Wait, proc'd frags can't proc another frags? I thought, that was the point of change, wasn't it?
Wait, proc'd frags can't proc another frags? I thought, that was the point of change, wasn't it?
The point was to remove one niche sorcerer build from the game; Bombers.
The point was also to make crystal fragments procs a bit weaker and make stamina even stronger.
ItsNotLiving wrote: »
I've never seen a sorcerer bomber so I doubt that was it. I honestly think they wanted sorcerers to have a spammable but as always they ZoS'd it up.
Yeah, the spammable part is what makes their approach just a mess. This is the only spammable skill that can be interrupted. A class spammable that can be interrupted with a cast time is just worthless.
ItsNotLiving wrote: »
I used about 50 proc'd frags and none of them did.
Yeah, the spammable part is what makes their approach just a mess. This is the only spammable skill that can be interrupted. A class spammable that can be interrupted with a cast time is just worthless.
Snipe can interrupted. Dark Flare can be interrupted. Any non-ultimate ranged cast-time/channel spammable or not, can be interrupted.
Snipe can interrupted. Dark Flare can be interrupted. Any non-ultimate ranged cast-time/channel spammable or not, can be interrupted.
ItsNotLiving wrote: »
Drak Flare is not a spammable skill and before it got nerfed to the ground (which was unjustified) it hit way harder than hard casted frags on the pts, and snipe is just obnoxious and is the highest damaging ranged abiltiy in the game. Those abilities should not be compared to the new frags.
Frags in PTS has 20% less damage than Snipe as well as Dark Flare and 20% lesser cast time, pretty balanced. Dark Flare is identical to Snipe for both damage and cast time. Every single ranged spell or ability with cast time can be interrupted.
Umm no.
Umm no.
ItsNotLiving wrote: »
Any explanation outside of you not being able to roll dodge, cloak, block, reduce the damage with wings, or shield?
Because its no just a spammable. It is a delayed burst really kind of a different version of merciless resolve. Faster to proc, but missing the buff. If you want to treat it like a spammable, its still ranged not melee and not instant so no reason for it to be uninterruptible; but I'd go along with the proc being able to go off the proc (even though the standard rule is no procs from procs) so long as it then no longer procs off of shield, heals, or any other magicka ability. just itself.
See; for good players, they have lost nothing here because they just fired it on proc and didn't hard cast. It still does the same as always. I don't think they need a double proc chance.
People are taking issue that they reworked this to make it a better spammable, but they really did little to actually make it useful for that purpose. Using just the proc, like it is on live now, is not using this skill as a spammable. Sorcs still need to effectively slot 2 spammable abilities in their build, no other class has to slot two spammable to be effective.
If their goal is to make it a spammable, they are failing. And none of your suggestions are even remotely viable. They need to remove the cast time entirely or greatly increase the proc chance, something allowing the proc to proc itself would do. Or, even remove the cost of the frag proc. Because right now, this is a plain awful spammable ability, the worst in the game by a large margin.
Well; I think you need to make up your mind. Do you want it to keep being a good proc; which it is now? Or a good spammable? TBH; sorc doesn't need any change to this at all if they are any good.
People are taking issue that they reworked this to make it a better spammable, but they really did little to actually make it useful for that purpose. Using just the proc, like it is on live now, is not using this skill as a spammable. Sorcs still need to effectively slot 2 spammable abilities in their build, no other class has to slot two spammable to be effective.
If their goal is to make it a spammable, they are failing. And none of your suggestions are even remotely viable. They need to remove the cast time entirely or greatly increase the proc chance, something allowing the proc to proc itself would do. Or, even remove the cost of the frag proc. Because right now, this is a plain awful spammable ability, the worst in the game by a large margin.
MashmalloMan wrote: »
He's right, you can't have it both ways. The current design of Crystal Frags allows the cast time version to be used as a new, decent spammable while the Instant Cast Crystal Frags sticks to what Sorc's have known and loved for 6 years, a timed burst skill.
If you think removing the cast time would make this a better spammable, then your only seeing half the picture. Say goodbye to using the instant proc for +66% more damage and -50% cost, because thats only allowed to thrive with a cast time, thats the entire point.
You're effectively asking ZOS to take away one of Mag Sorcs biggest damage tools. They were at least smart enough to leave it as is. For anyone who likes things the way it is, -1% damage nerf for -10% base cost and -10% cost to all other abilities for 3s on cast is a buff.
Snipe is not a class spammable. Dark flare isn't really a class spammable, jabs is. Jabs cannot be interrupted... and it is a channeled spammable. Point still stands, this is the only CLASS spammable that can be interrupted.
Jabs - cannot
Whip - cannot
Swallow Soul/Veiled Strike - Cannot
Birds - Cannot
Skull - Cannot
Crystal Frags - Interruptable
And that is only the mag version too, the stam version cannot be interrupted. And neither can the stam versions of the other class spammables.
Well the -10% cost to all others only applies to hard cast (if you were saying otherwise; little hard to tell). If it did apply to proc, I imagined most wouldn't have any issues. Or at least shouldn't, even though technically the base cost reduction is also a nice change too... /shrug
MashmalloMan wrote: »
Your reply didn't disprove their point. "Any non-ultimate ranged cast-time/channel spammable or not, can be interrupted."
Has nothing to do with class or being a spammable.
Ranged cast time/channel = interruptible
Melee cast time/channel = not interruptible.
Ranged/Melee instant = not interruptible, obviously.
Ranged cast time/channel:
- Snipe
- Dark Flare
- Crystal Frags (Hard Cast)
Melee cast time/channel:
- Jabs
- Uppercut
- Flurry
Ranged/Melee Instant:
- Whip
- Swallow Soul
- Veiled Strike
- Birds
- Skulls
- Etc, etc...
So yes, Hard Cast Frags is the first CLASS cast time ranged spammable, as a result, it can be interrupted because of the existing ruleset, it's up to ZOS on whether or not it should be allowed to break that ruleset. If it does, then they best be adding Snipe to that list.