I have discussed with battlegrounds geeks like me and we all agree that primary reason to play BG is to play a mode we like, especially the DM mode. We build our characters primary around DM to challenge ourselves against players, to get high in rank and to be simply best.
Loosing the option to select Death-match mode will basically lead to either 1) abandoning the games modes we do not like or 2) playing less. I believe that neither of those two options is good for our ESO community. Hence I would like to ask to
- consider introductin DM mode selection (and other modes) back
- create a new DM system for BG.
Despite this request, I still appreciate your effort and improvement in allowing team up games.
I think it wouldmake sensw for group queue to be deathmatch only, then they can leave solo queue as random only for now.
While I know a lot of ppl who were excited to come back to bgs to play with friends, a lot of ppl are put off by the random only.
The way I see it, they need to(for a long time now), revamp bg rewards to incentivise people to play. The daily bg completion gives 1 transmute crystal vs daily random normal giving 10.
Also certain modes like domination, relic and probably chaosball too need to be reworked.
Nezyr_Jezz wrote: »Selection dilutes the playerbase available for queue. Most primitive DM will always be chosen first which means it will be prevailent and the queue times for other options will be much longer. IMHO selective queue is a bad idea based on subjective point of view rather than a bigger picture.
Nezyr_Jezz wrote: »Selection dilutes the playerbase available for queue. Most primitive DM will always be chosen first which means it will be prevailent and the queue times for other options will be much longer. IMHO selective queue is a bad idea based on subjective point of view rather than a bigger picture.
allowing selected mode = tdm more prevalent = more people choosing tdm = majority getting what they want faster = ??? = subjective and not the big picture
Nezyr_Jezz wrote: »And what about other modes? What about people waiting for them for hours because you have what you wanted... in the end both will suffer since instead of having one queue to take people from you will have a miltitude and thus all queue times will be longer. This happend to every mmo i played for the past 20 years.
Nezyr_Jezz wrote: »And what about other modes? What about people waiting for them for hours because you have what you wanted... in the end both will suffer since instead of having one queue to take people from you will have a miltitude and thus all queue times will be longer. This happend to every mmo i played for the past 20 years.
so you're trying to excuse punishing the majority because a few want different things? and completely skipping the part where everyone gets to play modes they dont want to play with the current system, while assuming everyone prefers slightly shorter queues over the gamemode they actually want. (which is usually the opposite, btw. most bg players will tell you they prefer the gamemode over the q time)
OlumoGarbag wrote: »What will happen, is that when 2 premades meet they'll just do DM regardless of the game mode and the other team will either join in or will get farmed at base. If you wanted to do relic run or capture the flag you will definitely not be happy with that. But thats what is already happening if you like it or not
Nezyr_Jezz wrote: »Im not pushing anything. Stating fact rly, and considering it didn't helped any mmo that introduced selective map queues i think im in the right about it.
If i would push anything i would remove DM altogether because its primitive as it can be. Objective based pvp is much more interesting and adds the neccesity of involvement. How many times have i seen players going only for kills in those games and making their team lose in the end. It makes a game diversified by the approach first, then gear and skills.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »I have discussed with battlegrounds geeks like me and we all agree that primary reason to play BG is to play a mode we like, especially the DM mode. We build our characters primary around DM to challenge ourselves against players, to get high in rank and to be simply best.
Loosing the option to select Death-match mode will basically lead to either 1) abandoning the games modes we do not like or 2) playing less. I believe that neither of those two options is good for our ESO community. Hence I would like to ask to
- consider introductin DM mode selection (and other modes) back
- create a new DM system for BG.
Despite this request, I still appreciate your effort and improvement in allowing team up games.
@WolF_cze, is was a difficult decision for Rich and Team to move back to having a split queue for Battlegrounds.
On the QuakeCon Q&A you could tell Rich was not excited about the decision.
What you and the other posters are asking are to further fragment the queue by being able to select a battleground mode ... which will add considerably more time to players' wait time in queue.
To put it a different way, would everyone in this thread rather have (a) what we have currently -- a split queue for pre-mades and solos, or (b) one single queue for solos (no pre-mades) but the choice of battleground mode like last patch?
Because it's not possible to have both (a) and (b) because of the long wait times.
I think it was a good decision to not fragment the BG queue further by having everyone queue for random BGs. Being able to queue with a group of friends is much more important than being able to queue for a specific type of BG.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »I think it was a good decision to not fragment the BG queue further by having everyone queue for random BGs. Being able to queue with a group of friends is much more important than being able to queue for a specific type of BG.
Exactly, @idk.
You can either have a split queue between solos/pre-mades OR a single queue by match mode. But you can't have both.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »I think it was a good decision to not fragment the BG queue further by having everyone queue for random BGs. Being able to queue with a group of friends is much more important than being able to queue for a specific type of BG.
Exactly, @idk.
You can either have a split queue between solos/pre-mades OR a single queue by match mode. But you can't have both.
Why not? The majority of people that regularly and primarily play BGs almost exclusively played DM. That's been the case since long before the solo queue was added. ZOS could just add a DM and non DM queuing option to the regular queue and keep the solo queue random.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »I think it was a good decision to not fragment the BG queue further by having everyone queue for random BGs. Being able to queue with a group of friends is much more important than being able to queue for a specific type of BG.
Exactly, @idk.
You can either have a split queue between solos/pre-mades OR a single queue by match mode. But you can't have both.
Why not? The majority of people that regularly and primarily play BGs almost exclusively played DM. That's been the case since long before the solo queue was added. ZOS could just add a DM and non DM queuing option to the regular queue and keep the solo queue random.
Because the player base active in BGs is not large enough to support both without sacrificing queue times. Also, I seriously doubt anyone has real numbers for those that queue exclusively for DM. Many get sucked into DMs to fill the matches for those that queued for them specifically.
Zos made a good decision. Being able to choose between solo queue and group queue is more significant than being able to queue for specific matches. That has been a much hotter topic since BGs were added to the game.