Discord is required in most guilds but it's unsafe here's why...pls comment

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  • SilverBride
    Linaleah wrote: »

    no, its literally because its more convenient as one stop shop of guild management/communication/socializing. see my post above.

    It may be more convenient for a guild leader, but I find it a royal pita. Our guild puts so much information on it that you can't easily find what's new. Which doesn't matter to me now anyway, because I removed it.
    Edited by SilverBride on October 30, 2020 6:33PM
  • tmbrinks

    It may be more convenient for a guild leader, but I find it a royal pita. Our guild puts so much information on it that you can't easily find what's new. Which doesn't matter to me now anyway, because I removed it.

    That's not a discord problem. That's a guild leader problem, and lack of organization problem.
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  • Juhasow
    Recent wrote: »
    I understand 100% that some of you wont care about this, its fine we are all different but for those of us that take our privacy seriously for reasons it is a huge issue.
    Your privacy on discord is as safe as You want it to be. It's 100% Your decision to share or not to share Your private informations with others.
  • furiouslog

    What's wrong with using TeamSpeak?

    I covered this, but it does not have anywhere near the level of social integration and bot features that Discord does. We post trial signups, event schedules, stream the dwemer bot, and all of that. We can have over 400 members active in the server at any one time, so it really helps with real-time coordination. We'd need to use multiple programs to get the same level of coordination, and it would increase complexity and provide a barrier to entry for the guild.

    For years, I ran a private Teamspeak server on my UNraid box, and honestly, I have not used it since I got into Discord. Teamspeak is great for eSports ladder teams with a small and fixed number - the external game coordination is simpler. It is not great for a large social guild with hundreds of members all doing different stuff at different times.
  • SilverBride
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Your privacy on discord is as safe as You want it to be. It's 100% Your decision to share or not to share Your private informations with others.

    I admit I am to blame for relying on information (misinformation) from others rather than just going through all the settings myself after I installed it. But I still believe that Discord purposely defaults to the least secure settings because they do track what we are doing, and they don't want us to make it more difficult for them to do so.
  • mairwen85
    Ok, why doesn't discord shut down when you close the program? Why does it stay running in the background when you are not using it directly?

    because default click on close behaviour is minimize to tray. Not sure about you, but I like to continue receiving messages with the tool minimized :smile:

    Logging out of discord does not shut down the program. It stays running. You have to go to the task bar and shut it down that way.

    You are aware the screen shot you are quoting has the option to set that behaviour? Default behaviour is minimize to tray, but it can be configured differently to close on X instead. Minimize to tray is common in desktop apps to save space on the task bar and so you don't have to have the window open at all times.

    Logging out will log out but keep the client open until you close/exit it (just like the eso client behaves)--log out and exit application are separate functions in most applications, but regardless, I feel there is something else at play here than simply not understanding common functionality in modern applications.
    barney2525 wrote: »

    If you do not have any control over deleting previous logs .... and can Never have them disposed of ....

    Blame the Tool


    It was linked previously in the thread that users have control over what they post and when deleted, messages are unrecoverable by anyone.

    I honestly can't believe this thread is still open considering how far off topic it is.

    Edited by mairwen85 on October 30, 2020 7:50PM
  • Contaminate
    I can’t imagine how it’s possible to completely miss that you’ve rejoined the same guild. Discord is safe as any other platform, as long as you actually take a moment to change settings. You can restrict dms, you can set yourself invis 24/7, you can simply not link accounts, you can block people, you don’t have to use voice.

    And yes it records what you play, just like every other free service that sells info for marketing purposes. Can’t say I’m too bothered by it.
  • EdmondDontes
    How many people using discord have the same name on their PC as the one their mother gave them? Is putting your real name on your PC a privacy risk?

    (this is a trick question, and one to ask yourself, not answer here)
  • EdmondDontes
    mairwen85 wrote: »

    because default click on close behaviour is minimize to tray. Not sure about you, but I like to continue receiving messages with the tool minimized :smile:

    You are aware the screen shot you are quoting has the option to set that behaviour? Default behaviour is minimize to tray, but it can be configured differently to close on X instead. Minimize to tray is common in desktop apps to save space on the task bar and so you don't have to have the window open at all times.

    Logging out will log out but keep the client open until you close/exit it (just like the eso client behaves)--log out and exit application are separate functions in most applications, but regardless, I feel there is something else at play here than simply not understanding common functionality in modern applications.

    It was linked previously in the thread that users have control over what they post and when deleted, messages are unrecoverable by anyone.

    I honestly can't believe this thread is still open considering how far off topic it is.

    I'm aware that the default settings are what they are for a reason, and that I seem to be more aware of that reason than those promoting Discord so naively.

    Remember the social media rule of thumb: If they give it to you for free online, your user history and identity is the product they are selling.
    Edited by EdmondDontes on October 30, 2020 8:39PM
  • josiahva
    I log into Discord when I am forced to...that is it..usually just for a trial, occasionally for tri-fecta or HM DLC dungeons. I don't ever talk in there, nor do I stay in there when I am done with the run...I hate Discord...not the general idea, but the implementation. Just like Facebook, it is one of the most non-intuitive interfaces you can make. Instead of all your options and setting being available from a drop-down menu you have to spend ages hunting them down...its not quick or convenient to log into a new server, its not convenient to log out, its not convenient to shut down entirely, the whole setup is horrible compared to Teamspeak...TS may not have the same abilities...but it does the main job better and more intuitively....not that anyone uses it anymore, I am perfectly capable of talking to guildees in chat in-game, I have no desire to speak to them using a mic unless its unavoidable.
  • Linaleah

    It may be more convenient for a guild leader, but I find it a royal pita. Our guild puts so much information on it that you can't easily find what's new. Which doesn't matter to me now anyway, because I removed it.

    honestly, part of the reason guild leaders switch to it, becasue its convenient to the guild members. it is hard enough to get some people to install a single ap, getting them to install a voice up AND sign up for a separate website AND use it regularly? people don't like to do it becasue for most people its too much. god help you if you are in multiple guilds (which most people in ESO are - that's multiple websites you end up trying to keep track of and at some point just give up) discord is a single thing, its easy, its convenient. your luddite attitude doesn't make it any less convenient for the guild member who can hop in, check news in multiple guilds and hop out - quick and easy.

    if you are having trouble finding new information there could be two problems. either your guild is not utilizing multiple channels with multiple restrictions properly... or.... its another feature of discord that you somehow missed and yet blame discord for.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    This discussion makes me think tinfoil hats are being given around.
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • karekiz
    People freaking about stolen data are often over reacting. You want 100% safe? Unplug your connect. Don't use online services. Any of them. Not even ZoS/ESO


    And its not the first online service to basically be data breached. Blizzard IIRC and SoE/now Daybreak.

    Same programs do indeed base itself on what you do, but mostly honestly its harmless.

    As for programs in your taskbar. There is most likely more hidden in background that you don't know, and lets say you don't use discord. Teamspeak itself does it as well.

    Can't wait for peeps to see New Teamspeak which is just a clone of Discord. Wonder how they will react.
    Edited by karekiz on October 30, 2020 9:20PM
  • Psiion
    Greetings all,

    Seeing as this thread has derailed off the topic of ESO, we have decided to close it down. Remember when replying to a thread to keep the discussion on topic, and ESO related, as well as within the Forum's Community Rules.
    Staff Post
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