Am I the only one or is PvP in this game somehow extremely rage inducing?

Took a long break from the game playing other MMOs. Today a friend asked me to do a couple duo BGs so I fired up ESO again and my dear God... It's almost unbearable.

Me normally a calm, balanced, friendly person turned into a raging monster of hatred within the first 30 minutes. Almost to the point where I was about to throw my mouse out the window....

What in the hell is wrong with this game that it makes me rage so bad? I've been playing GW2 for awhile and PvP there does not even remotely create these feelings in me. Also I noticed my breath and heart rate skyrocketed as if I ran a marathon. Is it the fast pacing or what o.O

Am I the only one?
Edited by Nyladreas on January 28, 2021 3:33PM
  • caperb
    I don't share the feeling about PvP being rage inducing, PvP is mostly about fun for me.

    Though, it can become rage inducing when you really try to push your limits and fail. But I don't see that as something exclusive to PvP, just more as an aspect of competitive content.
  • robertthebard
    My favorite part of PvP in swtor was listening to my guild leader in discord, cussing about how the group was going. It was rage inducing for him, but a source of infinite comic relief for the rest of us, since he was allergic to "Push to Talk".
  • Nyladreas
    Guess i just have a problem with how the game plays or something... Switching games has made me realize ESO is not a healthy game for me. I've never realized it before, especially since I used to play WoW on a high rank in PvP.

    Maybe it's just how tons of things I do never really "connect" with my opponents, or how LoS doesn't work 90% of the time and how skills fail to fire. Perhaps even how there are no diminishing returns or any CDs of any sort and you just get hit over and over and over. + unavoidable procs.

    That's all i guess that I can put together.

    Last time I raged about a video game this much was the original Crash bandicoot on PSX when i was a kid.
    Edited by Nyladreas on January 28, 2021 4:17PM
  • OlumoGarbag
    no you are right bgs are an absolute mess atm. You can play insanely tanky and deal alot more dmg then someone trying a damage build. People kill you while afk or in mistform bc of procs. You literally never lose anymore bc of player skill but bc of the proc sets they are wearing.
    class representative for the working class, non-cp, bwb and Trolling
  • StarOfElyon
    Nyladreas wrote: »
    Took a long break from the game playing other MMOs. Today a friend asked me to do a couple duo BGs so I fired up ESO again and my dear God... It's almost unbearable.

    Me normally a calm, balanced, friendly person turned into a raging monster of hatred within the first 30 minutes. Almost to the point where I was about to throw my mouse out the window....

    What in the hell is wrong with this game that it makes me rage so bad? I've been playing GW2 for awhile and PvP there does not even remotely create these feelings in me. Also I noticed my breath and heart rate skyrocketed as if I ran a marathon. Is it the fast pacing or what o.O

    Am I the only one?

    It can be. Cloaking gankers. Proc builds. It can feel really unfair to players who want to just square up and fight. Let the most skilled win. But too often I'm dealing with people whose whole play style is based on bad mechanics. A DK or Warden can lock you down and put two proc beams on you while they hold block. You can't bash the procs. You can't run out of range of the procs fast enough. You can't deal with people sniping from meters away while you're trying to fight someone else. You can't deal with broken health stacking builds that still hit like glass canons. It's cheese or be cheesed down. Really makes one not want to play if those are the options.
    Edited by StarOfElyon on January 28, 2021 4:15PM
  • StarOfElyon
    Let me also add that while my thumbs are swift and nimble, the game has been slowed down to lower APM. However procs put you in a position where high APM is needed to survive against them. There's no way a human can react to the multiple procs going off on them as it is now. I can dodge roll and block or bash. But none of them at the same time. Proc builds can hit you three times to your one.
  • Nyladreas
    Nyladreas wrote: »
    Took a long break from the game playing other MMOs. Today a friend asked me to do a couple duo BGs so I fired up ESO again and my dear God... It's almost unbearable.

    Me normally a calm, balanced, friendly person turned into a raging monster of hatred within the first 30 minutes. Almost to the point where I was about to throw my mouse out the window....

    What in the hell is wrong with this game that it makes me rage so bad? I've been playing GW2 for awhile and PvP there does not even remotely create these feelings in me. Also I noticed my breath and heart rate skyrocketed as if I ran a marathon. Is it the fast pacing or what o.O

    Am I the only one?

    It can be. Cloaking gankers. Proc builds. It can feel really unfair to players who want to just square up and fight. Let the most skilled win. But too often I'm dealing with people whose whole play style is based on bad mechanics. A DK or Warden can lock you down and put two proc beams on you while they hold block. You can't bash the procs. You can't run out of range of the procs fast enough. You can't deal with people sniping from meters away while you're trying to fight someone else. You can't deal with broken health stacking builds that still hit like glass canons. It's cheese or be cheesed down. Really makes one not want to play if those are the options.

    The way you just described that example is kind of how I feel actually... I can't deal with so many things that I have 0 control over regardless of how well I know the game or how long I've played. It's truly a mess as you call it.
  • Pandorii
    PvP anything has always triggered my adrenaline and made my heart pump really fast. It's an uncomfortable feeling. Doing really hard content in PvE also gives me that feeling. That's why I'm a filthy casual for life.
  • Integral1900
    That’s a perfectly natural reaction to the absolute train wreck that is PVP in this game. Between imbalances in skills, equipment and finally the gigantic gulf in skill between new players and experience ones, any idea of balancing it is going to be like building a House of Cards on the San Andreas Fault in the middle of an earthquake. 🤬😡🤢🤮

    You could do what most players do which is to stack up to the eyeballs on XP bonuses, wait for an event and then grind a handful of battlegrounds until you reach the point where they get the stamina heal, after that never touch PVP ever again. I can thoroughly recommend this method 😆
  • Mariusghost84
    I turn into a monster in eso pvp.
  • Raideen
    Nyladreas wrote: »
    Took a long break from the game playing other MMOs. Today a friend asked me to do a couple duo BGs so I fired up ESO again and my dear God... It's almost unbearable.

    Me normally a calm, balanced, friendly person turned into a raging monster of hatred within the first 30 minutes. Almost to the point where I was about to throw my mouse out the window....

    What in the hell is wrong with this game that it makes me rage so bad? I've been playing GW2 for awhile and PvP there does not even remotely create these feelings in me. Also I noticed my breath and heart rate skyrocketed as if I ran a marathon. Is it the fast pacing or what o.O

    Am I the only one?

    I have a vanilla high warlord (well he is now a gnome grand marshal) and I did arena most seasons, although I never cared for arena in wow (I mained a hunter and hunters were at the bottom of representation for the first EIGHT YEARS).

    I can rage in wow, but it's usually less about the game design and balance and more about the BG team not reading the map. So many people fail to read the map to see what is going on. That can infuriate me. There have been occasions where broken balance (fist 2 weeks of demon hunters in legion in arena) would *** me off.

    That being said. ESO PVP is a nightmare. I recently stopped following and subbing to one of my favorite twitch streamers when he told a prospective player who was in his chat that "PVP in ESO is amazing"...and yet he constantly talk about not doing pvp in ESO because it makes him rage. I mean dude, I get needing to appeal to your ZOS overlords to maintain your favor with them, but dont outright lie to someone.

    The best thing I can say is to roll a hard core pure defensive tank for pvp and just try to troll people while your team does the actual killing. It's the only thing that has made me stop raging (because I dont get insta gibbed).

    I have been PVPing in MMO's since 2004. WoW, Warhammer Online (RIP), SWTOR and ESO along with some FPS mixed in (usually battlefield and LOL at BFV). PVE has always been secondary, or rather to support my PVP....but in ESO, nope. I am 97% PVE here because of how terribly designed the ESO PVP is. I legit feel bad for people who pvp in this game as their main form of entertainment.
  • StormWylf
    Nyladreas wrote: »
    Took a long break from the game playing other MMOs. Today a friend asked me to do a couple duo BGs so I fired up ESO again and my dear God... It's almost unbearable.

    Me normally a calm, balanced, friendly person turned into a raging monster of hatred within the first 30 minutes. Almost to the point where I was about to throw my mouse out the window....

    What in the hell is wrong with this game that it makes me rage so bad? I've been playing GW2 for awhile and PvP there does not even remotely create these feelings in me. Also I noticed my breath and heart rate skyrocketed as if I ran a marathon. Is it the fast pacing or what o.O

    Am I the only one?

    You are not the only one. Hang in there.
  • etchedpixels
    Treat battlegrounds like an episode of the keystone kops or other slapstick. It's a joke, treat it as a comedy show grind to get 2 tickets. In the event the winner is simply decided by which teams get the most regular battleground players on it - nothing else matters.
    Too many toons not enough time
  • Sarannah
    I'm totally not a PvPer, but today I did two random BG's and did two quests in the imperial city. Got killed a few times, did kill a few players. Overall it was ok.

    PvP in my opinion is only good when you can feel the rush it gives you. The bad feeling when you lose, the awesome when you win or capture a relic/flag, etc. In imperial city, the feeling of running around the corner into 5 of the other alliance. And going "uh oh". If you don't get feelings while PvPing, you don't really like that game. But that is just my opinion.

    The PvP in this game is not fastpaced though.
  • GreenhaloX
    I wouldn't mind PvPing more if it isn't so jacked up. Been messed up for years with crashes and lagging during combat. Hence, my highest PvP toon has been stuck with Colonel rank for four years now. Ha ha. Every time I take a new toon in just to rank up to level 6 for Caltrops (even that short period of gameplay,) there have been many instances I just wanted to throw this game out of the window.
  • Sarannah
    GreenhaloX wrote: »
    I wouldn't mind PvPing more if it isn't so jacked up. Been messed up for years with crashes and lagging during combat. Hence, my highest PvP toon has been stuck with Colonel rank for four years now. Ha ha. Every time I take a new toon in just to rank up to level 6 for Caltrops (even that short period of gameplay,) there have been many instances I just wanted to throw this game out of the window.
    I do not seem to experience this. Maybe you should look into this some more, as it might be an issue on your end. Maybe a virus, corrupt driver, programs continuously collecting and sending data(taking bandwidth), etc.

    My highest PvP rank character is 14/50 alliance rank.
  • Hesperax79
    I like PvP and mosty I play PvP in ESO. The biggest problem is the cancer META. It is not fun to fight agains a character who is unkillable. And this is not just a phrase its an experience. It is very common that 3 -6 player try to kill someone, who can not die. S/he can not kill either, but the battle is boring.
    I made same kind of toon but not dying and not killing just fight forever is boring.
    But if you do not go to heavy-maxHP build you will die ASAP but not because of the superior skill of you opponent but a Calurion/Zaan/Vateshran/etc procc.
    It is super annoying to die from half HP (~14k HP) and you see 3 procc dmg on yourself
  • Jurand80
    Nyladreas wrote: »
    Took a long break from the game playing other MMOs. Today a friend asked me to do a couple duo BGs so I fired up ESO again and my dear God... It's almost unbearable.

    Me normally a calm, balanced, friendly person turned into a raging monster of hatred within the first 30 minutes. Almost to the point where I was about to throw my mouse out the window....

    What in the hell is wrong with this game that it makes me rage so bad? I've been playing GW2 for awhile and PvP there does not even remotely create these feelings in me. Also I noticed my breath and heart rate skyrocketed as if I ran a marathon. Is it the fast pacing or what o.O

    Am I the only one?

    try starcraft (f2p). pvp in that game will destroy you :D if there is no adrenaline then you're not rly playing pvp.
  • rpa
    Well, its a matter of atitude. I did some scouting missions on whatever chars just before event started to turn in later and actually had my first as far as I recall PvP death in this game because I went thru a waygate same time as other faction zerg came from opposite direction. (They did crown an emperor few mins later.) It was it hilarious.

    While I'm not interested of prepping and diving in PvP in this game yet I've played quite a lot of casual PvP in couple of other games: an actual rock-paper-scissors PvP game and a MMO with (somewhat) balanced PvP gear. For me it was always fun, win or lose. Mind not taking it too seriously and you should have fun too.

    Edit: misremembered, I did die few times while checking possibilities grinding rapids back on PvE char. Now feel good I gave it up.
    Edited by rpa on January 29, 2021 12:25PM
  • akredon_ESO
    HAHA you are not the only one my friend, there is definitely something about this game that just pisses you the F off, i have to say Isthereno1else, has kinda helped me with staying focused in pvp and really help identify where the failures ares at with playing,, was it an issue of skill on my part ? did i just completely goof ? or was it something the game or cheese done to me. Getting instant gibed by someone running full proc sets is now hilarious to me because i know its not me as a player who failed. i would say another thing that helps me sleep at night is knowing how absolutely trash this games performance is right now is a big thing. Dont let it get to you Stay cool Stay focused and just enjoy what you can, Laugh off bulls*** it helps against the rage.
  • UGotBenched91
    I personally find it a lot of fun. But, I enjoy PvP. It’s sad that some bad appples have ruined PvP experiences for players.

    But, I see a lot of pve players complain they repeatedly got jumped and tbagged. Shame on the attacker for the unsportsmanlike like play style but also you can’t repeat the same action and expect different results. Just like I can’t run and try and solo a boss I’m not geared or ready for and die over and over and complain about it. Pve players need to come prepared for PvP when entering these areas.
  • AyaDark
    Nyladreas wrote: »
    Took a long break from the game playing other MMOs. Today a friend asked me to do a couple duo BGs so I fired up ESO again and my dear God... It's almost unbearable.

    Me normally a calm, balanced, friendly person turned into a raging monster of hatred within the first 30 minutes. Almost to the point where I was about to throw my mouse out the window....

    What in the hell is wrong with this game that it makes me rage so bad? I've been playing GW2 for awhile and PvP there does not even remotely create these feelings in me. Also I noticed my breath and heart rate skyrocketed as if I ran a marathon. Is it the fast pacing or what o.O

    Am I the only one?

    It is ok. I am a little mad when skills do not press.

    So i think it is normal.

    But you get more adrenaline this way ;)

    When i read patch notes some times, it is just the same some times.
    Edited by AyaDark on January 29, 2021 3:24PM
  • SgtNuttzmeg
    Nyladreas wrote: »
    Guess i just have a problem with how the game plays or something... Switching games has made me realize ESO is not a healthy game for me. I've never realized it before, especially since I used to play WoW on a high rank in PvP.

    Maybe it's just how tons of things I do never really "connect" with my opponents, or how LoS doesn't work 90% of the time and how skills fail to fire. Perhaps even how there are no diminishing returns or any CDs of any sort and you just get hit over and over and over. + unavoidable procs.

    That's all i guess that I can put together.

    Last time I raged about a video game this much was the original Crash bandicoot on PSX when i was a kid.

    You aren't the only one. Inbetween this terrible meta and the performance issues, everybody feels this way. The biggest thing that keeps me in check is understanding that PvP is now a meme in this game and I try to not take it seriously.
    Legions of Mordor Core

  • Grianasteri
    PVP just isnt for some folks. And that can change from game to game. Back when I used to play it, I was absolutely incredible at Call of Duty and almost went pro... I was able to carry entire teams consistently... but in ESO... I am average at best and just a passenger along for the ride.

    Its all about fun for me, but pvp in any game can be rage inducing depending on your mood and the circumstances.

    Laag, and poor game design/mechanics are big contributors. For instance, why on Earth the model is that you need a completely and utterly different build in almost every single aspect, to engage with PVP, compared to PVE, is totally beyond me. Seems to me its a massive turn off for a huge number of PVE players.
  • etchedpixels
    Laag, and poor game design/mechanics are big contributors. For instance, why on Earth the model is that you need a completely and utterly different build in almost every single aspect, to engage with PVP, compared to PVE, is totally beyond me. Seems to me its a massive turn off for a huge number of PVE players.

    To me it's a design flaw that a PVP character is different to a PVE one and I'm not going to go respec stuff for an event. Different gear - sure, maybe. Different player skills needed definitely. The attitude of some of the PVP folks doesn't help either when they feel the need to litter battlegrounds with comments like "go back to dolmens".
    Too many toons not enough time
  • Kiralyn2000
    Am I the only one or is PvP in this game somehow extremely rage inducing?

  • VDoom1
    It totally varies. If it's a BG some of the matches can drive me insane, like wanna rage quit. Other BG matches are a ton of fun! :smiley: It depends a lot on your team, how the match goes and so on.

    I took my new healer to a BG today, just to lvl up (lvl 28). Somehow I got 14 kills...more kills than anyone else. Crap gear, lvl 28....spamming 2 abilities and the occasional heal. I was like "0.0". (14 kills is a lot for me, I don't do BG a lot. :blush::p )

    I was just thinking "I might be one of the few players happy in Cyrodiil right now." :lol:
    Last night I had a complete blast! It was easily 40 vs 40 at Alessia Keep. We had reached the inner gate, it was down. We just had issues getting inside to the flags, a lot of WWs. (Are WWs super OP now in PvP or what? o.O) But after idk 30min stuck at the door we claimed victory huzzah! lag, at all. No slow loading screen either, very surprising. o.o

    Last time I was in Cyrodiil was in....November I think, I was loosing my mind. I wasn't even doing any PvP, I was headed for a delve to get the Heartland antiquity. It was a nightmare, I got a 3 second loading screen every 30 seconds. I was just riding, no other players in sight, low population campaign, I was just....rahhh! After I got the antiquity I was just like "bye".

    Glad to see performance in Cyrodiil has been improved! :smiley: (At least from my experience. Screenshot from last night.)

    Edited by VDoom1 on January 29, 2021 4:03PM
    We Fight For Cyrodiil.
    We fight for The Daggerfall Covenant.
    We fight for The Aldmeri Dominion.
    We fight for The Ebonheart Pact.
    We fight for Tamriel!
    CP 1200+
    Grand Master Crafter | Tamriel Hero
    Imperial Dragonknight
    Khajiit Necromancer
    Altmer Templar | Dunmer Nightblade
    Khajiit Nightblade | Argonian Dragonknight
    Altmer Sorcerer | Breton Nightblade
    Nord Warden | Dunmer Sorcerer
    Guild - Priests Of Hircine
    ESO Since 2014
    PC - EU
  • RaveRaveRaveRave
    I've been raging at everyone being a cheating coward crimson-using werewolf lately. Especially when you hear that annoying, nonstop howling in every direction.
  • Vevvev
    Imperial City last night ended up burning me out very quickly. On one hand I ran into lots of weak little targets I could easily 1vX without problem, but then on the other I was fighting 6+ werewolf ball groups with enough DPS to disintegrate my HP bar.... while in Mistform. So we made our own ball group and after a 10 minute battle with just 3 of them line of sighting like crazy we eventually killed them after I just started spamming Fossilize and only Fossilize. My allies did the damage while I applied the CC.

    Add in skills not casting when you need them and if this is going to be my experience for the rest of the event it's not going to be an enjoyable one.
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • Gatefan2004
    I don’t like PVP but I decided to try to do it for the event tickets. Less than 5 seconds after exiting the keep I was dead. There was a group of at least a dozen players just surrounding the door and immediately killing anyone who came through. Not going to participate in the event this year. Not worth being constantly ticked off while playing.
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