30. They won’t enable them just because a loud minority in the forum begs for it.


    That's exactly what they did. A loud minority who couldn't figure out how to counter 95% of the sets in the game complained and begged for the no proc test to become their forever friend and guess what? ZOS hit us from out of nowhere, without warning that we would be without our gear for SIX MONTHS with a spur of the moment decision.

    So you claiming that ZOS doesn't listen and doesn't spring huge surprises on people because of forum feedback is quite wrong.

    A reasonable amount of people liked proc-free Cyrodiil. We don’t know about numbers, it can be 50:50, it can be 90:10, we just don’t know. So neither your position nor mine is valid in this regard as we both could be right or wrong.

    What I am saying is that ZOS got the feeling / perception that proc-free Cyrodiil is appreciated and they already planned to rework how proc sets work in Cyrodiil, so they just went with the change.

    Again, they won’t change their opinion again. They did reduce it from 6 to 3 months to find a middle ground and still have enough time to come up with ideas and work on it. They’re not going to enable proc sets next week just because. Y’all have to arrange with this fact, especially when you see that the riot in the forum is driven by very few people. Your opinion is valid, but it won’t change the immediate status quo.

    If they don't listen to reasons on forums then maybe they will listen when they will see their income drop. Me and many other PVPers will not get an ESO+ subscription until all the sets are returned.

    And we will not get a new subscription and buy any new expansion if they nerf the "proc" sets out of existence and they force us all into a cookie cutter build like it was the case with NMA (I still have 6 versions of that set in my bank in all armor types and I still use it on my stamblade and magcro build..).
    Edited by WolfyRaps on March 21, 2021 10:32AM
  • Cyrdemaceb17_ESO
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Honestly, why are y’all still going on? Proc sets are disabled for the next 3 months. They might come back with separate campaigns or ZOS figured a way out to properly balance them. For the moment this discussion is just back and forth without any results because we don’t know what ZOS plans are (and I doubt ZOS knows that either at this point).

    Because we don't agree with ZOS decision.

    They should announce the changes for the next patch and not change banning our sets.

    And ZOS still ignoring the community. ZOS must revert procs now or give us separate campaign now.

    Again, that’s not how ZOS is doing things. You have to arrange with the fact that proc sets are disabled in Cyrodiil until U30. They already reduced this from 6 months to 3 because we have a serious issue here and they are looking for solutions. You should be glad that they reduced the time by 50% (although that might negatively impact the final outcome or solution to the problem).

    Protesting this change in the forum won’t do anything, it’s like this until June - arrange with or get over it, it’s the only thing you can do. More information regarding the changes for proc sets will most likely come with the Blackwood PTS in mid April.

    You are absolutely wrong.

    I'm not glad at all because they make the mistake smaller.
    The mistake still there. They just banned the sets without reason.

    ZOS assumed that the procs aren't causing the lag.
    They did the test and they got the answer.

    The proc sets ban was a unilateral decision.

    The community was not happy and ZOS reduced from u31 to u30 but we are not asking for reduce the mistake we are asking to solve, reverting proc to Cyrodill or at least giving us a campaign without procs.

    Wrong with what? ZOS updates the game four times a year. Besides major bugs that disrupt the performance of the game they don’t apply major hotfixes. Proc sets are going to be disabled until U30. They won’t enable them just because a loud minority in the forum begs for it.

    And they didn’t ban them without a reason, they said they received a lot of feedback about no proc Cyrodiil and how much people enjoyed it. On top of that proc sets were already a balancing issue, therefore they decided to disable them and work on a solution on how to fix the problem. Three months without proc sets in Cyrodiil is absolutely possible for everyone to endure. If you don’t like it, go to IC, play battlegrounds are go into Cyrodiil but with disabled proc sets.
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Honestly, why are y’all still going on? Proc sets are disabled for the next 3 months. They might come back with separate campaigns or ZOS figured a way out to properly balance them. For the moment this discussion is just back and forth without any results because we don’t know what ZOS plans are (and I doubt ZOS knows that either at this point).

    Because we don't agree with ZOS decision.

    They should announce the changes for the next patch and not change banning our sets.

    And ZOS still ignoring the community. ZOS must revert procs now or give us separate campaign now.

    Again, that’s not how ZOS is doing things. You have to arrange with the fact that proc sets are disabled in Cyrodiil until U30. They already reduced this from 6 months to 3 because we have a serious issue here and they are looking for solutions. You should be glad that they reduced the time by 50% (although that might negatively impact the final outcome or solution to the problem).

    Protesting this change in the forum won’t do anything, it’s like this until June - arrange with or get over it, it’s the only thing you can do. More information regarding the changes for proc sets will most likely come with the Blackwood PTS in mid April.


    Nobody knows anything about Blackwood yet. Your post is based on assumptions. The only thing you might not be able to use would be proc sets, but they haven’t even said if new proc sets will come with Blackwood. So, a lot of uproar for no reason yet.


    Fact is, that Blackwood will be released with U30.

    Fact ist, that the majority of players in this game do mainly PvE. So it would not be logical for a company to introduce stat.based sets with this new expansion, which will have no appeal to the PvE players. I talked with a lot of PvE players and the majority did not even know those sets, we are restricted to, exist, since they are of no use in endgame PvE content (and don't drop on Trials either). But they don't have to. Fights in PvE are a completly different ballgame.

    Even IF ZOS decides to bring in a few non-proc sets with Blackwood, it would still not help. The problem here are not the sets, it's the class imbalance. Sets were able to counter the imbalance for a long time and give sub-par classes the ability to have an edge again. But with those sets gone (and I am not talking about the often mentioned over-powered sets that are blamed here and which I don't use) the class imbalance is clear as daylight and THAT is the problem to be solved here.
    You have to balance the classes, but THIS will be having an impact on PvE too, so they need time and be careful about this.

    As you can see, I am not attacking your no-proc meta [snip].

    [Edited for baiting]
    Edited by Cyrdemaceb17_ESO on March 21, 2021 3:53PM
  • Sascha
    Thought Id throw in my two cents, Ive been pvping since IC came out and I've watched the game balancing get progressively worse because of power creep on CP and sets, proc or otherwise. About a year and a half ago I left because of all the troll groups running proc tank builds. Disabling the majority of sets like this is honestly about the only thing that could have brought me back to the game. The last week or so of pvp has been some of the most fun and worthwhile I've played in the games history.

    Now tonight I stepped into CP IC and it reminded me wby I left. There were troll builds running the new arena weapons +zaan + malacath, with fast tank builds so you cant break away. I was on stam sorc and couldn't outrun the beams. These guys generally showed up in twos and ran over small groups of both factions without blinking. If you pressured them, the beams plus all the dots eviscerated youf health even when they had to go on the defensive. When you combine all these sets with customizable CP, and the new changes, proc builds are more cancerous than ever.

    Having most proc and % sets disabled is a breath of fresh air. I've heard a lot of people say it's been the most balanced and fun pvp has been in years. I wholeheartedly agree.
  • WolfyRaps
    Sascha wrote: »
    Thought Id throw in my two cents, Ive been pvping since IC came out and I've watched the game balancing get progressively worse because of power creep on CP and sets, proc or otherwise. About a year and a half ago I left because of all the troll groups running proc tank builds. Disabling the majority of sets like this is honestly about the only thing that could have brought me back to the game. The last week or so of pvp has been some of the most fun and worthwhile I've played in the games history.

    Now tonight I stepped into CP IC and it reminded me wby I left. There were troll builds running the new arena weapons +zaan + malacath, with fast tank builds so you cant break away. I was on stam sorc and couldn't outrun the beams. These guys generally showed up in twos and ran over small groups of both factions without blinking. If you pressured them, the beams plus all the dots eviscerated youf health even when they had to go on the defensive. When you combine all these sets with customizable CP, and the new changes, proc builds are more cancerous than ever.

    Having most proc and % sets disabled is a breath of fresh air. I've heard a lot of people say it's been the most balanced and fun pvp has been in years. I wholeheartedly agree.

    I only play IC with my magsorc, equiped with in full Sorcodiil approved gear..

    I am forced to do this because that is the only class together with stam/mag blade that you can reliably farm tel var stone with. In IC even if you are the strongest player EU with the strongest build that ever existed you will get ganked by groups, unless you can escape..

    So I cannot reliably play my magplar, magdk or stamco there, classes that I enjoy playing more than magsorc, because, unlike magsorc, it is impossible to avoid dieing and losing my stones.

    You are telling a red herring.. The proc sets have absolutly nothing to do with you getting killed, Its simply organised groups ganking you as they would gank me or anybody else.

    Those proc sets that you hate on give at least a fighting chance, without leveling the playing field though, to other classes when confronted with magsorcs..

    Remove the sets from IC and you will make the class that is already dominating IC, without needing proc sets because it scales very well with stat builds, absolutly God tier.. It is alredy very hard to play any other class than magsorc in IC. Remove the proc sets or nerf them to dust and there will no longer be 30% sorcs there as there are now. There will be 95% magsorcs in IC...

    @ZOS_GinaBruno , @ZOS_BrianWheeler
    Edited by WolfyRaps on March 21, 2021 3:49PM
  • Wolfmaster

    [/quote]Again, that’s not how ZOS is doing things. You have to arrange with the fact that proc sets are disabled in Cyrodiil until U30. They already reduced this from 6 months to 3 because we have a serious issue here and they are looking for solutions. You should be glad that they reduced the time by 50% (although that might negatively impact the final outcome or solution to the problem).

    Protesting this change in the forum won’t do anything, it’s like this until June - arrange with or get over it, it’s the only thing you can do. More information regarding the changes for proc sets will most likely come with the Blackwood PTS in mid April. [/quote]


    Nobody knows anything about Blackwood yet. Your post is based on assumptions. The only thing you might not be able to use would be proc sets, but they haven’t even said if new proc sets will come with Blackwood. So, a lot of uproar for no reason yet.[/quote]

    We actually do not have to resign ourselves to accepting this. These forums are here as a means for us to share our grievances. You, of course, are not required to read them if you so choose. In your previous posts you make several claims that the majority of people who play in Cyrodill wanted the proc sets to continue to be turned off. I for one would like to know the source of your information? ZOS conducted no poll, they did not post any stats or test information that supported this claim. In fact, if you go back and read all 43 pages of the previous thread on this topic, 55% of the post regarding the proc sets wanted them returned, 43% wanted them permanently removed, and a very small percentage were happy either way. Don't believe me, go count them yourself. Keep in mind though that many people posted more than once on the topic, in those cases I only counted them once. Anyway, at the end of the day, this was a poor business decision on behalf of ZOS. Taking away a very large part of the game that people paid real money for, spent hundreds of hours of their lives working towards, and paid millions of in-game currency into the market place; = unhappy customers. Players builds are, in general, a large investment for many people. Having that investment suddenly and inexplicably taken away from you is not pleasant. Do not misunderstand me, I want the proc sets fixed too. They have gone way overboard with some of these sets, mainly because they were trying to fix the huge class unbalances with them. ZOS has been building match-stick skyscrapers (proc sets) on top of the the San Andreas fault (class balancing). It was just a matter of time before the "big one" hit. They need to fix it so we can enjoy this game we all love so much. My grief is that they just took this stuff that I've worked so hard for and devoted time that I can never get back. This could have been easily avoided if they had just said, "hey, in update 31 we are going to introduce a new server that turns off all procs", then as a community we could see together if that is the direction we wanted to go. Instead, they basically told me that my money and my time, and my opinion are not important to them. So, I will continue to Air my grievances within this forum, I will continue to keep my plus membership turned off (on two of my accounts anyway), and I will not play in Cyrodiil (lag is worse than ever btw). If you are good with it all, then I'm happy for you; sincerely.
  • Jayserix
    WolfyRaps wrote: »
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Proc sets are going to be disabled until U30. They won’t enable them just because a loud minority in the forum begs for it.


    That's exactly what they did. A loud minority who couldn't figure out how to counter 95% of the sets in the game complained and begged for the no proc test to become their forever friend and guess what? ZOS hit us from out of nowhere, without warning that we would be without our gear for SIX MONTHS with a spur of the moment decision.

    So you claiming that ZOS doesn't listen and doesn't spring huge surprises on people because of forum feedback is quite wrong.

    A reasonable amount of people liked proc-free Cyrodiil. We don’t know about numbers, it can be 50:50, it can be 90:10, we just don’t know. So neither your position nor mine is valid in this regard as we both could be right or wrong.

    What I am saying is that ZOS got the feeling / perception that proc-free Cyrodiil is appreciated and they already planned to rework how proc sets work in Cyrodiil, so they just went with the change.

    Again, they won’t change their opinion again. They did reduce it from 6 to 3 months to find a middle ground and still have enough time to come up with ideas and work on it. They’re not going to enable proc sets next week just because. Y’all have to arrange with this fact, especially when you see that the riot in the forum is driven by very few people. Your opinion is valid, but it won’t change the immediate status quo.

    If they don't listen to reasons on forums then maybe they will listen when they will see their income drop. Me and many other PVPers will not get an ESO+ subscription until all the sets are returned.

    And we will not get a new subscription and buy any new expansion if they nerf the "proc" sets out of existence and they force us all into a cookie cutter build like it was the case with NMA (I still have 6 versions of that set in my bank in all armor types and I still use it on my stamblade and magcro build..).

    And many ressubed because of the changes, moot point
    Edited by Jayserix on March 22, 2021 1:39AM
  • UntouchableHunter
    Wolfmaster wrote: »

    We actually do not have to resign ourselves to accepting this. These forums are here as a means for us to share our grievances. You, of course, are not required to read them if you so choose. In your previous posts you make several claims that the majority of people who play in Cyrodill wanted the proc sets to continue to be turned off. I for one would like to know the source of your information? ZOS conducted no poll, they did not post any stats or test information that supported this claim. In fact, if you go back and read all 43 pages of the previous thread on this topic, 55% of the post regarding the proc sets wanted them returned, 43% wanted them permanently removed, and a very small percentage were happy either way. Don't believe me, go count them yourself. Keep in mind though that many people posted more than once on the topic, in those cases I only counted them once. Anyway, at the end of the day, this was a poor business decision on behalf of ZOS. Taking away a very large part of the game that people paid real money for, spent hundreds of hours of their lives working towards, and paid millions of in-game currency into the market place; = unhappy customers. Players builds are, in general, a large investment for many people. Having that investment suddenly and inexplicably taken away from you is not pleasant. Do not misunderstand me, I want the proc sets fixed too. They have gone way overboard with some of these sets, mainly because they were trying to fix the huge class unbalances with them. ZOS has been building match-stick skyscrapers (proc sets) on top of the the San Andreas fault (class balancing). It was just a matter of time before the "big one" hit. They need to fix it so we can enjoy this game we all love so much. My grief is that they just took this stuff that I've worked so hard for and devoted time that I can never get back. This could have been easily avoided if they had just said, "hey, in update 31 we are going to introduce a new server that turns off all procs", then as a community we could see together if that is the direction we wanted to go. Instead, they basically told me that my money and my time, and my opinion are not important to them. So, I will continue to Air my grievances within this forum, I will continue to keep my plus membership turned off (on two of my accounts anyway), and I will not play in Cyrodiil (lag is worse than ever btw). If you are good with it all, then I'm happy for you; sincerely.

    You just said what is hurting us more.

    We spent real money, time, game gold, telvars, transmutes, legendary materials and much more and ZOS took everything from us.
    Edited by UntouchableHunter on March 22, 2021 3:31AM
  • Seraphayel
    Jayserix wrote: »
    WolfyRaps wrote: »
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Proc sets are going to be disabled until U30. They won’t enable them just because a loud minority in the forum begs for it.


    That's exactly what they did. A loud minority who couldn't figure out how to counter 95% of the sets in the game complained and begged for the no proc test to become their forever friend and guess what? ZOS hit us from out of nowhere, without warning that we would be without our gear for SIX MONTHS with a spur of the moment decision.

    So you claiming that ZOS doesn't listen and doesn't spring huge surprises on people because of forum feedback is quite wrong.

    A reasonable amount of people liked proc-free Cyrodiil. We don’t know about numbers, it can be 50:50, it can be 90:10, we just don’t know. So neither your position nor mine is valid in this regard as we both could be right or wrong.

    What I am saying is that ZOS got the feeling / perception that proc-free Cyrodiil is appreciated and they already planned to rework how proc sets work in Cyrodiil, so they just went with the change.

    Again, they won’t change their opinion again. They did reduce it from 6 to 3 months to find a middle ground and still have enough time to come up with ideas and work on it. They’re not going to enable proc sets next week just because. Y’all have to arrange with this fact, especially when you see that the riot in the forum is driven by very few people. Your opinion is valid, but it won’t change the immediate status quo.

    If they don't listen to reasons on forums then maybe they will listen when they will see their income drop. Me and many other PVPers will not get an ESO+ subscription until all the sets are returned.

    And we will not get a new subscription and buy any new expansion if they nerf the "proc" sets out of existence and they force us all into a cookie cutter build like it was the case with NMA (I still have 6 versions of that set in my bank in all armor types and I still use it on my stamblade and magcro build..).

    And many ressubed because of the changes, moot point

    Yeah, this is it. I see so many old players returning and I see so many posts in the forums or on Reddit and videos on YouTube from streamers that say no proc Cyrodiil is great and it basically breathed new life into PvP in ESO. I understand the frustration, but at the same time there is very much excitement and appreciation of ZOS decision to just give PvP a resurrection, even if it’s just for 3 months.

    Unfortunately this discussion has become just back and forth between very few individuals, but what is true is that a lot of people are enjoying the new status quo. More than who dislike it? Who knows. But enough that it shows online.
    Edited by Seraphayel on March 22, 2021 6:55AM
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • WolfyRaps
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Jayserix wrote: »
    WolfyRaps wrote: »
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Proc sets are going to be disabled until U30. They won’t enable them just because a loud minority in the forum begs for it.


    That's exactly what they did. A loud minority who couldn't figure out how to counter 95% of the sets in the game complained and begged for the no proc test to become their forever friend and guess what? ZOS hit us from out of nowhere, without warning that we would be without our gear for SIX MONTHS with a spur of the moment decision.

    So you claiming that ZOS doesn't listen and doesn't spring huge surprises on people because of forum feedback is quite wrong.

    A reasonable amount of people liked proc-free Cyrodiil. We don’t know about numbers, it can be 50:50, it can be 90:10, we just don’t know. So neither your position nor mine is valid in this regard as we both could be right or wrong.

    What I am saying is that ZOS got the feeling / perception that proc-free Cyrodiil is appreciated and they already planned to rework how proc sets work in Cyrodiil, so they just went with the change.

    Again, they won’t change their opinion again. They did reduce it from 6 to 3 months to find a middle ground and still have enough time to come up with ideas and work on it. They’re not going to enable proc sets next week just because. Y’all have to arrange with this fact, especially when you see that the riot in the forum is driven by very few people. Your opinion is valid, but it won’t change the immediate status quo.

    If they don't listen to reasons on forums then maybe they will listen when they will see their income drop. Me and many other PVPers will not get an ESO+ subscription until all the sets are returned.

    And we will not get a new subscription and buy any new expansion if they nerf the "proc" sets out of existence and they force us all into a cookie cutter build like it was the case with NMA (I still have 6 versions of that set in my bank in all armor types and I still use it on my stamblade and magcro build..).

    And many ressubed because of the changes, moot point

    Yeah, this is it. I see so many old players returning and I see so many posts in the forums or on Reddit and videos on YouTube from streamers that say no proc Cyrodiil is great and it basically breathed new life into PvP in ESO. I understand the frustration, but at the same time there is very much excitement and appreciation of ZOS decision to just give PvP a resurrection, even if it’s just for 3 months.

    Unfortunately this discussion has become just back and forth between very few individuals, but what is true is that a lot of people are enjoying the new status quo. More than who dislike it? Who knows. But enough that it shows online.

    What classes are the people who enjoy this mainly playing ? Because almost all of them are magsorcs and stamblades..

    I am ok to give them a separate campaign where they can kill eachother in an exclusive sorc / blade feast..

    Let us all others who enjoy playing the whole game and different classes have the game we paid for !!!

    @ZOS_GinaBruno, @ZOS_BrianWheeler
    Edited by WolfyRaps on March 22, 2021 8:38AM
  • Seraphayel
    WolfyRaps wrote: »
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Jayserix wrote: »
    WolfyRaps wrote: »
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Proc sets are going to be disabled until U30. They won’t enable them just because a loud minority in the forum begs for it.


    That's exactly what they did. A loud minority who couldn't figure out how to counter 95% of the sets in the game complained and begged for the no proc test to become their forever friend and guess what? ZOS hit us from out of nowhere, without warning that we would be without our gear for SIX MONTHS with a spur of the moment decision.

    So you claiming that ZOS doesn't listen and doesn't spring huge surprises on people because of forum feedback is quite wrong.

    A reasonable amount of people liked proc-free Cyrodiil. We don’t know about numbers, it can be 50:50, it can be 90:10, we just don’t know. So neither your position nor mine is valid in this regard as we both could be right or wrong.

    What I am saying is that ZOS got the feeling / perception that proc-free Cyrodiil is appreciated and they already planned to rework how proc sets work in Cyrodiil, so they just went with the change.

    Again, they won’t change their opinion again. They did reduce it from 6 to 3 months to find a middle ground and still have enough time to come up with ideas and work on it. They’re not going to enable proc sets next week just because. Y’all have to arrange with this fact, especially when you see that the riot in the forum is driven by very few people. Your opinion is valid, but it won’t change the immediate status quo.

    If they don't listen to reasons on forums then maybe they will listen when they will see their income drop. Me and many other PVPers will not get an ESO+ subscription until all the sets are returned.

    And we will not get a new subscription and buy any new expansion if they nerf the "proc" sets out of existence and they force us all into a cookie cutter build like it was the case with NMA (I still have 6 versions of that set in my bank in all armor types and I still use it on my stamblade and magcro build..).

    And many ressubed because of the changes, moot point

    Yeah, this is it. I see so many old players returning and I see so many posts in the forums or on Reddit and videos on YouTube from streamers that say no proc Cyrodiil is great and it basically breathed new life into PvP in ESO. I understand the frustration, but at the same time there is very much excitement and appreciation of ZOS decision to just give PvP a resurrection, even if it’s just for 3 months.

    Unfortunately this discussion has become just back and forth between very few individuals, but what is true is that a lot of people are enjoying the new status quo. More than who dislike it? Who knows. But enough that it shows online.

    What classes are the people who enjoy this mainly playing ? Because almost all of them are magsorcs and stamblades..

    I am ok to give them a separate campaign where they can kill eachother in an exclusive sorc / blade feast..

    Let us all others who enjoy playing the whole game and different classes have the game we paid for !!!

    @ZOS_GinaBruno, @ZOS_BrianWheeler

    All classes/builds basically, I've seen videos from Magplars, Magblades, Magcros, Stamplars etc. on YouTube from players that enjoy the no proc environment a lot. Fun and enjoyment of no proc set Cyrodiil is not class specific. And yes, Magsorcs as well because they are exceptionally strong since launch in 2014 (Magsorc never was weak). There are classes (Sorc) and build types (Stamina in general) that are very powerful with and without sets, but that's due to class balance which has to be adjusted.

    A general no proc Cyrodiil environment is the only way to achieve class balance, that's why it's so important that the sets don't work because strengths and weaknesses can be observed way better this way. You seem to complain about balance, but in the end this is the only way to figure out what to nerf and what to buff, because the differences become obvious. If ZOS doesn't use the results from this test in the U30 update to balance classes you're right, turning off the proc sets for everyone was pointless. But if they do, it was worth it - right now we just have to wait and see what's coming, there's no other way to it.


    [Edited to remove Baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_ConnorG on March 22, 2021 1:11PM
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
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