i dont get the "im squishy" comments when people refer to a whole class, as class offers nothing as far as "tanky" or "squishy" is concerned, as most passives amount to very little.
in fact i think necro was the base most tanky for a while and even their HP got nerfed down to the current 1250 bonus health.
because instant death to people in what looked like 1 hit is just stupid.
way way way too much damage in 1 attack coming from multiple attacks but all we see is just 1 attacks, we look at death counter and it shows multiple things that happened but all we saw was just "BAM"
so it was nerfed, and rightly so.
Yeah we’re a little squishy, but we have more than enough damage to kill anything. I could probably be more effective on my warden, but I enjoy the fast paced rolly polly gameplay.
because instant death to people in what looked like 1 hit is just stupid.
way way way too much damage in 1 attack coming from multiple attacks but all we see is just 1 attacks, we look at death counter and it shows multiple things that happened but all we saw was just "BAM"
so it was nerfed, and rightly so.
This problem is game wide currently, DOTs are always going to be strong when most burst combos can’t put down an average player in heavy armour with 35k+ health. I find it quite ironic that someone with so much playtime on a class thats been the root cause of essentially all 1 hit PvP playstyles is now complaining about the inability to kill people on the class that can hit disgustingly high weapon damage and have an ungodly amount of utility from shade and cloak. For a large portion of the game minimum health pools have been diretly dictated by whatever a meta stamblade burst combo can put out.
Incap does a substantial amount of direct single target damage plus gives a 20% damage boost for 75 ult cost, coupled with relentless that hits harder than any leap tooltip and you can run around putting most builds in to execute range with a 2 hit combo then execute with the damage boost still up. Theres still no combo that can easily put you on the backfoot as quickly and easily as this. DKs have always been strong 1v1 and if you allow yourself to hit a 60-70% health without blocking you should expect to die to an fairly predictable leap execute.
KhajiitLivesMatter wrote: »Hey guys, recently i tryed to play my main again after maybe 6months of a break(only took a break from nb not pvp)
And yea it got worse since i stoped playing him e.g. i met 1 dk with 35k life who got about 3k dmg from 1 suprice atack ... so i did my normal combo with ult and the bow and his health droped to 60% than he just did dragon leap and execute and i was dead
they nerfed everything and doesnt seam like they wanna change anythink. At the current state nb (im speaking of stam btw) is dead in pvp. Im pvp rank 41on my blade and its impossible to play u die from 3hits(which is fine for a nb if the rest woudnt be that crap) u cant kill anyone cause u dont do dmg and all have 30k+ health and u cant even heal cause of all the dots.
They nerfed:
-momentum the heal over time
-trollking reduced reg
-incap no defile increased coast to 120 *** CASTE TIME
-suprice atack just messed up the stun to be complete unsable cause no one wants random stuns ,removed 6k pen debuff
-Relentless Focus removed minor berserk and added useless crit buff
-buffed everyones crit res so nb does even do less dmg(cause nb is crit class)
-nerferd poison injection which is used by nearly every nb
that was just the nerf i remember i know there where more
and btw i didnt even start with counting all the dmg nerfes or resources coast increases
Nb is unplayble:
-no dmg
-no debuffs
-bad buffs
Btw i compaired it with other classes to (i have all classes 18/18 chars) stam nb is one of the worst - if u compair it with mag dk than ull notice it isnt balanced at all - mag dk has insane dmg good defensive decent heal and isnt that hard to play
just do what everyone else does, use the current cheese build and tactics for the class. It might be less fun, but it is effective. So is the NB cheese flavour of the month.KhajiitLivesMatter wrote: »Conclusion
Nb is unplayble:
KhajiitLivesMatter wrote: »
and thats the problem "when most burst combos can’t put down an average player in heavy armour with 35k+ health."
the whole class is to kill average players with 1 combo - but u cant thats why nb dont work
sure i have good mobility with shade/ cloack but if i cant kill an enemie its useless
btw i checked my stats i have ~ weap dmg 5,7k weap dmg
~36k stam
12k~ penetration
+10%dmg boost from a set
stats without balorg
and its just not enought to kill avrage players and if that insane stats are not enought than the class is underpowerd
and for heaving this stats i sacraficed all defense i have in cyro 20k health and (buffed) 17k resis and 1.3k crit resi
btw the ult without stun costs only 70
even if i survive to get my combo ready after i used my ult everyone breaks free and dodges 2x and after few seconds all my buffs are gone without a chance to kill someone
sure i still can kill bad players but the meta duds the "avrage ones" cant me killed by a stam blade
You cant run these 20k health no crit resist glass cannon builds anymore. Check out the "iron cannon" stam NB build for ideas. You need to have more health and crit resists and resists so you don't just drop dead when someone looks at you.
It means you can't just gank people without a fight, you have to melee some, and to do that you have to HP, resists, crit resists. NB cloak is still one of the strongest abilities in the game. NB with cloak, some reisists and wild hunt is very hard to kill
You cant run these 20k health no crit resist glass cannon builds anymore. Check out the "iron cannon" stam NB build for ideas. You need to have more health and crit resists and resists so you don't just drop dead when someone looks at you.
It means you can't just gank people without a fight, you have to melee some, and to do that you have to HP, resists, crit resists. NB cloak is still one of the strongest abilities in the game. NB with cloak, some reisists and wild hunt is very hard to kill
KhajiitLivesMatter wrote: »
that is not the problem the problem is the missing dmg
if i cant kill avrage players with a glass canon build i can for sure not kill them with a tankier build
KhajiitLivesMatter wrote: »
that is not the problem the problem is the missing dmg
if i cant kill avrage players with a glass canon build i can for sure not kill them with a tankier build