It has been almost a year and a half since you cited your “core mantra of the game -- freedom,” as a notable factor behind the Update 21 racial changes. Will you please, finally, take the time to listen to and respond to the Wood Elf racial change that directly contradicted your mantra?
You said that you wanted to “expand the horizon for choice” and “present players with a self-reflecting question of ‘What is my playstyle or ideal build?’” You claimed that you wanted to “provid[e] options” that would help players answer that question.
“To summarize, we decided to focus more on racial balance this update because racial choice was one of the larger outliers to our core mantra of the game - freedom. We wanted to expand the horizon for choice and present players with a self-reflecting question of “What is my playstyle or ideal build?”, providing options to help reach that individual answer. Now, instead of having a single race that focuses almost exclusively on a specific playstyle, you can pick based on a personal level.”https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/453551/upcoming-racial-balance-changes-for-update-21/p1
Before Update 21, Gilliam, many Wood Elf players had already self-reflected and asked themselves what their playstyle and build would be. Many of those playstyles consisted of lore-friendly sneakiness and/or thievery. But, your decision to remove the reduced detection radius passive from Wood Elf racial skills had the opposite effect of your well-intended goal of providing options and freedom. Instead, you reduced options for existing players who already had a gameplay style, and took some freedom away from those players. You made sneaking harder for Wood Elves, which not only contradicted lore, but also pushed players who sought to maintain their existing playstyle into equipping specific item sets to try to get back some of what you took away. You reduced build freedom, and went against your mantra.
After almost a year and a half, will you please contribute to dialogue about the contradictory nature of your words and actions regarding Bosmer racial changes from Update 21? I know that you once placed a high value on communication in this forum. You once wrote, about a combat update:
“...Improved communication and transparency is vital to success in today's day and age of information and open discussions. I know it brings a lot of flak, and it's definitely easy to focus on the negative, but please continue doing this. Back and forth discussions like this will breathe new life into community engagement, and general perception of game health. Nothing will ever be perfect, but damn if it isn't worth fighting to be anyways…” (Comment #31).
I hope you still feel this way, because some of us have been advocating for a return of original Bosmer sneaking for quite some time, and would welcome discussion about how it would fit nicely into your "core mantra of the game -- freedom."