MurderMostFoul wrote: »Splitting the cues further would probably be bad for the matchmaking population, but people clearly prefer deathmatch.
The simple solution would be to keep random mode matchmaking, but have it favor deathmatch.
OlumoGarbag wrote: »MurderMostFoul wrote: »Splitting the cues further would probably be bad for the matchmaking population, but people clearly prefer deathmatch.
The simple solution would be to keep random mode matchmaking, but have it favor deathmatch.
Another solution would be a "Favour" system where you pick the gamemodes you would like to play. And if enough other people want to play that gamemode as well you will be put together in your favoured gamemode. If not or if another team has to wait too long you can also be put into their favoured gamemode (or they will join yours)
That way people will get into their gamemode they like on primetime, but when the population is too low you can get into other modes as well.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »I think it was a good decision to not fragment the BG queue further by having everyone queue for random BGs. Being able to queue with a group of friends is much more important than being able to queue for a specific type of BG.
Exactly, @idk.
You can either have a split queue between solos/pre-mades OR a single queue by match mode. But you can't have both.
Why not? The majority of people that regularly and primarily play BGs almost exclusively played DM. That's been the case since long before the solo queue was added. ZOS could just add a DM and non DM queuing option to the regular queue and keep the solo queue random.
Because the player base active in BGs is not large enough to support both without sacrificing queue times. Also, I seriously doubt anyone has real numbers for those that queue exclusively for DM. Many get sucked into DMs to fill the matches for those that queued for them specifically.
Zos made a good decision. Being able to choose between solo queue and group queue is more significant than being able to queue for specific matches. That has been a much hotter topic since BGs were added to the game.
Why do you think that? Do you frequently play BGs? The BG regulars have been complaining in various BG guilds and discords about not having the option to play DM ever since the patch. All the pvp streamers ONLY chose to queue DM in the past, all the BG guilds only played DM, and even regular solo players were DM only. If there was an option between DM and the other game modes, DM would be the mode filling games quickly.
That would be the BG regulars you know of from them voicing their throughs in those venues. I expect it is very much like the forums that most do not say anything because they do not visit the discord and such.
Considering this thread or forums are not on fire with people claiming they want such a choice I question the claim that "The majority of people that regularly and primarily play BGs almost exclusively played DM" is based on real information. Please back up such a claim with real numbers of people who chose to queue for DMs vs all participants in BGs. Remember, total participants in DMs is meaningless that does not mean that is their choice as the GF would place random queues into DMs as well.
Just asking for verification of such a claim since that is the basis of what you are saying.
Do you regularly play BGs? It's extremely obvious that DM is the preferred mode for most people who actually play BGs regularly. Not only is this the general consensus of the BG streamers, but it's also the overwhelming opinion of the largest social BG guild on PC NA (300+ people) and all the smaller, more focused BG guilds.
Saying stuff like this makes it seem like you really aren't involved in the BG scene, which would make sense unless you're on a different platform, because no one I've talked to on PC NA has seen you in BGs before. The BG community is filled with players that basically login and mostly just play BGs. Everyone knows each other or sees the regulars around, so it's very easy to gauge the community's opinion on certain changes and taking away the queue for DM is extremely unpopular.
I have. I have not recently out of principle. As someone who would queue solo but also with friends, I ceased when the queue was solo only.
It does not seem those people feel as strongly about this as you seem to think as this thread is only on its second page in three days time. By forum standards that is pretty much a snoozer.
Edit: and that is with our conversation taking up a good part of a page.
Maybe because people are tired of ZOS never listening to feedback so they stopped bothering to check the forums...
That would make sense if Zos has not just brought back the ability to queue as a group and still be able to queue solo because those were things people clamored for in the forums.
Seriously, Zos acknowledged several months ago they had seen the requested to bring the group queue back. Zos just brought it back. That pretty much brings into question the numbers of players you are claiming to share your opinion.
Edit: If there are such large numbers of players that share the same sentiment I expect they will express it in the forums. Until then, have a good day and enjoy the game.