Edit: You should probably put a /s. Poe's Law and all that lolForzaRammer wrote: »Tank need to be the lazy role for low apm players who want to succeed. Not hardest job ever. Plz zos. Let me perma block in trials the way i am supposed to.
All they need to do is give heavy armor the block cost reduction they inexplicably gave to medium armor. It makes no sense.
amm7sb14_ESO wrote: »Because this game and its community cater to DPS exclusively. That's why tanks aren't even allowed to wear the sets that are designed for them, because we are just expected to roll the sets that DPS can't be bothered to.
I can +1 for what feels like the tank hate. After a few random dungies and my dailies, my thoughts -
1. It costs more to block now. Block feels more effective, but costs more to do so.
2. It takes nearly 25% of my stamina bar to dodge. Which forces me to stay above half whenever possible. So I am stuck heavy attacking, taunting every 10 seconds. Never mind managing buffs/debuffs/damage shields. Because any unblockable attack is likely a magical one, and is going to really ring my bell if I don't dodge it.
3. I run slower now, which is even slower compared to dps setups like wardens and sorcerers who are miles ahead of me. In one dungeon the only combat I really saw at all was when they paused for the boss.
4. I keep getting a "stuck camera" bug where my camera was frozen in place during a fight. I watched myself run "off screen" during a fight. This has happened 3 times, and I suspect its related to block or armor 5 pc bonus procs. I am currently wearing leeching and crimson.
Honestly this has reduced my interactive gameplay from juggling buffs, debuffs, taunting, to just heavy attacking and watching my stamina bar in case a magical attack comes. And this is coming from someone who was a tank fan across multiple games, this is by far the worst incarnation I have experienced. At least before I could do interesting things, but now I am nothing more but a taunt/dodge/block bot, and that's it. Because god help you now if you are wearing all heavy armor and lack enough stamina to dodge an unblockable magical attack that's gonna hit you for 40k and your healer is lagging or a bit slow.
Feels like an impressively bad patch, and I am contemplating hanging up my sword and shield, at least for awhile. The stamina costs are ridiculous. And after speaking to a few other co-tank friends, I am not the only one. I would love to know who was making the argument that pve tanks just had it too good and needed resource nerfs.
MalEducado wrote: »The ppl cry cause they have to queue 60minutes to find a tank... Instead to make the more lovely , they punishing the tanks.
MalEducado wrote: »The ppl cry cause they have to queue 60minutes to find a tank... Instead to make the more lovely , they punishing the tanks.
You can thank pvp cry threads about unkillable tanks for this.
You can thank pvp cry threads about unkillable tanks for this.
You can thank pvp cry threads about unkillable tanks for this.
You can thank pvp cry threads about unkillable tanks for this.
The thing is, heavy armor is a problem in pvp. It's not pvp players fault that ZOS can't balance it properly. As honestly, these changes may not even shift away the heavy meta. What is more likely to, is the set restrictions in place.
The issue currently was heavy, health based healing bad proc sets. This has in a very hammer type fashion been resolved.
The issue before that, was that some of the best damage sets, especially for stam, where heavy sets.
Most of PVP players have for a long time been saying to just add a penalty that reduces your damage output in heavy. This would stop some of the issues in pvp, and have little effect to pve tanking (outside of some damage tank hybrids like I myself use, but that's a very small amount).
Either way, the issue with heavy in pvp was survivability and damage output. Nobody cares about tanky troll players that did nothing. Either of these things would go a lot of the way towards it.
No procs mean things like damage, sustain and survivability needs to be balanced.
Reducing damage while in heavy would mean people have to choose between being a super tank and have incredible burst, which hasn't been the case for a long time.
Also, it's not all pvp.
Let's not ignore that fact that a LOT of people run new hardmode vet dungeons and the 4 man arenas on vet with 1 tank and 3 dps. I think there's a bit of an issue there as well to be fair.
If you want an idea how ZOS take valid, concerned feedback and answer it with the most random changes is the sneak one. Increasing sneak cost and detection radius while in heavy is nothing to do with PvP lol. There is definitely no complaints about an epidemic of sneaking tanks in Cyrodiil haha.
Artemis_X_ wrote: »Sadly I suspect there is so little feedback on the forums from tanks, not because they like this patch, but because there just are so few left.