I tested many abilities on the PTS to see what they restricted. Here are my results.

The general way it works is as follows:
Ultimate abilities are not subject to restrictions.
Abilities that work on an area of the ground are all restricted.
Abilities that need to find a target within a distance or direction AT CAST TIME are restricted.
Abilities that do something in an area around your target are not restricted.

These rules might confuse some people. So in the next few posts I'll provided more detailed information.

I can't control what people post here but I would ask that you allow this thread to be strictly for information and clarification on the tests. If you want to express an opinion I ask that you do it in a different thread.

I did these tests between noon and 4pm on 7/28/2020 on the PTS. It may work differently in the future and I may have made mistakes, but I think I managed to get this right.
Edited by Woosters on July 28, 2020 8:30PM
  • Woosters
    R means Restricted
    T means Tested

    T Dragonknight Standard
    T Lava Whip
    T Searing Strike
    RT Fiery Breath
    T Fiery Grip
    T Inferno (This surprised me, hence "AT CAST TIME")
    T Flames of Oblivion
    T Cauterize

    T Dragon Leap
    T Spiked Armor
    T Hardened Armor
    RT Volatile Armor
    RT Dark Talons
    T Dragon Blood
    T Protective Scale
    T Dragon Fire Scale
    RT Inhale

    T Magma Armor
    T Stonefist (This is unrestricted both when you do the AoE to grab the debris and when you throw it)
    T Obsidian Shard (This is so inconsistent with say nightblade. Tested it multiple times.)
    T Stone Giant
    RT Molten Weapons
    RT Obsidian Shield
    T Petrify (Made a Typo here previously)
    RT Ash Cloud
    Edited by Woosters on July 29, 2020 4:03AM
  • kojou
    Seems odd that Petrify would be affected since it only hits one enemy.
    Playing since beta...
  • Woosters
    R means Restricted
    T means Tested

    T Radial Sweep
    RT Puncturing Strikes
    T Piercing Javelin
    T Focused Charge
    RT Explosive Charge
    RT Spear Shards
    RT Sun Shield
    RT Blazing Shield

    T Nova
    T Sunfire
    RT Reflective Light (Perhaps this doesn't fit the trend)
    T Solar Flare
    RT Solar Barrage
    T Backlash
    T Purifying Light (This has an AoE heal but not at cast time)
    T Eclipse
    T Unstable Core
    T Radiant Destruction

    T Rite of Passage
    RT Rushed Ceremony
    RT Healing Ritual
    RT Restoring Aura
    RT Repentance
    RT Cleansing Ritual
    RT Rune Focus (Surprised me, but yes)
  • Woosters
    Petrify was a Typo. I'm reviewing all the information I provided again.
  • SidraWillowsky
    Are the AOE changes even live on the PTS? It looks like they're happening on the live server starting the week of August 24 and are not affecting the PTS. Or are you talking about something different?
  • Woosters
    R means Restricted
    T means Tested

    T Summon Storm Atronach
    T Summon Charged Atronach
    T Summon Unstable Familiar
    RT Summon Unstable Familiar Activation
    T Summon Unstable Clannfear
    T Summon Unstable Clannfear Activation
    T Summon Volatile Familiar
    RT Summon volatile Familiar Activation
    T Daedric Curse
    T Haunting Curse (Yes, it doesn't check until it explodes so no restriction)
    T Summon Winged Twilight
    RT Summon Winged Twilight Activation
    T Summon Twilight Tormentor
    T Summon Twilight Tormentor Activation
    T Summon Twilight Matriarch
    RT Summon Twilight Matriarch Activation
    T Conjured Ward
    T Bound Armor

    T Negate Magic
    T Crystal Shard
    T Crystal Fragments
    RT Encase
    T Rune Prison
    T Defensive Rune
    T Dark Exchange
    RT Daedric Mines
    RT Daedric Tomb

    T Overload
    T Mage's Fury
    RT Lightning Form
    RT Hurricane
    RT Lightning Splash
    T Surge
    T Power Surge
    RT Bolt Escape
    RT Streak
    RT Ball Lightning
  • VaranisArano
    Are the AOE changes even live on the PTS? It looks like they're happening on the live server starting the week of August 24 and are not affecting the PTS. Or are you talking about something different?

    They made the changes on PTS; the Live tests are happening to test the performance changes in the Live environment. https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/539124/pts-patch-notes-v6-1-2#latest
    Edited by VaranisArano on July 28, 2020 9:26PM
  • Woosters
    Yes, the changes are live on the PTS on July 28th. However I think they are doing all 4 tests for short periods of time. Earlier I was getting a debuff that increased ability costs. Now the abilities are going onto individual 3 second cooldowns. If you read the official posts the July 28th tests are mentioned.

    I want to make it really clear that I am just reporting what I observe. What they test on the PTS in no-CP Cyrodiil might be very different from what they do later.
  • VaranisArano
    Thank you, it's really good to see which abilities and which classes are most effected.
  • SidraWillowsky
    Woosters wrote: »
    Yes, the changes are live on the PTS on July 28th. However I think they are doing all 4 tests for short periods of time. Earlier I was getting a debuff that increased ability costs. Now the abilities are going onto individual 3 second cooldowns. If you read the official posts the July 28th tests are mentioned.

    I want to make it really clear that I am just reporting what I observe. What they test on the PTS in no-CP Cyrodiil might be very different from what they do later.

    OHHHH ok, I figured I was missing something :)

    Thanks for testing!!
  • Onefrkncrzypope
    Rip helping hands for the SDK PvP lmao
    -Immortal Redeemer-
    -Extinguisher of Flames-
    -Gryphon Heart-

    If I edited a post, it was for spelling. It is always because of spelling....
  • Tannus15
    awesome work @Woosters
  • Rianai
    The rules are not quite as clear. Lotus fan or Reverse Slice for example are single target on cast and only have an aoe effect after hitting - restricted. But Force Puls or Shock Clench, which have similar mechanics, are not. Strife (base morph) is not restriced despite having to check for targets to heal. But some other "single target aoe" heals are affected. Funnel Health is restricted too. Ground traps are affected even if the trap effect is single target only (FG trap). Shrouded Daggers not affected.
    Some aoe buffs are affected (Molten Weapons according to your test, did not check myself), others (Empowered Ward) are not. Both morphs of Bolt Escape are affected, despite Ball of Lighting not really having aoe effects anymore. No need for proxy det to check for aoe on cast, still is affected. Same for Warden's beetles.
    Edited by Rianai on July 28, 2020 9:48PM
  • Woosters
    R means Restricted
    T means Tested

    T Death Stroke
    T Assassin's Blade
    T Teleport Strike
    RT Lotus Fan
    T Ambush
    T Blur
    T Mark Target
    T Grim Focus
    T Grim Focus Activation

    T Consuming Darkness
    T Veiled Strike
    T Surprise Attack
    T Shadow Cloak
    RT Path of Darkness
    RT Aspect of Terror
    RT Manifestation of Terror
    T Summon Shade
    T Dark Shade
    T Shadow Image
    T Shadow Image Activation

    T Soul Shred
    T Strife
    RT Funnel Health
    T Swallow Soul (Strife, Funnel Health and Swallow Soul results are a bit puzzling. This is definitely not a mistake. I checked three times.)
    RT Malevolent Offering
    T Cripple
    T Siphoning Strikes
    RT Drain Power
  • Woosters
    R means Restricted
    T means Tested

    T Berserker Strike
    T Uppercut
    T Critical Charge
    RT Stampede
    T Critical Rush
    RT Cleave
    RT Carve
    RT Brawler
    T Reverse Slash
    RT Reverse Slice
    T Executioner
    T Momentum
    T Rally
  • Sugaroverdose
    @Woosters thank you, it's extremely useful info
  • Woosters
    R means Restricted
    T means Tested

    T Lacerate
    T Rend
    T Thrive in Chaos
    T Flurry
    T Twin Slashes
    RT Whirlwind
    RT Blade Cloak
    T Hidden Blade
    T Shrouded Daggers
    T Flying Blade
    T Flying Blade Activation
  • katorga
    Still at work, what restriction did they implement? 3 second global cool down, 3 second individual cool down, ramping costs...

  • Rianai
    katorga wrote: »
    Still at work, what restriction did they implement? 3 second global cool down, 3 second individual cool down, ramping costs...

    Atm 3s individual cd (did not check for cost increase, but doubt there is one, since aoe skills can't be spammed anyway)
  • Woosters
    R means Restricted
    T means Tested

    T Panacea
    T Life Giver
    RT Grand Healing
    RT Regeneration
    RT Rapid Regeneration
    RT Radiating Regeneration
    RT Blessing of Protection
    RT Steadfast Ward
    RT Ward Ally
    RT Healing Ward
    T Force Siphon
    T Siphon Spirit
    T Quick Siphon
  • Woosters
    R means Restricted
    T means Tested

    T Shield Wall
    T Puncture
    T Low Slash
    RT Deep Slash
    T Heroic Slash
    T Defensive Posture
    T Absorb Missle
    T Shield Charge
    T Shielded Assault
    T Invasion
    T Power Bash
    T Power Slam
  • Four_Fingers
    Thank you.
    ZOS really should provide a list in the patch notes.
  • Woosters
    R means Restricted
    T means Tested

    T Rapid Fire
    T Ballista
    T Snipe
    RT Volley
    T Scatter Shot
    RT Arrow Spray
    T Poison Arrow

    T Annulment
    T Evasion
    T Unstoppable

    T Soul Strike
    T Shatter Soul
    T Soul Trap
    RT Soul Splitting Trap
    T Consuming Trap

    T Blood Scion
    T Swarming Scion
    T Eviscerate
    T Blood Frenzy
    T Vampiric Drain
    RT Mesmerize
    RT Hypnosis
    RT Stupefy
    T Mist Form
    T Elusive Mist
    RT Blood Mist
  • Woosters
    R means Restricted
    T means Tested

    T Werewolf Transformation
    T Pack Leader
    T Werewolf Berserker
    T Pounce
    T Brutal Pounce
    T Feral Pounce
    T Hircine's Bounty
    RT Roar
    RT Deafening Roar
    T Piercing Howl
    T Howl of Despair
    T Howl of Agony
    RT Infectious Claws
    RT Claws of Life

    T Dawnbreaker
    T Silver Bolts
    RT Silver Shards
    T Silver Leash
    RT Circle of Protection
    RT Expert Hunter
    RT Camouflage Hunter
    RT Trap Beast
    RT Lightweight Beast Trap
  • Woosters
    R means Restricted
    T means Tested

    T Meteor
    RT Magelight
    T Entropy
    RT Fire Rune
    T Equilibrium

    T Undo
    RT Time Stop
    RT Time Freeze
    T Imbue Weapon
    T Accelerate
    T Channeled Acceleration
    T Mend Wounds
    T Meditate

    RT Blood Altar
    RT Trapping Webs
    RT Tangling Webs
    T Inner Fire
    T Bone Shield
    T Spiked Bone Shield
    RT Necrotic Orb
    RT Energy Orb
  • katorga
    Talk about reinforcing the proc meta.....
  • Woosters
    R means Restricted
    T means Tested

    T War Horn
    RT Rapid Maneuver
    RT Vigor
    RT Echoing Vigor
    T Resolving Vigor
    RT Caltrops
    RT Magicka Detonation
    RT Proximity Detonation

    T Barrier
    RT Siege Shield
    RT Purge
    T Guard (Surprised by this)
    RT Revealing Flare
  • azjuwelz
    Fascinating ! Thanks for all this testing.
    Guildmaster of Nightmothers Deadly Deals

    PVE/PVP Stamblade: Ylandra Silverthorn
    PVE Magwarden healer: Raw'zl Dah Zel
    PVE DK Tank: Greta Feuerwerk
    PVP StamDK: Helga Feuerwerk
    PVP Necro Healer: Dratha Helbain
    PVE Magcro: Dorian Fey
    PVE Magblade: Arivssa Thaoral
    PVE Magsorc: Eldara Birchwood
  • Woosters
    R means Restricted
    T means Tested

    T Elemental Storm
    T Force Shock
    T Crushing Shock
    T Force Pulse
    RT Wall of Elements
    T Destructive Touch
    T Destructive Reach
    T Flame Clench
    T Shock Clench
    T Frost Clench
    T Weakness to Elements
    RT Impulse
    RT Elemental Ring

    T Feral Guardian
    T Dive
    RT Scorch
    T Swarm
    RT Growing Swarm
    T Betty Netch
    T Falcon's Swiftness

    T Secluded Grove
    RT Fungal Growth
    RT Healing Seed
    RT Living Vines
    RT Leeching Vines
    T Lotus Flower
    T Nature's Grasp
    T Bursting Vines
    T Nature's Embrace

    T Sleet Storm
    RT Frost Cloak
    RT Impaling Shards
    RT Winter's Revenge
    RT Arctic Wind
    RT Polar Wind
    RT Arctic Blast
    T Crystallized Shield
    T Crystallized Slab
    T Shimmering Shield
    RT Frozen Gate
    RT Frozen Device
    RT Frozen Retreat
    Edited by Woosters on August 1, 2020 12:08AM
  • Woosters
    R means Restricted
    T means Tested

    T Bone Goliath
    T Ravenous Goliath
    RT Death Scythe
    T Bone Armor
    T Beckoning Armor
    RT Bitter Harvest (Eek)
    RT Bone Totem
    RT Remote Totem
    RT Grave Grasp
    RT Ghostly Embrace
    RT Empowering Grasp

    T Frozen Colossus
    T Flame Skull
    T Ricochet Skull
    T Blast Bones
    RT Boneyard
    T Skeletal Mage
    T Skeletal Archer
    T Skeletal Arcanist
    RT Shocking Siphon
    RT Detonating Siphon

    T Reanimate
    RT Render Flesh
    RT Blood Sacrifice
    T Expunge
    RT Life amid Death
    RT Enduring Undeath
    T Spirit Mender
    T Spirit Guardian
    RT Restoring Tether
    RT Braided Tether
    RT Mortal Coil
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