>Roll dodge is too harsh on mag characters.
>Increase the cost of roll dodge
Stamina benefits from a 15% cost reduction to their skills (base values, as compared to what would be considered balanced without this argument). ZOS' reasoning behind this is that stamina players have to use their main stat pool also for rolls, blocking, and break free. In practice, in PvP, this supposed disatvantage is more like an advantage.
The cost reduction was decreased from 20% to 15% a few years ago. IMO, it should be removed completely. Stamina players could still go for crazy weapon damage, but at a higher opportunity cost.
If you go for roll dodge directly, its gonna be like>Roll dodge is too harsh on mag characters.
>Increase the cost of roll dodge
Stamina benefits from a 15% cost reduction to their skills (base values, as compared to what would be considered balanced without this argument). ZOS' reasoning behind this is that stamina players have to use their main stat pool also for rolls, blocking, and break free. In practice, in PvP, this supposed disatvantage is more like an advantage.
The cost reduction was decreased from 20% to 15% a few years ago. IMO, it should be removed completely. Stamina players could still go for crazy weapon damage, but at a higher opportunity cost.
If you go for roll dodge directly, its gonna be like>Roll dodge is too harsh on mag characters.
>Increase the cost of roll dodge
But its true tho, stamina users do have to use their main stat for block, dodge ,break free.
Lughlongarm wrote: »Magicka toon player -
Having your main resource support your utility skills is not always an advantage. There is a reason why most players don't bother with the ice staff blocking passive.
Real reason that stamina toons roll-dodge more is the medium armor passive. With with the upcoming patch, impen is getting a nerf, well-fitted is getting a buff. Magicka toons can defiantly have more roll-dodge potential. Because the reduction bonus is multiplicative, medium armor will benefit less from well-fitted.
Onefrkncrzypope wrote: »Roll dodge is currently not on the pts and thus should be moved to combat thread. Please don't clog the pts with ideas. This is for testing what they have done. Thank you.
Spartabunny08 wrote: »big no here. There are Magick alternatives for this problem use them.
Onefrkncrzypope wrote: »Roll dodge is currently not on the pts and thus should be moved to combat thread. Please don't clog the pts with ideas. This is for testing what they have done. Thank you.
Roll dodge is in every form of the game including pts. A public test server which purpose is to test proposed changes. With little to no communication from ZoS or the community representatives on other threads. There are ideas that are posted here with a purpose to be added to the test server to be tested. An idea is also a form of opinion and feedback which are welcomed in these threads for open discussion and can and will be moderated by the company at their leisure. May you please refrain from trying to silence your fellow players and provide feedback of your own. Or quietly flag the post. By posting that comment you brought the clogging idea post to the top of the pts thread. Thank you!
Spartabunny08 wrote: »big no here. There are Magick alternatives for this problem use them.
Which are nerfed by 50%. The only armor skill effected by CP and Battlespirit.