you don't have an actual taunt, or resists....or any of the things a TANK needs plus the fact that ZOS has stated they don't want WW as a tank. Now of course there is the "play any way you want" motto, but be real?
GrumpyDuckling wrote: »These sets initially come to mind:
Night Mother's Gaze
Almalexia's Mercy
Brands of the Imperium
Lord Warden
Grave Guardian
Hiti's Hearth
Meritorious Service (before transform)
Battalion Defender
Crest of Cyrodiil
Thorvulkin (or Knightmare, for whatever reason)
Personal niche favorite:
Call of the Undertaker
Couldn't think of a way to get Mighty Glacier or Winter's Respite to work on Werewolf, but those would be interesting.
Grianasteri wrote: »
Id also have both tank and "healer" take the WW morph for dire wolves, these will help a lot in busy content to "tank" adds.
Grianasteri wrote: »
Id also have both tank and "healer" take the WW morph for dire wolves, these will help a lot in busy content to "tank" adds.
The Dires don't work like that anymore, they are just a fancy dot now, can't be targeted, killed, or draw aggro.
Grianasteri wrote: »Grianasteri wrote: »
Id also have both tank and "healer" take the WW morph for dire wolves, these will help a lot in busy content to "tank" adds.
The Dires don't work like that anymore, they are just a fancy dot now, can't be targeted, killed, or draw aggro.
Noo! That seems grossly unfair given sorc pets for instance, can still pull and hold agro...
Hmmn, seems like they could be a tad pointless compared to the bleed morph then... will have to test I guess.
CrazyWolf712 wrote: »Dude, I have been waiting for this patch for so long and have already updated the Werewolf 101 forum to match the new changes, including the werewolf tanking play style. So for a werewolf tank, I’ll be running Earthgore, Green Pact, and Tormentor on a Pack Leader with Brutal Pounce (as long as it aoe taunts), Deafening Roar, Howl of Despair, Claws of Life, and Hircine’s Fortitude. It’ll be such a unique playstyle and I can’t wait to test it!
Here is video of myself and some guildies running VMOS with a wolf pack and packleader tank on pts. Overall a fun experience.
Grianasteri wrote: »
Here is video of myself and some guildies running VMOS with a wolf pack and packleader tank on pts. Overall a fun experience.
I so want to do this. It looks like great fun. Not many dedicated WW around though to group up with, probably even less willing to gather specific sets to create a dedicated wolf pack
you don't have an actual taunt, or resists....or any of the things a TANK needs plus the fact that ZOS has stated they don't want WW as a tank. Now of course there is the "play any way you want" motto, but be real?
you don't have an actual taunt, or resists....or any of the things a TANK needs plus the fact that ZOS has stated they don't want WW as a tank. Now of course there is the "play any way you want" motto, but be real?
not tank but new WW here and trying to settle on class....sorc or templar. Sorc makes WW stronger but we wont be one all the time, correct? SO doesn't stamplar bring more to the group in way of dps and buffs? trying to get it sorted before live hits....kinda pumped cuz its fun!!
nvm...found other post..
Wolf_Watching wrote: »not tank but new WW here and trying to settle on class....sorc or templar. Sorc makes WW stronger but we wont be one all the time, correct? SO doesn't stamplar bring more to the group in way of dps and buffs? trying to get it sorted before live hits....kinda pumped cuz its fun!!
nvm...found other post..
Dk. Block more with more natural tankiness. Plus you can do double infused poison and a Stam for more sus
not tank but new WW here and trying to settle on class....sorc or templar. Sorc makes WW stronger but we wont be one all the time, correct? SO doesn't stamplar bring more to the group in way of dps and buffs? trying to get it sorted before live hits....kinda pumped cuz its fun!!
nvm...found other post..
Grianasteri wrote: »not tank but new WW here and trying to settle on class....sorc or templar. Sorc makes WW stronger but we wont be one all the time, correct? SO doesn't stamplar bring more to the group in way of dps and buffs? trying to get it sorted before live hits....kinda pumped cuz its fun!!
nvm...found other post..
@Joxer61 If you want a damage dealing WW, then I recommend Sorc, as I believe its passives provide the most damage for a WW.
Out of WW form I enjoy both stamsorc and stamplar and don't really have a preference, but because I consider Sorc better for WW, that's the one I go with.
For a tank WW, any of the usual tank classes are likely to work to a greater or lesser extent.