IntenseRenegader wrote: »make it so you automaticly ask for a duel whenever u throw mudballs at people.
IntenseRenegader wrote: »Often i find myself getting bombarded with mudballs, and especially this one guy yesterday kept targetting me, i gently asked him to stop and that only seemed to fuel the fire, as he actually stopped throwing it at others, and only threw at me after that. I ported out of the instance and reported the guy.
Please allow us to disable the visual effect of mudballs (in settings) so it can ruin this type of behaviour. or make it so you automaticly ask for a duel whenever u throw mudballs at people. Increase the cooldown to 1 mudball every 60 seconds, or do something else.
its not really important what you do, but please change it. Its not fun getting harrassed by mudballs, knowing you cant do anything to stop it.
You reported him??? I mean I kind of understand you being annoyed, but you actually want him to get banned for throwing mudballs? Seems totally excessive and I am no longer sure who the bad guy is in this situation.IntenseRenegader wrote: »Often i find myself getting bombarded with mudballs, and especially this one guy yesterday kept targetting me, i gently asked him to stop and that only seemed to fuel the fire, as he actually stopped throwing it at others, and only threw at me after that. I ported out of the instance and reported the guy.
You reported him??? I mean I kind of understand you being annoyed, but you actually want him to get banned for throwing mudballs? Seems totally excessive and I am no longer sure who the bad guy is in this situation.
starkerealm wrote: »
People can receive warnings or temporary suspensions over it without resorting to full on banning.
You reported him??? I mean I kind of understand you being annoyed, but you actually want him to get banned for throwing mudballs? Seems totally excessive and I am no longer sure who the bad guy is in this situation.
nordmarian wrote: »Not just mudballs. but also throwing flowers, playing lute, flute, etc and many other emotes might make some players feel harassed.
Some players might freak out for as much as approaching them btw!
I would suggest an option to turn off players emotes.
ZOS specifically mentioned this case scenario as harassment that can be reported. So you’re saying that ZOS instructs people to abuse their reporting system?
I'm not saying don't throw mudballs, I'm saying respect others and if they ask you to stop, stop.
This was when being mudballed would interrupt you if you were using a merchant/fishing etc, it no longer does this.
At the end of the day OP is the problem. Wants other people to play and behave EXACTLY as they do, and will seek further action if not the case.
Lets say this bullies and Harassers exist in the Game. It seems that they also exist and tend to troll the forums. I do find the mudball the most offensive thing that happens outside of the ocean of salt that flows in the pvp zones. If the mudballs went away id be happy.. But its part of the game and you are forced to accept the attention as there is no opt out. I wish there was and opt out of that kind of kind of attitude but it does not exist in the game yet.
When was that? Because I’m referring to a series of posts from 6 months ago:
SammyKhajit wrote: »You’d think the mods be here soon to stop the trolling against the OP....