no, its literally because its more convenient as one stop shop of guild management/communication/socializing. see my post above.
SilverBride wrote: »
It may be more convenient for a guild leader, but I find it a royal pita. Our guild puts so much information on it that you can't easily find what's new. Which doesn't matter to me now anyway, because I removed it.
Your privacy on discord is as safe as You want it to be. It's 100% Your decision to share or not to share Your private informations with others.I understand 100% that some of you wont care about this, its fine we are all different but for those of us that take our privacy seriously for reasons it is a huge issue.
EdmondDontes wrote: »
What's wrong with using TeamSpeak?
Your privacy on discord is as safe as You want it to be. It's 100% Your decision to share or not to share Your private informations with others.
EdmondDontes wrote: »Ok, why doesn't discord shut down when you close the program? Why does it stay running in the background when you are not using it directly?
EdmondDontes wrote: »
Logging out of discord does not shut down the program. It stays running. You have to go to the task bar and shut it down that way.
barney2525 wrote: »
If you do not have any control over deleting previous logs .... and can Never have them disposed of ....
Blame the Tool
because default click on close behaviour is minimize to tray. Not sure about you, but I like to continue receiving messages with the tool minimized
You are aware the screen shot you are quoting has the option to set that behaviour? Default behaviour is minimize to tray, but it can be configured differently to close on X instead. Minimize to tray is common in desktop apps to save space on the task bar and so you don't have to have the window open at all times.
Logging out will log out but keep the client open until you close/exit it (just like the eso client behaves)--log out and exit application are separate functions in most applications, but regardless, I feel there is something else at play here than simply not understanding common functionality in modern applications.
It was linked previously in the thread that users have control over what they post and when deleted, messages are unrecoverable by anyone.
I honestly can't believe this thread is still open considering how far off topic it is.
SilverBride wrote: »
It may be more convenient for a guild leader, but I find it a royal pita. Our guild puts so much information on it that you can't easily find what's new. Which doesn't matter to me now anyway, because I removed it.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***