Narvuntien wrote: »ESO has some of the best questing in the business, fully voiced impactful stories. There is consistently new content the old content doesn't go away or become irrelevant. You can go anywhere in any order since there is no level or gear gating.
I consider it third WoW, FFO and then ESO.
People find ESO combat a bit hard to use since it is an action MMO so the Lag issue is a big deal and it is also extremely hard to balance compared to the old school tab targeting and abilities with cooldowns
There is no MMO that is better that ESO
All quest are voice acted
Best Lore in Gaming after DnD
Addons make it the best MMO in History
Popular other MMO I played that ESO beats by a mile:
AdventureQuest World
Albion Online
Black Desert Online
Blade & Soul
Dual Universe
Dungeons & Dragons Online
EVE Online
Final Fantasy XI
Final Fantasy XIV
Gloria Victis
Guild Wars 2
Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen
Realm of the Mad God
Star Trek Online
Star Wars Galaxies
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Star Citizen
TERA: The Exiled Realm of Arborea
The Lord of the Rings Online
Tree of Savior
World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft: Classic
The_Old_Goat wrote: »@WiseSky is Pantheon even out of beta yet?
Jeffrey530 wrote: »
I agree! but for me nothing can replace adventure quest world, the first mmo I ever played as a kid
Soooo... ESO is best mmo because have a voiced quests? Lol.
Soooo... ESO is best mmo because have a voiced quests? Lol.
Wow at it-s worst is still better than eso now.
Eso had a chance to become really good, it didn't take it.
At the end of the day it's just a mediocre mmo, right now.
Funny how few mentions SWTOR gets in this thread. Not only are the NPCs voiced, but your character is voiced too, and you get actual options of answers which can be "good" or "evil" plus other personality types, which is more than ESO or any TES game ever managed honestly. And the questlines are pretty well written there too, for an MMO.
And they had companions from the very beginning, and iIrc you can romance them and everything, so even more dialogue choices for the PC.
Honestly, the best part of SWOTR is that you have so many origin options, and can be with the "good guys" or the "bad guys", kinda like WoW but more openly evil, which a lot of MMOs, to the extent they even have elaborate quests, tend to avoid. And every origin story has its own consistent storyline and so on, they clearly put a lot of work into it. Meanwhile in ESO, you can kill an NPC and a few DLCs down the line they're magically alive again.
SWTOR is actually a really good game, it's just dated.
I don't know it really depends on where you are at with each game. If you find running the same world quest over and over and over being gated with 2 levels of your covenant each week and then spend 6 hours in a raid to not get a single piece of gear and then the vault gives you a measly 200 piece waist that is only a fraction better than your 197 covenant piece fun than you might be right.
Personally I don't find that fun at all.
Funny how few mentions SWTOR gets in this thread. Not only are the NPCs voiced, but your character is voiced too, and you get actual options of answers which can be "good" or "evil" plus other personality types, which is more than ESO or any TES game ever managed honestly. And the questlines are pretty well written there too, for an MMO.
And they had companions from the very beginning, and iIrc you can romance them and everything, so even more dialogue choices for the PC.
Honestly, the best part of SWOTR is that you have so many origin options, and can be with the "good guys" or the "bad guys", kinda like WoW but more openly evil, which a lot of MMOs, to the extent they even have elaborate quests, tend to avoid. And every origin story has its own consistent storyline and so on, they clearly put a lot of work into it. Meanwhile in ESO, you can kill an NPC and a few DLCs down the line they're magically alive again.
SWTOR is actually a really good game, it's just dated.