Scion_of_Yggdrasil wrote: »
- Too many people think flying is impossibly complicated... its really not. Obviously there is work required, no one ever said otherwise. But its not impossible. How do you think the dragon pets manage (they land when idle, switching between flight, and grounded)? The gryphon (walks, runs, and flies when "sprinting")?
- Too many people ignore the fact there are multiple options/different ways to implement flying, or "flying" as in hovering. Again, dragon pets and gryphons are the perfect example.
- Too many people think talking about anything other performance is going to stop the performance improvements... we've already gotten several attempts to fix performance, and assurance there will be more. Calm your t- and maybe try talking about something else you'd like.
- If you never talk about anything else you'd like to see in the game... don't expect anything new. Or do you prefer to just complain about whatever does come out, or sh- on other peoples ideas?
Scion_of_Yggdrasil wrote: »
- Too many people think flying is impossibly complicated... its really not. Obviously there is work required, no one ever said otherwise. But its not impossible. How do you think the dragon pets manage (they land when idle, switching between flight, and grounded)? The gryphon (walks, runs, and flies when "sprinting")?
- Too many people ignore the fact there are multiple options/different ways to implement flying, or "flying" as in hovering. Again, dragon pets and gryphons are the perfect example.
- Too many people think talking about anything other performance is going to stop the performance improvements... we've already gotten several attempts to fix performance, and assurance there will be more. Calm your t- and maybe try talking about something else you'd like.
- If you never talk about anything else you'd like to see in the game... don't expect anything new. Or do you prefer to just complain about whatever does come out, or sh- on other peoples ideas?
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
SolidusPrime wrote: »Scion_of_Yggdrasil wrote: »
- Too many people think flying is impossibly complicated... its really not. Obviously there is work required, no one ever said otherwise. But its not impossible. How do you think the dragon pets manage (they land when idle, switching between flight, and grounded)? The gryphon (walks, runs, and flies when "sprinting")?
- Too many people ignore the fact there are multiple options/different ways to implement flying, or "flying" as in hovering. Again, dragon pets and gryphons are the perfect example.
- Too many people think talking about anything other performance is going to stop the performance improvements... we've already gotten several attempts to fix performance, and assurance there will be more. Calm your t- and maybe try talking about something else you'd like.
- If you never talk about anything else you'd like to see in the game... don't expect anything new. Or do you prefer to just complain about whatever does come out, or sh- on other peoples ideas?
Didn't the developers say that flying and swimming are literally impossible with the engine the game is built on?
SshadowSscale wrote: »Red_Feather wrote: »
I thought you could only use the warclaw mount in gw2 pvp.... You know... The mount they designed for pvp.....
Group mounts sure, but flying ones will DESTROY eso in the same way it did wow. No one takes in the scenery they just fly over it and call it done. That's why wow blocks flying in new zones for a while lol.
Scion_of_Yggdrasil wrote: »And lore wise, it would make more sense for flying mounts in ESO, than any of the single player titles, given the timeline, and rarity of flying beasts. In Skyrim, they thought dragons were extinct. Maybe gryphons shared the same grim fate in history? Elven armor still resembles gryphons in skyrim, but we don't ever see gryphons in the single player titles... In ESO, magic is bustling, its still somewhat new, and aside from the obvious chaos, there have not been as many magical catastrophes... yet. That being said... people would be more open to magical beings, and magic as a whole, compared to "modern day" Skyrim, where Nords don't trust magic, and even blame it for the loss of one of their cities.
Also, lorewise, flying mounts were made canon not only in TES5 Skyrim, but in ESO as well.
@Linaleah You have no idea how many work it would be needed to implement it in ESO either. Apple and oranges. ESO is not WoW, it has already full graphics, its not like buildings in ESO are missing roofs, mountains have empty holes, there is no "noclip" textures etc. etc. limit the height of a flight by limiting resources used to fly so nobody will get to high... and ESO is full 3d game if you didn't noticed, we already are moving in every possible axis, its not like ZOS would have to make flight simulator, just vertical axis control.
Yes, if this would take to much resources it's not worth it, but the only ones who can tell it are devsThat's why we, the players give them ideas, it's up to them to decide are they capable to do it or not... not me, not you, only them
Scion_of_Yggdrasil wrote: »ESO totally supports flying mountsI would love to have flying mounts in this game.
Now slap some wings on that bad boy and call it good.
I would even be happy if Stamina was required to fly, so you would be running on the ground until it recharged.
thanks ! Love your optimism! takes something as simple as that wing wings to add flying into ESO. Alot of the people on these forums are very pessimistic for nothing. Flying mounts are awesome and should be added to eso. they can also add underwater combat and let the argonians passive shine alittle better in pve or pvp content. Eventually at some point they will add it because they have to. Even if it does take a long time they can make it a project while they release dlc and chapters for now untill the project is done. Alot of negative people on these forums smh
Group mounts sure, but flying ones will DESTROY eso in the same way it did wow. No one takes in the scenery they just fly over it and call it done. That's why wow blocks flying in new zones for a while lol.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
Group mounts sure, but flying ones will DESTROY eso in the same way it did wow. No one takes in the scenery they just fly over it and call it done. That's why wow blocks flying in new zones for a while lol.
that is patently false. false FALSE and I wish people would STOP PUSHING THIS NARRATIVE.
flying was originally introduced in burning crusade. it was expanded on in Wrath of the lich king. coincidentally, those are the two expansion when population growth was the strongest and when game hit its pick population numbers. you know what happened in Cata that made the numbers drop? it wasn't flight, flight was in game for 4 years at that point. oh no. it was multiple things, but two key ones was... they decided to make the group content more hardcore - those pushing away a good chunk of their casuals. and they completely redid original zones, getting rid of a LOT of old favorite quests in a process, and making questing instead of more open experience - completely and utterly on rails where everything was instance to your progress and you really couldn't just explore the zone, come across the quest hub and play there - without finishing previous quest hub you started with.
contrary to your claim, in WoW - flight is what allows people to actualy take in the scenery instead of being stuck behind arbitrary blocks. and quite a few people - do.
the reason why they block flying in new zones is that they have gotten lazy in their quest and zone design. back in BC and Wrath - you had zones that could only be reached through flight, you had quests that required it, it was INTEGRATED into the game, while at the same time, on the ground - you could play and explore without terrain hindrances. kinda the way ESO zones are designed right now. sure there are some mountains you cannot scale and ravines you need to go around, but even then, you can and often do find variety of shortcuts that sometimes end up with little interesting bonuses.
while cataclysm sorta did something similar, kinda - with all follow up expansions, flight stopped being integrated into actual gameplay and just became one other mode of movement. and zones have gotten smaller, so they made them harder to navigate in order to extend the time it takes to get through content, not through amount of content to do, but through terrain being one big roadblock to your progress. flight removes those arbitrary roadblocks and illuminates just how much smaller new places are.
and that brings me to ESO.
1. ESO terrain is NOT one giant roadblock. its much less annoying to explore with exception of maybe stonefalls, craglorn and to a degree - bankorai.
2. ESO zones are not seamlessly connected.
flight will not destroy ESO anymore than it destroyed WoW... or GW2 (it didn't). it simply will NOT enhance it.
Group mounts sure, but flying ones will DESTROY eso in the same way it did wow. No one takes in the scenery they just fly over it and call it done. That's why wow blocks flying in new zones for a while lol.
that is patently false. false FALSE and I wish people would STOP PUSHING THIS NARRATIVE.
flying was originally introduced in burning crusade. it was expanded on in Wrath of the lich king. coincidentally, those are the two expansion when population growth was the strongest and when game hit its pick population numbers. you know what happened in Cata that made the numbers drop? it wasn't flight, flight was in game for 4 years at that point. oh no. it was multiple things, but two key ones was... they decided to make the group content more hardcore - those pushing away a good chunk of their casuals. and they completely redid original zones, getting rid of a LOT of old favorite quests in a process, and making questing instead of more open experience - completely and utterly on rails where everything was instance to your progress and you really couldn't just explore the zone, come across the quest hub and play there - without finishing previous quest hub you started with.
contrary to your claim, in WoW - flight is what allows people to actualy take in the scenery instead of being stuck behind arbitrary blocks. and quite a few people - do.
the reason why they block flying in new zones is that they have gotten lazy in their quest and zone design. back in BC and Wrath - you had zones that could only be reached through flight, you had quests that required it, it was INTEGRATED into the game, while at the same time, on the ground - you could play and explore without terrain hindrances. kinda the way ESO zones are designed right now. sure there are some mountains you cannot scale and ravines you need to go around, but even then, you can and often do find variety of shortcuts that sometimes end up with little interesting bonuses.
while cataclysm sorta did something similar, kinda - with all follow up expansions, flight stopped being integrated into actual gameplay and just became one other mode of movement. and zones have gotten smaller, so they made them harder to navigate in order to extend the time it takes to get through content, not through amount of content to do, but through terrain being one big roadblock to your progress. flight removes those arbitrary roadblocks and illuminates just how much smaller new places are.
and that brings me to ESO.
1. ESO terrain is NOT one giant roadblock. its much less annoying to explore with exception of maybe stonefalls, craglorn and to a degree - bankorai.
2. ESO zones are not seamlessly connected.
flight will not destroy ESO anymore than it destroyed WoW... or GW2 (it didn't). it simply will NOT enhance it.
Gw2 has gliding, not flying UNLESS you have the skyscale mount and even that is limited. As for the rest I could go in to detail on how your wrong and post articles but I honestly don't feel like talking to a wall that long.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
Flying months is obviously possible. Flying pets and most flying mobs just hover, they can not follow you over an moat ,yes the pet just port in behind you but if you tried to fight some sort of mini boss across water or an cliff they just reset.Scion_of_Yggdrasil wrote: »
- Too many people think flying is impossibly complicated... its really not. Obviously there is work required, no one ever said otherwise. But its not impossible. How do you think the dragon pets manage (they land when idle, switching between flight, and grounded)? The gryphon (walks, runs, and flies when "sprinting")?
- Too many people ignore the fact there are multiple options/different ways to implement flying, or "flying" as in hovering. Again, dragon pets and gryphons are the perfect example.
- Too many people think talking about anything other performance is going to stop the performance improvements... we've already gotten several attempts to fix performance, and assurance there will be more. [snip]
[Edited to remove Non-Constructive Content]
Hello all, I have been playing eso since day 1 release and beta on pc, and I am really excited for group mounts! It’s really a dream come true for eso and adds more to group playing with your friends even better! The next thing I would want to see in ESO is flying mounts. With upcoming mmos also adding flying mounts it would make much sense for eso to take the same turn as others and make flying mounts. They can always disable them in pvp or make them hover instead of fly so that way they’re still usable, or simply make a mechanic where the mount can go to ground mode like a regular mount or flying mode so that way it can fly and disable flying mode for pvp. This would be great because it would allow people to actually want to explore the world in eso flying around instead of using wayshrines. And this is an easy money grabber for ZoS. Think about all the people that would easily try to buy a flying mount. We are already introduced to npcs flying gryphons in cloudrest and the welkynars flying gryphons. We’ve seen the Dragonborn in Skyrim with the abilities to ride on dragons. So why can’t we get started with flying mounts on eso? I’m all up for it and will gladly support it! Let me know some of your thoughts down below!