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Update on Proc Set Plan in Cyrodiil

  • orion_1981usub17_ESO
    xDeusEJRx wrote: »
    I'm not gonna lie, all I think that will come out of having a proc controlled and a proc campaign is a pvp community being split. And what follows is one of the campaigns will probably end up dying or having so little players it's pretty much a dead campaign like the no CP campaign Ravenwatch. Then people will just migrate to where everyone else is and then complain about the other type of play style to get it changed or re-worked

    I'm all for letting people play how they want but all I think that'll come of this is going back to square one. The only real solution imo is just to fix the problem sets, not introduce new campaigns when we already have multiple dead ones

    This is what I'm warning of. How fast people move that goal post of "sure you can have your own campaign" to now "well we don't really need to give anyone one a campaign; just accept proc play.... Oh and lets not adjust procs, they were always fine....

    And then we are back to square one, right where many folks don't want to be.

    When this hits console on the 16th of March, will we get double AP for 3 weeks like pc players did ?.
  • Brrrofski
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Xandreia_ wrote: »
    WolfyRaps wrote: »
    Crimson and unfathomable darkness are trash for any half serious PVPer.. Tried them just to test what everybody was talking about and they proved to be very bad.. Why don't you just get them and try them out see how "good" they are...

    are you playing the same game as everyone else? those sets plus the malacath band buff are broken. hense why 3/4 of the pvp community ran them lol

    I'd prefer it if 100% of the players ran Crimson and Malacath. Crimson is a garbage set that has an 8 second cooldown and does absolutely nothing during those 8 seconds. And the red ring is so easy to see that it exposes the bad PvPers who choose to stand in it and take damage. And when people run Malacath, their crits are disabled, so I don't have to worry about running impen or putting CP into crit resist. Those points and slots can be used for something else more beneficial to me. Plus I always run a Purge on my backbar (or Hexproof on my necro), so negating your other sets is no big deal to me.

    It's quite eye opening to see who complains about these easily counterable sets. Makes you wonder who actually PvPs, and who just grabs the pitchfork and jumps on the outrage bandwagon.

    The issue with crimson is how much breathing room it gives you.

    Yes, you can block or roll dodge the proc. Thing is, it still mean you have to stop applying pressure to the person to avoid the proc (to stop them healing), giving them time to recover.

    The amount of effort you're going to point out how rubbish the set is is rather suspicious...

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to this on Tuesday. Like it's been covered, it's be good if any stat enhancing "procs* were allowed too and only damage and healing procs were left out.
  • marius_buys
    The reason why proc set users are so vocal about not splitting the campaign's is because they NEED the non proc community to feed off. Let proc sets fight proc sets, give me a frikkin level playing field so its me vs you not my set vs your set.

    I have enough issues dealing with my ping vs your ping which affects our actions per minute. We dont all sit on top of a server and in pvp if my opponet cast 4 skills and I cast 2 guess who will win.
    Edited by marius_buys on March 13, 2021 12:33AM
  • novemberhhh
    ewww gross
  • Jaraal
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    The issue with crimson is how much breathing room it gives you.

    Yes, you can block or roll dodge the proc. Thing is, it still mean you have to stop applying pressure to the person to avoid the proc (to stop them healing), giving them time to recover.

    The amount of effort you're going to point out how rubbish the set is is rather suspicious...

    I don't run it, because, as you said, there are several ways to negate it. I would say if you don't have a split second to stop pressuring and block it, then perhaps more effective means of pressuring should be considered.

    So many people are going out of their way to proclaim how overpowered it is, that I suspect they haven't actually encountered it and are simply parroting the hype. Something like Eternal Vigor is far more dangerous to deal with, because of the conditional resource buffs. You can get a lot more health back with that set in 8 seconds than with Crimson, which gets diminished with resists, Battle Spirit, etc as outgoing damage, then gets halved again when it returns as a heal. Plus the stamina and magicka recovery on EV are 100% up time, and the passive health regen is not affected by Battle Spirit.

    Edited by Jaraal on March 13, 2021 3:07AM
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    When is update 30 for console? This still is NOT good for console if performance is even worse, however is update 30 isn't too far from now it's better than 6mos of even crappier performance.

  • UntouchableHunter
    Lol, we have a poll for a campaign without proc sets, 75% vote yes 19% and vote no
    which CLEARLY tells you that the majority of voters want a NO PROC SET CAMPAIGN

    when some so called elite players, who are now getting their asses handed to them in Cyrodiil, complain ZOS crumble and change their plans.

    WELL OK THEN, we will enjoy the next 3 months but seriously consider a campaign for the player with sets as they currently are.

    My guild run attendance has tripled because the playing field has been levelled and were now really doing pvp, not mr. Johnny Ego Trip trying to wipe 1vXX groups for his YouTube channel, because proc sets make him near un-killable.

    I have seen builds with health recovery in the unbelievable stat range, please ZOS consider that your so called elite player is only such that he plays in god tier mode BECAUSE HIS SETS MAKES HIM SO


    Why @ZOS_GinaBruno you don't give us these campaigns?

    Almost everybody was in favor for a Non proc set campaign.

    Not ban procs, but give us a option.

    Now that ZOS did the insanity to ban our sets, some players are just ignoring the majority and wana keep Cyrodill without at least one Campaign with procs.

    This is a selfishness disrespectful from the part of ZOS and some players here.

    Just get you non proc sets campaign and let the others have their proc set campaign.

    I play bought, I go to Cyrodill and I'm having fun.
    And I go to IC (where the best players are) and I have fun and I don't care to fight a werewolfs with a sniper in the back trying to take me down, this game give you a option to zerg, solo, to duo, to snipe, to proc, I don't care the way you play, if you are having fun do it, but let me play with my sets when I wana use proc and when I don't wana.
    Edited by UntouchableHunter on March 13, 2021 1:15AM
  • Tsukyme
    what about the people that just golden'd they gear are they getting mats Refund? (jokes apart).
    From a designer point of view (which i am graduated on) the idea is good, to split Proc PvP and Non-Proc PvP but this gotta be done carefully as the Proc Sets are a ESO Thing that many if not alot of other MMORPGs dont have to offer to players, which makes the game unique and fun to play, even if some sets are OP many of em still have weak sides, this is really a danger zone for ESO Comunity as removing completely or ''screwing'' could make tons of people quit the game, ofc proc gameplay and non-proc gameplay are both awesome, but becareful on your guys choices, it could ruin the game in a population point of view, check the facebook pages and groups theres many people quitting ofc not just bcs the Proc sets thing, but also other stuff, you guys been doing alot of awesome and nice work on ESO since its release, please becareful with it, myself iv spent 6 years already on this game, i deny to quit whatever happens but many people arent.
    thanks anyways make sure to have a holistic point of view to not exaggerate on the choices :#
    "A'tvar where are you?"
  • YandereGirlfriend
    Credit where credit is due, this is a brilliant change.

    Thank you for listening to the players, ZOS.

    It also looks like I can re-start the sub and look forward to the new Chapter now.
  • orion_1981usub17_ESO
    Folks often talk about people quitting over no proc but none ever seem to even bother thinking about the folks that did quit over proc. I use to be an avid battle ground player, but once WW took over and became meta it became tedious, I walked away and never looked back. Has the meta changed? Don't know, don't care... but I saw that every team was either full or half wolf and that was enough.

    Every year competitive games lose population, it cant be helped because PVP creates a bell curve with churn and burn zones at the extremes where players quit; either because their too bad or their too good. But when words like "breath of fresh air" are tossed around, folks should ponder why? Seriously look at what their contribution to the oppressive atmosphere has been. Instead folks want to blanket PVP back into darkness as fast as possible. Its the opposite of amazing.

    And now, that there is darkness at the end of the tunnel once more, those who embrace the oppressive meta demand that there be no place for a ray of light that others enjoyed. I don't mind if you want to play in the darkness, but leave my sunshine alone, it figuratively just popped out of the clouds. Do not demand they (ZOS) go back on their promise of a no proc campaign, its rude.
  • Greasytengu

    If im understanding correctly, in the future you might have the ability to disable specific sets for PVP, right?

    If it comes to that, is it possible we can have some say in what gets disabled? Like a poll or feedback thread, or something?
    Edited by Greasytengu on March 13, 2021 4:50AM
    " I nEeD HeAlInG!!! "
  • SshadowSscale
    and we will be able to fine tune which proc sets we turn on and off.

    Yes please, this is what people have been wanting to hear. Fix the sets that are over performing, not getting rid of every set because of a select few.
    Still wish you guys would have left Cyrodiil sets available. But this is better than it was before.

    This was what they said when they first made the announcement though about being more flexible with proc sets by update 31.... people just did not read and had a massive knee jerk reaction
  • kingsirdrmr
    Nice! That ridiculous anti-proc inquisition was a very vocal minority from the start. Balancing the overperforming sets was always the right solution. Glad this test is being reduced and looking forward to going back to real theorycrafting with Update 30. Here's hoping the campaigns aren't split between proc and no-proc.
    For the Queen! | PC/NA, Cyrodiil, IC, Quests, CP 2000+[*] Tyaminal-rabi | Khajiiti Sorceress [*] Vita-rabi | Khajiiti Warden werewolf[*] Dr Good-and-Sexy | Argonian Warden[*] the Southern Mare | Redguard Necromancer[*] Sally Two-Horns | Orsimer Nightblade
  • Abyssmol
    Tigor wrote: »
    The whole proc set matter is starting to blur the performance problems by now. Going back and forth on that, were will it lead to? Without proc sets the gameplay has become more fair. The problems start when the server makes illogical decisions, and gives randomly (dis)advantages or temporarily disabled skills, when it is under constant high stress. So I agree to reweigh the most suitable sets for Cyrodiil at U31 and later in combination with constant performance changes in the game itself.

    More fair for who? Magsorcs, stamden, and stamcro. Give me a break...
  • Firstmep
    Nice! That ridiculous anti-proc inquisition was a very vocal minority from the start. Balancing the overperforming sets was always the right solution. Glad this test is being reduced and looking forward to going back to real theorycrafting with Update 30. Here's hoping the campaigns aren't split between proc and no-proc.

    Yeah, I'd much prefer them actually balance proc sets, than this multi campaign nonsense.
    What people who want separate campaigns don't understand, is that balancing the rest of the game, while you have so many different rulesets, would be impossible..

    We already have multiple forms of pve and pvp to consider, including cp and no cp pvp, and classes can perform vastly differently in each environment.

    The devs should be thinking about how to balance the game as a whole, but if there are 67differenf rulesets to play around with? Yeah good luck.
  • Abyssmol
    The reason why proc set users are so vocal about not splitting the campaign's is because they NEED the non proc community to feed off. Let proc sets fight proc sets, give me a frikkin level playing field so its me vs you not my set vs your set.

    I have enough issues dealing with my ping vs your ping which affects our actions per minute. We dont all sit on top of a server and in pvp if my opponet cast 4 skills and I cast 2 guess who will win.

    I'm all for splitting the campaign. Give players choice. You can stay in your corner with your nine sets to play with. Just don't ask everyone else to play the way you play. Let's see which campaign would have more players at the end. Can't wait to find out!
  • virtus753
    Lol, we have a poll for a campaign without proc sets, 75% vote yes 19% and vote no
    which CLEARLY tells you that the majority of voters want a NO PROC SET CAMPAIGN

    when some so called elite players, who are now getting their asses handed to them in Cyrodiil, complain ZOS crumble and change their plans.

    WELL OK THEN, we will enjoy the next 3 months but seriously consider a campaign for the player with sets as they currently are.

    My guild run attendance has tripled because the playing field has been levelled and were now really doing pvp, not mr. Johnny Ego Trip trying to wipe 1vXX groups for his YouTube channel, because proc sets make him near un-killable.

    I have seen builds with health recovery in the unbelievable stat range, please ZOS consider that your so called elite player is only such that he plays in god tier mode BECAUSE HIS SETS MAKES HIM SO


    Why @ZOS_GinaBruno you don't give us these campaigns?

    Almost everybody was in favor for a Non proc set campaign.

    Not ban procs, but give us a option.

    Now that ZOS did the insanity to ban our sets, some players are just ignoring the majority and wana keep Cyrodill without at least one Campaign with procs.

    This is a selfishness disrespectful from the part of ZOS and some players here.

    Just get you non proc sets campaign and let the others have their proc set campaign.

    I play bought, I go to Cyrodill and I'm having fun.
    And I go to IC (where the best players are) and I have fun and I don't care to fight a werewolfs with a sniper in the back trying to take me down, this game give you a option to zerg, solo, to duo, to snipe, to proc, I don't care the way you play, if you are having fun do it, but let me play with my sets when I wana use proc and when I don't wana.

    Gina has already said that they literally cannot have both proc and no-proc Cyro campaigns right now. That’s what they’re working on.
  • Guizan
    WolfyRaps wrote: »
    Lol, we have a poll for a campaign without proc sets, 75% vote yes 19% and vote no
    which CLEARLY tells you that the majority of voters want a NO PROC SET CAMPAIGN

    That poll with the number you cited does not exist. And if it is slightly more in favour of destroying the game was because we players that enjoy ESO did not used to spend much time on the forum before this nonsense of a "test".

    I say that YOU don't exist, the poll in question that was linked has 75% voting for a non-proc set campaign, 19% opposed and 5% "other" including people who wanted anything from all proc sets gone forever and those wanting some sets gone.
  • WolfyRaps
    Guizan wrote: »
    WolfyRaps wrote: »
    Lol, we have a poll for a campaign without proc sets, 75% vote yes 19% and vote no
    which CLEARLY tells you that the majority of voters want a NO PROC SET CAMPAIGN

    That poll with the number you cited does not exist. And if it is slightly more in favour of destroying the game was because we players that enjoy ESO did not used to spend much time on the forum before this nonsense of a "test".

    I say that YOU don't exist, the poll in question that was linked has 75% voting for a non-proc set campaign, 19% opposed and 5% "other" including people who wanted anything from all proc sets gone forever and those wanting some sets gone.

    I said all there is to be said. In a non-proc campaign I will only play magsorc and still kill you and make you whine on forums.

    Plus the side effect of a "non proc" campaign will be that me and almost every other PVPer will never have any incitive to subscribe to ESO+ anymore or buy any new expansion and the game will slowly die out..
  • JDredd
    What about Sword Singer?

    (2 items) Adds 1096 Max Stamina
    (3 items) Adds 129 Weapon Damage
    (4 items) Adds 833 Weapon Critical
    (5 items) Adds 600 Weapon Damage to your Two Handed abilities.
  • virtus753
    JDredd wrote: »
    What about Sword Singer?

    (2 items) Adds 1096 Max Stamina
    (3 items) Adds 129 Weapon Damage
    (4 items) Adds 833 Weapon Critical
    (5 items) Adds 600 Weapon Damage to your Two Handed abilities.

    The 5th piece is non-functional. The server has to run a check to see if the ability is a Two-Handed ability, and then apply the 600 damage if so.

    Any time the server has to do more work than "+X stat," it won't work. No percentages, no conditions (including no specific damage types), no named buffs, nothing that causes a check or calculation beyond the simple unconditional addition of a flat number to the base stats.

    ETA: I do see some people saying the 4% healing monster pieces work, but 5th-piece percentages like Willow's Path don't.
    Edited by virtus753 on March 13, 2021 8:22AM
  • vesselwiththepestle
    This is good news and seems like a very good compromise.

    I welcome the incoming nerfs and that you are willing to actually balance this game. Please keep in mind, that some of the "OP" sets are rarely used in PVE, so in may cases it would be better to balance them instead of just disabling them and thus effectively removing them from the game.

    I would like to suggest that set bonuses which don't work should be grey in Cyrodiil, to make it clear they are not working. Also you should have a look at proc sets in Delves in Cyrodiil, it would make sense to have the same rules in the delves, too. (If it isn't fixed by now, I haven't tested it since the update.)

    If sets won't work in Cyrodiil at all, this should be written in the item set description.

    Also I truely hate that we have so many different rules right now and this might be even worse when you start having campaigns with different rules. I highly prefer to have Battlegrounds with the same rules as the main campaigns in regard to proc sets. So if what you consider the main campaign has procs turned off, the same should be true for Battlegrounds and vice versa.
    1000+ CP
    PC/EU Ravenwatch Daggerfall Covenant

    Give me my wings back!
  • Darkainxx8
    Soul Shriven
    We had even with these so called problematic and overpowered set's we had awesome PvP fights and a lots of fights everywhere and almost all the times of day even on dead hours we had some groups fight and play. Now for me is boring to hell early hours And late hours is low pop all day's and only prime is locked pop only for some hours and the so called now awesome PvP without procs is 1-2 battles max on the map and these battles are huge zergs vs huge zergs . Boring after 1-2 play .no need dlc anymore no need sub no need farm anything 1-2 h into this and already bored. Instead of balance some proc set's that really was overpowered and needed to be fixed somehow you drag cyrodil into these madness . Completely non sense
    Edited by Darkainxx8 on March 13, 2021 10:43AM
  • master_vanargand
    It's a good decision to reduce the duration of the no-proc test.
    I've been using non meta build for a long time.
    It was sad that 99.99999% of PvP players were punished for unused builds.
  • Tigor
    Abyssmol wrote: »
    Tigor wrote: »
    The whole proc set matter is starting to blur the performance problems by now. Going back and forth on that, were will it lead to? Without proc sets the gameplay has become more fair. The problems start when the server makes illogical decisions, and gives randomly (dis)advantages or temporarily disabled skills, when it is under constant high stress. So I agree to reweigh the most suitable sets for Cyrodiil at U31 and later in combination with constant performance changes in the game itself.

    More fair for who? Magsorcs, stamden, and stamcro. Give me a break...

    Less chance to run into proc meta's is one reason. This is pvp and that should be more skill and less gear dependent, especially when it look as if some gear is creating lag and giving (dis)advantages.

    The imbalances between classes can be considered out of scope for now. But you are right to mention OP classes.
    Edited by Tigor on March 13, 2021 1:35PM
    GM - Decimation Elite - Ebonheart Pact - Cyrodiil (PC/EU) - aka Tigor (AR50), Leopard Tank (AR50) , Captain-Caveman (AR50), Tigors Claw (AR50), -Bud Spencer (AR50)
  • Pauwer
    Hello, im on console, but looking foward already to the change. I hope you can add a campaing in the future with no procs. But i wish the rewards for the worthy would then drop useable no proc sets. And pls i would like that whatever set gives you free extra damage would be considered as proc, but sets like seducer or eternal vigor would not. And also make it so that a player can't be super tanky and at the same time do craploads of damage and have strong heals. Because this forces everyone to play that same build. Make it so that you either can be tanky, damagy or healy and build the char around that one quality, the other two would not be so insanely strong. Just my opinion :)
  • Raegwyr
    Hi everyone,

    First, we want to thank everyone for taking the time to provide so much valuable feedback regarding our decision to leave proc sets disabled in Cyrodiil until Update 31. We understand this is a very polarizing topic and while many of you like this direction, we acknowledge that there are just as many who do not. When we had the last Cyrodiil test activated, we did initially get a lot of positive feedback surrounding the removal of item set procs in Cyrodiil, and from a technical standpoint, it made sense for us to leave proc sets disabled until we were able to complete some additional necessary work for Update 31. We also recognize that disabling proc sets in the long term generated a lot more concern than the three-week test we initially proposed, and that this sudden change in the timeline was quite jarring.

    We’ve spent a lot of time discussing our options to improve the experience in the short term. We still plan to leave proc sets disabled in Cyrodiil and will instead reduce the duration of this change until Update 30. With the Update 30 launch, we will then re-enable all item set bonuses in Cyrodiil alongside some additional planned proc set work (we'll provide details in the Update 30 Combat Preview). In Update 31, we still plan to add more flexibility and customizable campaign rulesets as it relates to item sets, and we will be able to fine tune which proc sets we turn on and off.

    For those of you on console, you can expect to see item set procs disabled in Cyrodiil this Tuesday, March 16, once Update 29 launches. Any subsequent changes will follow the schedule outlined above.

    Again, we greatly appreciate everyone’s feedback on these proposed changes and the related timeline. We want to ensure that you can still play the way you want and have fun in PvP, and we hope that these revised plans strike a better balance for everyone both in the short and long-term.

    Please use the data you can gather during u29 to actually buff some of the weaker classes in pvp. I don't want to see nerfs to stamcros, wardens or sorcs because these classes are powerful and fun. I just want to see other buffed so they can compete against decent players on stamcro or stamden.
    As a mablade main i admit im biased a little but i think everyone can agree that there are some classes that clearly need a change or two in pvp
  • Viewtiful_Flo
    Soul Shriven
    Does "deactivating prog sets" mean that proc sets (e. g. new moon acolyth) are completely disabled, even if you only wear 2, 3 or 4 pieces of a prog set? Or ist only the 5th set bonus of a prog set been deactivated (which means you can further wear up to 4 pices of a prog set)?

    I play on console (ps4) where the alterations haven't been released yet. Sorry, if this question was already answered.
  • WolfyRaps
    Edited by WolfyRaps on March 13, 2021 12:19PM
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