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Dungeon lead drop rate bugged?

  • pedroarmani
    30+ runs of Volenfell. Completed normal over half of these on my own. Decided to go for Vet.

    10+ times as a DD. No drops.

    Twice as tank, finally dropped !!

    Was annoyed at first but glad it's dropped now :smiley:
  • doomette
    I could probably run Darkshade Cavern I/II blindfolded now...
    But oh well, I finally got the mount and its awooo sounds like Godzilla so huzzah.
  • El_Borracho
    I'm not pushing for the dungeon leads to be automatic, but when you run these dungeons repeatedly and nobody in the group gets the lead, something is wrong. I've run Darkshade 1 and 2 over 2 dozen times each and no lead. Its pretty frustrating.
  • tyggerbob
    For me it's Sloped Dwarven Guards..
    I now have the Dwemer Construct Slayer achievement for killing 1000 constructs on one (relatively new) character, and am a good part of the way there on an other one trying to get this drop from Razak's Wheel.
    Yeah.. goin a big crazy :)
  • Kaivalya
    Everything that's BoP needs to have at least a 100% drop rate, in a manner of speaking. There needs to to be an upper limit. If you have bad luck, then you'll need to kill the boss, do the whatever, X times at the most. So, each time you do the thing, you get at least one token. If the designers want luck to be involved, then sometimes you can get two instead. Or ten. Maybe you need 100 to get the actual thing. Maybe 1,000. Whatever. But there has to be an upper limit. Otherwise, it's *** design. You've got millions of people playing a game, so there's a decent chance that someone will go 0/100, even 0/10000. It can't be about probability-only.

    And for a more realistic spread, one token probably wouldn't usually be the minimum. Adding just one more is doubling. Maybe the minimum would be 6. Bad luck you get 6 on a kill or whatever. Better luck, 7. Even better luck, 8. And so on. Whatever numbers they want, but there has to be an upper bound. Otherwise, it's reprehensible design.
  • mochizx
    Farming leads while doing vet dungeon achievements like killing *1000 certain mobs
  • jorrackb16_ESO
    The latest event they want us searching for Antiquities then they should make the leads from Dungeons guaranteed especially when they are for an item where you can only get it once.
  • Azazell
    Soul Shriven
    I've been farming for all the Mythical Excavation Leads while at maxed level 10 and yet zero drops. I dread to think how many times I've ran each group zone. I don't expect to get them easily since they're Mythical items but RNGesus this is frakkingly frustrating. Haven't attempted PvP yet other than the delve drop (which dropped on the 2nd kill) but dreading that grind.

    Wished someone officially would state if the drop rates improve on difficulty of said group zone, if only to perhaps speed things up. Currently I'm working on the assumption that Hard Mode "improves" my chances albeit it's sucking so far.
    Edited by Azazell on October 12, 2020 8:35AM
  • oddbasket
    I only bought Greymoor recently during the event, and I did all those dungeon leads on pledge days and they dropped either on the 1st or 2nd character I ran the pledge on, others like WBs, delves and pubs seem to drop frequently on the first try during the event for me, probably 50~60% of the time I would say. EH1, DS1, Volenfell were the first try, DS2 was 2nd try. All on HM btw since they were pledges.
  • Azazell
    Soul Shriven
    oddbasket wrote: »
    I only bought Greymoor recently during the event, and I did all those dungeon leads on pledge days and they dropped either on the 1st or 2nd character I ran the pledge on, others like WBs, delves and pubs seem to drop frequently on the first try during the event for me, probably 50~60% of the time I would say. EH1, DS1, Volenfell were the first try, DS2 was 2nd try. All on HM btw since they were pledges.

    I'm glad you were luckier with your updates as it's a painful grind for me. I came back to ESO 2 months ago after taking a break since Summerset. It took me about a week to max out Excavation/Scrying and have been farming for Gold/Mythical Leads since. The solo WB, Delves and Public Dungeon drops took between 10-14 kills each (apart from the Mythical Lead in the PvP Delve which took only 2 kills). I saw no increase in drop rate for me during the Event apart from probably the random Green-Purple Leads.

    Oh well the grind continues 😅
  • notyuu
    It appears to not just be dungeon leads that are bugged with the drop rate...but the chest one in bankorai and the mob one inbad man's hollow also don't appear to be dropping....having spent 6 and 2 and a half hours searching respctivly.
  • Smitch_59
    For the wolf mount, it's been a mixed bag. I joined my wife in a group mid-way through Darkshade II and got the wolf part on my first try. But I had to kill the Aldunz boss about 40 times, and I still haven't seen the Volunfell part yet.

    Other items that continue to elude me are the third music box piece and the stained glass window from dragons. I hate dragons.
    By Azura, by Azura, by Azura!
  • Azazell
    Soul Shriven
    After another 4 weeks of farming I've finally gotten every Mythical Lead to drop apart from the Bloodlord's Embrace and Malacath's Band of Brutality items....not too worried about the time scale for Bloodlords as I'm not currently running a character that would use it but Malacath's Band is definitely a continued frustration. Hopefully it won't take much longer.

    As for the Wolf Mount body drop updates they seem to be dropping between every 10-14 kills each. Perhaps I might take a break from Mythical Leads and focus on the mount lol.
  • Hotdog_23
    RNG can be a cruel mistress. 14 wild hunt rings so far. Trying to get 18 for all my characters. That EH is a pain to get. Honestly, I get it first then find the other 4 pieces.

    Good Luck to all :)
  • Azazell
    Soul Shriven
    Hotdog_23 wrote: »
    RNG can be a cruel mistress.
    Can't it just. Good going with looting so many.
    It's weird after so much farming over the last several months that today I got the Old Orsinium boss drop after the first kill today and after swapping over to zombies in Betnikh instead of the previous wolf mass culling, that Lead dropped after the 4th kill lol.
    Now just the Patrolling Horror farm in the Imperial City to go. Hopefully be done by Xmas 😃
    Edited by Azazell on November 7, 2020 3:54PM
  • SirAndy
    red_emu wrote: »
    It's pure RNG

    No, it's not.

    ESO rng is weighted. Always has been.

  • goatlyonesub17_ESO
    I had to do Elden Hollow I more than 30 times to get my first gold lead from the last boss. And I did it solo, every time. It takes 20-25 minutes to finish, so 12 hours of play, just to get that one lead. It doesn't always take that many tries though. I now have six Wild Hunt rings, and mostly fewer than 10 attempts are needed in Elden Hollow to get that one part. Another spot I've had trouble with is the Greenshade giant eat-you plant boss. Everybody else was getting the gold lead on the first or second try. I had to wait through nine tries to get mine. That isn't a big deal though since you don't have to fight your way through an entire dungeon to get each chance at the lead.
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  • zaria
    oddbasket wrote: »
    I only bought Greymoor recently during the event, and I did all those dungeon leads on pledge days and they dropped either on the 1st or 2nd character I ran the pledge on, others like WBs, delves and pubs seem to drop frequently on the first try during the event for me, probably 50~60% of the time I would say. EH1, DS1, Volenfell were the first try, DS2 was 2nd try. All on HM btw since they were pledges.
    I was also lucky on group dungeons, DS2 I had to do 6 times the others was 1-3. Much the same for world bosses.
    All dungeons done in HM then it was pledge.
    Delves tended to be my rng weakness, on some I spent hours.

    If other people farming an delve boss its very nice to group up, that way you don't have to pay constant attention to the spawn point. My worst was an craglorn group delve were some mobs spawned next to the boss in an small room making it hard to find a safe spot.

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Cezaris
    Soul Shriven
    Farming Razak's wheel bosses for 8 days straing now, still cant get that purple lead drop... what the actual f is this buggery?? i get it that lead drops shouldn't be easy, but not impossible, for crying out loud....
  • Jeremy
    notyuu wrote: »
    Yesterday was helping a friend with dark shade cavern 1, we mopped it up..and through loot log I saw they got a lead for some Dwarven Articulated Paws off the final boss, so I set abotu trying to farm it for myself...

    15 hours later I still haven't gotten the lead.

    I mean i know that gold leads are meant to be rare, but 15 hours non stop grinding for nada..is insane...so eaither it's broke or somebody at zos is just plain evil.

    can i get a little conformation on this?

    Something is up, that is for sure.

    I don't think I've gotten a single lead since that last update. I still get them on the PTS. But that's it. If it's not bugged, then they have changed the code for getting leads to be more rare. But something has definitely happened since that update as it relates to leads.
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